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Chapter 112: There is nothing that a barbecue cannot solve

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"Then I'll go home with you first and come back later?" Seeing Clark still staring at him seriously, Robert finally had no choice but to relax his conditions, "You can't help but let me come over, right?"

?I might be able to develop more powerful power in King Kong. This is my way to become stronger..."

"Then go back first. Come over by yourself when you are free, but you can't stay here for too long!" Clark's expression softened slightly, and he looked at Robert and said softly.

The reason why Clark insisted on Robert going back with him this time was very simple. It would be difficult for him to completely reassure Martha and Carla when he went back alone. After all, Robert had been running away for several days and also disappeared suddenly.

Well, it would be unconvincing for Robert not to go back with him.

As for whether Robert can find time to come here in the future, that is Robert's own business. As long as Robert disappears for a long time, it will be difficult for him to do business...

"The Indestructible King of the Great Village"

"Okay! King Kong, I'll leave first. I'll come back to play with you in a few days..." Robert touched King Kong's head next to him and said with a smile.

"Are you leaving? Where are you going? How many days will it take? Will it take a long time?" Hearing that Robert was about to leave, King Kong looked at Robert with a reluctance in his eyes and asked one after another.

"Well, if you weren't such an eyesore, I could actually take you out..." Robert looked at King Kong with some regret and muttered.

Although the dinosaurs on this island are also very attractive to Robert, they are still less attractive than King Kong, who may help him master the power of the giant ape.

But King Kong is not a Saiyan, nor is he a six-eared macaque. It cannot become a normal size, otherwise Robert would really want to take it with him.

In this way, with both Robert and King Kong looking reluctant to leave, Robert and Clark left this wild island. Robert also specifically asked King Kong to shout: "From now on, this will be our territory, that

I will keep the Tyrannosaurus rex for you, you must protect our territory!"

"Roar!" Soon, King Kong's roar of declaring sovereignty echoed throughout the island, causing countless dinosaurs to flee. There is no doubt that King Kong is definitely at the top of the food chain on this island. His roar can only be heard with the same voice.

Tyrannosaurus rex, the top of the food chain, can ignore it.

"Why do I feel that he is more interested in King Kong than Kara?" Clark thought in his heart as he looked at Robert who looked back reluctantly after passing through the fog, and then looked at the dinosaur in Robert's arms.

Meat, "No, I'm afraid even dinosaur meat ranks higher than Kara!"

Yes, when Robert left, he took some dinosaur meat with him. Of course, this little dinosaur meat was naturally not enough for Robert to eat, so he went back to bribe Martha and the others.

Although Robert's sudden disappearance this time was not caused by himself, it made Martha and others worried after all, so Robert prepared to relieve Martha and others' nervousness with delicious food.

Robert and Clark didn't take much time to fly to the vicinity of Kent Farm, and Kara, who had been paying attention here, breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Robert, and her clenched fists relaxed.

Afterwards, Kara took leave of absence and left the school, found a deserted corner and flew into the sky, heading towards the Kent Farm.

At the same time, in the Kent farm, the Danvers were kindly comforting the Kents. They heard about Robert's disappearance and were a little worried. Not only were they worried about Robert's safety, but also

Mainly because I'm worried about what Kara will think if something happens to Robert...

"Mom! I'm back! I brought you delicious food..." At this moment, Robert's voice echoed in the Kent farm, making the Kents and Danvers feel relieved, but

Then I heard Robert exclaiming, "Wait! There is meat in my hand! Meat!"

It turned out that Carla, who was flying back to Kent Farm in mid-air, rushed over after seeing Robert. Regardless of Robert’s loud shouts, she threw herself directly into Robert’s arms and knocked away those who were in the way.

Location of dinosaur meat!

"Whoosh!" Fortunately, Clark on the side had quick eyesight and quick hands to collect the scattered dinosaur meat, otherwise Robert's plan to ease the tense atmosphere would have been ruined.

Clark felt that his heart was broken for this stupid brother!

"This Kara doesn't know how to be reserved at all!" Mr. and Mrs. Danvers came out and saw Kara hugging Robert tightly in the sky, smiling helplessly and saying softly.

"It's normal for young people to dare to express their emotions!" Martha on the side was completely relieved after seeing Robert come back safe and sound, and looked at Mr. and Mrs. Danvers and said with a smile.

"Let go, let go..." Robert, who was hugged by Cara, tried to push Cara away, but he had to admit that Cara's strange power was really terrifying, or was it because Cara heard the conversation between Martha and the Danvers,

Then he let go of Robert with a blushing face.

"Where did you go? Clark can't even see you!" After letting go of Robert, Kara looked at Robert and asked.

"Hey, I accidentally entered a wild island. You don't know that there are dinosaurs living there, and they are bigger than we know!" Robert chuckled and landed on the ground from mid-air.

Looking at Martha, Carla and others, they smiled and gestured.

"Dinosaurs? Are they still alive?" Martha and others opened their eyes wide, some of them couldn't believe Robert's words, because such things should only exist in the movie world.

"Wait a minute, is this dinosaur meat?" Kara suddenly thought of something and looked at the dinosaur meat held in Clark's hand and asked.

"Yes, I brought it back specially for you to try. Don't worry, I guarantee it's delicious!" Robert quickly patted his chest and started cooking the dinosaur meat, while Martha and others on the side were also waiting with suspicion.

Soon after, a smell of meat filled the surroundings, and Martha and others swallowed subconsciously. It was not that they had never eaten barbecue made by Robert before, but this time the barbecue seemed to be particularly fragrant, especially since it was

The legendary dinosaur meat...

Soon, the two families began to feast. Robert only ate a little, and then told a little about his experience on the wild island. As for what happened at Diana's house before, Robert did not talk about it.

Because on the way back, Clark had repeatedly warned him not to say this part. Clark even colluded with Robert to prepare the lines to ensure that there would be no mistakes...

And when she heard that there was a King Kong on the wild island, Kara's eyes flashed with curiosity. She also wanted to visit the wild island, but she did not refuse Robert. With Kara's words, Clark should

You can also feel more at ease.

At this point, after a barbecue, the impact of this disappearance was completely eliminated...

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