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Chapter 2378

Chapter 2375

Afnin did not dare to neglect the orders given by Sokov. Although he wanted to take action tomorrow morning, before the party was over, he mobilized the military guard regiment, plus two battalions of the Guards Airborne Division, to start a manhunt in the city.

Traitors big and small.

The arrest operation came to an end before dawn, and a total of more than 300 traitors of various kinds were captured.

After reading the arrest list, Afuning called Sokov: "Comrade Commander, this is Afuning. I have followed your order and arrested the people who assisted the Kwantung Army in the city.

.The operation is now over, and a total of 329 people have been arrested. I would like to ask, what do you plan to do with them?"

When Sokov heard Afunin's report, he was a little surprised: "General Afunin, you are moving very fast. Now at dawn, you have arrested more than 300 people. This efficiency is really high."


Afuning laughed dryly and explained: "Comrade Commander, actually we started arresting people at midnight yesterday. After I dispatched the military guard regiment, I was worried that there were not enough manpower for arrests, so I specially ordered the arrests from Major General Ye Liaoming.

The Guards Airborne Division mobilized two battalions to participate in last night's capture operation."

"Good job." Sokov asked: "Where are they locked up?"

"They were all imprisoned in the former military camp of the Kwantung Army." Afuning recalled the riot not long ago, and emphasized: "I sent a company of troops to guard, and I will never let anyone escape. What follows?

, just waiting for you to deal with them."

According to Sokov's character, he had nothing to say to these more than 300 traitors, so he just dragged them outside the city to fight. But he thought that when he talked about this matter with Lu Jin this morning, the other party reminded him to be cautious.

After all, the front army headquarters once issued an order that as long as they are not islanders and have not conflicted with their own troops, no matter what they have done before, they do not need to be held accountable.

Sokov only said: "Watch them first and I will make arrangements on how to deal with them." After saying that, he put down the phone.

"Misha," Lukin looked at Sokov and said, "you must be cautious in handling this matter."

Sokov didn't speak, he just walked back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, thinking rapidly in his mind about how he should deal with these damn traitors.

"Misha," Lukin saw Sokov circling around the room, and took the initiative to suggest to him: "In order to avoid getting into trouble, you'd better leave this matter to the people below to handle it, even in the future

If your superiors hold you accountable, the responsibility you bear will be much lighter."

"How can this be done, Comrade Deputy Commander." After hearing Lukin's suggestion, Sokov waved his hands and said, "Isn't this a trick on my own subordinates? I can't do such a thing."

Seeing that Sokov was unwilling to accept his suggestion, Lukin stopped talking and just looked at Sokov silently to see what decision he would eventually make.

After Sokov walked around the room two more times, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind and he thought of a suitable candidate. He stopped and said to Lukin: "Comrade Deputy Commander, I thought of a person. He

It is undoubtedly the most appropriate thing to deal with this gang of traitors.”…

Lu Jin heard what Sokov said and quickly asked: "Who is it?"

"That's Captain Feng from the 88th International Brigade." Sokov said: "He is originally from the Anti-Japanese Alliance in China. He is undoubtedly the best candidate to deal with these scum of China. Comrade Deputy Commander, you

What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Jin realized that Captain Feng had a special identity and that he was indeed a suitable candidate to deal with these captured traitors. If someone made an issue about this matter in the future, they could also use it as Captain Feng and his own people.

He had to deal with other matters. Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Well, I also think he is a suitable candidate."

When Sokov asked Yakov to contact Captain Feng, he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to see Yakov today, so he asked loudly: "Yasha, where is Yasha?"

"Comrade Commander," hearing Sokov calling Yakov, a staff officer next to him quickly explained: "I just saw that the Chief of Staff was still eating in the restaurant. I believe he will be here soon.


A few minutes later, Yakov walked into the headquarters. Seeing Sokov and Lukin chatting, he took the initiative to greet: "Misha, Comrade Deputy Commander, you are all here!"

Sokov nodded to Yakov as a greeting, and then asked: "Yasha, do you know where Captain Feng is?"

