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Chapter 95 Diana: Have you grown up so quickly?

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"There are quite a lot of people at this art exhibition. It's still the same as last time. Let's observe the situation first and wait until the crowd disperses..." After a while, Robert and others came to the art exhibition. Jackie Chan looked at the people around him and frowned.

He frowned and lowered his voice.

"Huh?" Robert didn't listen to Jackie Chan's words at this time, because his eyes lit up and he walked quickly towards a woman who was wearing ordinary loose work clothes and still couldn't hide her graceful figure.

Robert was not attracted by her appearance, but that although this woman's Qi was very weak, she was exactly the same as Diana!

The appearance can be similar, and the Qi can also be similar, but it can never be exactly the same, because the Qi belongs to each living body uniquely, and the Qi of each living body will be different.

Therefore, Robert was sure that this was Diana!

"Huh! Fortunately, I didn't let Kara go there. This doesn't require Diana to run to London later. This is directly in London, and it happens to be at the art exhibition..." Clark in the Kent farm relaxed.

He took a breath, muttering silently in his heart, and then glanced at Kara who was unaware. Clark had new worries in his heart.

Carla is still young now, and her time in the sun is very short, so the range she can observe is much smaller than him.

But if one day, Kara grows to a height where he can observe the entire earth, then there will be no way for him to hide it from Kara.

"Robert, now I can help you hide it, but you have to rely on yourself in the future. If you are beaten, remember to stay away from home and don't demolish the house and farm..." Clark sighed softly.

In his tone, he couldn't bear to see such a scene.

"Diana?" During the exhibition, Robert ran behind Diana and shouted in a low voice with excitement.

"Huh?" Diana turned her head with some confusion. She didn't expect anyone to know her in this place. But when she saw Robert, she didn't recognize Robert at first, but just thought she was

When she noticed Robert's equally unconventional hairstyle, Diana's eyes flashed with a hesitant light and asked in a low voice, "Robert? You...you grew up so fast? You are still...still the same as before.

Is it different?"

To be honest, Diana really didn't expect Robert to grow up so quickly. Judging from the last time Diana met Robert, she felt that it would take at least three or four years for Robert to grow up.

, and it’s only been half a year...

"This is not what I look like, it's just a little trick to deceive others..." Robert explained in a low voice.

"Qi magic?" A bright light flashed in Diana's eyes. She looked left and right, then walked aside with Robert and asked softly.

"Eh? You actually know Qi magic?" Robert asked looking at Diana in surprise.

"Well, I didn't know about it originally, but after I met you, I went home and looked up the relevant information. However, I found Qi magic, which is the closest ability to your power, but it seems to be a little different...

"Diana shook her head and explained a little.

"No wonder I didn't find you in the Athens Temple or the Louvre last time!" Robert nodded with some clarity, understanding why Diana disappeared last time.

"Who knew you would come to me so quickly?" Diana smiled sweetly, a fighting spirit flashed in her beautiful eyes, "Does it mean that you are already sure of defeating me?"

"I'm not sure about this yet, but I think that if we compete a few more times, it will also improve our strength..." Robert finally felt from the fighting spirit in Diana's eyes that this was the woman he knew.

Warrior Diana, he grinned and said with the same fighting spirit surging in his body.

"However, I was really uncomfortable with the way you were acting just now. You were too quiet and dignified. If I weren't so angry, I wouldn't have believed it was you before!"

"Then which look do you prefer?" Diana asked jokingly, looking at Robert.

If it’s a normal answer, it’s probably because I like you all the way, but unfortunately, Robert’s brain circuit is not normal…

"It must be you who looked heroic and full of fighting spirit that night!" Robert gave the answer without any hesitation.

"You are really cute!" Diana was stunned for a moment after hearing this, but she was also very satisfied with the answer. Her eyes flashed slightly and she sighed, "Yes, I also want to stay in that state all the time, but

If you want to integrate into normal society, you always have to make some disguises, just like you are now, right?"

"That's true!" Robert nodded in agreement, then looked at Diana with some confusion and asked, "Why are you here? Are you here for the spell too?"

"Spell? I seem to have heard of it somewhere. By the way, it's in the record of qi magic. I brought that book out from home. It's in my new home. After the exhibition is over, you can go get it with me.

I just saw Steve's works and came over to take a look when I had nothing to do..." Diana thought for a moment and said.

"So, you're here for the talisman? Are you going to start a fight here later?"

"It's okay. As long as the enemy doesn't come, I won't take action in a place like this!" Robert waved his hand, looked at Steve who was painting and said, "By the way, this old man is pretty good. His

The qi is even more powerful than Uncle Long..."

"Huh? He's not an ordinary person? I didn't even notice..." Diana looked at Steve in surprise, but she didn't take it to heart. Instead, she focused her gaze on Steve who was standing not far away.

Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu, who were not here, asked, "Are they with you?"

"Last time we fought, Uncle Long was right next to him..." Robert reminded as he scratched his head.

"Um... I didn't pay that much attention last time." Embarrassment flashed across Diana's face. Last time she was aroused by Robert to fight, and all her attention was on Robert.

Moreover, Jackie Chan and Niu Warrior were a bit far apart, so Diana naturally didn't pay too much attention to them.

At this time, Xiaoyu was looking at Robert with a wink, as if she wanted to say something to Robert through spiritual dialogue, but unfortunately, Xiaoyu had not learned this trick yet.

And Robert shook his head and led Diana to say hello to Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu, silently waiting for a good talk with Steve after the art exhibition ended in the evening.

However, Robert did not forget Diana's bellicose nature. He specifically told Diana that if an enemy attacked, Diana would be responsible for evacuating the people around her and not compete with him...

Upon hearing this, Diana glanced at Robert with a half-smile, but did not give a reply. Robert did not know whether she agreed or not.

"Huh? Here we come! Several powerful Qi's are approaching!" But before Robert could continue to ask, he felt several enemies coming and reminded him solemnly.

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