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Chapter 1,104

Zhuge's fame is immortalized in the universe and is like a feather in the sky for eternity.

If we talk about the land of the Central Plains, if the sky does not give birth to Zhongni, eternity will be like a long night.

Marquis Wu was the pioneer and enlightener of southern Xinjiang civilization. He split the original four counties into seven counties, and sent powerful clansmen as officials to govern the local area. This led to the subsequent prosperity.

Many tribes in the southwest region are grateful to him.

The Torch Festival of the Yi people, the Water Splashing Festival of the Dai people, and the legends of the Lisu, Jinuo and other ethnic minorities are all inextricably linked to Zhuge Liang.

The Wa people are no exception. There is a "Kongming Mountain" on the Awa Mountain. It is said that Zhuge Liang taught the Wa people advanced production technology here.

In later generations, the British army openly invaded the Cangyuan area of ​​Yunnan Province with armed force. Seventeen tribes of the Wa people headed by Ban Hong issued a letter to the compatriots in the motherland:

Since ancient times, our ancestors have been canonized by China and guarded the frontiers. For thousands of years, they have been passed down from generation to generation. Not only are they recorded in the annals of history, but there are also certificates of seals issued by previous dynasties...

It has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is the duty to protect the land. If I lose the descendants, the successors passed down from generation to generation will be passed down to me, and I will not follow them. It will be difficult for the ancestors and grandpas to see the ghosts in the world, let alone the future generations! I, the king, have been thinking about it early and late.

Forgetting to eat, we gather together to steal cattle, hold discussions with tears, cut off our fingers and decide on our own. Although our land is weak and the people are weak, it is thousands of square miles wide and has hundreds of thousands of people. We take advantage of the dangers of nature and rely on the courage of our nature.

. I swear to cut off my head, not to lose my responsibility to protect the land. I swear to shed my blood, not to be a slave to the British colonial rule. Although there is only one gun, one bullet, one woman and one child left, the body can be broken but the heart cannot be changed...

The prime minister's influence in southern Xinjiang is evident.

Since ancient times, sending troops has always required righteousness. For example, Emperor Gao of the Han Dynasty, his name was to resist the violent Qin Dynasty, and benevolence and righteousness were the legal system of Emperor Gao.

Another example is the Taizu of this dynasty, who expelled the Tartars and restored China. The mountains and rivers were on the verge of losing the land of China, and the sun and moon restored the rule of the sky.

The great significance of Prime Minister Zhuge as the Seventeenth Division of Southwest China is self-evident.

After getting Yang Qingyuan's permission, the chief cave master respectfully took the feather fan representing Wolong from Yang Qingyuan with both hands.

"San Ahu, the ancestors of Azu and Grandpa, I ask you, why did you betray Twelve Cave, betray our southern border tribes, and join the Blood River Demon Sect!?"

San Ahu is the name of the Lord of Jiudong, a genuine southern Xinjiang native.

San Ahu looked at the feather fan in the hands of the chief cave owner with complicated eyes.

Zhuge Kongming is not only a name to the people of southern Xinjiang, but also their ancestor, a person of faith level.

The most difficult thing to do when asking questions is to deceive oneself.

San Ahu let out a long sigh and said, "I'm not willing to do it! I'm not willing to die in the Cave Mystic Realm for the rest of my life!"

The Dongxuan Realm is already an elusive existence for ordinary warriors, but for San Ahu, it is a shackle that traps him to death.

He has been trapped in the Dongxuan Realm for twenty years.

At the age of forty-five, San Ahu broke through the shackles and was promoted to Dongxuan. How high-spirited is that? Even in the history of southern Xinjiang, he is a genius that few people can match.

But within the next twenty years, he lost his way and couldn't find himself.

To San Ahu, the Dongxuan Realm is like an endless desert, with no end in sight no matter how far he goes.

Maybe you can stick to your heart in the early stage, but twenty years of despair is enough to swallow you up.

When the people from the Blood River Sect came to him with the secret method of left path to break through the Dongxuan Realm, San Ahu was finally shaken.

The secret method of the Blood River Sect can be used as medicine for people to replenish their own foundation with the Qi, blood and essence of others.

Although this method harms the harmony of heaven and earth, it is indeed a method that can break through the realm of heaven and earth.

There are three thousand avenues, and side paths and right paths are also paths, but this method cannot be tolerated by heaven, and must be punished by humanity!

But how can a person who has been thirsty in the desert for twenty years care about whether the water handed to him is poisonous?

Drinking poison to quench thirst is just that!

Seeing that Ahu had admitted it, the head of the cave looked even uglier.

"Tell me! How many clan members have you killed for your own selfish desires!?"

Human beings are the spiritual beings of all things, and their essence, blood, and vitality are also great supplements. However, from the Cave Mystic Realm to the Dharma, Heaven, Elephant, and Earth Realm, the gap between them is even greater. If there is not enough essence, how can one use other methods to follow the Dharma, Heaven, Elephant, and Earth Realm?


"Hey!" San Ahu sighed, "Is there any point in talking about this now?!"

The dead cannot be resurrected, and even knowing that would only increase the trouble!

"San Ahu, I am not asking you now, but Grandpa Zu is asking you!" The master of the cave raised the feather fan in his hand and looked at San Ahu.

This scene can be compared to a Christian facing the torture of God.

As long as there is conscience in one's heart, there is no way to break this kind of questioning situation.

"Hey~~" San Ahu sighed, "A total of nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-one people!"


Everyone present, whether they were the few from Da Zhou or the warriors from Twelve Cave, all exclaimed in surprise.

Nearly 10,000 people. This is not a cold number, but 9,891 living lives.

A sharp look flashed in Yang Qingyuan's eyes, and the sword energy on his fingertips couldn't help but beat a little.

"How many babies are there in them!?"

The most essential part of the Blood River Sect's secret method is to take the innate blood of unborn babies and create a pseudo-innate foundation for oneself.

Yang Qingyuan's words obviously did not occur to San Ahu. San Ahu subconsciously asked, "How did you know you wanted it!?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that he had let it slip!

No matter what country or race, newborn babies are the most worthy of looking forward to and protecting. Supporting one's own body with the blood of babies, in a big way, is supporting one's own martial arts realm in the future of southern Xinjiang.

The people in the Twelve Cave no longer felt sorry and confused just now, and their eyes were filled with anger.


The master of the cave gave a sharp shout, and his true energy almost lost control at a certain moment, causing the green bricks under his feet to shatter.

"Seven hundred...seven hundred and seventy-seven people..." After saying this, Ahu lowered his head.

More than 700 children died. In the first period of time, as soon as he closed his eyes, he could see countless babies turning into ghosts and asking for their lives.

But as time went by, he killed more and more people, and his mentality gradually became numb.

In San Ahu's eyes, there is no difference between killing people for blood and killing chickens for meat...

"You beast!" Master Zongtong suppressed the anger in his heart. Originally, at his level, it was normal to be unfazed by favors and humiliations. However, after learning about San Ahu's evil deeds, he almost couldn't hold it back and wanted to kill him.

This thief.

But the master of the cave also knew that he could not be killed at the moment.

The Blood River Sect is a cancer attached to southern Xinjiang. Although Yang Qingyuan defeated this cancer, there is still pus and blood scattered in southern Xinjiang. If it cannot be eliminated in time, it will become a serious problem in the future!

Complete the task of eradicating evil and eradicate the roots!

This chapter has been completed!
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