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Chapter 1036

After the Guards Battalion of the Longwu Army rushed to the battlefield, the Longwu Army on the left wing had a chance to breathe. The combat power of the Guards Battalion was as strong as that of the elite Zhao Wangjun. Soon after joining the battlefield, they not only stabilized their position, but also began to


The strong crossbowmen who had been unable to fire arrows due to the harassment of cavalry also began to fire arrows, and the arrows from the divine machine crossbow began to rain down.

The intensive rain of arrows and the support of the Guards Battalion combined to make the offensive of King Zhao's rebel infantry unsustainable.

The battle between Tan Yuan and Yang Miaozhen continues to be entangled.

Yang Miaozhen's martial arts skills were originally much higher than those of Tan Yuan, but in order to stop the charging momentum of King Zhao's cavalry, she used her flesh and blood to take Tan Yuan's overbearing sword, which contained the power of King Zhao's cavalry.

Although the Fourth Lady relied on her miraculous marksmanship to catch the attack, the sword's intent, strength, and military power still shocked the Fourth Lady Yang's heart, causing her to suffer serious internal injuries.

Afterwards, Yang Miaozhen had no time to adjust his breathing and once again led his troops to fight Tan Yuan.

One side has military support, but the other side has suffered internal injuries.

Due to the ebb and flow of each other, Tan Yuan actually had the upper hand within fifty moves, overwhelming Yang Si's wife. For a while, Yang Miaozhen's pear-shaped spear only had the power to parry, and it was difficult to have a chance to counterattack.

As time went by, Tan Yuan's military strength began to weaken.

The military situation is not static. Just now, Tan Yuan broke into the Longwu Army as if he was in an uninhabited land, and the strength of the cavalry under his command is naturally extraordinary. It was precisely because of the attack of this military force with peak morale that Mrs. Yang suffered internal injuries.

However, as the cavalry's offensive was blocked by the soldiers and horses under Yang Si's command, its military strength naturally began to decline, and it was no longer as tyrannical as it was at the beginning.

And Lady Yang, Fourth Lady, also suffered a decline in strength due to serious internal injuries.

If both decrease at the same time, it means there is no decrease.

After a hundred moves, Yang Miaozhen had stabilized his position. The sparks of the pear flower gun were flying in the sky like white snow.

Guns are like pear blossoms, with thousands of flowers.

Tan Yuan was dazzled by his amazing marksmanship.

Tan Yuan's sword skills were passed down from the Demon Sect. If Yang, Wu Xuezhihai and Qing Yuan were here, they would definitely be able to recognize its origin.

In the past, the leader of the Demon Cult and the leader of the Divine Sword Hall, Bai Bai Yu, once had a competition in sword techniques. Bai Bai Yu and the leader of the "Devil Cult" made a bet on skills in Tianshan, and defeated the leader of the Demon Cult's "Ruyi Tianmo, Eight-Stage Chain" move.

, forcing him to never enter the customs again for life.

The sword technique used by Tan Yuan is very similar to the Demon Sect leader's "Ruyi Tianmo, Eight-Style Chain". Compared with the original Demon Sect sword technique, although his sword technique lacks the method of change, it is more concise, violent, and more suitable for the battlefield.


The person who taught Tan Yuan swordsmanship should be related to the Western Demonic Cult, or even an important figure in the Demonic Cult.

"Ruyi Tianmo, Eight-Style Chain" is the sword technique second only to the Divine Sword Slash in the Demon Sect.

Pressure always goes both ways. When Yang Miaozhen felt pressure, why didn't Tan Yuan feel the same?!

The strong pressure brought Tan Yuan close to the threshold of the Dongxuan Realm.

The swords and guns clashed countless times, and the gold paint on the tiger-head golden knife in Tan Yuan's hand began to peel off little by little.

The soldiers of the Guards Battalion around Yang Miaozhen were almost completely lost. The 700 light cavalry of the Guards Battalion took their lives to stop the 3,000 cavalry of King Zhao's army from charging into the formation. Although they were defeated, it was an honor.

However, the general was entangled by Mrs. Yang Si, and the cavalry did not continue to charge into the formation without the leadership of the general. After cleaning up the remaining soldiers of the Guards Battalion, they surrounded them from all directions.

The military strength that Tan Yuan relied on surged again.

Just when the cavalry was about to besiege Mrs. Yang, a sudden shower of arrows came towards the cavalry of King Zhao's army, followed closely by a group of cavalry holding spears and carrying powerful crossbows.

"The thieves should stop being so arrogant!"

It was Cao Ying, the commander of the Guards Battalion of the Longwu Army. She first went to the front line of the Longwu Army to help the Longwu Army's infantry stabilize their position. She left all the elite infantry of the Guards Battalion under the command of Cao Wenzhao, and then took her with her

The cavalry came non-stop to support Yang Miaozhen.

"General Yang, I'm here to help you!"

Cao Ying brought the elite cavalry from the Guards Battalion to kill the general. She brought almost all the soldiers and horses from the Guards Battalion around Cao Xueyang, leaving only 3,000 cavalry to defend Cao Xueyang. The cavalry alone numbered more than 12,000.

