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Chapter 1531 Defense of the landing site (4)

In fact, the Soviet army's actions at the foot of the mountain had been under German surveillance. The condescending German captain carefully observed the surroundings through the telescope and found that except for the troops gathering on the north slope, no other troops were found.

However, the cautious German captain still only mobilized half of his troops when facing the Soviet attack from the north slope. The remaining troops were used to guard against the other three directions to avoid surprise attacks by the Soviet troops.

Originally his deployment was very thorough, but as the battle progressed, he found something was wrong. In addition to a few mortars at the foot of the mountain, which posed a great threat to the firepower points in the trenches, there were even snipers.

.As soon as the machine gun firepower point is exposed, it will either be directly destroyed by the mortar, or the machine gunner will be shot in the head and fall next to the machine gun.

Seeing that the attacking Soviet army was only fifty or sixty meters away from the position, it only took one charge to reach the distance where bombs could be dropped. At this time, the German lieutenant became anxious and went to the captain and said to him: "Mr. Captain, the Russians are only a few meters away from us."

The position is getting closer and closer, do you think we can mobilize troops from other directions to support it?"

"No." The captain simply rejected his subordinate's request: "What if the Russian attack from the north slope is just a feint attack? If it is a feint attack, as long as we transfer our troops to the north slope, they can take the opportunity to attack from other places.

direction to launch an attack.”

"Mr. Captain," the lieutenant saw that his proposal was rejected by the captain, and said quickly: "Before the Russian attack started, I carefully observed the surroundings and found that except for the north slope, there was no trace of the Russians in other directions."

In order to enhance his persuasion, he continued: "Mr. Captain, you and I have not been dealing with the Russians for more than a day or two. You should know that their tactics are very rigid. They always only know how to attack from one direction, and there is no way to think of it."

Fight in a roundabout way."

"Lieutenant, if it were an ordinary Russian army, the situation you mentioned would indeed exist." The captain said firmly: "But now we are facing Sokov's army, and the tactics he used are unexpected. Maybe the North Slope

The attack launched was a feint attack to attract our attention."

While the two were talking, several Soviet commanders and fighters rushed into the trench and started a close combat with the German officers and soldiers inside. Upon seeing this, the lieutenant immediately said loudly to the captain: "Mr. Captain, look, the Russians have already rushed in."

They entered the trenches and started hand-to-hand combat with our soldiers. If reinforcements are not sent, the position may not be able to be defended."

Seeing that the situation in the northern position was indeed dangerous, the German captain once again observed the movements on the other three sides and found that everything was quiet. Indeed, there was no sign of Soviet activity, so he decisively issued the order, leaving only a dozen people to serve as guards.

Outside, the rest of the troops rushed to reinforce the northern slope position.

When the offensive and defensive battle at the outpost position was in full swing, the platoon led by Captain Leibin hid on the east side of the high ground. The reason why he chose to hide in this direction was because the mountain was relatively steep and difficult to climb, and the German defense would

It's relatively relaxed, and you won't encounter minefields.

Seeing the flames soaring into the sky and the sound of gunshots and explosions, the platoon commander lost his composure. He came to Lei Bin and asked tentatively: "Comrade company commander, when will we launch an attack on the enemy?"

Leibin, who was holding a telescope to observe the enemy's situation, put down the telescope in his hand after hearing the platoon leader's question, turned to him and said: "Platoon leader, don't worry. Now the Germans have deployed a lot of troops in the east.

With our strength, if we attack by force, we will probably suffer huge casualties. Just wait a little longer, and when the enemy's attention is attracted by the deputy company commander and the others, we can start the attack."

"Then when can the deputy company commander attract all the enemy's attention?"

"First platoon leader, don't be anxious." Lei Bin comforted the first platoon leader and said: "Since we are a special company, the way we fight cannot be like a normal company, but we must know more about our brains to solve the problem of occupying us.

The enemy of the position.”

The German captain transferred his troops back from the other three directions and engaged in the battle for the trenches. After a fierce battle, the Soviet commanders and soldiers who rushed into the trenches either died on the spot or were forced to retreat down the north slope, preparing to regroup.

, and then launch a new attack on the high ground.

Seeing that the attack was not going well, the fifth company commander said to the deputy company commander: "Comrade Captain, it seems that the German army on the highlands is stronger than we imagined. When will your remaining troops launch an attack from other directions?"

Seeing the failure of the attack, the deputy company commander was equally anxious, but now that he was the top commander here, he could only try to control his emotions and said to the fifth company commander in a calm tone: "Comrade Lieutenant, don't be anxious.

