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Chapter 707 Lokis fate

To be honest, although Thor's current strength does not make Robert feel valued, Robert will not underestimate any method that can realize its potential, even if this method of realizing its potential seems to require a lot of effort.

What the price is, is a little different from Robert's understanding.

"Wait a minute, you have to pay a price to realize your potential, so what price will you have to pay to make a wish with the infinite gems in this world?" An idea flashed in Robert's mind, and he was going to ask again later.

Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf let them reveal their final information and then deal with them.

"I will remember it!" Just when Robert's thoughts were wandering, Thor's eyes flashed and he looked at Robert and said in a deep voice.

To be honest, if he had not come to Earth, Thor would have no idea about getting stronger. For Thor, the improvement of strength is just a natural thing. After all, in Thor's life before, he was able to fight.

Even if he doesn't get stronger, he can beat those Nine Realms minions. But if he encounters those who can't be beaten, he can't beat them even after practicing due to his character at the time...

But Thor is different now. Not only has his personality changed, but he has also seen powerful men and scenery far beyond the original Asgard and the Nine Realms. He understands that Asgard is no longer the lofty god it once was.

In this world, everything must rely on strength to speak for itself!

Thor now has enough potential, especially since he has truly become the God of Thunder. Thor's hammer is only his weapon and is no longer his source of power...

"Guardian, let them leave. By the way, what kind of mechanical device was the space gem taken away by?" Robert nodded when he saw Thor's high-spirited appearance, and first gave instructions to the guardian,

Then he looked at Thor and the others and asked.

"When Ebony Throat said it before, we had not seen the space gem, let alone the so-called mechanical device..." Sif's eyes flashed slightly as she recalled the previous scene.

"Okay, then goodbye... Oh, by the way!" A trace of suspicion flashed in Robert's eyes, and he waved his hands towards Thor and the others. Then he thought of something again, and pointed at Thor and his lack of appearance.

God King Odin said, "You have to watch this Loki. This time, for the sake of Thor's good potential, I can spare him, but if he appears on the earth again, then I will

I will definitely never let him go again!"

"Next time, it won't be as simple as letting him fall off the Rainbow Bridge and disappear without a trace. I will let his body and soul completely die, and I will not give him any more consciousness. After all, the earth and Asgard are now

relationship, he has to bear the main responsibility..."

"I know..." Upon hearing this, Thor took a deep look at Loki, who was unconscious and had no idea that he had just passed the critical moment of life and death. He sighed, looked at Robert, nodded, and spoke solemnly.


Thor knew that Robert's words were the last warning to Loki. If Loki really appeared on Earth again, even the God King Odin would not be able to save him, and what Robert had just said

, and it is indeed the truth...

The origin of the feud between Asgard and the Earth, or between Robert and Clark, is because of Loki. If Loki hadn't acted recklessly and attacked Robert and others, Robert would not have killed Loki.

Ji was beaten out of the Rainbow Bridge, leaving his life and death unknown and his whereabouts unknown.

Of course, there is also the problem of God King Odin behind this. Although God King Odin is old, he still maintains a superior attitude. Even if the mistake is caused by Loki, he still wants to stand up for Loki and protect his shortcomings.


The behavior of protecting one's shortcomings cannot be said to be wrong, but it is definitely not correct, and the most important thing is that it is precisely because of protecting one's shortcomings that Asgard has become what it is now...

After hearing Robert's words, not only did such thoughts flash through Thor's mind, but the God King Odin who was far away in Asgard also recalled the entire incident.

If Robert and Clark are not strong enough, God King Odin will naturally not think that it is their Asgard problem, but Robert and Clark combined have enough strength to destroy Asgard, then God King Odin

Naturally, Ding will also think about the reason for the whole thing and admit their Asgardian fault...

"I know, I will never let Loki leave Asgard again..." After coming back to his senses, Thor moved the eternal gun in his hand, and the light of the Rainbow Bridge covered Thor and others.

, and the voice of God King Odin also echoed in Robert's ears, "However, this can be regarded as my fault. There is something wrong with my teaching, otherwise Loki would not become what he is now...


"I don't care whose problem it is between you, as long as you remember what I said." Robert said lightly, and with a thought, the bodies of Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw flew up directly, following Robert.

Te flew in the direction of New York.

At the same time, in Asgard, Thor and others returned here. This place was somewhat different from the prosperous Asgard that Thor once remembered. At the gateway to the Rainbow Bridge, everything was magnificent.

All disappeared, replaced by a sense of shabby patchwork.

In the previous battle, this place was destroyed by Robert's Qigong wave, and Heimdall disappeared from here. Unlike Loki who returned, Heimdall has not been able to contact Asgard now, nor can he.

I don't know if something really happened.

Therefore, God King Odin becomes more peaceful as he gets older, otherwise he might have thrown Loki directly to the ground and shouted angrily: "You traitor! I lost one of my generals for you!"

"I have met His Highness the Prince!" An Asgardian nicknamed Executioner, Skorchi, was guarding the Rainbow Bridge at this time. He held a broom in his hand and looked at Thor and said respectfully.

In the previous battle with Robert, Asgard's army and nobles were almost wiped out, but Skorchi did not die because he was very timid and did not dare to rush forward.

Slaughtered by Robert, he would rather Robert destroy Asgard in the end and die with Asgard than be blasted into pieces by the brutal Robert...

After that great battle, Asgard was faced with a situation where no one was available. God King Odin had no choice but to let Skolchi guard the gateway to Asgard and replace Heimdall.

s position.