This group of cavalry immediately surrounded Yang Miaozhen's soldiers and horses who had stopped moving forward, and then launched attacks from all directions!

Tan Yuan was originally focused on fighting Yang Miaozhen. After glancing at him with his side light, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

If the cavalry under his command were restrained by the Longwu Army's soldiers and horses, and the elite infantry of the Longwu Army surrounded them, the situation would be very passive.

With anxiety in his heart, the sword skills in Tan Yuan's hand became more fierce and cruel, and the sword was like a demon Rakshasa, with vicious moves.

However, in many cases, anger and rage do not necessarily make force more tyrannical.

Tan Yuan's impatience was noticed by Yang Miaozhen, and then Yang Miaozhen no longer fought Tan Yuan head-on but instead used more superb marksmanship to force Tan Yuan to dismantle him.

The Pear Blossom Spear is a unique skill in the world of marksmanship. In terms of the magic of the marksmanship alone, even Heavenly Spear Yang Ning and Evil Spirit Li Ruohai are inferior, and they are not as good as Yang Miaozhen's Pear Blossom Spear.

Tan Yuan's Ruyi Demon, the eight-movement chain itself is half-assed, and because it is necessary to simplify its techniques and moves to kill enemies on the battlefield, Tan Yuan is unable to dismantle such exquisite moves.

Countless shots of gunfire made Tan Yuan frightened and angry, and a touch of blood slowly smeared across Tan Yuan's eyes.

"Ah! Drink!"

With a loud shout, Tan Yuan no longer bothered to dismantle these exquisite spear techniques, but moved forward with a straight slash.

He just used the golden sword to protect his vitals and let the remaining spear light fall on his body.

Although he was wearing armor, it was still difficult to stop Yang Miaozhen's spear light, and thirteen more wounds appeared on his body in the blink of an eye.

However, Tan Yuan seemed unaware and stabbed Yang Miaozhen straight with a tiger-headed golden sword, completely ignoring the injuries on his body and acting like a madman.

Such an all-out attack made Yang Miaozhen feel uncomfortable, so she could only fight back with Tan Yuan.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Every time there is a fight, a piece of the gold paint on the tiger-headed golden knife in Tan Yuan's palm will fall off, and the blood in his pupils will become darker.

After the two sides exchanged blows thirty times, the gold paint on Tan Yuan's tiger-head golden knife had completely peeled off. A very inconspicuous knife, a pitch-black knife appeared in front of Yang Miaozhen, with a pitch-black handle and a pitch-black blade.

.It makes people shudder to watch.

It seems that this is not a human sword, but a magic sword, and only the evil spirits in hell can use it.

This knife originally brought only death and misfortune to people.


Tan Yuan's whole person also experienced unusual changes, and his aura began to skyrocket.

He slashed at Yang Miaozhen with all his strength, and then without looking back, he led three thousand cavalry towards the Longwu Army's formation.

Madam Yang Si dodged the sword's energy and saw that Tan Yuan had begun to speed up his horse and charge towards the Longwu Army's formation with his iron cavalry.

"The thief will leave!"

Madame Yang wanted to use her gun to stop her, but Tan Yuan slashed at Madam Yang with all his strength.

This sword was not only 10% of Tan Yuan's strength, but also included the force of three thousand cavalry. The sword that had just been cut off, cutting off the offensive of King Zhao's cavalry, had already caused Yang Miaozhen to suffer serious internal injuries. If he continued to fight hard this time,

, the internal injuries must be more serious, and he may not be able to fight anymore.

In desperation, Yang Miaozhen had no choice but to avoid the knife, and Tan Yuan also took advantage of the opportunity to kill him.

"General Yang, let me stop him!"

Cao Ying held the silver spear in her hand, and the real energy in her body was raised to the limit. At the same time, she used the power of the Guards to fire this shot - Wandering Dragon Spear Technique, Split the Sky.

When making the move, Cao Ying also used Tiance's Shoushan Mental Technique.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Tan Yuan had just defeated Yang Miaozhen, but another female general tried to stop him, which made Tan Yuan even more irritable.

He jumped up on the galloping horse and struck Cao Ying with the black sword in his hand.

Although Cao Ying is the commander of Cao Xueyang's guards, she has only just entered the realm of Yuanhua, and her martial arts is far behind Tan Yuan.

Although the military force has narrowed the distance between the two sides, even this cannot completely make up for the lack of strength.

Even so, Cao Ying had no intention of backing down!

The guns and knives met, and in just a split second, Cao Ying was knocked away by the huge force transmitted from the silver gun, including both the man and the horse.

"Poof!" Cao Ying fell to the ground, blood mist spurting out of her mouth. It was too reluctant for her to take the knife forcefully.

And her war horse also fell in front of her, with blood foam pouring out of its mouth and her body twitching. Although the knife was blocked by Cao Ying!

However, the sword intent and strength still penetrated the war horse. Although Cao Ying's war horse was a rare good horse, it could not withstand such sword intent and strength, and its heart was crushed by it.

