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Chapter 592: Role reversal

Superman's Saiyan Brother Text Volume Chapter 592: Role Swap So, where is Dr. Lizard now? This question is not only what Nick Fury wants to know, but also Peter Parker and even the entire Avengers.

I also want to find out.

When Black Widow flew a fighter plane to find Hulk, Peter Parker turned to Robert for help. After all, the surrounding area was now in ruins. It was impossible to find Dr. Lizard through previous clues.

Something happened.

Therefore, Peter Parker can only hope that Robert can find traces of Dr. Lizard so that he can end this mission as soon as possible...

"Huh? Dr. Lizard? In the sewer?" After hearing the information about Peter Parker, Robert's eyes flickered slightly and he began to explore the original underground space, but with the previous scene between Hulk and Peter Parker,

After the war, not only the ground turned into ruins, but also the underground space had already collapsed.

Not only did Robert find Dr. Lizard's aura in the underground space, he didn't even find the aura of a mouse. In this battle that was comparable to an earthquake, there was no life left around him. Now the entire surrounding area

, only the breath of life of Robert and Peter Parker was left.

As for Clark, Clark, who was at Robert's side just now, has disappeared, as if something happened suddenly. Regarding this situation, Robert did not ask too much because such things happened too many times.

Every now and then, Clark would suddenly disappear to save someone in danger. Robert and his family were used to it.

"That Dr. Lizard either escaped during the battle between you and Hulk, or died in the aftermath of your battle. Anyway, there is no breath of life in the entire underground..." After Robert's investigation,

He looked at Peter Parker and said.

"Ah? What should we do next? Ignore him?" A trace of hesitation flashed in Peter Parker's eyes. If Dr. Lizard is dead, then it's okay. After all, people die like lights out, and there is no need to worry about Dr. Lizard.

What happened?

But if Dr. Lizard did not die but escaped, it would be more troublesome. Peter Parker was worried that Dr. Lizard, who had purchased a large number of experimental items before, would not show up again and be discovered by the Avengers. More importantly, what happens next?

No one knows what Dr. Lizard will look like in the new experiment!

This also means that as long as Dr. Lizard no longer uses his account, he can completely hide in the darkness, remain anonymous from now on, and even quietly carry out some dangerous actions without being discovered!

"Then I don't know. I don't have clairvoyance. I can't see what's going on down there, and I can't find the location where he was before..." Robert spread his hands, expressing that he couldn't help with this kind of thing.


"Whoosh!" At this moment, Clark's figure appeared next to Robert and said: "I found the traces of experiments he left, but I don't see his body or body now.

He should have run away before we came..."

With a sound of "Chi!", as Clark's words fell, a ray of heat vision shot out from his eyes, directly piercing the ground, opening a large hole in the ground to form a passage, and at the other end of the passage was the lizard before.

Where the Doctor stayed.

"A lot of experimental equipment, but they have all been damaged. It seems that Dr. Lizard left in a hurry..." Soon, Peter Parker and Robert walked into the underground space. Peter Parker looked at the surroundings that had been crushed.

The experimental object spoke.

"Let Tony pack these things and take them back. I don't know much about these things. When that Dr. Lizard shows up again, if there is any trouble, just let me know..." Looking at the experimental equipment around him,

Glancing in the direction of Clark who had left, Robert shrugged and said something before disappearing.

"How clever, he ran away like this..." Peter Parker was not surprised by Robert's departure. His eyes flickered slightly, and he muttered while notifying Tony Stark.

, "If I had known this, I shouldn't have gone to see the Hulk at that time. This place seems to be very close to the place I was exploring at the time..."

Peter Parker recalled that although the surrounding environment had undergone earth-shaking changes, Peter Parker also deduced the fact that he had almost passed Dr. Lizard through his estimation of the distance of his previous movements and the position on the ground.

However, Peter Parker obviously got one thing wrong, that is, Dr. Lizard did not run away because of his cleverness...

At that time, Dr. Lizard heard the noise coming from the sky and began to speed up the progress of his experiments, because he also realized that such a big noise was probably directed at him!

Therefore, Dr. Lizard suppressed the throbbing in his heart and began to continue his experiment. However, the movement above Dr. Lizard became louder and louder, and even dust and sand began to fall on Dr. Lizard and the experimental equipment.

Above, this made Dr. Lizard a little angry.

Just along with the movement of the earth and mountains shaking, Dr. Lizard quickly suppressed the anger in his heart, because he realized that the movement above was caused by a being that he could not afford to offend at all. Even looking at the surroundings, it was like

With the earthquake-like movement, Dr. Lizard finally had no choice but to give up continuing the experiment and run away decisively.

After all, the underground space that is about to collapse has told Dr. Lizard that if he does not escape, his fate will be to be buried alive here!

This was Dr. Lizard's previous mental journey. Although he was not able to see the battle above with his own eyes, Dr. Lizard still let go of his previous arrogance. Even after finding a way to continue to become stronger, Dr. Lizard's

The mentality has not become more inflated.

Because according to Dr. Lizard's speculation, even if he completed the new experiment and reached the level of his imagination, he was more powerful and could crush Dr. Octopus to take revenge, but he still could not create the battle sound above. His

There is still a big gap in strength!

Therefore, Dr. Lizard understood that there are people outside the world, and he decided to lurk first. When he completed his plan more properly, and when his strength increased enough to cope with that kind of terrifying battle, he could expand again.

Not too late...

Of course, Dr. Lizard did not just lurk and disappear. While he still needed to continue conducting various experiments, Dr. Lizard still needed to spend money to buy some things...

