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Chapter 556: Video that cannot be released

"I haven't contacted Little Peter for a while..." Soon, Wade left the bounty point first, and at the same time began to mutter in his heart, "I wonder how Little Peter is getting along with Venom? We will meet later, he

You won’t throw a little ashes into my eyes, will you?”

With that said, Wade began to try to contact Peter Parker. Since the last time he and Peter Parker broke up on bad terms and saw Venom looking for Peter Parker, Wade has not contacted Peter Parker because Wade knows the existence of Venom.

, knowing that after encountering Venom, Peter Parker's personality would definitely change drastically, so he resisted not contacting Peter Parker for such a long time.

However, Peter Parker's recent days have actually not been very easy. As I said before, many people in the dark supernatural world have taken on bounties to deal with the Avengers, and among the Avengers, the most famous is naturally

It belongs to Tony Stark and Peter Parker, so there are the most extraordinary people who want to deal with them!

Tony Stark is still a little stronger. Now he mainly stays in the Avengers base. Even when he is outside, he is protected by a large number of mechas. There are not many opportunities for extraordinary people to take action, especially Tony Stark's.

Due to his special status, outsiders are basically not allowed to approach him, making it difficult to form an effective attack...

But Peter Parker is different. He has been very busy these days. Since discovering the venom, he has been either helping to study the venom together, or participating in extraordinary events to deal with powerful enemies. This has given Peter Parker a

It’s been a while since I’ve been a good neighbor to New Yorkers.

Therefore, Peter Parker took this opportunity to suspend dealing with vampires and werewolves and went back to being his good neighbor. It was at this time that Peter Parker was targeted by extraordinary people from the dark and extraordinary world.

These extraordinary people had different methods. Some of them did not hide their whereabouts and were directly discovered by Peter Parker. With the power of venom, Peter Parker killed these extraordinary people on the spot.

In this world, Peter Parker, who has experienced so many extraordinary events, has no principle of not killing. In other words, Peter Parker can only hold back a little when dealing with ordinary criminals, but for those extraordinary people, Peter Parker is like this

He had killed countless extraordinary people in many extraordinary incidents. He naturally understood that there was no way to deal with such existences. Only by killing them could the danger be completely prevented from happening again!

However, those extraordinary people who directly attack Peter Parker are easy to deal with, but those who hide their identities are not so easy to deal with. Even if Peter Parker has a spider sense that is almost a bug, he can distinguish some people who hide their identities and have malicious intentions.

People, but there are too many extraordinary means in this world, even the means of blinding the spider sense...

Therefore, when Peter Parker was helping an old woman cross the street, he was stabbed. If it weren't for his spider sense that allowed him to dodge at the critical moment, he would have been pierced through the heart and fell to the ground on the spot!

You know, the Avengers are not those dimensional creatures, nor are they demon kings or even lord-level powerful beings. Their strength is pretty good, but there is still a big gap in their life levels.

It can be said that among the Avengers, except for a very few beings such as Martian Manhunter who can survive after being severely injured in the heart, the other Avengers may just hang on for a while and want to recover by relying on their own recovery ability.

That is impossible.

Even similar to Tony Stark, if there is no timely treatment, it is impossible to survive...

Peter Parker is undoubtedly lucky. This is not to say that Peter Parker is immune to such injuries, but because there is still a venom in Peter Parker's body. Even after Peter Parker's body is severely injured, the venom can still control it.

Peter Parker's body, while helping Peter Parker recover from his injuries, fought back.

Originally, when Peter Parker avoided the fatal blow, the extraordinary person didn't take it to heart. After all, the blood on his hands could prove that he had seriously injured Peter Parker. This made the extraordinary person feel very proud. Just before he

When he was about to take further action, he was horrified to find that the black uniform on Peter Parker instantly turned into a monster and swallowed him on the spot!

"What the hell?! Monster! Where is Spider-Man? Spider-Man was here just now, where did he go?"

"Spider-Man seemed to be helping the old lady cross the road just now, huh? The old lady is also missing. Let's stay away first..."

Because it was on the main road, people soon saw the monster transformed by venom. Fortunately, Peter Parker's transformation from human to venom was not noticed by many people, but even so, venom did not dare to stay for a long time.

It will be troublesome when someone clears up the matter and casts suspicion on Peter Parker.

Especially the fact that he swallowed an extraordinary person cannot be exposed. After all, in the eyes of him and Peter Parker, this old woman is the extraordinary person who attacked them. In the eyes of ordinary people, she is just an ordinary old woman. If it is true,

If it is taken advantage of by someone with ulterior motives, it may create a public opinion storm no less than that of the vampire and werewolf incident.

Therefore, Venom quickly controlled Peter Parker's body and left here, without noticing at all that there was a transcendent person in the corner who looked at Venom leaving with bright eyes, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and murmured:

"Hey! With this video, even if I don't take action against Spider-Man, I can still get a lot of wealth. However, I need to contact those wealthy vampires to negotiate a price first..."

On the other side, Venom quickly returned to the Avengers' base. When they saw an injury on Peter Parker's chest, the Avengers' expressions couldn't help but change. However, after inspection, they found that the wound had been controlled by Venom's power.

When the heart was healed and the vital parts of the heart were not damaged, the Avengers were relieved and put Peter Parker into the healing nutrient chamber to recover from his injuries.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Was Peter also attacked by a sneak attack? Who did it?" Since he has been attacked several times, Tony Stark also guessed what Peter Parker's experience was.

, couldn't help but frown and asked, "Who is the opponent? How did he succeed?"

