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Chapter 424: Escape and start again

"This hammer is so heavy. With my strength, I can't shake it?!" Facing Thor's ridicule, Ah Fu's eyes flashed with anger, and the dark power in his body continued to surge, but he couldn't.

Still unable to break free from Thor's hammer.

Everyone, please go and try it soon.]

"Zizzizi!" At this moment, Thor's body was surging with powerful thunder power, and he was condensing a powerful blow, preparing to destroy Afu in one fell swoop!

Under normal circumstances, Thor would definitely not charge up his power in person like this, but who allowed Ah Fu to be suppressed by Mjolnir now?

In Thor's view, as long as he is suppressed by Thor's Hammer, there is no possibility for Ah Fu to break free, unless Ah Fu can get the approval of Thor's Hammer... No, judging from the current settings of Thor's Hammer,

If it is someone else who is recognized by Thor's hammer and fights with Thor, I am afraid they will inevitably suffer the fate of being trapped below!

"Rumble!" After a while, all the divine power in Thor was released, and the powerful thunder power blasted directly through the ground of the base, and a burst of smoke and dust rose in the center of the thunder.

However, at this moment, Thor's expression suddenly changed. He instinctively turned around and punched in the direction behind him. At this time, a dark figure appeared where Thor was punching, and at the same time he kicked

Kicked on Thor's fist.

With a cry of "Peng!", Thor flew out in embarrassment again, and the person who kicked Thor out was none other than Ah Fu. He was not charged with the thunder power by Thor's move just now.

He was injured, not even hit!

It turned out that at the critical moment when Thor's thunder power was released, Afu's body directly turned into an invisible object and merged into the darkness. While avoiding Thor's attack, he also changed his position and launched a counterattack.


There is no way. The weight suppression of Thor's Hammer is indeed very powerful, but it is not an absolutely insurmountable ability. Counting the suppression of Thor's Hammer, it can only be tangible vitality, similar to what Afu just transformed.

The invisible dark life form, Thor's hammer doesn't know how to suppress it...

"How could it be?" However, Thor didn't quite understand this situation. At this time, he looked in the direction of Afu, which was unacceptable. Thor's hammer flew into his hand again. He didn't believe in Thor's hammer.

It will be ineffective in this aspect. After all, he has succeeded in this trick countless times before.

It is true that Thor is completely different now from before. Now Thor can still release the power of thunder without Thor's hammer, but Thor's hammer is still Thor's most important combat weapon and way to improve his combat effectiveness.


At this time, the characteristics of Thor's hammer were somehow resolved by Ah Fu, which made Thor feel a little uneasy...




Just when Thor was in doubt, the Shadow-Eating Soldiers appeared beside Afu one by one. Their size was extremely huge, even larger than the Shadow-Eating Soldiers fighting Sif and the others over there.


When these Shadow-Eating soldiers appeared, Thor could vaguely see that all the Hydra soldiers fell to the ground in the distance. He didn't know whether they were unconscious or completely lost their lives.

Yes, in the base at this time, except for Thor and the Asgardian quartet, there is no one on Thor's side who can stand up, including some super soldiers and animal warriors.

The ability of the Shadow Devouring Soldiers is really a bit too buggy. With Ah Fu taking a steady hand and improving the strength of the Shadow Devouring Soldiers first, the combat effectiveness of the Shadow Devouring Soldiers is indeed a bit terrifying. In addition, the Shadow Devouring Soldiers continue to improve their strength, making the opponent

The ability to coma makes them feel like they have entered an uninhabited land in the base!

You know, no matter how powerful the Animal Warriors are, they have made good progress compared to before after the advice of the Asgard Four, but they are still just powerful living individuals. What makes them powerful is only their respective bodies.

, there is no extraordinary energy.

Therefore, these animal warriors cannot use special energy to protect their bodies and shadows from being devoured by the shadow-eating soldiers like Thor and the Asgardian quartet. In the end, no matter how powerful they are,

It is still difficult to escape the ending of being swallowed by the shadow...

