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Chapter 2034 Cooperation of friendly forces

After confirming that the target of the attack by the leading battalion of the 8th Guards Army was indeed the main German position, Rokossovsky immediately mobilized the main forces of the 47th Army, the 8th Guards Army and the 69th Army to attack the enemy's defenses.

The position launched a fierce attack.

When Zhukov, who was staying at the headquarters of the 65th Army, learned that Rokossovsky had used the strength of three armies to launch a fierce offensive west of Kovel, he immediately called him to inquire about the war.

The progress.

"Koschka," Zhukov asked on the phone: "I heard that you used the strength of three armies to launch an attack on the enemy's defensive positions in the area west of Kovel. What is the situation now, breakthrough

Is the enemy on defense?"

Although the battle had only lasted for an hour, the three armies participating in the battle had achieved good results. Therefore, after hearing Zhukov's question, Rokossovsky proudly replied: "They are all in their respective areas.

, achieved a successful breakthrough, and are now developing deep into the enemy's defenses."

"Koschka," Zhukov said after waiting for Rokossovsky to finish: "Although I am not qualified to give you orders, I still suggest that the combined armies should put tank corps and cavalry corps into battle and fight with them.

Coordinate and develop attacks on Sedelce and Lublin."

"Comrade Marshal, your thoughts are the same as mine." Rokossovsky said: "I also plan to have the troops attack in the direction of Sedelce and Lublin, and strive to enter Poland in the shortest possible time."

When Zhukov heard that Rokossovsky's ideas coincided with his own, he showed a knowing smile: "Koschka, if the troops you command are the first in Poland, you will definitely be recorded in history."


"Even if my troops break through the layers of German defenses and enter Poland in the shortest possible time, they are still not the first troops to enter enemy territory."

Zhukov was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Rokossovsky wanted to express: "Koschka, you want to say that Misha was the first commander to command troops into enemy territory, right?"

"Yes, Comrade Marshal, that's exactly what I think."

"Koschka, you are not jealous of one of your subordinates, are you?" Zhukov said with a smile on the phone: "Although the title of the first commander to command troops into enemy territory does not belong to you.

But according to my estimation, the 1st Belorussian Front Army under your command may become the first unit to rush into Berlin in the future.

You know, the first commander to command troops into enemy territory will indeed be envied by people because he is recorded in history. But the first commander to command troops to rush into Berlin will be remembered forever."

Zhukov's comfort made Rokossovsky feel much better. Thinking that Zhukov was in the 65th Army at the moment, he asked tentatively: "Comrade Marshal, I wonder what the situation of the 65th Army is like today?"

"General Batov is mobilizing troops and preparing to launch a new attack on the German army." Zhukov said: "But he listened to his discussions with the chief of staff and others and prepared to go to the nearby prisoner of war camp to rescue the prisoners of war.

, all of them were integrated into their own troops to replace the soldiers lost in the early battles."

Knowing that Batov was considering the issue of replenishing troops, Rokossovsky also took the opportunity to say: "Comrade Marshal, it has been almost a month since Operation Bagration began, and the troops on the right wing of our front are engaged in high-intensity battles every day.

, the attrition of several group armies is quite large, I wonder if you can say hello to the Supreme Command and replenish our lost troops as soon as possible."

"It's hard to handle, Koschka." Although Zhukov is a marshal and has the status of deputy commander, he is also a clever woman who can't make a meal without rice. He knows that Rokossovsky's army lacks soldiers, but he has no ability.

To supplement it: "But I will convey your intention to the Supreme Commander himself. As for whether I will supplement you, it can only depend on your luck."

After Zhukov ended his call with Rokossovsky, he asked the communications soldier to help him connect to the Kremlin switchboard. But when he heard the female operator's voice coming from the receiver, he said in a stern tone: "I am Zhukov

, put me through Comrade Antonov's office." When the operator heard that the call was from Zhukov, he didn't dare to neglect it and hurriedly connected him to Chief of General Staff Antonov's phone.

"I am Antonov!" Soon, Antonov's voice came from the receiver: "Hello, Marshal Zhukov!"

