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Chapter 1 The second spaceship that landed at Kent Farm sets sail (various requests)

The Kent family originally thought that Clark Kent was just an ordinary alien child, no different from a normal earthling. After all, he did look exactly like an earthling.

But when Clark Kent was nine years old, he suddenly awakened his abilities. Countless voices entered Clark Kent's ears, and his eyes could see through human bones and internal organs. Such changes made him almost crazy...

Under Martha Kent's persuasion, Clark Kent initially adapted to his abilities, at least he would no longer be frightened by his abilities. At the same time, under Jonathan Kent's warning, Clark Kent began to hide his abnormality.

He was silent at school and was often verbally bullied.

Until today during the day, Clark Kent and his classmates were riding a school bus while driving across a bridge. The tires suddenly exploded and the vehicle lost control. The driver of the school bus subconsciously turned the steering wheel to avoid the oncoming car. The school bus rushed over the guardrail and fell into the car.

In the water!

Seeing the river flooding the school bus, the students lost the last of their oxygen. While struggling feebly in the water, Clark Kent still could not hold back and exposed his ability. He pushed the school bus from the water to the shore and rescued the children who fell into the water...

The children's parents were thankful but a little scared. They didn't know how Clark Kent did it. This was a fear of the unknown. Even God's protection could not persuade them to eliminate this fear, even if they should be grateful to Clark Kent.

Kent's saved their baby.

When Clark Kent was confused, Jonathan Kent took Clark Kent to the basement, pointed to the spaceship, told Clark Kent's life experience, and handed him the key to the suspected spaceship...

However, even though Jonathan Kent has told Clark Kent's life experience, he still does not want Clark Kent's abnormality to be exposed to people, because he clearly knows that there is an unknown alien, an alien living on the earth.

Existence will bring great impact and fear to people's ideas!

What is even more terrifying is the various methods used by humans after that!

Therefore, Jonathan Kent feels that even if someone dies in front of Clark Kent, even if the person who dies is himself, Clark Kent should not expose his ability to save the other person.

"Dad? Dad! Dad!!!" Just when Jonathan Kent was lost in memories, Clark Kent's call sounded in his ears. The voice was hesitant at first, then unbelievable, and finally it was filled with

Unconcealable excitement!

This is the excitement Jonathan Kent has never felt in Clark Kent!

He looked at Clark Kent with some confusion, but saw Clark Kent's finger pointing in the direction of the night sky.

Jonathan Kent subconsciously looked in the direction of Clark Kent's finger. In a trance, Jonathan Kent felt that he had returned to twelve years ago.

A fire like a falling meteorite fell near the Kent farm, followed by a slight crash. Martha Kent heard the sound and walked out of the house. Everything that happened in front of her gave Martha Kent the same feeling of déjà vu.

"Dad! Mom! Spaceship! It's a spaceship! That's not a meteorite, it's a spaceship! I can see it clearly!" Before Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent could recover, Clark Kent had already shouted,

Then he flew towards the direction where the spacecraft crashed.

Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent were worried that something happened to Clark Kent and hurriedly followed them. Soon they saw Clark Kent looking around a spherical aircraft, as if they had not yet found a way to open the aircraft.

Until Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent walked up to Clark Kent.

With a "click!" sound, the aircraft opened at this time, and loud cries echoed around. Just like that night twelve years ago, the same empty environment, the same loud cries, and the same unknown alien origin

The human baby made Jonathan and Martha Kent's hearts ache.

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