I think the reason why other directions have not taken action yet is because the time is not yet ripe. When the time is right, they will teach the Germans a profound lesson."

After the deputy company commander said this, he suddenly saw several soldiers from the garrison platoon standing not far away. One of them was the second squad leader. He waved to the second squad leader and motioned for him to come to his side.

After the second squad leader came over, the deputy company commander asked curiously: "How many of you are left?"

The second squad leader looked at the few soldiers standing there and said sadly: "There are only five or six of us left, and the rest of the soldiers have died."

"Where is your platoon commander?"

"He just died during the attack."

Upon hearing the news of the death of the garrison platoon leader, the deputy company commander felt sorry for the other party's sacrifice. At the same time, he also felt lucky for the other party's sacrifice. According to the mistakes he committed, it would not be an exaggeration to shoot him. Now that he has sacrificed his life, he has to pay the debt of death.

It's gone. It's estimated that no one will pursue this matter again after the position is recaptured.

"Second platoon commander, third platoon commander." The deputy brigade commander turned to the two commanders standing nearby and said: "The next attack will be your two platoons. Remember, even if it is a feint attack, it must be carried out.

The offensive momentum is coming."

"Comrade deputy company commander," the third platoon leader said with some disdain after waiting for the deputy company commander to finish: "I think the German army's combat effectiveness on the high ground is not very good. If my third platoon had just entered the battle, I might have killed him long ago.

Once the position is taken, there is no need to organize a new attack."

"Comrade Third Platoon Commander," hearing what the Third Platoon Commander said, the deputy company commander immediately realized that the other party had made a mistake of underestimating the enemy and quickly reminded him: "Don't see the attack we just launched. At one point, some commanders and soldiers rushed into the German army's

trenches. But as their reinforcements arrived, our commanders and soldiers were driven off the high ground again."

"Do you know what this means?" After the deputy company commander said this, he asked himself the question without waiting for the third platoon leader to answer: "The enemy has only deployed a part of its troops on the position on the north slope.

The rest of the troops were deployed in other directions. They were temporarily mobilized when they saw that the position was in danger of being lost."

The third platoon leader was also a smart man. When he heard what the deputy company commander said, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Comrade deputy company commander, if according to your statement, we were originally alerting enemies in other directions, but due to the attack we ended not long ago, they were all

It was concentrated towards the north slope direction. Is my understanding correct?"

"Yes, I think so too." The deputy company commander agreed with the third platoon leader's statement: "If it weren't for the fierce offensive of the commanders and fighters of the garrison platoon and the friendly fifth company, there would really be no way to divert the enemy from other directions.

come over."

The second and third platoons quickly entered the battle.

However, since they are a special company, their attack method must be different from that of ordinary troops. They work in groups of three, alternately covering the top of the position, instead of bending up in groups like ordinary companies.

Rush. If Sokov were here, he would definitely recognize it at a glance. This is the "three-three system" tactic he originally proposed. He has long since given up promoting this tactic in the army. He did not find the special company of the 254th Division, but

Use this tactic to attack the positions occupied by the enemy.

The German captain on the position discovered that something was wrong with the Russians attacking this time. As soon as a shot was fired on the position, they hid themselves; as soon as the shooting stopped, they used the tactic of short leap forward to move from one hiding place to a new one.

Hiding place.

"Mr. Captain," the German lieutenant standing aside saw this and couldn't help but frowned: "There is obviously something wrong with these Russians. Their technical and tactical level and combat experience are more sophisticated than the Russians just now.


"It seems that we have encountered a strong enemy." After the German captain said this, he turned around and ordered the radio operator standing behind him: "Send a telegram to the regiment headquarters immediately and ask them when they can arrive?"

The telegraph operator agreed and began to send telegrams to the regiment headquarters to report the situation here.

The call back arrived soon, saying that two infantry battalions had arrived before dawn and told them to hold on until reinforcements arrived.

After reading this telegram, the German captain shook his head and said: "The reinforcements will have to wait until dawn to arrive. There are still five or six hours before dawn. Lieutenant, do you think we can sustain it for such a long time?"

"Mr. Captain," the German lieutenant replied, "I don't think we can survive that time."

"You're right, Lieutenant." The German captain said with a bitter look on his face: "No matter what, we are in the Russian defense zone. It won't be long before new troops will keep coming. I'm worried.

I'm afraid our entire army will be wiped out before we even see the shadow of reinforcements."