Yes, even though he had vaguely guessed that those movements were caused by the people who were chasing him, Dr. Lizard still did not give up and continued to use his own money to purchase experimental equipment. This was not only because Dr. Lizard did not have this aspect after becoming a lizardman.

speculation, and more importantly, Dr. Lizard currently has no other source of funds to purchase experimental items!

Dr. Lizard has also thought about the idea of ​​killing people directly, but Dr. Lizard also knows that the noise caused by this will be greater, and the chance of being exposed will also increase. After being frightened, Dr. Lizard still wants to keep a low profile.


However, Dr. Lizard's low profile directly affected those official agencies. Those official agencies had already acquiesced that Dr. Lizard was caught by SHIELD, but they did not expect that Dr. Lizard would start spending money outside again. This

For a while, these official agencies did not know whether they should take action.

Of course, SHIELD is still included among these organizations that are hesitant to take action, because they don't know what to do next...

"Director, do we still want to hunt down Dr. Lizard?" After Coulson got the information, he hesitantly reported to Nick Fury and asked at the same time. He had directed the previous actions of Black Widow and Hulk, so he

He also clearly knew what had happened, so he was a little hesitant about whether SHIELD should continue to act.

"Hunt? Who should we rely on to hunt? Is it you, Natasha? Or is it asking Dr. Bruce Banner to carry his experimental equipment to Dr. Lizard to talk about common topics?" Nick Fury glanced at Cole.

Sen asked rhetorically.

"Moreover, we encountered Spider-Man and Saiyans in our last operation. Even Superman rushed over after hearing the news. Can our people really snatch people from their hands?"

"Then we give up?" Colson nodded clearly and finally asked tentatively.

"Giving up means giving up, but it's not that easy to give up..." Nick Fury slowly shook his head, his eyes flashing slightly and said, "Before, those official agencies wanted our SHIELD to share Dr. Lizard, and

We firmly believe that Dr. Lizard is in our hands..."

"Now, we can release the news and announce the location of Dr. Lizard. At the same time, we can say that in the previous operation, Dr. Lizard ran away early because the noise of the battle was too great. But this time, we will capture Dr. Lizard.

Come back!"

"But, if this is the case, those official agencies will probably not take action again, because they already know the strength of the Hulk..." Coulson looked at Nick Fury hesitantly and reminded.

"They don't know that Hulk is temporarily unable to appear, but we can say that Hulk is performing tasks elsewhere! Didn't we investigate before that there are some spies from other agencies in the bureau? Release some information to mislead

Let them..." Nick Fury waved his hand and ordered Coulson.

At this time, Bruce Banner's inability to transform into the Hulk has become SHIELD's top secret. Several scientists who helped with the research have now been silenced. The Hulk's inability to appear must never be exposed, but

SHIELD can also release smoke bombs to let those official agencies understand why Hulk did not take action in this operation...

As for why it is necessary to deceive these official agencies and finally let these official agencies confront the Avengers? Isn't it because Nick Fury has suffered a lot of dumb losses recently and wants to make those official agencies also suffer a little?

Besides, people from official organizations have fallen into the hands of the Hulk before, and have not suffered any severe beatings from the Avengers. How can this be possible? SHIELD cannot be the only one who is afraid of the Avengers.

Only if everyone is afraid together can we maintain a balance! SHIELD can't be the only one with its hands tied when facing the Avengers, right?

"Yes! Director!" Coulson responded and quickly turned around to make arrangements.

At the same time, the Avengers naturally received the news that Dr. Lizard had appeared again. To be honest, neither Peter Parker nor Tony Stark expected that they could find Dr. Lizard's location through consumption records, and

It was in such a short period of time.

Originally, the two of them thought that after Dr. Lizard escaped last time, he would hide for a long time and not take action. However, they did not expect that Dr. Lizard would be so intolerable to loneliness, and this also proved that Peter Parker's previous worries were really unnecessary.

And this time, Peter Parker is not the only one involved in the operation. Tony Stark and Martian Manhunter will not participate in the operation because they have to continue to study vampires and werewolves, but Otto has barely completed the training.

It's time for Otto to have another confrontation with Dr. Lizard.

Of course, Peter Parker was not the only one holding the battle, there were also Johnny Stone and others. However, I don’t know if Johnny Stone was a little embarrassed. He insisted on letting everyone put on their respective combat uniforms, but he didn’t

Reveal your true identity...

"Do you all have your own battle suit? Should I also be equipped with one?" When he saw Peter Parker and others appearing in front of him, Otto was a little uncomfortable for a while. After all, these Avengers in front of him were in super

On the path of becoming a hero, they are all my seniors. Maybe I really need to learn from a few of them.

"This is not necessary. We are doing this because we have not announced our identities. The combat uniforms are not of much help during the battle. They are just to better hide our identities..." Peter Parker waved his hand.

, looked at Otto and said with a smile.

"Okay, am I really the only one taking action this time? Are you all holding the line?" Otto nodded clearly, and then asked hesitantly.

Meeting Dr. Lizard on campus was an unexpected incident before, but this time it was the first time Otto had to deal with extraordinary events in a real sense after becoming Doctor Octopus. Even though he had gone through training, he faced an inexperienced person.

When it comes to things, people will instinctively be a little unsure and want to learn from experienced people.

"Cough, cough, cough!" After hearing Otto's question, Peter Parker was about to answer, but Johnny Stone coughed, interrupting. Peter Parker walked to Otto's side, put his arm around Otto's shoulders and spoke earnestly.

He said, "It is inevitable that you will be a little nervous when you are performing a mission for the first time, but as someone who has been there, I have some experience that I can pass on to you..."

This chapter has been completed!
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