After all, the current Rainbow Bridge will hardly open, and no one will break into Asgard. Skorchi is here to sweep the floor to ensure the cleanliness of the portal land, and at the same time repair the once broken portal land.

The ground is still okay...

"Well." If it were Thor before, he would definitely look down on Skorchi like this, but now Thor nodded at Skorchi and said encouragingly, "However, I hope you can work hard and strive for

Reaching the level of Heimdall..."

"How can I be compared with Lord Heimdall?" A trace of excitement flashed in Skorch's eyes. He quickly shook his head, looked at Thor and said humbly, "Your highness, your approval is my greatest progress.


"Then I hope you can go one step further and truly become the patron saint of Asgard!" Thor patted Skorchi on the shoulder and walked towards Asgard's fairy palace.

"Could it be that my talent has been discovered by His Highness the Prince?" Looking at Thor's leaving figure, Skorchi's eyes flashed with excitement, and his whole body became excited, and he clenched the broom in his hand.

Said, "Maybe, I can really become the patron saint of Asgard!"

In the main hall of the Immortal Palace, Thor and others soon arrived. At this time, God King Odin was still sitting on the throne of God King, but Thor who came in saw the decline of God King Odin at a glance...

Maybe God King Odin's aura can still bluff people when he is external, maybe God King Odin's voice still has a strong majesty, but when he saw God King Odin, Thor understood that God King Odin was

I am really old, so old that I can no longer hide my own decline.

"Father." Thor took a deep breath, and for a moment, with some emotion and complexity, he shouted out the title that he thought he would never say again.

"Thor, you have changed..." God King Odin took a deep look at Thor, and the words he spoke made Thor's heart jump. He was unwilling to return to Asgard before, and wanted to create a world of his own.

Is it because my new Asgard understands my own changes and feels that I am no longer my original self?

"However, no matter how you change, you are still you. You are still the prince of Asgard, and you are still the God of Thunder in Asgard. The change in personality is irrelevant. Your soul and blood still belong to Asgard.

Sgard!" Just when Thor's mentality changed, God King Odin said something that made him even more frightened.

"Just like your four friends, even if you brainwash them and make them more loyal to you and only obey your orders, they are still Asgardians and will still be the biggest friends in the future.

With the help, this is enough!”

"You actually know all this? Didn't you say that you won't peep at the earth anymore? How come you know everything?" Thor frowned, looked at God King Odin and asked subconsciously.

"A Saiyan's perception is very sensitive. It is impossible to spy on him with divine power, but you do not have such a sensitive perception. There is no problem if I just observe you." God King Odin smiled, Looking at Thor, he said softly, "But your worries are unnecessary. I'm not even willing to deal with Loki, so how can I do anything to you?"

"To be honest, if you can, I even hope you can brainwash Loki and change his character. After all, he is too capable of causing trouble. Before, he only caused trouble in Asgard. His identity will not How to let him be..."

"Later, he just messed around in other places in the Nine Realms, but our Asgard is strong enough and can still cover him, but now, he has provoked the Saiyans and Superman, and I really can't I can’t save him anymore!”

"If the Saiyans hadn't pushed too hard, I really wanted you to brainwash him. Not to mention that it would make him completely correct, but at least let him know who he could mess with and who he couldn't mess with..."

"What are you going to do with Loki?" Thor was silent for a moment, then asked hesitantly.

"The things he did on Earth made Asgard become what it is now. Punishment is necessary, otherwise neither the people nor the remaining nobles will agree..." God King Odin said seriously He sighed and said helplessly, "After all, their friends and relatives died because of things caused by Loki. This debt will not only be calculated on the Saiyans, but also has an inseparable relationship with Loki." Relationship!"

"It's a pity that we can't deal with the Saiyans. Even if the people of Asgard knew that Loki opened the space portal and brought a war to the earth, they might let us kill Loki. Hand it over and let the Earth and the Saiyans deal with it..."

"Are you going to be executed in public?" Thor opened his mouth and asked worriedly, looking at Loki who still hadn't woken up.

"That's not the case. Even if Loki is not my biological son, he is still our prince of Asgard. If the prince breaks the law, even if he is punished, he will not completely lose the dignity of the prince. Guards, take him away. He will be locked up in a cell forever. No matter who orders it, he cannot be released! Even if it is the order of the God King!" God King Odin waved his hand, and after taking a deep breath, his voice gradually became more majestic. .

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Soon, two guards came in from the outside and came to Thor. They looked at Thor in silence and did not reach out. Thor hesitated for a moment and finally handed Loki over to the two. A guard, who quickly dragged Loki away from the main hall of the Immortal Palace.

Thor is already very clear about what God King Odin just meant. Loki will definitely be locked up forever. Not only will he be locked up while God King Odin is alive, but also when Thor becomes Al Loki, the new god-king of Sgard, still cannot be released!

Unless God King Thor at that time forcibly disobeys God King Odin's order to stay, it will also have an impact on God King Thor's reputation. After becoming God King, Thor's words and deeds cannot be thought of. I'm worried about myself...

"Buzz!" was heard, and just when the guards and Loki had just left, the Eternal Spear in the hand of God King Odin gently poked in the direction of Loki, and a divine light emerged and hit Loki.

On Ji's body.

"Huh?!" Loki, who was in the hands of the guards and seemed to have some light and shadow flowing on his body, immediately stabilized and became sober in an instant. "Damn it! Odin! You really want to keep me locked up.

!Thor! Is this how you saved me? If you don’t allow me to be free, then you might as well kill me...well!"

Before Loki finished speaking, a divine power emerged from his body, causing Loki to fall into a coma again...

This chapter has been completed!
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