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Chapter 101 Setting up a Bureau (Part 1)

"What a pity! Not only could we not capture the leader alive, but one of the people we had captured died."

Di Zhiyuan felt a pity for a moment. Although he killed his opponent, he still suffered a loss in the long run.

"Didn't you catch three of this person's accomplices before?! You can be considered to have gained something!"

Ye Jianhan was not as sad as Di Zhiyuan. He was quite optimistic. There would always be something to gain. The three dead men might be able to find out something. Although they were not good at torture, the people in Zhao Prison had many ways to make the dead men speak.

Di Zhiyuan spread his hands, what to capture alive? He only got three corpses, and also killed several brothers from the Beijing camp.

Ye Jianhan looked at Di Zhiyuan with a big question mark on his face.

"You were not dueling at the time. I was wondering if I could think of a way to distract him so that you could successfully capture him?!"

The so-called capture of three people was just a temporary strategy by Di Zhiyuan to distract the evil tiger.

The real situation is that although the three men brought by Sha Hu immediately took pictures, they were only three Tongmai realm warriors after all. Before they could run far, the three of them were surrounded by the soldiers from the Beijing camp.

The organization behind the evil tiger is really extraordinary. These three people are all dead soldiers. They are not afraid of life and death. They fired back with powerful crossbows in their palms and shot down more than ten people in the Beijing camp. After the crossbow arrows were exhausted, they smashed the crossbow machine and drew their swords to fight.

, until death from exhaustion.

Seven soldiers in the Beijing camp were killed, 13 were seriously injured, and dozens were slightly injured.

Such a ruthless bandit was so rare that even the captain of the Beijing camp was shocked.

The soldiers and horses of the Beijing camp have also been on the battlefield, seen the blood of barbarians, and heard the sound of arrows.

The last time such a brave enemy faced was against the cowardly Xue army of the Yuanmeng Daqian Kingdom in the north.

The soldiers from the Beijing camp dragged over the bodies of the three dead soldiers. They were dripping with blood and had been hit by several feather arrows.

Di Zhiyuan raised his hands to Commander Ping from the Beijing camp and said, "Thank you very much for your help tonight, Commander Ping!"

Captain Zhao of the Beijing Camp was not an unreasonable person. He did not express his anger at the Dali Temple duo who had caused the incident because of the casualties of his brothers. Instead, he gave a military salute and thanked them.

"Lord Di, what are you talking about? If it weren't for the two of us here today, we, the soldiers in the Beijing camp, would have faced a few elite warriors who came and went. I don't know how many more brothers would have been killed or injured! I should be the one to thank you two.

.Besides, what’s the difference if we all serve our country?!”

Colonel Ping's words made Di Zhiyuan look at this person with admiration, "Chief Lieutenant Ping, the two of us still have matters in the office and need to rush back urgently. After the case is settled, I will be the host and ask Captain Ping to bring the wine."

Happy words."

After the two said goodbye, the bodies of the five people were brought back to Dali Temple with the assistance of the soldiers of the Beijing Imperial Guard Army.


In Dali Temple, Yang Qingyuan and Ji Yaohua were still discussing the details of the plan.

Winning An Shigeng's trust is not a simple matter.

"Tomorrow, I will withdraw all Zhiyuan, Jianhan, and Chengxuan, and then let them pretend to leave the city, and then sneak back again among the troops changing defenses in the Beijing camp. As for me, I will go to the Ministry of War to find Academician Yu, and then I will

Follow us out of the city."

Yang Qingyuan wanted to create an illusion for An Shigeng, so they took action today.

Then Yang Qingyuan will hand over the search of the city to Ji Yaohua and her sisters, giving the illusion of continuing the search.

"At that time, you will lead the Xungui Group, and Hu Die will lead the search in the city. I want An Shigeng to think that you have been exposed."

Ji Yaohua still roughly understood Yang Qingyuan's plan, he wanted to let An Shigeng see the false facts.

"By the way, in addition, I will also release all the people in Zhao Prison except An Wu, leaving An Wu alone."

"My lord, you want to create an illusion that you have obtained clues to the food."

Yang Qingyuan smiled slightly, I want to predict An Shigeng's prediction. This prediction is what Yang Qingyuan wants An Shigen to make.

As long as An Shigeng believed that he had made a judgment, he would definitely take action, and he would not just watch Yang Qingyuan bring back the food.

Yang Qingyuan initially thought that stealing grain from the warehouse was just for profit, but after finding out about An Jia, Yang Qingyuan felt that it was not that simple.

The An family is the largest grain merchant and banker in the capital, and the richest man in the capital. Two million dan of grain is indeed worth a lot of money, but this two million dan is not pure profit. The An family must manage everything, maintain the relationship with the Xungui Group, and bribe

The defenders in the Beijing camp inspected water transportation and bribed the defenders of the grain depot.

A wealthy man in the capital, two court officials, hundreds of lives, too many people have been involved in stealing grain.

Calculated this way, the final return was too little compared to the risks Anjia took.

Yang Qingyuan would understand if the Xungui Group did this. After all, poor people spend a lot of money, but for the An family, the profits alone are not worth it.

As the investigation deepened, Yang Qingyuan could conclude that the An family was not simply for profit. Although there was no evidence, Yang Qingyuan felt that it might be related to King Zhao who dominated Yanjing City in the north.

"Sir! Master Di and Mr. Ye want to see you!"

The voice of a policeman at the door interrupted Yang Qingyuan's thoughts.

When did Di Zhiyuan and Ye Jianhan become so polite and ask someone to inform them?!

With doubts, Yang Qingyuan and Ji Yaohua came to the main hall.

When Yang Qingyuan and Ji Yaohua came out one after another, Ye Jianhan raised his eyebrows slightly at Di Zhiyuan, how about it?! I was right!

Di Zhiyuan also secretly gave a thumbs up. Fortunately, he was still in the imperial examination, and his performance as an official was not as good as that of Ye Jianhan, a man in the world!

Fortunately, Yang Qingyuan didn't know about the interaction between the two, otherwise he would definitely have deducted a month's salary from these two people just because they walked into the Yamen tomorrow morning.

The scandal in Dali Temple must have been spread by these two people!

As soon as Yang Qingyuan entered the lobby, his attention was attracted by the five corpses in the lobby, so he did not pay attention to the interaction between the two.

"Who are these people?!"

"This person is one of the three people who fought with me after luring me away from Li Mansion that day."

This answer was beyond Yang Qingyuan's expectation. He also asked several friends in the world to help track down the three people who fought with Ye Jianhan that day, but there was no result. Unexpectedly, Ye Jianhan killed one of them directly and took the body with him.


"what happened?!"

Ye Jianhan and Di Zhiyuan told Yang Qingyuan roughly what happened.

"Water transport terminal?!"

A captured dead soldier actually attracted a master of the Yuan Hua Realm to come and silence him with three dead soldiers. This was quite a show of force.

"These are the weapons used by this man, as well as the crossbows and crossbow arrows used by his subordinates! They are all well-trained people. Before they died, the crossbows were smashed!"

Yang Qingyuan could tell at a glance that the broad-edged sword was broken, and it was not cut off by a sword, but by strong internal force.

However, although the appearance of this sword was slightly strange, Yang Qingyuan felt somewhat familiar.

This chapter has been completed!
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