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Chapter 1031

Cao Wenzhao had just finished receiving Lady Yang's cavalry when he noticed something strange in the enemy's formation.

The infantry of King Zhao's rebel army, which had been holding on to their original position, began to slowly move forward, approaching the front of the formation, as if they were about to launch a massive attack.

Cao Wenzhao rubbed his hands with excitement, "These rebels are in a hurry!"

It was just to annihilate more than a thousand archers and cavalry, but the left wing of King Zhao's rebel army looked like it was coming out in full force. Was this a breach of defense?!

Cao Wenzhao realized that the identity of the young general Yang Miaozhen had just captured alive might be unusual. If he were an ordinary school captain and a guerrilla, it would never be possible for the left-wing Zhao Wang rebels to act like this. This was a big fish caught!

However, the enemy's infantry and cavalry took the initiative to attack, which played into the Longwu Army's plans.

"The whole army holds fast! Stop with silence!"

The Longwu Army was second-rate in fighting encounters and guerrilla warfare.

But when it comes to positional warfare, including Tiance, Longwu, and Shenwu, none of them can be more professional than the Longwu Army.

Facing the enemy's active attack, this is the home ground of the Longwu Army!

"Get ready for the Thunderbolt Flying Stone Chariot!"

The flying stone thunder carts in the rear formation have been loaded!

Of course, there are not many in number. Most of the flying stone thunder vehicles are deployed at the forward position of the Longwu Army's central army.

After all, that's where the most frenzied attack from King Zhao's rebels took place.

On the left wing of the Longwu Army, the Flying Rock Thunder Chariots were arranged, mainly to serve as a deterrent. It was impossible to truly rely on them to kill the enemy.

Crossbows and divine machine crossbows are the Longwu Army's greatest reliance.

"The shield array moves forward!" The captain of King Zhao's army directed the soldiers to push the large shield cart forward.

Although it is said to be a shield vehicle, compared to the heavily armed Wuhan Iron and Steel chariots of the Long Wu Army, the large shield vehicle of the Zhao Wang Army seems to be a bit crude, just like the difference between an Audi and an Alto.

However, although they are a bit ugly, these shield vehicles are still the greatest guarantee for King Zhao's army.

Long Wujun’s arrow array is so powerful!

The far one covers the chest of the cave, and the near one encloses the heart. It is no exaggeration.

The leather armor of King Zhao's soldiers had no impact on their arrows at all, and even the iron armor could not withstand the sharpness of their arrows. Only this large shield car could bring enough sense of security to the soldiers of King Zhao's army!

Behind the large shield chariot are the heavily armored soldiers of King Zhao's army, holding large shields as the second line of defense.

What they have to do is follow the large shield chariot into the Longwu army formation, disrupt its arrow formation, and create an offensive environment for the infantry and cavalry in the rear.

Otherwise, this powerful bow and crossbow alone could destroy more than half of the light infantry and light cavalry of King Zhao's army.

Cao Wenzhao also saw the enemy's slowly advancing large shield vehicles. Compared with the previous attack, the rebels were obviously more cautious.

However, Long Wujun also encountered this situation when he was performing martial arts.

"The Heavenly Plane Breaking Formation Crossbow!"

One after another, the ballistas were immediately pushed to the front of the formation.

The Tianji Breaking Formation Crossbow is a simplified version of the Big Wednesday Crossbow - the Tianji Breaking City Crossbow.

It was originally an anti-city treasure, a heavy instrument used to attack cities. In response to the needs of the Longwu Army, this formation-breaking crossbow was improved with reduced power, increased portability and increased rate of fire.

Its original design was to deal with enemy fortifications and shield formations in the field.

The Tianji city-breaking crossbow requires the strength of eight oxen. Even with the help of a winch, it still needs four strong men to push it together. One shot can break the city wall, but it takes a quarter of an hour to fire one shot... This rate of fire is really impressive.

Although the Tianji Formation-Breaking Crossbow is not as powerful as the City-Breaking Crossbow and is 40% smaller in scale, due to the optimization of the winch, it only requires two ordinary soldiers to operate it! It can fire three arrows in a quarter of an hour.

From a technical perspective, the Tianji Breaking Formation Crossbow has surpassed the Tianji Breaking City Crossbow by more than one generation.


Following Cao Wenzhao's order, the originally closed shield formation on the left wing of the Longwu Army suddenly opened, and hundreds of crossbow vehicles were pushed out from between the gaps between the Wu Gang's vehicles.

In King Zhao's army, Tan Yuan, who had been waiting for an opportunity, subconsciously shrank his eyes when he saw these ballistas.

Although he didn't recognize the smaller ballista in the Longwu Army, judging from Dazhou's Tianji city-breaking crossbow and the crossbow arrows displayed by the Longwu Army before, this kind of ballista was definitely not good.


Hundreds of crossbows were instantly activated and attacked the shield formation of King Zhao's army.

Although Tan Yuan realized that something was wrong, he had nothing to do at this time. He could only pray that the shield array of King Zhao's army could withstand the crossbows of Long Wu's army.