"Hello, Comrade Antonov," Zhukov said.

Antonov didn't think that at this time, Zhukov would be idle and call him for no reason. Now that he called him, it meant that he had something important to discuss with him, so he asked respectfully:

"What can I do for you?"

Zhukov asked briefly: "Comrade Chief of General Staff, I would like to ask, how are the preparations at Konev's place?"

"Report to Comrade Marshal." Antonov replied: "Marshal Konev has been actively preparing for war since he took over as commander of the First Ukrainian Front and is ready to launch an attack at any time."

"If I ask Konev to immediately launch an offensive in Ukraine." Zhukov waited for Antonov to finish and asked slowly: "How long does it take for him to prepare?"

Regarding Zhukov's question, Antonov thought for a while and then replied: "Comrade Marshal, I can't be sure, but according to my estimate, it will take about three days to prepare."

After saying this, he paused for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "Comrade Marshal, why do you suddenly ask about this matter? Do you have any ideas?"

"It's like this, Comrade Chief of General Staff." Zhukov explained to Antonov: "Rokossovsky's left wing of the 1st Belorussian Front has launched an attack on the enemy west of Kovel. According to him

After implementing an effective breakthrough, the troops will launch an offensive in the direction of Sedelce and Lublin. If Konev launches a new offensive in Ukraine at this time, it can effectively contain the enemy's effective forces and prevent them from attacking Lublin.

Lin increased his troops to ensure that Rokossovsky's troops could smoothly enter Poland."

"Comrade Marshal." Antonov waited for Zhukov to finish, thought for a moment, and then expressed his true thoughts: "I suggest you contact Marshal Konev personally. You must know that you are a representative sent by the base camp.

, originally had the mission of coordinating the operations of the Belarusian Front Army and the Ukrainian Front Army."

"Okay then." After listening to Antonov's suggestion, Zhukov nodded and said, "Then I will contact Marshal Konev to discuss how the two front armies can cooperate in combat."

"That's best." Antonov said: "Anyway, Marshal Konev has been authorized to launch a new round of attack at the right place at the right time when he thinks it is right."

Zhukov quickly contacted Konev, and instead of beating around the bush, he asked directly: "Marshal Konev, are your troops ready for combat?"

"Yes, Marshal Zhukov." Konev replied: "My troops have long been prepared for battle and are ready to launch a thunderous strike against the German troops entrenched in Ukraine."

"The troops on the left wing of Rokossovsky's 1st Belorussian Front have launched a fierce offensive against the German troops west of Kovel." Zhukov said to Konev: "After successfully breaking through the enemy's defense line,

They will advance towards Sedrce and Lublin, and from there into Poland..."

Konev was also an excellent commander. Although Zhukov did not immediately explain his intention, he saw Zhukov's intention to call him from the map in front of him, and asked tentatively: "Marshal Zhukov, are you

Is the purpose of calling me to let me launch a large-scale offensive in Ukraine to attract the attention of the Germans, so that they will not be able to deploy troops to reinforce the defenders in the direction of Lublin?"

Seeing that Konev guessed his intention, Zhukov's face showed a smile: "It saves trouble to talk to smart people. Yes, I called you just to let you launch an offensive as soon as possible to attract the attention of the Germans.

, so that they could not mobilize enough troops, but strengthened the garrison of Lublin."

After confirming the purpose of Zhukov's call to him, Konev said very readily: "Don't worry, Marshal Zhukov, I will launch another attack on the enemies in Ukraine in the shortest possible time, so that they will not be able to mobilize troops to strengthen.

The garrison in the direction of Lublin."

"Marshal Konev, I wonder how many days of preparation time you need before you can launch an attack on the German troops in Ukraine?"

"Three days."

"No, three days is too long."

"That's two days."

"It still doesn't work." Zhukov still denied the time he mentioned.

"Marshal Zhukov," Konev asked cautiously, "then tell me when should we launch the attack?"

