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Chapter 1210 Uninvited Guest

After listening to Sokov's heartfelt words, Asiya was very moved. She knew that Sokov was worried about her own safety, so she did not arrange herself to a dangerous position.

She stood up and walked to Sokov, kissed him hard on the forehead, and said gratefully: "Misha, thank you for your kindness. But as an assistant military doctor, my responsibility is to rescue the injured.

A soldier. I think if possible, you should put me in the frontline combat unit."

Seeing that Asiya insisted on going to the front-line troops, Sokov did not persuade her again. Based on his understanding of Asiya, even if he tried to persuade her, she might not agree to stay in the field hospital of the army group.

Sokov thought about several divisions in his mind, and finally thought that Khokhlov's 182nd Division was the first unit to go into battle. In the following days, he would definitely not take any major battles seriously.

The task is given to their division. If Portia is allowed to go to this division, the danger can be minimized.

Thinking of this, he said to Asiya: "Asiya, since you want to go to the front-line army, why not go to Colonel Khokhlov's 182nd Division. In this battle to block the Imperial Division, they were the first

This is a heroic unit. If you have no objections, I will arrange for you to find a division?"

How did Asia know Sokov's little thoughts, and asked with some worry: "Misha, will the other party agree to want me?"

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will dare to object to whichever division you want to go to." With that said, Sokov stood up and walked to the telephone placed on the wall. He shook the handle a few times.

Putting the receiver to his ear, when he heard a voice coming from inside, he said into the receiver: "I am Sokov, please pick me up from the 182nd Division headquarters."

The call was quickly connected. After hearing Khokhlov's voice coming from the receiver, Sokov said calmly: "Comrade Colonel, I plan to send an assistant military doctor to your division field hospital. I don't know if you

Are you willing?"

"Comrade Commander, the medical staff in our division's field hospital has been seriously insufficient. It would be great if you could send us an assistant military doctor." Colonel Khokhlov asked tentatively: "I wonder when he can come here?"

"It's not 'he' but 'she', a female assistant military doctor." There are still differences in the names of "he" and "she" in Russian. Sokov realized that the other party had misunderstood that he would send them a doctor.

The male military doctor came over and explained specifically, and finally emphasized: "You must ensure her safety..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Khokhlov: "What, Comrade Commander, you plan to send a female assistant military doctor over. Is this appropriate? You know, male military doctors are more popular on the front line.


When Asiya heard the other party politely rejecting her joining, the expression on her face dimmed. Seeing this, Sokov frowned and said dissatisfied: "Comrade Colonel, don't you know that on the battlefield, only

Are there no distinctions between men and women between soldiers and civilians?"

"Comrade Commander, you are right." Khokhlov agreed with Sokov's statement, but he still stubbornly said: "But will women feel scared when they go to the battlefield?


"No." Sokov said decisively: "She participated in the entire Stalingrad defense battle and carried the wounded off the battlefield many times. She is not afraid of fighting at all."

Originally, Khokhlov wanted to continue to refuse, but when he heard Sokov mentioning the Battle of Stalingrad, he immediately realized that the reason why Sokov repeatedly recommended this person to him might have something to do with this female military doctor.

Thinking of this, Khokhlov asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, I would like to ask, is this person related to you?"

"Yes, she is a relative of mine." Sokov glanced at Asiya and continued: "Do you have to see if she is a relative of mine before you decide whether to let her join your field hospital?"

"No, Comrade Commander." Seeing that Sokov's words hit the nail on the head, Khokhlov still tried his best to hide it: "Since she is a female military doctor who has fought in the war, on behalf of all the commanders and fighters of our division, I welcome her arrival."

"Okay, I'll send someone to send her there tomorrow." After Sokov said, he hung up the phone and said to Asiya with a smile: "Asiya, the matter has been settled, Colonel Khokhlov welcomes you

You join their division field hospital."

"Misha, this is so great." Asiya sat on Sokov's lap, put her arms around his neck, kissed him twice on the cheek, and said excitedly: "Thank you for doing this for me.

Everything you do.”

