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Chapter 68 Hello, Gao Yi

Standing under the torrential rain, Black Mist Head tightened his cane.

Dreamland, as the master's territory, has been eternal since ancient times. There are no changes in climate and time here, only his supreme power.

But now...it's raining in the dream.

What nightmare did you create?

Looking at Gao Yi who was sheltering from the rain under the siren head, the head of the black mist immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing and wanted to kill the two of them directly.

But when he raised the cane again, he was surprised to find it.

I couldn't stop myself.


The leader of the black mist felt something bad, and immediately realized that he had fallen into Gao Yi's trap.

At this time, there was an invisible sense of oppression in the world, overwhelming and overwhelming, making him unable to move.


"Where is the sound of the tide coming from?"

As if he understood its question, Gao Yi was seen in the distance, smiling and stretching out his hand, pointing to the sky above the two people's heads.

Facing the heavy rain, the Lord of Black Mist raised his head and looked at the sky...

The sound of the tide suddenly became louder!


At this time, the sky... no, this is no longer the sky of the past. Above its head, there is only the endless ocean, occupying its entire field of vision.

Tens of thousands of ocean tides are rising and falling crazily, making a roar that seems to come from ancient times.

The whole dream seemed to be being poured with ink, gradually losing its color in the silence.

"Please look, Raleye." Gao Yi closed his eyes.


The ocean fell like it was capsizing, and there was an indescribable low roar in it.

But at the same time, a dull low roar came from the sinkhole.

As if possessing magical power, the entire ocean suddenly stagnated in mid-air!

On the altar, the pious call of the Head of the Black Mist sounded. Even with his eyes closed, Gao Yi had already guessed it.

The Lord of Dreams was alarmed!

The original statement that the return time would be less than a month now seems to be just a statement to paralyze myself.

The Lord of Dreams has been able to intervene in dreams, so it may only be a few days before it climbs out of the sinkhole.

"What ancient one."

Seeing the ocean above, it was like encountering an invisible barrier that could no longer fall. The head of the black mist breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but sneer: "After all, I am no match for my master."

At this time, it completely forgot that this was just a nightmare.


Suddenly, a lump of mud fell from the sky.

Although the surface water is blocked, the silt from the depths of the seabed is still rising and falling from the sea surface.

Below, there seemed to be something huge, coming towards the sea level.



Large areas of dripping slurry rain continued to fall from the sky, collecting with rainwater from other places, constantly polluting everything in "Alaifu" below.

"Ayi, what on earth did you do?"

Entering the interior of a building, my cousin closed his eyes and poked Gao Yi with his elbow: "Is Shiyi okay?"

"It's fine."

Gao Yi squatted in the corner: "That guy is protected by the master here. Mr. Ke is just a shadow. At most, it should only be a shock."

"It's just a shock at most."

What Gao Yi didn't know at all was how terrible a situation had happened in the outside world.


At this time, the symphony of waves has reached its climax, and mud has spread everywhere in the world.

The head of the black mist on the altar froze like a sculpture.

within its field of vision.

A huge figure slowly rose from the sea level.

He is no different than the moving Black Sea.

The burly figure spread its broad wings that covered the sky, and its tentacles were tumbling in the tide of mud. In the dripping rain of mud, grotesque servants poked out from it and hissed in praise.

"(Indescribable Sound)"

A large shadow fell on the head of the black mist.

At this time, it was in absolute shock. The past seemed to be in vain, the present was destroyed, and there is no future in the future.

The ancient god, He stretched out his hand, inevitable and unstoppable...

Suddenly, an extremely huge limb shot out of the sinkhole. It collided with the hand, and for a moment, the entire dreamland shook!


The limbs are no match for the hand.

After just one blow, the wind roared, and large amounts of muddy water were lifted up. The owner of the body let out an angry low cry, but as if unable to resist, it fell again into the depths of the sinkhole!

Its last sound sounded.

It seemed that he had used his authority to make the dream tremble. In an instant, the mud, sea water, heavy rain, and giant shadows... all dissipated immediately like yesterday's bubbles.

"It seems that Mengjingzhi took the initiative to use his authority to eliminate Mr. Ke's shadow."

In the corner of the building, Gao Yi immediately stood up and hurried towards the altar: "Now I just need to take this opportunity to snatch the cane."

"As long as the contamination of the strange paintings can be removed, I have the confidence to kill His servants."

The struggle between humans and gods must ultimately be ended by humans!

On the upper floor of the altar, the Head of the Black Mist was still trapped in fear, as motionless as a sculpture. Gao Yi stepped forward and found that even half of the stairs had collapsed.

Different paintings - [Learning Activists]!


Gao Yi jumped in the air, and his school uniform immediately flew up and landed safely on the upper floor. He walked up to the head of the black mist and got the cane without wasting much effort.

"It's just an imitation?"

After looking up and down, Gao Yi frowned.

