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Chapter 910: New Parallax Monster and Karas Combo

"Isn't it? You fell down before I even exerted my strength?" Johnny Stone couldn't help complaining as he looked at the dead body of Parallax Monster, and Johnny Stone was not just expressing his own feelings.

, he expressed the thoughts of all the Avengers.

From the establishment of the Avengers to the present, the Avengers have experienced large and small battles, and the enemies they have faced are also strong and weak. Strong enemies can even reduce the Avengers to spectators and not even participate in the battle.

He has no qualifications, just like the Green Lantern Corps at this time.

As for the weaker enemies the Avengers face, they also have a lower limit of strength. Every extraordinary event and battle cannot be solved in a short time, especially as the Avengers come into contact with more and more extraordinary events.

As the enemy becomes stronger and stronger, every battle becomes a protracted battle that consumes time and energy.

But this time, the battle between the Avengers and the Parallax monster did not take much time, even including the consciousness battle between the three Susan Stones and the Parallax monster. This made the Avengers, who had just warmed up,

Very uncomfortable, almost everyone looked at the parallax monster's body with unsatisfied expressions.

At this time, the Avengers hoped that Parallax Monster could come back to life, so in theory, no one moved the body of Parallax Monster that should be completely destroyed for the time being, until Steve said: "Although this battle is over, but

We cannot take it lightly, Tony, do you want to study the body of the Parallax monster?"

"Forget it, there are too many things we need to study now, and his power is not very strong. It is not worth spending energy to study." Tony Stark did not hesitate at all and directly refused to study the body of Parallax Monster.


"Okay, then please help Human Torch and Mary to destroy his body, and we will take action together. Just because we can solve this level of extraordinary power does not mean that others can also solve it..." Steve nodded.

, and said to everyone.

"If the parallax monster's corpse cells are infected and create extraordinary monsters similar to Hector, it will also be a disaster for other civilizations. We cannot harm other civilizations because of our mistakes!"

"Understood." The Avengers naturally knew what Steve meant. If the battle hadn't ended too quickly, they wouldn't have felt unfinished. But since the Parallax monster is really dead, they naturally have to deal with the aftermath.


"Tsk!" For a moment, the cosmic space once again shone with various lights, and the body of the Parallax Monster, which had lost its breath and power, was quickly wiped out in the cosmic space by the Avengers.

Not far away, Robert's eyes flickered slightly. He looked in the direction of Oa Star with interest and said, "No wonder he really doesn't care about his body. It turns out he has a new body.

But this body is also a carrier of fear energy. Wouldn’t you really feel bad if you give it up? Come on, let’s go see his new body..."

At the same time, in the Oa Star, within the fear energy, the consciousness of Parallax Monster and Sinestro's consciousness are constantly blending. It is completely different from what Sinestro imagined before, that he and Parallax Monster would win or lose. This time

At that time, Sinestro's consciousness gradually merged into the consciousness of Parallax Monster and became a part of Parallax Monster!

Although the former Parallax Monster was mutated by the Guardian of the Universe being eroded by the energy of fear, when the Parallax Monster devoured one life after another and the fear it contained, it had long since become a consciousness complex that belonged to the former Guardian of the Universe.

The instinct of the person's consciousness will be more.

Sinestro, who thought he had a strong willpower, was unable to resist when faced with the erosion of the huge ocean of consciousness, because this ocean of consciousness was not only huge, but also particularly chaotic. Sinestro's consciousness gradually became blurred.

Finally, he sank and became part of the chaotic consciousness of this ocean of consciousness.

"Bastard!" But when Sinestro's consciousness was completely integrated, an angry voice came out of the sea of ​​consciousness of the Parallax monster, because he sensed that his original body had been completely wiped out in the universe.

Although Parallax Monster used the golden cicada to escape from his shell because he felt that the Avengers were too powerful and he had little chance of winning, that body was still effective against Parallax Monster. He never thought that the corpse had already faked death. The Avengers

The Alliance wants to destroy all traces of the corpse!

