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Chapter 405 Steve and Mephisto

Regarding Tony Stark's attitude, Nick Fury and other members of the meeting were naturally very unhappy, but unfortunately, there was nothing they could do about it, because the Avengers only had an official name.

There is really no way to target the Avengers from an official perspective.

After all, the Avengers are completely different from organizations like S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Eyes of Heaven. Tony Stark is entirely responsible for the funding of the Avengers, and Steve and Tony Stark are jointly responsible for their connections. There is no need for external funding at all.

Support, even if you want to take action, you don’t have to take action.

As for Steve and Tony Stark, there is no need to think about it. These two guys have joined forces, and their capital and connections are top-notch in the business and political circles. America is not solely responsible for these meetings.

It’s the people who have the final say!

Therefore, no matter how unhappy they are, these people don't have any proper solution. They can only wait for the clown car to appear again, pass the information to the Avengers, and let them try to solve it.

In fact, it's not that SHIELD and other forces are completely unsure of how to deal with the clown car. If nuclear explosive-level weapons are really used, the movement will be too big, and after the previous use of nuclear explosive-level weapons to deal with Robert failed, these

Official forces have little confidence in nuclear explosive-level weapons.

You must know that nuclear explosion-level weapons are the ultimate weapons of human civilization at this stage, and they are also a trump card that humans believe can solve any problem. However, after failing once before with Robert, these high-level human beings' confidence in this trump card has dropped.

Moreover, if it fails this time, then mankind's ultimate weapon will completely become a joke, and all their cards in this regard will be turned into useless things!

Therefore, it is better not to use it than to use nuclear explosion-level weapons to deal with extraordinary creatures, especially when these forces have not developed and explored another way.

"What's going on with that guy? If the heavy weapons are useless, can the mecha's attack really have an effect on him?" On the other side, when Nick Fury and other official forces were extremely unhappy with the Avengers,

, Tony Stark, Steve and others are also analyzing the information about the clown car.

With the help of Jarvis, all the previous scenes of the Clown Car's action were retrieved. Some of these scenes were secret information from SHIELD, some were secret information from the Sky Eye Society, and some were from other forces, but in the end they all

It was stolen by Jarvis.

After all, Tony Stark doesn't believe the information sent by Nick Fury and others. Only what he finds can be truly believed.

But even so, Tony Stark and others did not find a way to deal with the clown car, and fell into a deadlock for a while.

"This clown car is not bulletproof, but it has the ability to heal automatically. It is somewhat similar to the nano-mecha I conceived, but it obviously uses a mysterious power..." Tony Stark stared at Jia

The image played by Weiss said.

"Moreover, the clown in this clown car should be the source of this mysterious power. Those who were killed by him were all caught by him after seeing him and burned to death with flames..."

"According to the information available at this time, his flame seems not to be too strong at burning matter, and the physical injuries of those who died were not too serious. Either this flame has something to do with it.

We can't understand the ability, or these people are burned to death by the heat..."

Tony Stark is not too unfamiliar with fire abilities. After all, Johnny Stone is one of his own now, and Tony Stark still knows a little about him.

It is obvious that the flame ability displayed by the Joker at this time is completely different from Johnny Stone's. Johnny Stone's flames focus on high temperature and destruction, while the Joker focuses on the cold tarsal bones. It is like one is Yang Yan and the other is


"I'll give it a try. If I keep watching like this, I won't get any useful information..." Steve frowned and looked at the clown car in the screen in silence for a while before saying.

"No! It's a bit dangerous. If it doesn't work, we can contact the Saiyans..." Tony Stark hesitated after hearing this, and then shook his head, although now Steve

He is in good condition, but he is getting a little old after all.

And to be honest, Steve has super-soldier level combat power. Even from a purely statistical point of view, he is not too powerful among super soldiers. At least among the specific values ​​tested by Tony Stark, Steve

Tiff is worse than Bucky.

Even if Tony Stark knows that when real people fight, Steve doesn't know why his combat power is more powerful, but the gap between Steve's overt combat power and this clown's is really big...

"It's okay. Didn't you upgrade the equipment for me? I have become familiar with this equipment these days. After all, Bucky is not my opponent in a real fight. Your mecha wants to know the true power of the flame.

It's unlikely, it's safest if I go..." Steve shook his head and said with a smile after hearing Tony Stark's words.

"As for looking for Saiyans, there is no need. The ability shown by this clown has not yet reached the level of destroying the world, right? If the Saiyans must take action in everything, then we, the Avengers,

What are you doing? Is it to collect intelligence and do logistical work for the Saiyans?"

"Uh..." Tony Stark immediately fell silent after hearing Steve's question. He had to admit that what Steve said made sense. Even Robert's side didn't often contact them.

Probably the same idea.

After all, only those who have experienced extraordinary events can truly grow up. If Robert takes action in everything, wouldn't it just be a show? Then they might as well set up an intelligence organization to collect extraordinary events and let Robert deal with it.

That's great, they don't need to form the Avengers at all!

"Okay, you have to be careful, I will let the mecha take care of you!" Thinking of this, Tony Stark finally nodded. There was no other way. Putting aside external forces, the three people here really fought, and the most powerful one was

It was really Steve. Anyway, this trip was not to defeat the Joker, but to get more accurate information. Steve, who had performed countless missions, was very familiar with it.

"Found it, this guy showed up again, let's go!" That night, before Nick Fury and other forces discovered the traces of the clown car, Tony Stark had already found the location of the clown car, and

Of course Steve set off immediately.

