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Chapter 129: Fengling Ferry

Fenglingdu is located at the junction of Jizhou, Qinzhou and Yuzhou. It has been the largest ferry on the Yellow River since ancient times. It has been an important port of the Yellow River for thousands of years and the thoroughfare of the three states, which military strategists must compete for.

This originally lively and bustling ferry became silent due to a snowstorm that had not been heard in a century and a rare event in a millennium.

Yang Qingyuan and the other three rode horses to the small town next to Fengling Ferry and found an inn.

"Waiter, stay at the hotel!!"

Yang Qingyuan and others handed over the horses to the waiters on the side and then entered the store. Xiao Tao on the side shouted.

The waiter, who was listless, suddenly saw a few guests coming, and immediately became energetic and shouted loudly.

"Three guests, stay at the hotel! Three rooms!"

Yang Qingyuan and the others went up to the second floor under the leadership of the waiter.

Although it is called Shangfang, it is just a small shop in the town after all. It is neat and clean, but it has no necessary connection with the word "Shangfang".

After the three of them placed their luggage, they walked downstairs to buy some food.

"Waiter, is there anything else to eat in the store?!"

When the waiter heard that he wanted to eat, his eyes lit up, "Yes! Yes! But Sir, you have also seen the situation now. There are not many vegetables left, and the prices of other dishes are 30% higher than usual."

"Thirty percent?! That's reasonable, just serve the food!"

With such a heavy snowfall, it is reasonable for vegetable prices to rise. An increase of 30% is not much. Didn’t you see that the price of pork has increased by more than 50% in later generations?

Seeing Yang Qingyuan's generosity, the waiter was even more happy. There was no doubt that he would be rewarded for this gesture in the future.

The three of us ordered five large dishes.

Astragalus mutton soup, Dingxiang steamed pork, Yellow River carp, vermicelli stew plus a castella noodle.

Yang Qingyuan and the other three are all warriors, especially Xiao Tao and Shen Bao, who have just entered Tongmai and have a large appetite.

"Following the young master, we can eat so many delicious dishes. This trip is not in vain!"

Shen Bao, who has a relatively lively temperament, immediately started joking when he saw this.

Although Yang Qingyuan was a civil servant with a very high status, he appeared in Dali Temple as an easy-going and friendly person.

When he puts on the official robe of the Dali Temple Prime Minister or the Dali Temple field service uniform, he looks solemn and majestic, but when he wears ordinary clothes, he will make jokes and make jokes with everyone, not like a superior official at all.

"Glutious monkey, have you ever been treated badly by the food in this house?! Go to other places to compare, which one can compare with our food!" Yang Qingyuan said jokingly, looking at Shen Bao's salivating face.

“The food in the kitchen is indeed good, but haven’t you ever tasted Jizhou food?!”

The food in Dali Temple is good. This news has been spread among Anliu Department. Especially people from Liumen or Shenhou Mansion who come to Dali Temple for business will definitely eat before leaving. It has almost become a routine!

After waiting for the dishes to be served, the waiter was about to leave when Yang Qingyuan stopped him.

"Xiao Er, let me ask you something!?"

As he spoke, Yang Qingyuan took out a small ingot of silver from his arms, which Yang Qingyuan temporarily shattered with his internal force. It weighed about three coins, but it was a large amount for a waiter in the shop.

"Sir, please feel free to ask, I will tell you everything you know!" The waiter was so happy that he couldn't even see his face, and he swore in his heart that he would take good care of this man!

"I heard about the snowstorm in Jizhou! There is a shortage of food everywhere, but I don't think there is a shortage of food here. What's going on!"

"My guest, I see that you are not dressed like an ordinary person. I won't hide it from you. There is indeed a shortage of food. Not only in the town, but also in the entire Jizhou! It's just that there is no shortage in small shops!"

The waiter's words immediately piqued Shen Bao's interest, "Why don't you guys have any shortage?!"

"There are a few guest officials and merchants who stay and eat in the small shop. There is a constant flow of merchants, so they usually stock up on food. But with this heavy snow, almost no one comes, so the small shop has stocked up on food."

"Your town is also short of food. Is there any food shipped to the county?"

"Yes, yes, but there is not much grain shipped from the county. We opened a porridge shed in the town. It is said to be a porridge shed, but it is actually rice soup. Drinking it will keep you from starving, but you will never be full!" said the waiter in the shop. I also tried the rice soup. It was really just soup, and you couldn’t see much rice in a bowl.

"These corrupt officials!!" Xiao Tao, who had been silent until now, said angrily.

Yang Qingyuan smiled and shook his head, "They did nothing wrong in this matter!"

Xiao Tao was about to speak when Yang Qingyuan pressed his hand to stop his words.

"This snowstorm in Jizhou is so large and harmful that it has not been seen in a hundred years, and the food for the imperial court is also being transported in batches, so officials at all levels are now making sure that no one will starve to death due to lack of food. Governor Wang has a lot of money at hand. If you are not rich, you can only use one grain of grain as two grains!"

Yang Qingyuan paused and continued, "And not all people have no food at home, so this rice soup is boiled thin, which can still make most families have food, but people who want to come to the porridge shed to eat for free lose interest in eating. .”

"Furthermore, you see, now we have big fish and meat on the table, can we say that we are extravagant and extravagant? If there are frozen bones on the road, that is our fault. Now we are Just eating."

Looking at the two people who were deep in thought, Yang Qingyuan picked up a piece of meat. Shanxi mutton, not bad!

The shopkeeper on the side remained silent and listened quietly to Yang Qingyuan's explanation to the two of them. After Yang Qingyuan finished speaking, he came over.

"This guest officer has extraordinary conversational skills and extraordinary talent. He must be no ordinary person. I warmed up this thin glass of wine to express my feelings and warm up the three guests."

Yang Qingyuan saw the shopkeeper's good intentions and did not refuse. He walked around the world, maybe he just wanted to make a good relationship.


Yang Qingyuan never drinks alcohol. This is actually because his innate Wuji Gong has a small flaw, that is, he cannot drink alcohol and he will get drunk after just one glass of wine.

"Master, what is this?!"

Xiao and Chen hesitated for a moment. Dali Temple clearly stipulates that alcohol is not allowed while on duty.

"You came out with me, not on duty. Drink!"

The two of them were overjoyed when they heard this. Shen Bao took the wine bottle and was about to pour it for Yang Qingyuan, but Yang Qingyuan stopped him, "I don't drink at all! Just drink it yourself!"

Then Yang Qingyuan turned to the shopkeeper and said, "Shopkeeper, I need to trouble you to feed our horses. We will be on our way early tomorrow morning."

"You're welcome, sir! Waiter, go and feed the horse." Then he turned to Yang Qingyuan and said, "You guys have a good meal and a drink!"

After saying this, the shopkeeper returned to the counter and continued to sort out the accounts.

Just as Yang Qingyuan and the others continued to eat, a scream suddenly came from the backyard!

"Ah!!! People are dead!!"

Yang Qingyuan and the others were so sensitive to this that they immediately put down their chopsticks!

Yang Qingyuan's figure even disappeared, and he directly used Qinggong and disappeared into the building.

As soon as he arrived in the backyard, Yang Qingyuan saw Xiaoer lying in the snow. A lot of grass was scattered beside him. In the direction Xiaoer pointed with his finger, there was a person buried in the snow. It looked like he was frozen. !

This chapter has been completed!
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