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Chapter 82: The group has finished

But in the blink of an eye, Suan Ni had already flown far away.

Although in the fictional layer of [Lingshi Zhengjia], Suanni is an ancient and sacred existence, but as a part of the strange painting, it still has to be based on high righteousness.

When Suan Ni was awakened on the sled, in order to hide Gao Yi's existence, Suan Ni did not release any "special effects."

But it is different now, it is far away from the sleigh. For the righteous plan, it is natural to show the saint in front of the world and inspire a wave of faith before talking about it.

In the night sky, a strong fiery red suddenly lights up, as if a morning star is slowly awakening in the horizon.

The appearance of this rare sight immediately attracted the attention of the people.

"What is this?"

"It doesn't look like fireworks."

"What the hell?!"

Some people holding high-power telescopes exclaimed: "This looks like a lion, can't it be Suan Ni?"

As if to confirm the guesses in the audience's minds, the alpaca-headed flute sat upright in the program and began to seriously popularize science.

From the origin of the Suan Ni to its appearance and demeanor, as well as its related cultural influence, Xiao Di’s rereading of Qiandu Encyclopedia is continuously increasing the people’s cultural pride.

These energies, which ordinary people cannot see or touch, are floating up into the sky bit by bit, gathering in the direction of Suanni.

These floating light particles are like thousands of sky lanterns. They come from thousands of homes and leave with lights and faith.

Suan Ni lowered his head and stared quietly at the speeding scenery below.

Its mane flew violently in silence, like a flame that was still growing in momentum, burning through the entire darkness occupied by the Lord of Dreams.

The Lord of the Dream's sight projected out from the darkness under the sinkhole, paying attention to Suan Ni's every move.

He could feel that the energy that checked his authority was rapidly decreasing. Before long, the cane would be completely damaged and turned into a pile of powder.

At this critical juncture, the Lord of Dreams naturally had to be more vigilant to prevent that human being with a lot of tricks from sinking his last two feet into the sinkhole.

Everything is far from over, His return is forever destined...

--call out!

A huge wave of fireworks surged up again and exploded in the sky.

The vision of the Lord of Dreams suddenly changed. He saw that Suanni, who was originally roaming around in the night sky, changed his direction and headed straight here!

Bang bang bang!

Fireworks burst out again, and the sound of explosions echoed back and forth in the empty night sky. Suan Ni seemed to be affected by the atmosphere, and his expression became extremely excited.


Its claws suddenly stepped forward, and a loud explosion of air suddenly sounded. Its body suddenly accelerated, like a shooting star from bottom to top, heading towards the last two limbs of the Lord of Dreams!

"What is it going to do?!" The people below were shocked.

"It's going to hit the Nian beast."

Descartes' explanation sounded just right: "The shackles restricting the Nian beast are about to disappear, and there is no time to deal with its limbs one by one."

"In this last moment, Suanni resolutely launched an attack at the expense of himself in order to completely defeat the Nian Beast!"

"Dear audience friends, please shout out the most sincere wishes in your heart at this moment, turn them into beliefs that reach to the sky, and help this final great event!"

Descartes opened his hands: "Humans can defeat gods once, then there is a second time!"

"If there is a second time, then there can be countless times. It's time to tell Him - we can live our future how we want to live it!"


These words seemed to ignite the evening, and the crowd rushed outside again, shouting wildly in the face of the fireworks that continued to fall from the sky.

"Enter No. 1 Middle School!"

"Work hard to code, every day!"

“Try to pay off the car loan!”

Mr. Qian was also one of these people. He made a trumpet shape with his hands and shouted loudly: "I want to find a girlfriend!"

With a "swish", the eyes of people from every household instantly focused on him, with expressions of inexplicable scrutiny on their faces.

It turns out you don’t have a girlfriend~


Only then did Mr. Qian realize that he was being led, so he directly pulled up his sleeves to cover his face, and kept pushing Lao Luo in front of him with his other hand.

How embarrassing——!!

Lao Luo shrugged. Suddenly he was curious, what New Year's wishes would Lao Gao and Allen say if they were present?

Allen's house.

With a "wow" sound, the window was violently opened. Allen looked at the fireworks rising in the sky outside and shouted with a sad expression.

"Please, I can't hear the footsteps while playing games!"

However, there are no eggs.

Gao Yi on the sled had a smile on his face, listening to the various New Year's wishes collected by Descartes in the headset.

I wonder if those who have threatened to buy a house or a car will feel that reality is still too cruel in a few days.

Although he smiled, his eyes were still fixed on Suanni.

In the city below, Suan Ni's figure becomes stronger every time a burst of faith bursts out from the desire.

At this time, it has gathered extremely terrifying willpower, just like a patron saint born from human nature!

The Lord of Dreams raised his eyes with great fear. He was not afraid of Suan Ni's strength, but his own situation.

Such a powerful impact would most likely knock him off his feet again.

No! You must not let it hit you directly!


In response to the cry of mankind, the Lord of Dreams also roared with determination.

He stood up to resist. Two of his limbs were stuck on the edge of the sinkhole, and the other limbs kept stretching back and forth in the air, trying to grab the sinkhole again.


The third limb resurfaced, and he climbed up again.

At this time, the two limbs stabilize the body, and the third limb is naturally free to attack. With a "boom", a strong wind swept across, and the huge limbs waved, attacking Suanni from the sky!


Divine light bursts out from Suanni's body, and his body is buffed by the hunger value of [Natural Hunting Rules] and is being continuously strengthened.

Only it knows the hunger in its body.

As a concrete manifestation of culture, as long as humanity is not firmly established on this earth, it will starve for a day. Waiting like this, there have been thousands of seasons of reincarnation.

The bonus of [Natural Hunting Rules] directly reaches the upper limit that the quality of the unique painting can bear.

Now, surrounded by human principles, it launches its final sprint!


Gao Yi poked his head out from under the lion's head and shouted with all his strength: "I still have my wish!"

"My tenth company next year..."

【I can pull you down】

The system immediately interrupts the casting.


Gao Yi immediately changed his aspirations to a more practical one.

Together with him, the alien painters looked up to the sky and shouted, their voices extremely firm: "This year, I will definitely break through the fog of the "seasonal storm" and find the truth of that year!"


The meteor flying backwards in the sky is about to collide with the dark body.



"come on!"

"Come on! Suanni!"


The red meteor clung to the edge of the body, making crackling and shattering sounds as it headed towards the body of the Lord of Dreams.

The Lord of Dreams opened his compound eyes wide.


The meteor hit the bullseye!


With a little more concentrated belief, the moment he made contact, the fixed limbs of the Lord of Dreams instantly made a sliding sound.


Suanni burst out with a roar from its soul, and its own body was constantly collapsing in this intense struggle.

Gao Yi waved his hand fiercely: "Destroy this nightmare completely——!"


Tonight, the final sound ends.

The master of the dream felt that all four pairs of his limbs had lost their sense of strength at this time.

In the field of vision, the irregular pothole is getting smaller and smaller.



At this time, the night sky was quiet, and there was nothing in the clear sky. Gao Yi raised his hand and looked into the distance with a somewhat emotional look on his face.


"The group's sound is complete."

Descartes took a shot and simulated a gavel: "Now please allow me to solemnly announce it again."

"Happy New Year, everyone."

This chapter has been completed!
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