After the sound of gold and iron clashing, Long Wujun's crossbow gun penetrated the Zhao Wangjun's shield cart and large shield without any pressure!

The Tianji Formation-Breaking Crossbow was originally designed to break down fortifications, so these shield vehicles and large shields were naturally difficult to withstand.

In addition, Longwujun's crossbows also designed three types of arrows.

One is a special armor-piercing arrow. The sharp part at the front of the arrow is very short, and the back part is a prism, similar to a streamlined shape. The sharp part is short, which makes the arrow less likely to deform during the armor-piercing process and maintains the armor-piercing state. The back part is a cylinder.

It can reduce the friction during armor penetration, and can even easily penetrate plate armor and large shields.

The second type is non-armor-breaking arrows, which are winged arrows. This type of arrow has wings. As the arrow is inserted into the target, the splitting effect of the wings can cause greater lethality. However, this type of arrow will cause damage to the arrow when it hits a hard object.

There is no lethality. These arrows are specially designed to deal with enemies who do not deserve armor, such as bandits and Houjin's infantry.

The third is the edged arrow, which takes into account the lethality of wing arrows and the armor-piercing ability of armor-piercing arrows. It has been the most widely used arrow in the army since the Han Dynasty, including three-edge arrows, four-edge arrows, etc. This is also the original

The most common arrows equipped by the Zhou army, including the equipment of King Zhao's army, are this type of arrows.

At this time, Long Wujun's formation-breaking crossbow used armor-piercing arrows.

The large shield of King Zhao's army was easily penetrated by these crossbow guns, and the soldiers in the rear were also hit by subsequent crossbow guns.

Although this type of arrow is not good at killing, when its force is strong enough, it doesn't matter what arrow it is!

A volley from the ballistae not only destroyed the large shield chariot, but also killed hundreds of soldiers.

In the Longwu Army Formation, after completing this round of firing, they immediately closed the shield formation.

Just when King Zhao's army thought that Long Wu Army's arrow formation offensive had stopped, Long Wu Army's next round of offensive had arrived!



Ten flaming stone bullets rose into the air and hit the front formation of King Zhao's army.



When the ten stone bullets hit the ground, they exploded in all directions.

Soldiers who were directly hit were killed instantly without the slightest chance.

The exploding stone flakes and gravel everywhere also stunned and wounded the surrounding soldiers.

More importantly, it was a blow to the morale of King Zhao's army.

Even though the lethality may not be as good as a volley from the God Machine Crossbow, the visual, auditory, and sensory shock are unmatched by the crossbow.

The soldiers of King Zhao's army fell into chaos.

"No chaos! No chaos!"

The middle and lower-level officers of King Zhao's army continued to maintain the formation, but the formation inevitably began to become chaotic.

"We can't win. The Confederate army's thunderbolt chariots and crossbows are too powerful! We can't win!" A soldier looked at the fallen robes around him, and his spirit was greatly hit.

They didn't even get close to the Longwu Army's 200 steps before they were beaten like this by the Longwu Army's flying rocks and crossbow arrows. A sense of powerlessness arose in the hearts of many ordinary soldiers.

The crazy soldier shouted and ran towards the rear.

"Keng!" The blade of the knife slashed across, blood spattered everywhere, and the body of this fleeing soldier of King Zhao's army was missing.

Tan Yuan slowly came to the front army of King Zhao's army carrying the bloody tiger-headed golden sword.

"In the face of battle, the army ignores those who retreat first, and the rear team will kill the front team! If anyone dares to escape in front of the battle, he will be like this thief!!"

After saying that, Tan Yuan actually raised his sword and started to kill. In just ten breaths, seven soldiers of King Zhao's army fell under his tiger-headed golden sword.

Tan Yuan's reputation among King Zhao's army was not good to begin with. He was cruel and bloodthirsty, not only targeting his enemies, but also frequently beating and scolding his soldiers.

However, he was brave and good at fighting, took the lead, and won the trust of King Zhao. Even though he had some flaws in his character, he was not suspicious of King Zhao.

Even such people are more trusted by those in power, and character flaws mean better control.

Tan Yuan was also well-known among King Zhao's army, but his name was a bad one.

When the originally confused soldiers of King Zhao saw Tan Yuan riding his horse with his sword in hand, holding the head of a soldier who had just escaped, the soldiers all calmed down.

Long Wujun's arrow array and flying rocks are certainly terrifying, but Tan Yuan's sword is also terrifying!

He doesn't care about his brothers, he treats ordinary soldiers and junior officers equally and cuts them one by one.

Facing Long Wujun, there may be a chance to win, but facing Tan Yuan, not only will he be killed and his body dislocated, but his family may also be affected.

The Longwu Army, whose formation was about to be in chaos, miraculously stabilized under Tan Yuan's killing spree...

Cao Wenzhao in the Longwu Army formation was secretly shocked when he saw this scene. It seemed that King Zhao's army was indeed a warrior who had experienced hundreds of battles. Such an attack only caused its formation to be disrupted, and then it immediately returned to normal.