The two of them finished their lunch happily. Sokov wanted to take advantage of Samyko to keep an eye on him at the headquarters to have a good discussion about life with Asya at home. Although the two of them had already been defending Stalingrad,

Before the war started, the marriage certificate was obtained, but it was still in name only. Sokov wanted to use this opportunity to cook the rice and make their marriage worthy of the name.

Unexpectedly, when everything was going according to the steps, it was disrupted by a sudden knock on the door. Sokov, who was just a few steps away from the door, was so angry that he shouted at the door: "Who is outside?"

"Comrade Commander, it's me." A timid voice came from outside the door: "I am Lieutenant Samoilov."

Sokov put on his clothes haphazardly, jumped out of bed, came to the door barefoot, reached out and opened the door.

Samoilov, who was standing outside the door, saw Sokov appearing at the door. He quickly took a step back, then raised his hand and saluted: "Comrade Commander, Comrade Military Commissar, please return to the headquarters immediately."

Sokov keenly captured a message from the other party's words. The person who asked him to call him was Military Commissar Lunev, not Chief of Staff Samyko. It seemed that there was something wrong. So he kept a straight face.

Ask: "What's the matter?"

"There is a big shot from Moscow who wants to see you." Samoilov replied in a panic: "Comrade Military Commissar ordered me to come to you immediately."

"A big shot from Moscow?" When Sokov heard this, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart. Not long after Zhukov left, what big shot would come here to look for him? And the always bold Samoilov, in

When he mentioned this person, his body trembled unconsciously. It seemed that he was very afraid of this person. In order to find out who was coming, he tentatively asked: "Comrade Lieutenant, do you know who is coming?"

Upon hearing Sokov's question, Samoilov looked around cautiously, and then lowered his voice and replied: "It's Comrade People's Commissar of the National Defense Commission."

"People's Commissar of the National Defense Committee?" After Sokov repeated the title, the hairs all over his body suddenly stood up and he asked in surprise: "Comrade Lieutenant, you said the person who came to see me was Comrade Beria?"

"That's right." Seeing that Sokov had already guessed the answer, Samoylov did not deny it, but nodded and replied affirmatively: "It is Comrade People's Commissar, he is waiting for you at the headquarters.


"Wait for me for a moment. I'll change my clothes and follow you to the headquarters." After finishing speaking, Sokov closed the door, came to the bedside, and said apologetically to Asiya: "Asiya, I'm really sorry.

Sorry, there is an important person waiting for me in the headquarters, and I need to rush over to see her immediately. I will come to you later, okay?"

"Misha, since you have an important person who wants to see you, go there quickly and don't keep him waiting." Asiya has never been one to hold back. She said reasonably: "I will always stay.

Waiting for you here."

When Sokov brought Samoylov to the headquarters, he saw many officers in blue hats standing at the door. They were walking back and forth like ordinary soldiers carrying submachine guns. When Sokov saw Sokov

When the two men came over, an officer stepped forward and stopped them with his hand: "Is it Major General Sokov?"

"Yes, I am Sokov." Although the other party was only a second lieutenant, considering the other party's special status, Sokov politely replied: "I was ordered to see Comrade Beria."

The second lieutenant obviously received the order from his superiors, so he shook his head at Sokov: "Go in." Seeing that Samoylov also wanted to follow him in, he stopped him again, "Comrade Beria only saw Sokov.

The general is alone, you should stay outside and wait."

Sokov walked into the headquarters with familiarity, and saw that there were only three people in the room, one was the chief of staff, Major General Samyko, the other was the military commissar, Lieutenant General Lunev, and the remaining one was wearing military casual clothes.

Wearing a pair of round-rimmed glasses and a slightly bald middle-aged man, he looks like a kind university professor.

Although it was the first time he met this person, Sokov still matched the photo he saw later with the person in front of him. This was Beria who made everyone talk about it. As soon as he guessed the identity of the other person

, Sokov felt that his legs were a little weak. He didn't know why the other party suddenly came to him, and he seemed particularly nervous.