"I can't see clearly what's going on inside. This pure energy body can block my sight." What Parallax Monster doesn't know is that besides the fear energy, Robert, Kara and the Martian girl have already arrived here. Kara

After staring at the fear energy for a long time and not seeing what was happening inside, he said to Robert with a somewhat helpless expression.

"It's okay, this energy is already his body. You may not be his opponent, but if the Avengers help, you can't fight." Robert smiled and shook his head, but he didn't

There is no intention to destroy this fear energy, because it is rare for the Avengers to fight with high spirits and not have a good fight, so naturally they have to satisfy the Avengers.

"I'm not his opponent? Humph! Energy strength is not the only factor that determines combat effectiveness!" Carla said unconvinced after hearing Robert's words.

"Yes, yes, no one knows how to fight better than you, so you should try the water first!" Robert nodded helplessly in agreement, and at the same time looked at the fear energy and said, "It just so happened that he also successfully controlled this

It has a lot of power, but the battlefield cannot be placed on this planet, and I don’t know why a planet that is so powerful is not as strong as the Kree Empire’s Hala."

When Robert finished speaking, the fear energy began to change continuously, gradually forming a huge figure. The appearance of this figure was somewhat similar to the previous Parallax Monster, but it looked more like a humanoid than the Parallax Monster.


"Huh?" But the parallax monster's human form had just evolved, and his expression showed a bit of confusion, because he never thought that there were people around him, and there were more than one!

"Don't worry, let's talk in another place." Robert looked at the dazed Parallax Monster and smiled, put one hand on the Parallax Monster, and instantly moved the Parallax Monster into the universe with him.

At this time, the Avengers had just eliminated Parallax Monster's previous body. Tony Stark was scanning the surrounding space through his mecha to see if there were any missing parts of Parallax Monster's body. As a result, Jarvis alerted

He started to cry: "The Parallax Monster is not dead! He appeared again! Right next to the Saiyan!"

Jarvis's alarm was sent to every Avengers at the same time. The Avengers also began to become nervous when they heard that Parallax Monster was not dead. However, when they heard that Parallax Monster was next to the Saiyan, the Avengers instantly relaxed.

Come down.

Even they can't deal with a mere parallax monster, let alone Robert?

"Huh? Why did Parallax Monster change its appearance?" Hal was the first to ask after seeing Parallax Monster. At this time, Parallax Monster's figure was definitely a bit bigger than normal humans, but compared to

Compared with its previous appearance of blocking out the sky and the sun, the current Parallax monster can only be regarded as a small one. This made Hal wonder whether the Parallax monster consumed too much energy and could no longer maintain its previous huge body.

"Be careful, this guy has not weakened, and is even stronger than before. Of course, the next battle belongs to Superwoman. If she is not an opponent, you can just take action." Robert waved his hand and directed at

The Avengers warned, and when the Parallax monster came back to its senses and was about to roar at them, it disappeared in a flash.

"Roar!" The parallax monster punched the air with its bloody mouth. His expression was full of anger, because he could see that Robert didn't take him seriously at all and was completely toying with him!

"Your opponent is me!" Just when the Parallax Monster was about to find Robert, a voice came into the Parallax Monster's consciousness, and Kara's figure rushed to the Parallax Monster like a ray of light.

Before the Parallax Monster could react, Kara punched the Parallax Monster, sending the Parallax Monster flying away.

Although Kara's punch was indeed suspected of being a sneak attack, Kara's punch was indeed very powerful. It was so powerful that even though the Parallax monster used fear energy, it still could not quickly stop its retreating body.

Obviously, in the universe, a space where the density of celestial bodies is not too high, it is impossible to hit a planet or other celestial body to stop the inertia of retreating. The Parallax Monster can only explode with more powerful force.

The fear energy came to try to remove the force of Kara's punch.