It is indeed a formidable enemy.

"God's Crossbow, continue attacking!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity for King Zhao's rebels to reorganize their formation, the powerful crossbowmen of the Longwu Army fired another round of arrows. Tens of thousands of arrows fell down. Even though the soldiers of King Zhao's army tried hard to resist with the large shields in their hands, there were still people.

Hit by an arrow and fell to the ground.

In addition, the original formation was slightly chaotic, which made it even more difficult to resist the rain of arrows from the Longwu Army.

In one volley, more than two thousand people were hit by arrows.

Dozens of feather arrows were shot at Tan Yuan, who was supervising the battle at the rear. The bloody tiger-headed golden knife in his hand was flying up and down, and he easily blocked more than twenty feather arrows.

"Keep pressing forward!"

It is said that kindness cannot control the army, but the question of whether Tan Yuan is kind or not is no longer a matter of kindness!

He wants to use these cannon fodder to find opportunities and gain space for his cavalry to rush into battle!

At this time, King Zhao's army was still about 200 steps away from Long Wu's army. As long as they could approach these 200 steps, the soldiers of King Zhao's army could destroy Long Wu's Wu Gang chariot formation.

Once Wu Gang's chariot formation is broken, his cavalry can charge forward.

Until now, King Zhao's army still doesn't know how Zhu Shihong's heavy cavalry was defeated!

However, according to the past experience of King Zhao's army, it was nothing more than tactics such as stumbling on the horse's rope and trapping the horse in the trap.

Tan Yuan was different from Zhu Shihong. Zhu Shihong wanted to use the penetration tactic to directly penetrate the Longwu Army's formation and defeat the Longwu Army in one fell swoop.

Facts have proved that Long Wujun is not as weak as they imagined, and is even a formidable opponent.

Tan Yuan now just wanted to use his iron cavalry to break the Longwu Army's formation, and then use the subsequent infantry cavalry to expand the results and completely crush the Longwu Army's defensive formation.

Compared with Zhu Shihong's tactics, although Tan Yuan's tactics had smaller results, they were obviously more stable.

Seeing that the volley of divine machine crossbows could not stop the advance of King Zhao's army, Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but feel panicked. Although he was a very talented general, this was his first time to participate in a battle of this scale.

The soldiers of King Zhao's army seemed to be desperate for their lives at this time. They relied on their flesh and blood and stared at the arrow rain of Long Wu's army step by step.

Someone will fall down every step forward, but these people have no intention of retreating. After the soldiers in the front fall, the soldiers in the rear will immediately pick up their big shields and continue to push forward!

Within a hundred steps, King Zhao's army suffered more than 5,000 casualties.

This distance of a hundred steps was not even enough to bury the corpses of the soldiers killed in the battle of King Zhao's army.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Despite this, King Zhao's army had no intention of stopping, and seemed to be willing to trade 5,000 men for the remaining 100 steps.

And at this time, the strong archers and strong crossbowmen of King Zhao's army also began to fight back!

Arrows were continuously shot out from the rear formation of King Zhao's army, putting pressure on Long Wu's front formation, making it impossible for Long Wu's crossbows to move as smoothly as at first.

However, as the distance got closer, the large shield could not withstand the armor-piercing arrows fired by Long Wujun's powerful crossbows, and more of King Zhao's soldiers fell to the ground.

In just fifty steps, more than 5,000 people were killed or injured again.

"Damn it, these Northern Barbarian rebels are desperate!" Cao Wenzhao looked at this scene and was shocked by the ferocity of King Zhao's army. Ordinary soldiers and horses would have collapsed at this moment!

"Huajiao!" Cao Wenzhao shouted the name of his nephew, and a young general came to Cao Wenzhao with a green dragon halberd. It was Cao Wenzhao's nephew Cao Huajiao.

Although they are named uncle and nephew, there is not much age difference between them.

Cao Wenzhao is ferocious, cunning, brave and resourceful; Cao Huajiao is the bravest of the three armies, strong and resolute.

These two people were the seedlings discovered by Yang Qingyuan from the Datong garrison, and they were also highly valued by Cao Xueyang.

The two of them are even distant relatives of Cao Xueyang.

Blood relatives are more trustworthy than ordinary people in any era, and Cao Xueyang is no exception.

"Uncle Wen Zhao!"

Cao Wenzhao looked at his nephew who was a head taller than himself and said, "Hua Jiao, these rebel northern barbarians are coming to kill you! The frontal battlefield will be left to you! Become a brother of our Hubo Camp,

Withstand the strong attack of these northern barbarians!"

Although there was still a distance of fifty steps, it was inevitable for the two sides to come into contact with each other.

Huboying is a brave man in the Longwu Army, who is better at close combat than a strong crossbowman!

"Uncle Wen Zhao! Don't worry, my Green Dragon Halberd will go on a killing spree today!"

This chapter has been completed!
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