It was not just Steve who set off, but also the mecha army and a fighter plane piloted by Bucky. After all, it can be seen from the previous information that although heavy weapons cannot cause substantial damage to clown cars, they can

It can still limit clown cars to one or two.

If Steve is really not an opponent, then suppressing the clown car and giving Steve a chance to leave, even if he loses these mechas, is nothing.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" After a while, on a deserted road, Mephisto, who had occupied the clown's body, smacked his lips and looked towards the direction of space with interest, a smile appearing on the corner of his mouth.

"The earth is different from the earth I saw before. If people on earth knew about extraordinary events and saw the flames of hell, they would definitely run as far as possible. It's not like now, when various technological means are emerging in endlessly.

Earth’s civilization is progressing very quickly!”

Under Mephisto's gaze, the fighter plane in the sky stopped. Bucky looked at Steve with some worry. Before he could speak, he saw Steve nodding towards him and opened the door.

He opened the cabin door and jumped down.

"Parachute!" Bucky was stunned for a moment when he saw Steve disappearing. Then he noticed the parachute on the side and shouted subconsciously, but it seemed a little too late to shout now.

"You're so old, you still do this kind of thing..." After a while, Bucky came back to his senses, feeling a little envious for a moment. Even though he had also been injected with the super soldier serum, his fighting skills and imagination were so great.

, really much worse than Steve.

Bucky's eyes quickly focused on the image in front of him. The image here was taken by a mecha in the sky. Steve in the picture was like a flying fish jumping into the water, showing a perfect

Landing posture, and then the moment before landing, the shield behind his back slipped into his hands, his body rolled, and the shield landed first, landing perfectly on the ground.

This move

John Walker has used it before, but just like someone imitating my face, John Walker's move is obviously not as perfect as Steve's, even if in theory John Walker's abilities in all aspects should surpass Steve's.

in this way.

With a sound of "Peng!", Steve stood up straight after landing on the ground. He stepped on the shield and flew it up, falling perfectly into his arm. He stared at the flaming shield in the distance.

Clown car.

Under Steve's concentration, the clown car had no intention of stopping, and Steve even seemed to see a pair of eyes, a pair of eyes from hell, full of malice and ridicule!

When he focused on these eyes, Steve's body froze in place. He didn't seem to react at all to the clown car that was getting closer and closer. This made Steve's side focus.

Bucky and Tony Stark immediately screamed, and the fighter planes and mechas in the air started taking action at the same time, preparing to rush to Steve's rescue.

However, everything seemed to be too late. When Tony Stark and Bucky started to take action, Mephisto in the clown car showed a mocking smile, and the speed of the clown car instantly increased, surpassing

After reading the previous records of Tony Stark's information, he rushed in front of Steve in an instant, and was about to hit Steve's body!

And at this critical moment, Steve seemed to have woken up from a big dream, and he came to his senses instantly. He immediately made an effective response, turning the shield in his hand and blocking it in front of him.

At the same time, his body squatted down, forming a perfect angle with the ground.

"Stab!" was heard, and the next moment, the long front of the clown car was tilted up by Steve's shield, and then the entire body of the clown car flew up at high speed and passed Steve's body.

, leaving some traces of flames on the shield, but did not cause any substantial damage to Steve.

"Phew!" When seeing this scene, Tony Stark and Bucky breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They didn't know what Steve had gone through, but they were still happy that Steve was able to resolve the crisis at this time.


"What a weird ability!" However, just when Tony Stark and Bucky breathed a sigh of relief, Steve's expression turned serious. He stared at the clown car that slowly slowed down and stopped.

A solemn light flashed in his eyes.

When he looked into Mephisto's eyes before, Steve seemed to see a scene in hell. It was this situation that distracted Steve on the spot. If his willpower hadn't been strong enough, Steve would have

Tiff has been crushed by the clown car on the spot!

"It's interesting. The earth is really interesting. A guy with strong willpower has appeared again. Could it be that the environment of the earth easily creates people like you? It shouldn't be. Isn't the environment of hell much worse than that of the earth?"

Just as Steve looked at the parked clown car solemnly, Mephisto got off the clown car. Under his control, his appearance did not condense the appearance of a clown, but purely

The Ghost Rider.

But at this time Mephisto looked at Steve with interest. To be honest, there are only two kinds of souls Mephisto likes most about the souls of people on earth. One is extremely evil, similar to clowns or

The kind of person that Jin Bin was like before, the kind that is determined and has strong enough faith, similar to Steve.

Therefore, when he discovered that Steve was extraordinary, Mephisto had already raised the idea of ​​​​hiding Steve's soul privately...

"Hell? So, you are from hell? Are you some hell demon?" Hearing Mephisto's words, Steve frowned. Steve was no stranger to hell demons.

After all, when demons in various dimensions were raging before, Steve also dealt with a lot of demons.

The information about the Hell Demon was naturally obtained from Robert's battle with the Hell Demon. It was precisely because he saw the destructive power of the Hell Demon that Steve felt that Mephistopheles in front of him was more powerful.

It may be even more terrifying than they imagined!

"Hell Demon Lord? What kind of garbage is that? I am the great Hell Lord!" Mephisto looked at Steve and said with a smile, "However, if you want to become the Hell Demon Lord, it is not impossible, as long as you surrender to

I, become

As my general, your becoming the Demon King of Hell is just a matter of my thoughts. After becoming the Demon King of Hell, you will have eternal life. How about it? Are you excited?"

This chapter has been completed!
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