The information given by the system shows that all the previous functions of this cane came from the energy injected by the Lord of Dreams. When the internal storage is exhausted, if it is not replenished later, it will be nothing more than waste.

"I thought I got a permanent artifact."

Gao Yi sighed, feeling a little regretful: "I didn't expect it was just an experience card. But it doesn't matter. Let's remove the contamination of the strange paintings first."


Having said that, when Gao Yi took out the strange painting card, he had no idea how to find the contamination and then remove it.

This is equivalent to a hacker leaving a backdoor in other people's computers, but for Xiaobai, even if he knows this fact, he has no way to solve it.

Regarding this, the system is helpless.

[You can try other methods]

[Back to reality, pollution will also be eliminated]

"How do I get back to reality now?!"

[Use the dream monster to return to reality]

"But it's contaminated."

Gao Yi said frantically: "I need to remove the pollution before I can use my abilities!"


[You can try other methods]

[For example: Return to reality]


Mudd, there is nothing to talk about with this artificial retard.

With the idea of ​​trying again, Gao Yi was about to leave when a sudden gust of wind came from behind him.

Too bad.

It's the leader of the black mist, it has regained its sanity!

After all, it is a servant of the gods, and defeating the phantom is not enough to destroy its thinking.

Turning around suddenly, Gao Yi folded his hands to protect his heart. Suddenly, a terrifying force came, knocking him backwards and slamming him into the corner.

"Cough cough cough..."

Falling to the ground, Gao Yi coughed violently, as if he wanted to cough out his heart and lungs.

The cane and the strange painting both fell aside, but by chance, they actually came into contact at this time.

However, Gao Yi had no time to take care of this at this time. He just felt that if the [Learning Activists] were not there just now, he would have been sent away by this punch.

What a blessing among misfortunes.


On top of the altar, a figure shrouded in black energy slowly walked over, with boundless anger in his tone: "I don't know where you got the impression of such a terrifying existence."

"But it's a pity that you are not His dependents or believers after all."

"With this little cleverness, by taking the cane away from me, do you think you can eliminate the pollution?

"Too naive."

"As long as I don't die, in the dream, these pollutions will only exist forever."

Gao Yi's face suddenly turned ugly: "How could..."


Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt his heart beating eagerly.

This is not nervousness or panic.

But a kind of unreasonable...expectation and excitement?!

"What's going on?"

Gao Yi repeated it again, looking a little confused.

He couldn't figure out where this feeling came from.

But when the leader of the black mist saw it, he thought it was just his fear.

"It's time to end."

It ran quickly and got up. Another arm sprouted from its upper body, and its three arms and four legs worked at the same time, looking ferocious like a devil.


But at this moment, a flashlight light suddenly shot out, holding its body in place.

A pair of shadow running shoes stepped out.

The blue windbreaker on her upper body fluttered gently.

The light beam was emitted from the high-gloss flashlight in his hand.

Gao Yi's eyes stared blankly to one side. The decoration that he was very familiar with was actually on another person's face at this moment...


This is……

Another self?

"Oh, it seems I've caught up."

In the whirlpool that appeared at some point, [Mysterious Surprise] Gao Yi came out: "I didn't expect that just after I made my first special painting, I was dreaming at night that it would be time to show off my skills."

He walked up to Gao Yi, stretched out a palm, and said with a smile: "Hello, Gao Yi."


[This is the day when you first create a "mysterious and surprising" painting]

【Although it is a bit ordinary, you still like it very much.】

【It accompanies you through battles big and small.】

[The high-gloss flashlight you like to use the most is its bound item.]

Gao Yi stared blankly at the information displayed above his head.

This is the day that I travel through.

Recalling that time, he narrowly escaped death in the other world, defeated the street lamp head, and created his first strange painting [Mysterious Surprise].

My cousin’s words before departure seemed to still be echoing in my ears.

"Dreams are inherently full of infinite possibilities."

"If you need me...I will do my best!"

"It was this strange painting that led me to find you."

[Mysterious Surprise] Gao Yi stretched out his fingertips to show his strange painting, and this was the one he dropped on the ground.

The strange painting through the cane actually made the past find the future!

"A soul from the past..."

At this time, the head of the black mist broke away from the shock and looked a little gloomy: "But...how is this possible...how does he know the current fixed point?"

"But it doesn't matter, the loser is the loser, no matter how many times you come, it will be the same."

"I can kill them all!"

"You are wrong."

Gao Yi stood up straight.

The strong wind rose and the school uniforms rustled. He raised his cane and fully displayed the other three paintings with a "swish".

【The Mountains Call】.

【Ode to Ice and Snow】.

[Little monsters in dreams].

"The battle between us has just begun!"


As if time had passed, familiar figures appeared one after another.

After gathering all their experiences in the past year, they all came to Gao Yi with their own unique paintings.

My cousin in the distance was already dumbfounded.

The face of the leader of the black mist suddenly turned extremely ugly.


Gao Yi opened his hands and his school uniform flew into the air.

"Come and fight with me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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