"Come on, let's have some fun with this guy who claims to be the God of Thunder!" Ah Fu looked at his shadow-eating soldiers and nodded with satisfaction. These men are much more practical than any super-soldier animal warriors.

Ah Fu felt that with the existence of these shadow-eating soldiers, he only needed to recruit some more civilian personnel, and there was no need for subordinates on the combat side. Therefore, Ah Fu did not bother to mention any of the Hydra members who betrayed Ah Fu.


"Roar!" After hearing Ah Fu's order, the Shadow Devouring soldiers rushed in the direction of Thor, and at the same time let out a terrifying roar. Ah Fu looked at all this indifferently, as if looking at a cage.

Like a dying beast.

At this time, Afu has realized the unusualness of Thor and the Asgard Four. Before, Afu thought that the Asgard Four and Thor were secrets cultivated by a certain force on the earth.

Soldiers have a different path from super soldiers, and they are brainwashed to become Asgardian gods.

However, this time after Ah Fu came back, he found that Thor had occupied his base, but did not let the organization behind the scenes that he thought appeared. Coupled with the strange performance of Thor's hammer, Ah Fu really had some doubts about Thor.

He is the legendary God of Thunder.

However, even after knowing that Thor might really be the legendary Thunderbolt, Afu showed no fear at all. Instead, he let his men start playing tricks and killing Thor.

After all, if Thor is really the so-called Thor, then the so-called god's strength is not that good. It will not make Ah Fu feel afraid at all, and it is even far less than the pressure that Clark and Robert made Ah Fu feel.


Thor is only as strong as this, so how powerful can the Asgard behind him be? With the existence of shadow-eating soldiers who can continuously devour shadows to increase their strength, Afu's heart couldn't help but swell.

He even felt that when the shadows devoured a certain number, he might be able to completely eliminate the terror left to him by Clark and Robert!

"Bastard! Get out of here!" Just when Afu was a little distracted watching Thor start to bleed under the siege of the Shadow Eater soldiers, Thor let out a loud shout, and at this time, the thunder power in his body finally slowed down.

The energy came, and a powerful thunder power combined with the power of Thor's hammer burst out instantly, blasting away the surrounding shadow-eating soldiers.

And just when Afu saw this scene and was about to go up and push Thor back again, he saw Thor rushing towards him with great momentum, as if he wanted to die together.


"Huh? You tried your best? Haha, is this a god?" Ah Fu sneered. He thought that this was just Thor's deathbed counterattack. Faced with such a deathbed counterattack, Ahfu would naturally not fight head-on.

, such a desperate blow consumes a lot of energy and energy. Once it does not cause damage to the enemy, it will have an even greater impact on oneself!

Therefore, Afu's body instantly disappeared on the spot and hid in the darkness, and the surrounding shadow-eating soldiers also merged into the darkness and disappeared in an instant, leaving only Thor shining with thunder power in the entire base.

As well as the Asgardian quartet who looked embarrassed and looked a little confused.

However, Afu did not expect that Thor at this time was not trying to fight him with the final blow. At this time, Thor saw that the situation was really serious, and all his Hydra men were dead.

, so Thor had the intention to quit.

Of course, this retreat is not a retreat to Asgard, but a retreat to leave this base first, avoid the powerful Ah Fu, and then make plans to deal with Ah Fu and the Shadow Devouring Soldiers...

And when Thor decided to leave, it was naturally impossible for him to leave alone. If Thor left alone and wanted to start over, it would undoubtedly be a fantasy. Therefore, Thor decided to explode his power and give Afu first.

Forced to retreat, and then escaped with the four Asgardians...



The light of thunder shined in the base, and the Asgardian quartet was quickly held in Thor's hands. Then the thunder turned into a ray of light and broke through the upper level of the base, rushed directly into the sky, and disappeared.


"Damn it!" Ah Fu's body also appeared outside the base, but no matter what, Thor and the Asgardian quartet had disappeared. Even though Ah Fu could fly, there was really nothing in the sky.

Afu's home ground.

