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Chapter 389 Spider-Man and Thor

Therefore, faced with this situation, Ah Fu was unable to interrupt Barry Allen's attack for a while. Ah Fu was experienced in many battles, but Ah Fu had never encountered such a speed user before.

However, Ah Fu is somewhat unable to adapt to this fighting method, especially when he is suppressed...

Although Ah Fu has already seen at this time that Barry Allen's fighting skills are not top-notch, but as the saying goes, Barry Allen has a speed that far exceeds Ah Fu, even if his fighting skills are not as good.

But he was still able to suppress Ah Fu.

Fortunately, Ah Fu was not the only one here. The group of animal warriors finally came to their senses after seeing their boss fall to the ground in embarrassment. They quickly rushed towards Ah Fu, preparing to kill him.

Be rescued.

Even though the strength of these animal warriors is inferior to Ah Fu, and they can't keep up with Barry Allen's speed, there are so many of them. As long as the scope of the battle circle is narrowed, it is not necessary to restrict Barry Allen.

So difficult!

"Huh?" Barry Allen also quickly discovered this situation. He couldn't help but frown. When the space was too small, he could still move around, but the effect was definitely far inferior to when there was enough space.


Therefore, Barry Allen did not rush ahead for the sake of success, but in a flash, he broke out of the encirclement of the animal warriors and returned to Peter Parker's side.

Ah Fu, who finally got a chance to breathe, got up from the ground in embarrassment, his eyes flashing with anger, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stared in the direction of Barry Allen and said in a deep voice: "Very good, very fast.

If you were stronger, I really wouldn't be your opponent!"

"It's like you are my opponent now. If you have the ability, let your men get out of the way. Just see if I can beat you up!" Barry Allen couldn't help but sneered when he heard Afu's words and started to taunt.

Got up.

From the brief fight just now, Barry Allen certainly knew that Ah Fu was very powerful. If Ah Fu hadn't been strong enough, those violent attacks just now would have been enough to kill Ah Fu on the spot.

However, Afu is so powerful that Barry Allen will not be afraid of him. Besides, it is not a big problem to strategically despise the enemy, even ridicule the opponent, make the opponent angry, or put pressure on the opponent!

"Okay, get out of the way and we'll come again!" Hearing Barry Allen's taunt, Ah Fu took a deep breath and looked at Barry Allen and said.

"Huh? Are you really coming again?" Barry Allen couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and even the animal warriors around him were stunned. They looked at Ah Fu blankly, that is, he couldn't speak, otherwise they would be full of words now.

Want to say.

However, out of absolute obedience to their boss's orders, these animal warriors did not hesitate much and quickly distanced themselves, leaving enough fighting space for Alfred and Barry Allen.

"Whoosh!" Seeing this situation, Barry Allen was not worried about any trap, because Barry Allen was much faster than the animal warriors. Even if the animal warriors suddenly took action, Barry Allen would

No fear at all!

"Peng!" sounded, and the next moment, Barry Allen's figure appeared in front of Ah Fu and punched Ah Fu in the chest. The fist hit Ah Fu's body without any hindrance.

But at this moment, Ah Fu's body suddenly shrank back, and the muscles in his chest seemed to turn into cotton, releasing the force from Barry Allen's fist!

"Huh?!" Barry Allen noticed something was wrong immediately. He didn't understand what ability Ah Fu was using now, but Barry Allen instinctively wanted to retreat away from Ah Fu.

However, Ah Fu finally created this opportunity, so how could he let Barry Allen go so easily?

With a "pop!" sound, a large and powerful palm grabbed Barry Allen's arm, locking Barry Allen's arm on the spot, not giving Barry Allen any chance to break free!

At the same time, Alfred punched Barry Allen in the head. This punch also went towards Barry Allen's nose. This was Alfred's revenge on Barry Allen. He wanted Barry Allen to know,

What does it feel like to be slapped in the face?

