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Chapter 1028

In the Longwu Army formation, they saw a group of soldiers from King Zhao's army suddenly coming out with large shields and steel knives. The leader among them was actually counting the nine cold days and was shirtless.

This scene really shocked the soldiers at the front of the Longwu Army. They had never seen this scene before.

Just beat me. Why are you taking off your clothes?!

"Fire the arrow!"

Although the posture of King Zhao's rebels is very scary, they are flesh and blood after all. There is nothing that the divine machine crossbow cannot solve. If it is not enough, then double it!

Although Long Wujun's three-stage continuous fire was interfered by the crossbowmen led by Sun Yan, and the rate of fire became slower than before, it was still difficult to break through.

Thousands of crossbow arrows shot out from the Longwu Army formation, covering the oncoming group of sword and shield wielders.


For thrown crossbow arrows, jacking is the most commonly used method of blocking.

This group of people are all strong soldiers in the army. They hold shields on their heads with one hand. The shields they use are not small and can completely cover people.

"Ding-ding-ding-ding!" There was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

The arrows rained down continuously, and the power of the divine machine crossbow and the potential energy of the arrows being thrown and falling shook the shields in the hands of these soldiers and trembled continuously.

A rain of arrows is nothing to them, but what about ten and a hundred arrows?!

The force attached to the crossbow arrows was no less than the force produced by hitting a large shield with a mace, causing their arms to tremble slightly.

"Hold on, brothers!" The first captain was named Yang Ji. He was usually a brave man and had great prestige in the army. That's why so many soldiers followed him in this assault.

Encouraged by Colonel Yang, everyone gritted their teeth and withstood the rain of arrows.

However, three arrows still shot through the gap and hit the legs of three soldiers.

"Captain Yang, leave me alone! Rush!"

"Help me! I don't want to die yet!"


The three soldiers of King Zhao's army had different reactions, but Colonel Yang Ji just looked at the three of them without any pause in their movements.

"Brothers, when the arrow rain stops, come with me!" Shouting, Yang Ji led a group of soldiers to kill the Longwu Army forward.

The high morale and soaring adrenaline made them unable to feel the cold even if they were shirtless in the winter.

As long as you break into the enemy's formation, you will win!

After all, the three-stage continuous fire of the divine machine crossbow was not Maxim's. When it stopped, it was when they charged desperately.


The scene of a group of shirtless burly men charging in with large shields and swords in their hands is still very visually shocking.

However, the guerrilla general of the Longwu Army has undergone rigorous training. He was originally from the Tiance Army and had never seen any big scenes, so he still calmly issued orders.

"Instruct Xuanniao's first battalion to leave one thousand men to shoot straight, projectile, and alternately. The rest of the men will continue to shoot at the enemy in the same way as before!"

According to the "Military Arms Supply Chapter", the crossbowmen of the Great Zhou Dynasty generally carried twenty to sixty arrows. The ordinary crossbowmen of the Sixth Army of the Emperor of the Great Zhou carried sixty arrows, and the marksmen could carry up to 60 arrows.

One hundred.

But this is an old system and is not suitable for new armies like the Longwu Army.

The Longwu Army's crossbowmen have one hundred and fifty feathered arrows, and their main purpose is to destroy the enemy in a long-range round.

The brave warriors led by Yang Ji only rushed forward for more than thirty steps, and the second round of arrow rain arrived!


Just like before, Yang Ji led his brothers to shield him. This time the arrow rain seemed to be sparser than in the first round!

Just when Yang Ji was overjoyed, he saw a dense burst of arrows shooting towards him.


Although they shouted as loud as they could, hundreds of soldiers were unable to resist the sudden horizontal fire and fell to the ground after being hit by arrows.

"Brothers, shield formation!"

The original formation formed a shield formation before the third round of arrow rain arrived, and slowly moved forward.

Even so, people continued to be hit by arrows, which made Yang Ji's teeth chattered, but he could only grit his teeth and move forward. But he didn't know that three flying stone thunder vehicles were slowly aiming at their shield array.

The Pili Chariot was not used just now because their formation was loose and it was difficult for the Pili Chariot to exert its power. Now that the shield formation is at 10%, it is the best opportunity for the Pili Chariot to exert its power.


On the left wing of Long Wu's army, all the soldiers were in full formation.

Compared to the frontal assault, the cruising archers here frightened them even more.

Zhang Wenbi's cavalry archers had just shown tactics that were beyond their knowledge. They took advantage of the gap between the firing of the divine machine crossbow to rush in quickly, causing huge damage to the infantry with heavy arrow throws, disrupting the formation of the crossbowmen, and then using

Motorized rapid evacuation.