As for Cao Ying, if she hadn't had Tian Cejun's Shoushan Heart Method to protect her body, and if she hadn't learned from Cao Xueyang some of Yang Qingyuan's force-relieving techniques of the Unrequested Yi Jue, her current situation wouldn't have been any better than that of a twitching war horse lying on the ground.


Tan Yuan, who jumped up, was also shaken back by the huge force of the attack. He took more than twenty steps on the ground before he completely stabilized his body.

Wherever he stepped, the footprints were three inches deep, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. Although Cao Ying suffered serious internal injuries from such a hard fight, Tan Yuan also felt uncomfortable. The huge force of the shock shook his blood.

Roiling and shaking in the lungs.

Still, the method of unloading force is not in place. If Yang Qingyuan or a Wudang elder level master is used, the force can be easily dissolved into the ground without hurting one's body.

Although this blow severely damaged Cao Ying, it still achieved the desired effect. The offensive of more than 3,000 cavalry was once again delayed due to their leader.

Cao Ying's serious injury was worth it. During this period of time, Yang Miaozhen caught up with him, and the Longwu Army's Hook and Sickle Spear Battalion and Zhanma Battalion were also approaching here.

By the time Tan Yuan reorganized his army and was about to charge again, Mrs. Yang Si had already led her troops to block Tan Yuan's troops.

"Ah!!!" Tan Yuan seemed to have become even crazier because of these two obstructions, and he kept roaring.

With three thousand cavalry, they rushed towards the cavalry under the command of Madam Yang Si.

But this time, the cavalry under Yang Miaozhen did not counterattack, but dispersed to both sides, and a group of infantry appeared in Tan Yuan's eyes.

Three thousand heavy armored infantrymen in the military formation stood in formation, blocking the cavalry of King Zhao's army.

The Longwu Army's Zhanma Camp was formerly the Zhanma Camp of the Jinyang garrison. When fighting against the elite soldiers of the Eight Banners, it defeated the Eight Banners' cavalry and became famous throughout the world.

Under the sunlight, these heavily armored infantrymen revealed their long-handled sabers.

The blade is long and narrow, thin and sharp. It has the unique steel pattern of Thousand Hammer Steel, which adds a bit of enthusiasm to the originally cold and indifferent sword.

The Zhanma Sword has also been greatly improved due to the design and transformation of the craftsman who oversees it.

Annealing, quenching, earth burning, tempering, polishing... seventeen processes make the blade as a whole have high toughness and can absorb a large amount of impact force, which to some extent reduces the possibility of breakage or bending of the blade.


The sword is specially designed for the enemy's cavalry.

Under the sun, the reflected light makes the originally cold weather seem a little more heated.

Not everyone can stand still in the face of the cavalry charging into the formation, but these three thousand heavily armored battalion soldiers are all the elites of the Longwu Army. They are all strong and strong.


Although Zhan Maying was well-known, Tan Yuan had no fear in his heart.

Previously, Zhan Maying had only dealt with light cavalry such as the Eight Banners Cavalry, but under his command were heavily armored cavalry with both men and horses. The two were completely different.

In one go, defeat the enemy!

The cavalry attacked Zhan Maying and Yang Miaozhen with great force.

One hundred and fifty steps.

One hundred and twenty steps.

Eighty steps!

Fifty steps!

When the cavalry approached fifty steps in front of them, the soldiers lying in wait immediately pulled hard on the hemp rope in their hands, and the mechanism originally set on the ground was pulled.


There were countless simple horse-rejecting spear formations before the horse-killing camp.

Under normal circumstances, the cavalry made a frontal attack and destroyed the Confederate Army's formation with one blow. Then the Confederate cavalry's infantry and cavalry scattered and fled, allowing Tan Yuan to lead the cavalry to completely disrupt the Longwu Army's formation.

But when they charged close to the Longwu Army, they suddenly set up a formation of anti-horse spears. This caught the cavalry in charge off guard, and they subconsciously tried to rein in their horses in an attempt to stop the horses.

But the distance just now is enough for the war horse to accelerate to the extreme. Under full sprint, it is absolutely impossible to rein in the horse in such a short distance.

"Charge with me!" Tan Yuan shouted loudly, waving the black sword in his hand.

The cavalrymen are well equipped with horses and horses, but these horse and spear formations cannot stop them!

"Keng!" Tan Yuan slashed out with his sword, and the energy of the sword immediately chopped the horse in front of his horse into pieces.

The cavalry rushing in the front also collided with the horse-rejecting spear formation almost at the same time. Although it was protected by armor, the horse-repelling spear formation could not cause fatal damage to it, but the huge force still caused the horsemen in the front row to flip over.

After falling to the ground, the horses behind them showed no intention of stopping and continued to charge, trampling over their bodies!

This is heavy cavalry. Once it charges, it is difficult to stop.

"It's time for us to perform!"

A big man with a bit of a Western Region appearance pulled down his face armor. He was the leader of this horse-killing camp.

"Brothers, follow me and kill!"

This chapter has been completed!
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