But before the Parallax monster could completely remove the force of Kara's punch, Kara's body flew to the side of the Parallax monster again, and especially hit the Parallax monster with a punch!

Kara's current fighting style is actually somewhat similar to Robert's, or it can be said that Kara imitated Robert's fighting style based on her own abilities and characteristics. She has learned all of Robert's combos, the most critical of which

The most suitable one for Kara is naturally Infinite Link in the air.

However, at this time, it is no longer accurate to use the infinite combo in the air for Kara's combo. Instead, it should be called the infinite combo in space. In this space environment with no influence of gravity, the parallax monster Kara fights has no power to fight back.

Even in order to prevent the Parallax monster from flying too far, Kara even adjusted the direction thoughtfully, circled the Parallax monster's body and hit it back, as if to prove that Robert's previous words were wrong and that she could fight alone.

Winning parallax is the same.

"Well, except that this Parallax monster is smaller and looks a little more like a living thing, is it really more powerful than before?" Hal, who had no idea about Kara's strength, looked confused as he was beaten without being able to fight back.

The powerful parallax monster muttered.

"From the perspective of energy detection, the energy contained in this Parallax monster is many times more powerful than the previous one, but the energy in his body is used to try to control his body, and there is no chance of a head-on collision with Supergirl.

And Supergirl's strength is indeed superior to ours..." Tony Stark slowly shook his head and explained softly.

It's not that the Parallax monster is weak, it's actually that Kara's strength is strong enough. More importantly, Kara made a perfect first move, making it impossible for the Parallax monster to exert its powerful power.

But what Tony Stark didn't know was that Parallax Monster was unable to exert its full strength, not only because Kara was so powerful that he had no chance to fight back, but more importantly because there was no one in the ocean of Parallax Monster's consciousness.

Not peaceful.

Facing Kara's powerful offensive, there were too many different thoughts in the ocean of consciousness, which kept Parallax's consciousness in a state of confusion. This also prevented Parallax from being able to use its best attack at the consciousness level.

To sum up, the reason is that the fusion of Parallax monster and fear energy is not perfect. He can only fuse a suitable body, but he has not completely controlled the chaotic ocean of consciousness. Naturally, he cannot fully control his own power.

However, as the injuries on the body became more and more serious, Parallax Monster was unable to escape from Kara. Forced to do so, Parallax Monster's consciousness ocean gradually began to completely merge, because now there is only one way left for Parallax Monster.

That is to gather all the strength to defeat Kara!


Finally, when the ocean of consciousness of Parallax Monster was completely integrated, Parallax Monster's power became more convenient to use, and Parallax Monster's consciousness became closer to normal life. When a powerful fear energy spurted out, Kara moved forward

Her body was blocked, and the countless attacks on the consciousness level made Kara's consciousness feel a little dazed.

Fortunately, compared with traditional Kryptonians, Kara's resistance to magic and mental resistance is very good. Therefore, although the fear energy of the Parallax monster made Kara's consciousness appear in a trance for a moment, Kara is still very strong.

He quickly came back to his senses, and at the same time exhaled freezing breath from his mouth to compete with the fear energy around him.

"Sure enough!" The Parallax monster was not only not afraid after seeing Kara blocking the fear energy, but was even a little excited, because he could sense that compared to the invincible terrifying power on his body,

Kara is not great in terms of energy output.

"But don't be anxious! This guy's energy output is not very strong, but his body is strong enough. It is not that easy to deal with her. I can deal with those Avengers first. After all, there is another one over there who will teleport me into space.

The guy doesn’t know the depth yet, so I have to be careful!”

Insufficient energy output capability is a common problem among Kryptonians. Even though Kryptonians can be called gods on various levels after basking in the sun, Kryptonians are vulnerable to powerful enemies of the same level regardless of their freezing breath or heat vision.

It poses no threat.

Only Clark successfully mutated the heat vision energy after seeing the diversity of Robert's Qigong waves, improving his energy output ability. Even though he became a sub-Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, Kara did not master this ability.


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