Hearing the name Sokov said, Yakov was stunned for a moment, then thought of who Sokov was talking about, and quickly replied: "He just returned to the headquarters yesterday, and he should be at Major Bezikov's place at the moment.

Do you have anything to do with him?"

"Yes, I have something important to do with him." Sokov said to Yakov: "You call him and ask him to come over. If Bezikov is there, ask him to come too."

Captain Feng was in Bezikov's office at the moment, telling the other party about his experience on the front line these days. When he heard the phone ringing on the table, he didn't think it was him, so he just glanced at it and it kept ringing.

made a phone call and continued to tell Bezikov about his affairs.

An officer next to him picked up the phone, listened for a moment, and then handed it to Bezikov: "Comrade Major, your phone number."

Bezikov took the phone: "I am Bezikov!" He glanced at Captain Feng, "Yes, Captain Feng is here...Okay, I will inform him right away."

Seeing Bezikov put down the phone, Captain Feng asked with some urgency: "Comrade Major, what's going on?"

"Comrade Commander has something important to see you. Let me go with you." After Bezikov finished speaking, he picked up the hat on the table and put it on his head. He said to Captain Feng: "Let's go, Feng."

Captain, let’s go to the commander together.”

Accompanied by Bezikov, Captain Feng came to Sokov's headquarters. After raising his hand to salute Sokov, Captain Feng respectfully asked: "Comrade Commander, I don't know if you asked me to come here. What's the matter?"


"That's right, Captain Feng." Sokov said to Captain Feng: "Last night I asked General Afuning to conduct an arrest operation in the city. Now more than 300 people who have been arrested are detained in Kanto.

In the original military camp of the army. Now I have a task for you, which is to interrogate and screen these people, and make corresponding dispositions.”…

Hearing what Sokov said, Captain Feng asked with some vigilance: "Comrade Commander, I would like to ask, what do you mean by corresponding measures?"

"You can decide the life and death of these people, do you understand?"

Knowing that he could decide the life or death of these hundreds of people, the expression on Captain Feng's face became solemn: "Comrade Commander, can you tell me who were arrested last night?"

"They are a group of people who have cooperated with the Kwantung Army. In your terms, they are traitors. Many of them have done many unscrupulous and bad things." Sokov said to Captain Feng: "Now I will

They are handed over to you, and it is up to you to decide how to deal with them. What do you think, are you willing to accept this task? "

Captain Feng originally thought that Sokov would give him a difficult task to complete. When he figured out that he was going to interrogate a traitor, he felt no reluctance in his heart. He nodded vigorously and said: "Yes, Comrade Commander, I am willing. Please."

You can rest assured that I will definitely live up to your trust and ensure that the task is completed satisfactorily."

Seeing Sokov handing over the task of dealing with traitors to Captain Feng, Bezikov beside him quickly asked: "Comrade Commander, what about me? What is my task?"

"Comrade Major, your mission is to assist Captain Feng." Sokov said to Bezikov: "Among these arrested people, there are many heinous people. I think Captain Feng will definitely sentence them to death.

You and your people will be responsible for carrying out the execution. How about that? Are there any questions?"

"No problem." Hearing that he was assisting Captain Feng in dealing with a group of hostile elements, Bezikov replied without hesitation: "I promise to complete the mission."

While Sokov was clearing out the traitors in Solon City, the fighting in the south continued.

Troops of the 130th Infantry Division, in cooperation with the tanks of the Tank Army, launched an attack on the Kwantung Army's defensive positions.

Even though this is a plain, it seems to be undefendable, but the weeds, which are half a man deep, block the view of the Soviet commanders and soldiers, preventing them from clearly seeing the defensive positions in the grass, so that they are unable to attack.

At that time, they were subjected to intensive firepower.

The situation of the tank troops is even worse than that of the infantry. The Japanese anti-tank fighters are hiding in the grass or in dug holes with covers. Not to mention that they cannot be seen from a distance, even if they get closer, they will not observe carefully.

Otherwise, it was still impossible to detect. Seeing the Soviet tank approaching, the Japanese anti-tank hand stood up from the grass holding the explosive package, rushed directly to the tank, pulled the fuse, and died together with the tank.

