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Chapter 990: The location where the Mother Box was destroyed

Because the timeline of reversing time and space is too long, Barry Allen's consumption has reached the limit at this time. It is impossible for Barry Allen to reverse time and space again. Fortunately, Steppenwolf has been completely eliminated.

, Barry Allen can also take a good rest.

"So what happened?" Tony Stark looked at Barry Allen with a puzzled face and asked. Even if Robert came back inexplicably just now, Barry Allen still looked like he was suffering from kidney failure. Tony Stark couldn't help but feel that

Ke was wondering, had something happened that he didn't know about?

Of course, Tony Stark was not the only one who was confused at this time. Almost everyone present did not understand what was going on, and why almost everyone? That was because Thor still vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Although when facing the energy impact of the Mother Box, Thor is no different from Kara, Hulk and Diana. They are all instantly decomposed by the power of the Mother Box, but Thor has energy levels in his body after all.

Higher runes exist.

Therefore, Thor vaguely felt that what happened just now was not the first time. At least it was not the first time that Steppenwolf died there!

"Buzz!" Faced with the doubts of everyone present, Barry Allen did not answer immediately because he really couldn't muster the strength. Fortunately, at this time, Robert released a wave of energy.

Qi poured into Barry Allen's body.

The next moment, Barry Allen's energy was restored. Of course, what was restored was only Barry Allen's energy, and his speed force did not return to its peak state.

Robert's healing technique is very effective and can help life return to its peak state. For a strong person with Qi, returning to its peak state means that he can regain strong combat effectiveness.

It's a pity that Barry Allen is not a strong man with Qi. Barry Allen's Speed ​​Force has nothing to do with Qi. After a lot of consumption, even if Barry Allen's physical strength recovers, his Speed ​​Force still takes time.

Come and recover slowly.

"Thank you." However, although the Speed ​​Force has not been restored, Barry Allen now at least has the strength to speak and can explain to everyone what happened before.

"Before, Steppenwolf took the initiative to die, sacrificed his life and soul, and successfully helped the Mother Boxes to merge into one!" Barry Allen briefly began to describe what happened before.

"The power of the Mother Box is indeed terrifying! When the Mother Box was successfully fused, not only did Darkseid appear in the space channel, but the power released by the Mother Box destroyed everything. I don't know about other places on the earth.

situation, but you are all dead, leaving nothing behind..."

Even though Barry Allen had successfully reversed time and space at this time and saved everything, he was still a little scared. Because the tragic scene where everyone present died under the impact of the mother box really shocked Barry Allen's heart. No matter what,

, Barry Allen doesn’t want this to happen again.

"When the Mother Box destroyed everything, I luckily used the Speed ​​Force to escape the energy impact of the Mother Box. After seeing you all dead, I used the Speed ​​Force to reverse time and space and return everything to the time before Steppenwolf's death.

Time point." Barry Allen continued, "During this period, the Saiyans also returned here, and what follows is what you just saw..."

"Reverse time and space?! You can actually reverse time and space?!" Even though Thor vaguely guessed what happened before because of the runes in his body, Thor still couldn't accept that Barry Allen could actually reverse time and space.

Even if it is only a small-scale reversal of time and space, or a short-term reversal of time and space, the Speed ​​Force can still be called the most terrifying force in the universe!

This is definitely not a power that a mortal should have! Not even a god!

"Reversing time and space rashly may have serious consequences. Although you saved us this time, I still want to tell you that it is best to do less things like reversing time and space...or rather don't do it at all!"

The students of Karma Taj looked at each other in shock after hearing about Barry Allen's ability. After a while, Casillas looked at Barry Allen seriously and said.

"Supreme Mage Ancient One has controlled the time gem before. With her powerful cultivation and time magic, Ancient One can also turn back time. However, Ancient One has almost never used this ability on earth, because of the limitations of time and space.

Changes will bring unpredictable variables, and no one knows whether reversing time and space will be good or bad for the earth..."

"Master Ancient One once said something, and I will tell you now. Those who play with time will eventually be played by time!"

"Of course, if you face a powerful dimensional enemy, as long as you are not within the latitude of the earth, you can use time magic, or use your speed force to reverse time and space. Because what you affect is not the earth.

In itself, reversing time and space in this way can bring more trouble to those dimensions."

"Don't worry, I won't abuse my ability." Faced with Casillas' solemn warning, Barry Allen nodded seriously and said.

"However, if the matter is serious enough, I will use it when it is necessary. After all, no matter how terrible the consequences of reversing time and space are, is it still more terrible than the consequences of everyone on the earth, including you, dying?


"Good guy, Barry..." Pietro, who was on the side, finally came back to his senses after listening to the conversation, and looked at Barry Allen and complained.

"Before, I received blessings from the major wind gods, and my speed reached a peak. I thought I could narrow the gap with you, or at least catch up with your shadow. But now it seems that the gap between us is getting bigger and bigger.

What? It was clearly agreed that everyone is a speed user, how come you suddenly become the controller of time? How can I play with you?"

As Pietro started to complain, the tense atmosphere around him relaxed.

Perhaps the consequences of reversing time and space will be serious, but at least so far, the results of reversing time and space this time are good. After all, as Barry Allen said, what could be more unacceptable than the ending in which everyone dies?


"To put it this way, I underestimated the power of the Mother Box before." Robert stretched out his hand to absorb a piece of the Mother Box in his hand, and said with a serious expression, "When I only had a piece of the Mother Box before, I could sense this.

The power contained in the mother boxes is very powerful, but I never thought that after the three mother boxes are fused, they can destroy everything..."