But no matter how scared he was, Sokov still tried to pretend to be calm. After raising his hand to salute the other party, he said respectfully: "Hello, Comrade People's Commissar of Defense, Major General Sokov, commander of the 27th Group Army, would like to express his sincere greetings.

You report, on behalf of all the commanders and fighters, I welcome your arrival."

"You are Comrade Sokov. I heard your name more than once when I was in Moscow, but today is the first time I see you in person." Beria stood up and walked over, extending his hand to shake Sokov's hand.

He shook his hand and said with a smile: "I hope my arrival today has not caused you any inconvenience."

"Look at what you said, Comrade People's Commissar of Defense." Sokov said with a smile: "It is an honor for us that you can come to us. I believe that your arrival will unite the morale of the military and inspire them."

The role of morale.”

In the following conversation, Beria, who looked kind-hearted, tried to create a feeling of spring breeze, but Sokov felt very uncomfortable. He felt that this kind of comfort was mixed with these unspeakable things.

Hypocrisy. But as long as the other party is not specifically looking for trouble for you, this kind of hypocrisy can be ignored.

After the two chatted for a long time, they finally got to the main topic of the day: "General Sokov, I have a few questions that I don't understand, and I want to ask you for advice."

Sokov said sincerely that he finally got to the point. He quickly and respectfully said: "Comrade People's Commissar, if you have any questions, just ask them. As long as I know the answer, I will answer it truthfully."

"I heard that the day before the enemy launched an attack on the Kursk salient, you distributed weapons and ammunition to the troops and prepared everyone for battle. Is this true?"

Sokov knew that what he had done could not be hidden from anyone, so he answered truthfully: "Yes, it does happen."

"Then please tell me, how did you know that the enemy was going to attack?"

Faced with Beria's question, Sokov pondered for a long time, thinking about how to answer the other party's question. Seeing that Sokov was still silent, the expression on Beria's face became serious, and just as he

When he was about to speak, Sokov had already said first: "I made this judgment based on the orders issued by my superiors."

"According to orders from superiors?" Sokov's answer confused Beria. He asked in confusion: "What order?"

"In the combat order issued by the Supreme Command, it was specifically mentioned that the Germans may launch an attack on our army's defense lines from July 3 to 6, and all units should be effectively prepared for battle." Soko.

My husband thought of a movie he had seen before. Before the battle of Kursk, when Zhukov and Rokossovsky discussed whether they should shell the enemy's positions, Rokossovsky mentioned this.

Sokov did not know whether it was true or not, but at this moment he could only attribute his own judgment to this order: "I see that the period predicted by the base camp is almost over, and the Germans have not made any movement. I feel that among them

There must be a conspiracy, so I decisively ordered the troops to prepare for battle. Unexpectedly, I was really fooled."

Sokov's answer surprised Beria. On the way here, he had imagined many possible reasons for Sokov's defense, but he never thought of this. The muscles on his face twitched.

, asked with some embarrassment: "So, you judged that the enemy might take action in the Kursk salient based on this order from the Supreme Command?"

Ever since Sokov emerged and entered Beria's sight, he has been the target of suspicion. Beria felt that Sokov's judgment of the battle situation and grasp of the fighter aircraft were surprisingly accurate.

There must be some conspiracy. Even before the Battle of Stalingrad began, he boldly raised the possibility that Sokov might be a German spy in a meeting of the Supreme Command, and used some examples to prove his conjecture.

Fortunately, many people said good things to Sokov at that time, otherwise, he would have been arrested as a German spy. This time the Battle of Kursk began, when Beria once again learned that Sokov was under enemy attack

Beforehand, he took precautionary measures in advance, and after asking Stalin for instructions, he came with a group of subordinates to find Sokov.

However, Sokov's answer just now made him confused again. Could it be that his judgment was wrong? The other party was really a military genius who could accurately judge the enemy's movements based on some clues?

Sokov's answer sounded reasonable, but it still could not eliminate the suspicion in his heart.

Soon, he raised a new question to Sokov: "Since you said that you prepared the troops for battle in advance, it was your judgment based on the orders of your superiors. Then please tell me, what will happen in the next battle?

In what direction will it unfold?”

This chapter has been completed!
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