"Otherwise, let's retreat." The lieutenant suggested tremblingly: "Since we continue to fight, our entire army will be annihilated. It is better to retreat first and save more lives."

"No, Lieutenant, this is definitely not possible." The Captain rejected the Lieutenant's suggestion without hesitation: "Now that we have occupied this outpost, where can we easily hand it over to the Russians? I think we should continue to fight, maybe

Maybe our reinforcements will arrive faster than the Russian reinforcements."

The soldiers in the second and third rows stopped fifty meters away from the position. Depending on the terrain, they started shooting at the German army. Compared with the submachine guns equipped by the German army, the assault rifles in the hands of the soldiers had higher shooting accuracy and more lethality.

Stronger, it quickly gained an advantage in firepower and suppressed the German army.

Taking advantage of the German army's attention, which was attracted by the second and third rows attacking from the north, Captain Leibin led a platoon into action. They quietly climbed up the high ground from the steep east side, solving the problem of the German army staying in this direction.

Several security posts quickly advanced towards the north slope position.

Without much effort, a platoon of commanders and fighters entered the German trenches.

As soon as they entered the trench, they were discovered by a sentry. The sentry immediately started shouting to warn his companions. Now that he was exposed, Lei Bin no longer planned to hide his whereabouts. With an order, he headed towards

The enemy opened fire.

You must know that the assault rifles equipped by the soldiers are suitable for this kind of trench fighting. The intensive firepower immediately blinded the German troops in the trenches. They did not know where this Soviet army came from.

They had no time to raise their guns to fight back, but they all fell into a hail of bullets.

The second and third rows who were staying in front of the position saw that the German shooting became sparse, and the familiar firing sound of assault rifles came from the trenches. Knowing that it was their comrades from the first row who launched the attack from behind the enemy, they immediately

He jumped out of his hiding place, shouted "Ula" and rushed forward.

The German officers and soldiers were attacked from behind, and they were already a little panicked. When they saw the Soviet troops in front of the position rushing over again, they became even more panicked. They shot in their own way, trying to stop the Soviet attack. But their resistance soon fell.

It collapsed under the powerful firepower of the Soviet army.

After a quarter of an hour, the position became quiet.

The deputy company commander who stayed at the foot of the hillside took the remaining commanders and fighters to the top of the hillside to join Captain Leibin here.

When he saw Captain Lei Bin, the deputy company commander quickly stepped forward and asked with concern: "Comrade company commander, have we eliminated all the enemies?"

"Yes, Comrade Deputy Company Commander, the enemies have been eliminated by us." Lei Bin looked at the Deputy Company Commander and said approvingly: "Fortunately, your attack from the north slope successfully attracted the enemy's attention, allowing us to

Smoothly reach the high ground and destroy the enemies entrenched here."

The deputy company commander called the fifth company commander to Lei Bin and introduced him: "Comrade company commander, this is the fifth company commander who is preparing to take over our army's defense."

"Hello, Comrade Lieutenant." Lei Bin reached out and shook hands with the fifth company commander, and asked with concern: "How many people are left in your company now?" The reason why he asked this was because he saw the company attacking with his own eyes.

At that time, a lot of sacrifices were made.

Hearing Lei Bin's question, the fifth company commander's expression darkened: "Comrade Captain, our company originally had more than 80 people, but in the battle just now, more than half of them died or were injured."

Lei Bin was stunned after hearing this, and then asked the deputy company commander: "Comrade Captain, how many people are left in the garrison platoon that originally stood here?"

"There are five or six people left." The deputy company commander replied: "And the platoon leader died heroically during the attack."

"Since there are only five or six people in the garrison platoon," Lei Bin thought for a moment and said to the two men: "From now on, organize the garrison platoon into the fifth company and let them all stay here to defend the outpost position."

"Comrade company commander!" After hearing Lei Bin's order, the deputy company commander reminded him: "After all, we belong to two armies. It may not be appropriate to rashly merge the garrison platoon into the friendly army."

"Comrade Captain," Lei Bin said to the deputy company commander: "I know that we belong to two different troops, but the reason why I chose to merge the garrison platoon into the friendly company is because they have been stationed here the longest.

, is very knowledgeable about everything on the battlefield and can help friendly forces quickly adapt to the environment."

The fifth company commander did not object to Lei Bin's intention to integrate the garrison platoon into his own company. After all, in the battle just now, he paid the price of more than half of the casualties. Now that he can add as many as he can, it is better than being a mere commander.


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