But now, Zhang Wenbi has more archers than before, and the threat they bring is naturally greater.

Not only that, behind these horse archers, there are also large groups of light cavalry and infantry of King Zhao's army. As long as there is a flaw in the flank of Longwu Army, they will pounce on like hungry wolves and bite Longwu Army's formation crazily.

, until all formations are broken.

Unbeknownst to the Longwu Army, there was a cavalry of King Zhao's Army hidden behind these soldiers and horses, led by the fierce general Tan Yuan.

Because of the Wugang chariot formation, Tan Yuan did not take the initiative to attack. However, once the Wugang chariot formation was broken by the attack of King Zhao's army, this unit would attack immediately.

Although there was Zhu Shihong before, more people believed that it was just General Zhu who underestimated the enemy. As long as they can find a fighter opportunity and let the cavalry charge, the power of the heavy cavalry cannot be resisted by a group of infantry.

In the Longwu Army formation, Mrs. Yang Si had already taken over the command of the left wing troops, but she still chose to delegate the command of the infantry at the front.

Mrs. Yang Si will concentrate on commanding the cavalry.

Infantry can only resist and defeat the enemy's attack. If you want to truly expand the results in a short period of time, you still have to rely on cavalry.

The reason why Cao Xueyang was able to rely on this Longwu army, which was mainly infantry, to suppress the cavalry of King Zhao's army was not only due to tactics and terrain, but more importantly, political reasons.

Zhang Shimei has no retreat in this war!

"General Yang! What should we do now?!" The speaker was a young general, Cao Wenzhao. He was one of the few newly promoted generals in the Longwu Army. Most of the generals came from the Tiance Army and the Jinyang Army.


This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Youth represents vigor and vitality, and the battlefield experience is also relatively insufficient. When facing the pressure of Zhang Wenbi's bow cavalry, he still felt a little at a loss.

"Don't panic, just follow your own judgment and command the enemy."

Mrs. Yang Si is not only a master of superb marksmanship, but also an excellent cavalry general.

After the short observation and discussion just now, she and Cao Xueyang had discovered the flaws in Zhang Wenbi's tactics.

The advance of the bow cavalry relies on the shooting gap of the divine machine crossbow. Although the divine machine crossbow has a three-stage continuous shooting method, this will greatly reduce the power of a single arrow rain. It is more about continuous shooting. Generally, it is faced with a group charge of the enemy.

used when.

After the divine machine crossbow fires, there will be a period of reloading.

Archers rely on this gap to launch surprise attacks.

On the other hand, if I don't take the initiative to attack, the gap between the Shenji Crossbow's attacks will not appear, allowing Zhang Wenbi to seize the opportunity.

Cao Wenzhao already knew this truth after being taught by Mrs. Yang Si. All he lacked was experience and experience.

Some people are born for the battlefield, such as Zhang Wenbi, the archer commander of King Zhao's army, and Cao Wenzhao.

"You guys go try and see if you can activate the Long Wu Army's magical crossbow!" Zhang Wenbi looked at the motionless left wing of the Long Wu Army and said to the deputy general on the side.

"Yes!" The deputy general next to him was about to turn his horse and set off, but Zhang Wenbi gave another warning.

"The Longwu Army's crossbows are powerful, be careful to control the distance!"

This deputy general is not only the deputy commander of Zhang Wenbi's archers, but also his personal guard. He is one of Zhang Wenbi's direct descendants and his good brother.

"General, don't worry, brothers are also people who have fought bloody battles with Hou Jin. They are no better than the group of new recruits on the opposite side?!"

After saying this, the deputy general waved his horse's head and set off towards the Longwu Army's formation with more than a hundred riders.

The soldiers who followed him were all elite knights in King Zhao's army. It goes without saying that their riding skills were the best among the best.

I saw these more than a hundred cavalry galloping towards the Longwu Army's formation, and suddenly turned around when they were three hundred steps closer to the Longwu Army's formation.

This series of actions seems extremely natural.

Then this group of horse archers suddenly turned back and entered within the three hundred pace range of the Longwu Army. However, they did not stay too long. After a few dozen breaths, they changed direction again.

These more than a hundred riders seemed to be teasing the Longwu Army, constantly jumping across the boundary of the effective range of the Longwu Army's divine machine crossbow.

"General! Do you want to shoot?!" the captain on the side asked Cao Wenzhao.

At this moment, Cao Wenzhao's palms were slightly sweaty, but his eyes became clearer and clearer, and his brain felt clearer than ever before.

"Wait a minute! This is a trap!"

