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Chapter 1,107

"In the original Zhou Ting, many people have sent anonymous letters to me, hoping to join me in advance. Most of them have not revealed their identities, but have revealed information about Zhou Ting intentionally or unintentionally!"

"These people are just outsiders. When the prince's power is strong, they will marry; when the prince's power is weak, they will stay away." Monk Du Yan revealed the essence of these people in one sentence.

There is no shortage of speculators at any time.

Although King Zhao looks down on these people, at this stage, he needs these people.

"Originally, the lonely king wanted to get some information from these people. Unfortunately, as Zhang Shimei's army was defeated by Cao Xueyang's Longwu Army, these losers began to waver again!"

When King Zhao mentioned that Zhang Shimei's face was not very good-looking, she was the elite in his hands!

Originally, after defeating the Pingjing Army, the strength of the North and the South changed easily, and King Zhao had already occupied an absolute advantage. However, such a big advantage was given away by Zhang Shimei in a wave of attacks.

King Zhao's liver is still hurting now. This is the wealth he has accumulated for most of his life.

"My lord, Zhang Shuai is a general under your lord. Although he was defeated, it was just an unintentional mistake. His crime is unforgivable, but your lord must not reduce his military power because of this. Now is the time to recruit people!"

Du Yan heard the anger hidden in King Zhao's words and immediately explained.

In the current Prince Zhao's Mansion, apart from Prince Zhao himself, only Zhang Shimei can take charge of the role. The subsequent battles will definitely not be a one-line battle. Before the remaining generals have not fully grown up, Zhang Shimei's role is indispensable.


"I don't know. If this were not the case, do you think Zhang Shimei can still lead the army on the front line?"

Seeing that King Zhao was thinking clearly, Du Yan's tone gradually changed, "Your Majesty is so talented and brilliant, and so insightful. The old monk admires him! However, if Zhang Shuai is defeated this time, if he is not punished, people will not be convinced!"

Monk Du Yan is not adding insult to injury, but is trying to make up for Zhang Shimei.

Zhang Shimei's defeat is an objective reality. Even if King Zhao does not deal with Zhang Shimei for the sake of the overall situation, he must be holding this tone in his heart.

This tone of voice is not smooth, and it will only become more uncomfortable the longer you hold it in. Don't you see Cao Weiwu and Yang Xiushi?

Zhang Shimei had a close personal relationship with Monk Du Yan, and he also respected Du Yan. Monk Du Yan had to help him both in public and private matters.

It is definitely unrealistic to want King Zhao to forget this matter. The best way is to let King Zhao punish Zhang Shimei now to let him get rid of the suffocation in his chest.

Because of Zhang Shimei's importance now, King Zhao cannot make a heavy move, and after the punishment, the frustration in King Zhao's heart will dissipate.

It seems that Monk Du Yan is doing some last-ditch damage, but in fact he is helping Zhang Shimei.

King Zhao had anger in his heart originally, but now that what Monk Du Yan said, the anger that had been suppressed came up again!

"Master, what you said makes sense. In your opinion, how should Zhang Shimei be dealt with?"

Monk Du Yan pondered slightly, this issue is not simple. If the punishment is too light, the anger in King Zhao's heart will not go away. If it is too severe, it will affect his command of the army, and it will not have the effect of punishment.

"The prince has removed Zhang Shuai from his original position as punishment, but this alone is not enough. The old monk thinks that he can also be fined with five years' salary and eighty military sticks."

A five-year fine is equivalent to five years of working without wages. This punishment sounds scary.

The Eighty-Year Army Stick is even more outrageous. A strong man can be beaten to death with a thirty-year-old Army Stick.

Even a master of the Yuan Hua realm like Zhang Shimei would be beaten half to death if he was beaten with eighty military sticks without being able to use the true energy to protect his body.

Sure enough, after hearing the punishment proposed by Du Yan, King Zhao, who had been getting angry just now, instantly calmed down.

The punishment Du Yan said was not light, but the problem is still the same. Now Zhang Shimei has to lead the army. This beating will not only affect Zhang Shimei's command, but also weaken his prestige in the army.

If the commander's prestige is too high, the lord will be afraid of him, but if the commander's prestige is too low, he will not even be able to command the army normally.

"The king sees it this way! I will send you the eighty military sticks for the time being, and we will deal with it later. I will first fine you five years of salary as punishment!"


A five-year fine is certainly a big deal for a laborer, but for a general of Zhang Shimei's level, it is completely trivial.

Salaries only account for part of their daily income. In addition to rewards from Prince Zhao's palace, there are also various gifts.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate cannot control the staff of Prince Zhao's office, and the Sixth Army Governor's Office cannot control Zhang Shimei.

Although Prince Zhao's Mansion also cracked down on corruption, it did not attack as hard as Zhou Ting did.

Therefore, this article may seem serious, but in fact it is acceptable to Zhang Shimei.

After a series of operations, King Zhao was just satisfied when he suddenly realized that he seemed to have fallen into Du Yan's rhythm.

"Hahaha! You old fox, you didn't dare to plead for Zhang Shimei openly, but you secretly helped him in this way!" King Zhao reproached him, but his expression showed no intention of convicting him.

"The old monk dare not accept such a challenge from the prince!"

The head of civil servants excusing the head of military generals may not seem like a joke, but it contains the potential to frighten the monarch.

Fortunately, this person is Du Yan, and just as he understands himself, King Zhao also understands him.

This old monk has no ambitions, or in other words, he has the greatest ambition in the world - to use what he has learned to establish a new emperor.

Some people rebel for the sake of beauty, some rebel for their ambitions, some rebel for the sake of survival, and Monk Duyan rebels for the sake of rebellion.

The two looked at each other and smiled, knowing that the incident was over.

"The chaos in the master's office just now caused chaos in the Zhou court. Is there any good strategy?"

King Zhao changed the topic and returned to the original question again.

Monk Du Yan put down the tea cup he had just picked up, and then said, "Although the people in the world who were recruited before began to disrupt, assassinate, and sabotage activities as planned in Shendu, the effect was very little. The masters of Shendu gathered together, even if Dongxuan

Even if a warrior of this level enters the capital of the gods, it will be difficult for him to escape unscathed."

Behind Monk Duyan stood the Buddhist sect, but these top Buddhist masters only dared to attack secretly and did not dare to go directly to the assassination.

I really pissed off those Taoist priests who study the way of heaven all day long. What should I do if they come to block the door?!

This is not the era of the 480 temples in the Southern Dynasties. Although the Taoist sect is low-key, it has many masters and is definitely stronger than the Buddhist sect.

"However," Du Yan just finished saying that it was difficult, but immediately added, "Although it is troublesome for our experts to sneak into the divine capital, it is still easy for people who are originally in the divine capital to disrupt the divine capital."

King Zhao frowned, "Master, are you talking about those wallflowers?! It's okay for them to wave flags and shout to show their loyalty, but if you really want them to do anything, they definitely won't do it."

King Zhao knows the virtues of these people very well!

"I'm not talking about them but..."

While talking, Monk Duyan dipped his fingers in tea and wrote a name on the stone table.

This chapter has been completed!
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