"The guy disguised himself as an old woman and looked like she couldn't walk. Peter helped her to cross the road, but he was stabbed. The knife even had a strange power attached to it, which made Peter

He didn't react at the first moment, and even waited until the knife penetrated Peter's body before he warned him and narrowly avoided the vital point of his heart..." Venom showed a head and spoke helplessly.


"Such a powerful method? Neither the spider sense nor you noticed it? Where is that guy?" Tony Stark frowned. Such a method was enough to threaten most of the Avengers, and he had to be on guard.


"I was eaten..." Venom said cautiously, "The situation was too urgent and he wanted to attack Peter again. I could only swallow him in one bite. He was already dead, but he had not been completely digested.

Do you want to take a look?"

"By the way, I was on the street at that time. Although it seemed that no one noticed the scene of me swallowing people, but to be on the safe side, you should do a little investigation to avoid causing another big disturbance..."

"You!" When he heard that the venom would swallow the enemy, Tony Stark's face darkened. After all, he still couldn't accept such an act that was close to cannibalism, even if it was the enemy, even if the other party was an extraordinary person.

, but when he heard that the whole thing happened on the street, Tony Stark's expression changed again, and he quickly began to order Jarvis, "Jarvis! Block all relevant information! Play back the previous battle scenes.

Give it to me, I want to see if the matter is really that urgent!"

"Okay, sir." Jarvis responded quickly, blocking all possible surveillance equipment, and at the same time retrieved nearby surveillance images and footage of the incident.

When she saw that Peter Parker had been pierced through the chest and the old woman had a fierce look in her eyes, the venom quickly swallowed him into her body, and then left the scene without any intention of staying, minimizing the impact.


Tony Stark also had to admit that the situation at that time was indeed very urgent. If Venom had not taken action, Peter Parker might not have survived. Moreover, if Venom had not suddenly attacked and swallowed the old woman into his body,

Even though it is not that easy to end the battle, because no one knows whether the other side will have other methods.

"Only this once! Never again! Jarvis, did someone record the video data or something?" Thinking of this, Tony Stark glared at Venom and warned, and asked Jarvis again.

"Sir, there is a person holding a mobile phone to where Spider-Man is. He seems to be taking pictures. He looks very excited and is still muttering something..." Jarvis quickly showed the scene taken by the extraordinary person.

, "I have been searching the database, but I have not found any information about this person. It seems that the other person's appearance has never been registered..."

"Is it another extraordinary person? What is he talking about?" Tony Stark frowned and his expression became serious. The Avengers must deal with this matter, otherwise if this kind of thing happens one after another, even if it is revenge,

If the Alliance of Avengers is the reasonable party, it will also slowly reduce the credibility of the Avengers.

After all, there are still many people who believe such unreasonable remarks as if a fly doesn't bite or a slap can't make a sound. When the Avengers fall into such public opinion turmoil again and again, some people will inevitably fight.

I have doubts about the Avengers...

"Hey! With this video, even if I don't take action against Spider-Man, I can still get a lot of wealth. However, I have to wait until I contact those wealthy vampires to negotiate the price..." accompanied by Tony Stark

Following the instructions, Jarvis's powerful computing power was instantly revealed, and he analyzed what he said through the mouth shape of that extraordinary person.

"As expected!" A flash of understanding flashed in Tony Stark's eyes, and he immediately felt the trouble. Because the other party was also a transcendent person, it would be difficult for the Avengers to find the other party's location, and if the video data reached the group of vampires

In your hands, things can become very troublesome.

"Try to follow him and see if you can find his location!" Tony Stark ordered, while thinking about countermeasures.

"Mr. Wade is calling. He's looking for Spider-Man..." Just as Jarvis was calling all the nearby surveillance equipment, Peter Parker's dedicated line rang.

"Take it." Tony Stark was silent for a moment, then nodded. After all, Wade is considered to be half a person from the dark supernatural world, so he might be able to play some role.

"Hey, little Peter, long time no see, have you missed me?" When the call was connected, Wade's mean voice rang, making Tony Stark's face darken.

"I'm Tony Stark." Tony Stark said angrily, "Peter is not awake yet..."

"What the hell?!" Before Tony Stark could finish his words, Wade exclaimed with a hint of disbelief in his voice, and then lowered his voice and said, "I didn't expect that, Stark

Sir, you actually tried this. Are you planning to add BUFF to yourself? Hehe, don’t worry, as long as you give enough money, I will not spread this matter... Oh! Of course, if you

If I want to add BUFF to myself, I can let everyone know about it tomorrow!"

"Get out! Peter is injured and is receiving treatment!" Tony Stark's face turned darker and he said in a deep voice, "You called me, what's the matter?"

"Injured?!" Wade's voice instantly rose an octave, "Who did it? Wait! Are they the people who accepted the reward? Good guy, they are so brave!"

"Do you know about the bounty?" Tony Stark couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and asked quickly.

"I called Peter just because I saw the reward, but I didn't expect it was a little late..." Wade frowned and said with some dissatisfaction.

"It's not too late! If you know the reward point, see if you can help me find someone who has video information about Peter that cannot be released. If you can find it back, I can give you a large commission!"

Tony Stark's eyes flickered slightly, interrupting Wade's words.

"This guy is probably going to make a deal with the vampire behind the bounty, so you have to act quickly..."

"Leave it to me! If you send me the person's information, as long as he is still alive, he will definitely not be able to escape from Uncle Wade's eyes!" Wade's eyes lit up, wouldn't the opportunity to make money come now? And Wade

I also want to know what the so-called video information of Peter Parker cannot be released, and Wade also wants to see if there is anything good in it...

This chapter has been completed!
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