"The best thing is tomorrow." Zhukov explained to Konev: "Judging from the current progress of the left-wing troops, they will push into the Sedelce and Lublin areas at the latest tomorrow afternoon. If you move slowly,

Then the enemy can calmly deploy troops to strengthen the defense in the direction of Lublin."

After hearing what Zhukov said, Konev also realized that time was tight and must not delay, so he simply said: "Marshal Zhukov, then I will order the troops to attack the enemy tomorrow morning. Do you think it is appropriate?"

After Zhukov heard Konev say that he was preparing to launch an attack the next day, he felt that his goal had been achieved, so he nodded and said: "I think it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to launch an attack tomorrow. Marshal Konev, then I will wait."

Good news for you."

As soon as Konev put down the phone, he said to his chief of staff, General Sokolovsky: "Comrade chief of staff, immediately notify the commanders of all group armies to come to my place for a meeting, and tell them that I will assign important combat tasks to them.


When Sokolovsky heard this, he immediately beamed and asked with some urgency: "Comrade Commander, so we are going to take action against the German troops in Ukraine?"

"Yes, we have been resting for such a long time, and it is time to take some action."

"I wonder how many days do you plan to attack?"

"Tomorrow." Konev replied briefly: "Tomorrow morning we will launch an offensive operation against the German troops in Ukraine."

Sokolovsky's smile froze on his face. He did not expect Konev to be so impatient and decide to launch an attack on the German troops in Ukraine the next day.

"What, attack tomorrow?" Sokolovsky asked in surprise, "Isn't it too hasty?"

"There's no rush, not at all." Konev shook his head and said, "Our troops have been resting for such a long time, and it's time to take action."

"But it would be too hasty to launch an attack tomorrow."

"Comrade Chief of Staff." Konev explained to Sokolovsky: "Rokossovsky's left-wing troops successfully achieved a breakthrough in the area west of Kovel. Next, his troops will attack Xie

The area of ​​Delce and Lublin is advancing, and the reason why we launched the attack at this time is to contain the enemy's forces so that they cannot allocate strength to strengthen the direction of Lublin."

After hearing this, Sokolovsky couldn't help but sneered and said: "Rokossovsky's calculation is good. We help them contain the enemy, and they can easily capture Lublin without reinforcements."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, you can't say that." Fortunately, Konev still kept a clear mind. He said to Sokolovsky: "While we are containing the German troops in Ukraine, they have not contained the enemy.

Main force. You must know that if we launch an offensive campaign tomorrow, not only will the German troops under attack be unable to support Lublin, but at the same time, the enemies attacked by Rokossovsky's troops will not be able to mobilize their troops to deal with us. In this way

, the resistance our unit launches in Ukraine will be greatly weakened."

After listening to Konev's analysis, Sokolovsky thought for a while and felt that what the commander of the front army said was very reasonable. If the attack were launched tomorrow, not only would the enemy be unable to reinforce Lublin, but at the same time, he would be attacked.

The troops attacked by Rokossovsky are also unable to mobilize troops to strengthen the cities in front of their own troops. The troops' operations in Ukraine will be much easier.

After figuring out the situation, Sokolovsky grabbed the phone on the table in front of him and said to Konev: "Comrade Marshal, I will call the commanders of each group army and ask them to come over immediately for a meeting.

Accept the combat mission you assigned them."

"Comrade Chief of Staff," Konev reminded Sokolovsky: "Not only must the commanders of the combined arms armies be notified to come to the meeting, but the commander of the Air Force Army must also not forget. You know, in the next battle,

Our ground offensive forces are inseparable from the air support of the Air Force."

"Don't worry, Comrade Marshal." Sokolovsky vowed: "I will definitely notify all the group army commanders of the front army to come to the meeting, and no one will be left behind."

Konev nodded, looked down at the map in front of him, and began to wonder in his mind: If an attack on the German army was to be launched tomorrow, would the existing ammunition of the army be able to support a large-scale battle? If nothing else,

The artillery shells required for artillery preparation before the attack alone are an astronomical figure, not counting the weapons and ammunition consumed by the troops for the attack. If there is insufficient preparation, the logistics troops will face severe tests after the battle begins.

This chapter has been completed!
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