It was precisely because of the hidden defensive positions of the Japs and the desperate fighting style of the anti-tank soldiers that the Soviet army was unable to break through this simple defense line even after attacking for three or four hours.

When the 49th Army Commander Melekhov learned of this, he immediately scolded the commander of the 130th Division and finally said: "Comrade Colonel, I will give you another hour. If your troops cannot assist me,

If the tanks of the army break through the enemy's defense line, then you will be relieved of your position as division commander and your chief of staff will take over the command. Do you understand?"

The reprimanded division commander was filled with anger, but in front of Melekhov, he could only say in a low voice: "Don't worry, comrade commander. If we can't break through the Kwantung Army's defense line within an hour, you don't need to come."

If I am relieved of my duties, I will personally lead the death squads to charge and die together with the enemy."...

After putting down the phone, the division commander summoned his three regiment commanders and said to them: "I have made a guarantee in front of the army commander that I will break through the enemy's defense line within an hour. If I cannot complete the task, I will personally

Lead the suicide squad to charge and die together with the enemy."

The regiment leaders were all shocked when they heard what the division commander said. Before they could open their mouths to persuade, the division commander said coldly: "Of course, if I go to die, I will definitely take you with me. So if you don't want to die,

Just think of a good way for me to break through the enemy's position."

"Comrade Division Commander." The leader of the vanguard regiment spoke first: "I think the main reason why we have been unable to break through the enemy's position is because the coordination between infantry and tanks is not good. If the existing infantry-tank coordination can be improved,

There shouldn't be much of a problem if we strengthen our cooperation and break through the enemy's positions."

When the division commander heard what the leader of the vanguard said, he quickly pointed at him and said, "Tell me more about what we should do to improve infantry-tank coordination."

"It's very simple. Let our soldiers sit on the tank and attack with the tank." After the regiment leader said this, he was afraid of being refuted by others, so he spoke faster and said: "Our soldiers sit on the tank.

It can be said that standing high and seeing far away can not only guide the tank crew to accurate attack targets. At the same time, when the enemy's anti-tank crew emerges from the grass and pits, they can also use the light weapons in their hands to destroy them, making it easier for them to attack.

We can't get close to our tanks."

After listening to the words of the leading regiment commander, the division commander thought for a while and felt that it made sense. He quickly said to the division chief of staff on the side: "Comrade Chief of Staff, immediately get in touch with the tank brigade commander who is coordinating the operation and convey the opinions of the leading regiment to them.

.Only by strengthening our cooperation with each other can we reduce the casualties during the attack and thus break through the enemy's defense."

After consulting with the tank brigade commander, when a new round of attack began, the infantrymen got on the tanks. The machine gunner mounted the machine gun on the tank turret and watched the movement ahead vigilantly. The soldiers sitting on the vehicle also held their hands.

He tightened his grip on the gun and was ready to shoot without hesitation if he found someone approaching the tank.

When the attacking tank column was still four to five hundred meters away from the Kwantung Army's position, the anti-tank fighters of the Little Devils hiding in the grass tried to repeat their old tricks and rushed over with explosive packets. But they never dreamed that the Soviet army would

We have already thought of a way to deal with them. The machine gunner standing on the tank body, as soon as he saw the little Japs appeared, desperately pulled the trigger and shot at them, beating each anti-tank fighter into a sieve. Although a few were lucky

Okay, I rushed near the tank, and before they could pull the fuse, I was shot dead by the soldier sitting on the tank.

After clearing away the anti-tank fighters in the grass, the Soviet tanks successfully arrived 300 meters away from the Kwantung Army's position. Following an order, the tanks stopped one after another, lined up in front of the enemy's position, and headed towards the enemy's position.

The positions within the field of vision were opened. And those machine gun fire points that were firing desperately became the first choice targets for tank guns.

After the tank guns fired two or three rounds, all the fire points on the position went silent. At this time, the commander on one of the tanks shouted and jumped out of the tank, waving the weapon in his hand and rushed towards the enemy's position.

Seeing the commander leading the charge, the soldiers followed suit and jumped off the tanks one after another, rushing towards the enemy's position with weapons in hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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