After all, no matter how big or powerful the Shadow Devouring Soldiers are, they are only creatures fighting on the ground and cannot fly. Even due to the special nature of their species, they want to jump dozens or hundreds of meters like the Hulk.

, is also impossible...

Therefore, in the end, Ah Fu gave up the pursuit of Thor. Ah Fu did not believe that Thor could keep flying in the sky. As long as Ah Fu released the Shadow Devouring Soldiers to search, Thor and the others would always be discovered when they landed.


"In addition to the fact that the five of them ran away, I have taken revenge. So what should I do next?" Looking at the direction Thor left, Afu's eyes flashed slightly. At this time, he got a powerful

Strength and ambition have also expanded unprecedentedly.

At first, Ah Fu was not a person with this kind of personality. However, the Super Soldier Serum affected Ah Fu's character, and the Shadow Eater Mask also affected Ah Fu's character. Together, they combined all of Ah Fu's personality.

All negative traits are released.

The good will be better, the bad will be worse, and the evil deep inside will be completely released, and the double influence of goodwill and conscience will be darkened is not so easy to overcome.

Of course, if the Super Soldier Serum strengthens Ah Fu's good side at the beginning, then even if he faces the influence of the Shadow Devouring Mask, Ah Fu can still maintain his original state, but at this time, Ah Fu is obviously

Didn't do it...

"My Hydra base was destroyed, and I killed all of my subordinates after they betrayed me. So what about the other Hydra bases? I did swallow a lot of shadows before, but the number of Hydras is more than that.

One point, should I conquer them directly? Or continue to let the Shadow Devouring Soldiers devour them?" Afu's eyes flashed with hesitation, and then he made a decision, devour a part, subdue a part, and then let the subdued part

Find more targets to devour!

It’s not that Ah Fu didn’t want to become a fat man in one go, but because he was too worried about Robert and Clark, Ah Fu finally chose to be more prudent and first increase the strength of the Shadow Devouring Soldiers to what he thought was enough to defeat Clark and Luo.

Only at Bet's level will he really show his fangs!

"Peng!" sounded, and on the other side, in the wilderness, a thunder flashed. Thor and the Asgardian quartet landed here in a somewhat embarrassed manner. When the thunder light dissipated, the five people were lying on the ground.

Breathing heavily.

"What should we do now? Thor?" Sif was the first to come to her senses. She looked at the silent Thor and asked, "The people in the base should have died, and we are the only ones left. Before

All our efforts have been in vain, whether we are super soldiers or animal warriors, if we still want to continue to work hard and build a career, we need to start again!"

"Then let's start over!" Thor was silent for a long time, his eyes slowly flashed with light, and then he laughed, "After all, we didn't create our own power before, we could only be regarded as Jiuzhan magpie.

The nest is just occupied by Hydra, and now, we may be able to reconstruct a force that belongs to us, a place that can be called Asgard!"

"Constructing an Asgard? However, if it is a real Asgard, we are still far away. Even if we are to construct a human organization using the Asgard name, we still lack many things. The first is funds.

..." Sif frowned, looked at Thor and reminded, "We don't have anything valuable on us, and our time on earth is really too short, and we have no wealth of our own at all.


"It doesn't matter! I do!" Thor smiled, shook his head, and said softly, "All the wealth in the Hydra base is with me. I have transferred all of it before..."

"When did it happen?" Fandral asked, looking at Thor blankly.

"After that shadow life appeared for the first time!" Thor said with a flash of light in his eyes, "I felt that something was not right about that life at that time, so I specially reserved a hand, but I didn't expect that it would disappear so quickly.

Use it, let’s go. I have already taken care of the public identities of the five of us. The secret identities are our respective names. This time is the real start over, creating a party that belongs entirely to us.


"Thor, if you have such a plan, we naturally support it 100%!" Hogan looked at Thor and said with a smile. The other three people on the side also nodded. It was obvious that after being brainwashed, they had no idea about the plan.

Thor supports it unconditionally!

This chapter has been completed!
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