"Rather than destroying it, I feel it is more like a kind of decomposition. It breaks down everything around it." Barry Allen slowly shook his head and expressed his opinion, "It is precisely because of the mother.

The power of the box is decomposition, not pure destruction, so I can see how everything is reorganized when the Speed ​​Force reverses time and space."

"The Steppenwolf is different. Before, the Steppenwolf was killed and his bones were crushed to ashes by everyone, leaving nothing behind. So after reversing time and space, the Steppenwolf's body appears even more abruptly."

"If the Infinity Stones had such power, it would be understandable. After all, the Infinity Stones are artifacts at the cosmic level, symbolizing the rules and ultimate power of the universe." Robert looked at the mother box in his hand, his eyes flashing slightly.


"But according to our current information, the Mother Box is a technological creation. A technological creation has such a powerful power, which shows that the strength of Apokolips and Darkseid is probably far beyond

Our imaginations!”

"And the most important thing is that three mother boxes can create such a situation. Who can guarantee that Apokolips and Darkseid will not have more mother boxes in their hands?"

"It's a pity that you came back a little late. If you could come back before the Mother Box merged with the One, or just when time and space were reversed, you would have been able to see Darkseid sensing his anger." Kara sighed softly.

He said with regret in his tone.

"Yes! It's such a pity that I haven't seen such a powerful enemy with my own eyes!" Robert nodded and said with emotion.

"Did you search for any clues in the universe before?" Diana's eyes moved slightly, looking at Robert and asked.

"I have found eight planets that produce demonoids. Those eight planets are so densely packed with demonoids that it's even hard to get down." Robert told about his previous experience in the universe.

"It's a pity that although I found a factory for manufacturing them underground on the demonoid planet, there is nothing in it, neither raw materials nor semi-finished products. I don't know if these planets have reached the limit of producing demonoids.

So we stopped continuing to produce demonoids."

"Eight planets full of demonoids?" Kilowog looked at the other Green Lanterns hesitantly, "If there are really so many demonoids, then Darkseid and Apokolips must be a giant.

forces, why have I never heard of their names before?”

"Yes, it's impossible for so many demonoids to be kept there, right?" Tomare nodded. He also said with confusion, "But the Green Lantern Corps has never heard of the corresponding report before, nor has it heard of it.

News about demonoids invading various civilizations."

"It seems like the Green Lantern Corps' information is indeed a bit out of date." Hal spread his hands, "I originally thought you could know everything in the universe, but now it seems that you can only know the known universe.

Things within civilization.”

"It is indeed possible that it is because we are too far away from the demon-like planets." Robert nodded, "But it is obvious that there are not only eight demon-like planets in the universe, and among the eight demon-like planets, there are also

Some planets are civilized, but those planets have not entered the interstellar age, and some are even very backward. I carefully observed those planets. There is no sign of any relationship with the eight planets."

"Are the eight demonoids located far away? Can you take us there to take a look?" The members of the Green Lantern Corps looked at each other, and Tomare said hesitantly.

"Okay." Robert did not refuse. Although from a perceptual level, the demon-like planet is very far away from the earth or from Oa, the Green Lantern Corps is a force at the cosmic level after all, telling them about the demon-like planet.

The location will also allow the Green Lantern Corps to pay better attention to this area in the future, "But we have to wait until the matters at hand are dealt with first."

Of course, the more important thing now is to deal with these three mother boxes. I didn't know that the destructive power of the mother boxes was so powerful. Even though they knew that the mother boxes were the products of Apokolips, the Avengers did not take them to heart.

, but left it to Silas Stone to study alone.

But now, the three mother boxes have exploded with unimaginable power. Although this proves the value of the mother boxes, it also shows that the mother boxes pose a huge threat to the earth!

Compared to the Infinity Stones, a regular artifact produced at the cosmic level, the Mother Box is a man-made product and the ultimate power on the technological side. Although this means that the Mother Box has greater research potential, the artificial product on the technological side,

It also means that it can be controlled by the manufacturer. The probability of the mother box losing control is much greater than that of the infinite stones!

Hearing Robert's words, Tony Stark opened his mouth slightly, looked at the mother box in Robert's hand and hesitated, but in the end he did not speak.

Tony Stark understood that Robert wanted to destroy the Mother Box at this time. As a scientist, Tony Stark felt very sorry for such behavior. He felt that it was a pity that high-end technology like the Mother Box was destroyed like this.


But as a member of the Avengers, Tony Stark clearly knew how much of a threat the Mother Boxes posed to the earth! Therefore, even though he felt regretful, Tony Stark did not speak in the end.



Following Robert's thought, the remaining two mother boxes flew to Kara, Thor, Diana and Hulk.

"You four, take care of these two mother boxes." Robert looked at the four of them and warned, "It is still too dangerous to destroy this thing on earth! Let's go to other dimensions..."

Robert thought about it and felt that destroying the Mother Box on Earth would likely cause great damage and danger. The risk was still too great for the Earth. Since Barry Allen had no way to reverse time and space,

It would be better not to do such dangerous behavior on earth.

Therefore, Robert decided to go to other dimensions to destroy the Mother Box, so that no matter how powerful the Mother Box was when it was destroyed, or what worse effects it had, it would not affect the earth.

With a sound of "chi" and a look from Robert's eyes, Casillas on the side skillfully opened the fire ring portal.

As for the destination of the portal, it is naturally the hell dimension that everyone is most familiar with. As the most powerful existence between dimensions, the hell dimension is also the most difficult to destroy. No matter how powerful the power released by the mother box is,

There is no way to cause too much damage to the hell dimension... right?

This chapter has been completed!
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