"Swish!" However, Ah Fu's punch did not hit Barry Allen's head. Ah Fu grabbed Barry Allen, but it does not mean that he can completely immobilize Barry Allen. Now

The only thing that couldn't break free was Barry Allen's arms. Barry Allen's body and head were still free...

"Huh?" Seeing that his punch was dodged, Ah Fu couldn't help but frown. At the same time, he locked Barry Allen's arm and exerted force, trying to pull Barry Allen's body and punch again.

Call over.

But at this moment, Ah Fu felt a huge force coming from Barry Allen's arm. Ah Fu's body lightened up, and Barry Allen began to move uncontrollably. Everything around him began to move.

Fu's eyes continued to regress, and everything turned into afterimages, making Fu unable to see what was happening at all.

Yes, at this time, Ah Fu was led by Barry Allen into a state of high-speed running. Ah Fu indeed caught Barry Allen, but Barry Allen's legs were not restricted in any way, and he was still able to explode.

Go as fast as he should.

At this speed, even the martial arts master Ah Fu is somewhat unable to adapt. Especially at this speed, Ah Fu's body is already a little unbalanced, and he can't find a chance to exert force at all, let alone a chance.

Fight back.

What Afu can do now is either follow Barry Allen's speed and try to adapt to this speed, or let go of Barry Allen's arm and be thrown out by inertia...

But it was obvious that Ah Fu didn't want to let go of Barry Allen's arm at this time. After all, he had finally caught Barry Allen. He just let go of Barry Allen and tried to catch the vigilant one again.

For him, it's not that easy.

"You won't let go like this?" Barry Allen didn't expect that Ah Fu would be so stubborn. Faced with this situation, he had no intention of letting go. This made Barry Allen feel angry in his heart, and at the same time, his speed changed.

He wanted to go faster, but he wanted to see how long Ah Fu could hold on at such an out-of-control speed!

It's not that Barry Allen didn't want to throw Ah Fu directly away, but Ah Fu grabbed Barry Allen's arm too tightly. Even now, Barry Allen can feel the pain from his arm, so

Barry Allen decided to wait until the speed reached an extreme level and Alfred's reaction slowed down, then he would come back with revenge!


When Ah Fu was taken away by Barry Allen and disappeared, the surrounding animal warriors were instantly confused. They had seen that their boss seemed to have the upper hand before, but the next moment they saw Ah Fu disappear. With their

With their eyesight, they could not see where Ah Fu was at all, which made the animal warriors a little bit at a loss.

"Roar!" But soon, an animal warrior roared, and Alfred and Barry Allen disappeared. Isn't there Peter Parker next to him? Since Barry Allen can't deal with it, let's catch Peter Parker first.

Get up!

The animal warriors don't know what Peter Parker is encountering now. Peter Parker was still able to talk to Barry Allen before, but now it seems that Thor's hammer has become more and more out of control. Because he has not let go of Thor's hammer, now Peter Parker feels that he

His body was a little unable to move, otherwise Peter Parker wouldn't have watched Barry Allen and Alfred fight with so many animal warriors around him without taking action.

Of course, it's not just the animal warriors who don't know Peter Parker's situation at this time, even Barry Allen doesn't know Peter Parker's situation at this time, otherwise Barry Allen would definitely not be able to take Alfred alone.

Ran out...

With a sound of "Peng!", when the animal warriors completed the communication, the first animal warrior punched Peter Parker, sending Peter Parker flying directly, but at the same time, a powerful thunder force

It spread from Peter Parker to this animal warrior!


With the surge of thunder power, the animal warrior's body turned into charcoal on the spot, even more serious than the charcoal burned by the flame!

"Roar?!" Originally, the animal warriors were very happy when they saw the first companion knocking Peter Parker away. However, when they saw this companion suddenly died instantly, the animal warriors were confused and frightened on the spot.


"Zizzizi!" On the other side, Peter Parker, who was knocked out, was also surging with the power of thunder, but this time Peter Parker's state was much stronger than before. It may be because of the enemy.

