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Chapter 141 Praying Mantis Catching Cicadas

A group of bandits dared to rob the court's disaster relief food at such a time, and Yang Qingyuan felt that the matter was not simple.

Although the imperial court has no time to take care of you now, once the snowstorm is over, the Tiance army returning to defend the northern border will be able to wipe out you.

What Tian Hu grabbed was not food, but a time bomb that could kill him.

Having said that, Yang Qingyuan still had to destroy this group of bandits and regain the grain. Otherwise, with the current military strength of Jizhou, he might not be able to safely transport grain to Pingshan County.

Pingshan County City Defense Camp, Hu Chengfangzhong.

"Captain Hu, how are you thinking?" A man in black was sitting on the table nearby, looking at Hu Cheng who was lying on the bed recovering from his injuries.

"Your wound medicine is indeed good, but if you want me to die with just one bottle of wound medicine, do you think I'm a fool?!"

Hu Cheng looked at the man in black and smiled contemptuously.

"Although the man named Yang hit me hard and lost my face, he relied on military law! For this matter, he and I will fight to the death?!"

"Besides, he is still a high-ranking official sent by the imperial court. If I kill him, won't I end up with three tribes being wiped out?!"

As he said that, Hu Cheng took out a piece of silver from the side and threw it to the man in black.

"This is my money to buy medicine. Get out of here before I change my mind!"

The man in black was not angry. He picked up the silver ingot on the table and put it in his arms. "Colonel Hu, please think carefully. If you miss this opportunity, it will be very difficult for you to get promoted!!"

The man in black's words made Hu Cheng's eyes change, "What do you mean by this!?"

"As long as you kill Yang Qingyuan, my master can't guarantee anything else, but the position of General of the Beijing Camp can still be promised to you!"

Hu Cheng was silent for a while, then smiled disdainfully, "Come back to the capital to be the commander-in-chief, why don't you take a piss and look at yourself!"

Although Hu Cheng's attitude was still bad on the outside, the man in black knew that he was hesitant and wavering in his heart.

"Does Captain Hu really think that Yang Qingyuan has no political opponents in the capital?"

"Your words reminded me, so why didn't I choose to hand you over to Yang Qingyuan? In this way, I would have made a great contribution. Yang Qingyuan is also very knowledgeable in the capital of the gods. It is not difficult to get a promotion for me! Even if you seek a promotion, it will not be difficult.

For a promotion, why should I look for someone like you who hides his face and dares not show his true colors?!"

The man in black realized that Hu Cheng was testing his identity in his words, and couldn't help but smile.

"Colonel Hu already hates Yang Qingyuan. Even if you hand me over to Yang Qingyuan, he may not help you get promoted. What's more, the man named Yang is only a fifth-grade official. There are a lot of such officials in the capital!"

"But my master is different! In his eyes, the General of the Beijing Camp is just a mediocre person. The reason why I masked my face is actually because of you, Captain Hu. If you really see my true face, for the sake of my family

Because of the master’s reputation, Lieutenant Hu will have no choice but to shut up forever.”

As he spoke, Hei Yi took out a jade pendant and placed it on the table. When he saw the jade pendant, Hu Cheng's eyes froze.

This is a dragon-shaped jade pendant, which cannot be used by people other than members of the royal family.

At this moment, Hu Cheng's heart was moved. He was just a captain and didn't know much about the court situation. But in Hu Cheng's view, the person in front of him was probably the representative of a certain prince in the capital, and he was here to secretly kill Yang Qingyuan.

If this is really the case, it may not be impossible to join the Beijing camp.

"Now that Yang is in Pingshan County, he is protected by six gates. I have no chance to make a move!"

When Hu Cheng said this, he had already made his attitude clear.

"Captain Hu, don't be impatient. If it's tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, Yang Qingyuan will lead the city defense troops to suppress the bandits. Then it will be your chance."

After the man in black finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving only one sentence behind.

"This jade pendant will be left to Captain Hu as a token. If I fail to keep my word, Captain Hu will have something to rely on."

After saying that, the man in black left the room, leaving Hu Cheng alone.

Looking at the dragon-shaped jade pendant on the table, Hu Cheng's eyes showed a hint of murderous intent.


In an inn in Pingshan County.

A familiar group of men in black are holding an illegal assembly.

"Do you think a fool like Hu Cheng can kill Yang Qingyuan?" asked a man wearing a pig head mask.

"Of course I don't have any hope, but if I can give it a try with a few words and a jade pendant, I'm still willing to pay the price. Even if Hu Cheng fails, we will lose a jade pendant, but if it succeeds by luck, it will be a small loss."

Bo Da, you’ve made a lot of money!”

The next day, Yang Qingyuan gathered 500 troops, 1,000 militiamen, and set out with all the equipment and weapons.

In view of Pingshan County Captain Hu Cheng's eagerness to fight, Yang Qingyuan gave special approval and allowed him to go into battle despite being injured.

Seeing that Yang Qingyuan was not even brought with Xiao Tao and Shen Bao, but only with Xiao Yang Guo, Hu Cheng was even more confident that he would win this battle!

When he attacked Yang Qingyuan, Yang Qingyuan found that he was surrounded by his confidants. Hu Cheng felt happy just thinking about that kind of despair.

But what Lieutenant Hu didn't know was that yesterday he made up his mind to summon several confidants and revealed his plan.

Then his confidants went to Yang Qingyuan's house overnight to tell the truth. Almost none of them were left behind, for fear that they would be late and not receive the reward.

The following is the crime of assassinating an official of the imperial court, which no normal person would do.

Colonel Hu made a miscalculation!

Yang Qingyuan did not expose Captain Hu directly, but took him on the road with him. Since Yang Qingyuan came to this world, he has never enjoyed the pleasure of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Such a life is incomplete.

Based on such a bad taste, Hu Cheng was brought along. When Hu Cheng wanted to surround and kill him, he found that all his confidants had jumped. This feeling made Yang Qingyuan feel happy just thinking about it.

In addition, Yang Qingyuan also wanted to see who was behind it?

As for Hu Cheng's sudden idea to do something to himself, Yang Qingyuan thought it was almost impossible.

Because it is impossible for a person with an intellectual disability to become the captain of Pingshan County.

After traveling for three hours, Yang Qingyuan finally led his troops to the territory of Zhending and set up camp at the foot of Yinlong Mountain in Zhending County.

Along the way, Hu Cheng was also convinced by Yang Qingyuan. He was a civil servant and was also involved in marching. The camps he established were even more well-organized. Although there were not many soldiers and horses, they all performed their duties. He was much better than himself as a captain.


It's just a pity that such a talent will die tonight.

Who thinks he is blocking his own way!?

If a person does not serve himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth!!

After night falls, everything is silent except for the sound of falling snow.

Yang Qingyuan was inspecting the situation in the camp, and Hu Cheng was following him injured.

"Sir, when I was passing by the back camp just now, I noticed that there was something wrong with the layout of the camp!"

Hu Cheng said carefully, his acting skills are quite good.

"Oh?! I learned my art of war from my own military books. There are some fallacies in just talking about war on paper. It's normal. Let's go and take a look!"

In this way, Yang Qingyuan led Hu Cheng and several soldiers into the trap arranged by Hu Cheng in advance.

This chapter has been completed!
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