These were clearly the archers sent by Zhang Wenbi to challenge them, so that the Longwu Army's divine machine crossbow could fire first.

The captain also noticed something strange but said unwillingly, "Are we just going to let them tease us?!"

Every sudden acceleration of the bow cavalry would make the Longwu Army soldiers nervous and feel like they were being teased.

It's like someone is jumping up and down on their own, mumbling something while doing so.

"I jumped out again, why don't you bite me, I jumped back out again, I jumped out again, hit me, you idiot!"

No one can bear this situation.

"Wait!" Cao Wenzhao, although young and passionate, was surprisingly calm.

Seeing the general's order, the captain was reluctant, but he had no choice but to give up! On the battlefield, soldiers should obey orders as their bounden duty.

Cao Wenzhao calmed down, but the archers and cavalry of King Zhao's army here could no longer hold back.

They continued to test and provoke, but Long Wujun didn't even respond at all. Doesn't this mean that all their efforts were in vain?!

More importantly, they cannot continue like this.

Although the war horse is extremely fast, its endurance is only average.

In other words, the endurance of a mount like a horse is average.

The bow rider cannot continue such an action for too long.

The lieutenant gritted his teeth and led his archers to speed up again.

Long Wujun didn't take any action. It was obvious that the pressure on himself and others was not strong enough, and the provocation was not excessive enough, so he should increase the intensity.

Seeing these people's reactions, Cao Wenzhao already made a decision in his heart.

"The order is sent to the crossbow camp, and two thousand people are ready to prepare their crossbows! The rest are on standby!"

"Yes!" The captain's face showed a look of joy, he could fuck these jumping bow riders.

Not only Cao Wenzhao, the deputy general's movements made Zhang Wenbi, who was watching the battle from behind, change his expression inexplicably. He had warned him to be careful, but now the deputy general began to take risks.

However, Zhang Wenbi had no intention of reminding him. The previous reminder was already a sign of their brotherhood, and now he had to fulfill his obligations as the commander of the archers and cavalry.

Then Zhang Wenbi gently clamped his war horse and began to move forward slowly, and the entire bow cavalry also began to move forward.

Zhang Wenbi believed that the deputy general's flaw would be caught by the generals of the Longwu Army, but with the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind, how could the opportunity of the Longwu Army not be their flaw?!

As Long Wujun failed to respond after several tests, the deputy general became more and more courageous.

"Brothers, draw your bows!" They suddenly charged 200 steps in front of Long Wujun's formation and began to draw their bows.

"Opportunity! Shoot the arrow!"

The arrows from both sides were shot almost at the same time.

No matter how skilled the cavalryman is, his speed will slow down when he draws his bow. This moment is the opportunity for the Longwu Army.


The deputy general heard the sound of bowstrings snapping in the formation of Longwu Army, and he knew that he had played a trick!

Then the arrows swept through the air.

Two thousand feathered arrows came from the sky, completely covering this group of archers.

At a distance of two hundred steps, the Shenji Crossbow's flat shot can easily penetrate heavy armor, let alone these horse archers who only have leather armor!

The dense rain of arrows did not give them a chance. Two thousand arrows covered a hundred cavalry. On average, one person and one horse could get twenty arrows. It is definitely an exaggeration to say that they are shooting hedgehogs, but if you want to use such arrows

Surviving under Yanoshita is just a pipe dream.

After the rain of arrows, both men and horses fell, and blood began to paint the ground of Hongye Plains.

Last time, the blood of 180,000 people was shed here, and this time it may be even more! It will also make Hongye Plain even more bewitching.


Zhang Wenbi narrowed his eyes slightly, then clamped his crotch on the horse and began to accelerate!

Although the firing speed of the divine machine crossbow is fast, it takes time to reload the arrows. Although not all the divine machine crossbows were activated just now, there were at least two thousand arrows.

Within ten breaths, these two thousand feather arrows will be unable to shoot!

This is Zhang Wenbi’s opportunity!

The talent of a general is that he is good at seizing various opportunities on the battlefield!

Zhang Wenbi led the bow cavalry to charge. When the charge reached 300 steps, Zhang Wenbi's bow cavalry began to draw their bows one after another!

"Sure enough, this old boy is waiting for me here!" Cao Wenzhao saw Zhang Wenbi's actions and sneered in his heart. The reason why he ordered only two thousand crossbowmen to shoot was to guard against Zhang Wenbi.

The facts turned out to be just as Cao Wenzhao expected, Zhang Wenbi took action!

When the deputy general charged with Baiqi, he started to accumulate strength!

"Fortunately, I also have something to spare! The serial divine machine crossbow is ready!"

This chapter has been completed!
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