At this time, the power of Mjolnir began to gradually stabilize, allowing Peter Parker who fell to the ground to regain his ability to move.

"What happened?" After Peter Parker's body flew up again, he looked at Thor's Hammer in his hand and couldn't help but gurgled. However, Peter Parker did not continue to study Thor's Hammer at this time because there were so many animal warriors around.

, if we don’t deal with them now, it won’t be that easy to deal with them again when Mjolnir loses control again!

"Zizzizi!" Therefore, Peter Parker did not hesitate at all. After he let out a grunt, he directly exploded the thunder power in Thor's hammer and blasted it towards the animal warriors below!

Peter Parker had a vague hunch that he might not be able to use Mjolnir for long, so he might as well use Mjolnir to fight!

"Boom!" The thunder in the sky fell on the ground, which was much more gorgeous than the thunderstorm. But for Peter Parker, this scene was very gorgeous, but for the animal warriors, this was indeed a terrifying scene.

Natural disaster!

Even though the strength of the animal warriors far exceeds that of ordinary people, they are still a little unable to withstand the full explosion of thunder power from Mjolnir. Even if they can resist the power of thunder a little, their own life defects will be affected in this situation.

It was so exposed that even if it resisted the power of thunder, it still died due to the weakness of excessive consumption of its own life force...

For a moment, animal warriors fell one after another on the ground, and their appearance was a bit horrible. Either their bodies were directly turned into charcoal, or their bodies were directly turned into mummies. Ah Fu's Hydra lineage had accumulated energy for who knows how long.

It seems that all the elite soldiers and generals are going to be lost here!

"What is going on?!" In the Hydra base, after McCarthy's body was disposed of, the Hydra soldiers who were next to the monitoring equipment looked confused. Afu was taken away and disappeared. The animals outside

I don’t know how many soldiers were killed on the spot by the power of thunder. It was only a matter of time before the entire army was annihilated!

At this time, the Hydra soldiers tried to contact Ah Fu, but Ah Fu, who was moving at high speed, was able to receive messages from the Hydra soldiers, but he had no way to reply...

Therefore, after some tangle, the eyes of the Hydra soldier flashed and he looked at the surveillance picture and made a decision!


Your life is yours, and you only have one life. Now the enemy seems to have come with bad intentions. If you stay in the base, you will encounter them sooner or later. Moreover, in addition to some energy weapons, there are also some energy weapons in the Hydra base.

, there is simply no way to deal with Peter Parker and Barry Allen.

Especially with Barry Allen's speed, it may be difficult for energy weapons to hit, and Peter Parker is even more terrifying. The power of thunder erupted from Thor's hammer is more powerful than all energy weapons in Hydra!

Therefore, this is undoubtedly a battle without suspense. Since this Hydra soldier was originally an undercover agent, it is naturally impossible for him to die in vain.

Besides, if this lineage of Hydra can be taken away with people and information, and if something really happens on Ah Fu's side, maybe this Hydra soldier can also control this lineage of Hydra?

No matter how bad it is, you can still join the original boss, which is not bad as a tool for promotion!

"By the way, there is another Thor. He needs to stay first to break up the rear. After all, he is the most powerful. If he is here, the few of us who can control him will not be able to tell the winner so easily.

!" On the way to inform the others, a thought flashed through the Hydra soldier's mind, and he immediately sped up.

"As for the other four people, take them with you first. They have not yet conducted experiments on the super soldier serum, and their value is actually greater than Thor! Maybe they can become my team!"

It can be said that once something like ambition is released, it is difficult to take it back. At this time, the ambition in the hearts of the Hydra soldiers became more and more swollen, and they began to forge Ah Fu's orders to give orders, so that the Hydra here could

Members began to evacuate.

Only after Thor received the order, he headed towards where Peter Parker was. The moment Peter Parker appeared, the power from Thor's hammer in Peter Parker's body disappeared in an instant. Fortunately, at this time, on the ground,

All those animal warriors have been dealt with...

This chapter has been completed!
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