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Chapter 156 Cultivation

After ordering the food, Yang Qingyuan opened a private room and invited Yao Yuanzhi to sit with him.

During the meal, Yao Yuanzhi had been consulting Yang Qingyuan on military affairs. He majored in policy theory, and Yang Qingyuan was a great policy analyst in the imperial examinations in recent years. Naturally, he would not let go of such a good opportunity, and immediately came up with one of his most proud policy essays.

Please correct Yang Qingyuan.

After Yang Qingyuan read it, he found that Yao Yuanzhi did have real talent and knowledge. His views on the border did have merit and practical value, and he could be regarded as a sage from the imperial examination.

"Yuanzhi, you have a unique vision in border defense and military affairs. I wonder if you would like to serve in the Ministry of War."

Such talent can be wasted, and Yang Qingyuan wants to send it to Yu Yanyi.

Yang Qingyuan's words made Yao Yuanzhi very happy. He was originally a civil servant and had the qualifications to fill the vacant official position.

However, it has always been a big problem to appoint people to replace officials. There are many people to be promoted, but there are few official positions. Those who can fill the positions must be recommended by others. Even so, they usually only get a teaching. If the recommended person has a deeper background, he may be able to make a profit.

County Magistrate, as for filling the vacancy of the County Magistrate, the people and people at that time are indispensable.

From what Yang Qingyuan said, he was willing to recommend him to the Ministry of War.

Such people who were recommended to the Ministry of War were very few among the imperial officials. Although not as good as a county magistrate, it was still the best position.

Yao Yuanzhi was very moved, and then rejected Yang Qingyuan.

"Thank you for your kindness, sir, but Yuanzhi will live up to your recommendation. Yuanzhi uses tea instead of wine and will punish himself with one drink!"

As he spoke, Yao Yuanzhi drank a small cup of tea and then explained.

"It's not that Yuan Zhi doesn't know what's good or bad, it's just that he entered the official position as a judge, and I'm afraid he will be unable to move forward in the future."

Yang Qingyuan nodded.

What Yao Yuanzhi said is true. The Great Zhou Dynasty selected officials through the imperial examination. Although they did not only respect Confucianism, they paid special attention to the background of civil servants.

In the fifty years since the founding of the country, in addition to a few founding officials, all the senior officials in the central court and the six cabinet departments were from Hanlin.

This is also the rule of the officialdom of the Zhou Dynasty. Non-Hanlin officials are not allowed to join the cabinet, and those who do not live in prefectures and counties are not allowed to join the cabinet.

Those who can enter the Hanlin Academy must have top-notch cultural accomplishments and IQs.

Those who have experienced the governance of states and counties and are recognized by the court have outstanding abilities and emotional intelligence.

In this way, the selected people will be top talents with complete culture and abilities, as well as high IQ and EQ.

Only when the Zhou Empire is placed in the hands of such a person can the Emperor of Zhou feel at ease and the ministers feel at ease.

"What you are thinking is indeed reasonable. It is a fact that it is difficult to get promoted if you are an official. Moreover, with your talent and learning, it is only a matter of time before you want to go to high school. With this policy, even if you are average in other subjects, you can get into the second class.


But Yao Yuanzhi smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Students also have this strategy and can do it well in one subject, but the other subjects... don't talk about it!"

Yang Qingyuan made some calculations in his mind.

The imperial examination in the Great Zhou Dynasty was a bit like the college entrance examination in Zhejiang in the previous life.

The essay is a compulsory exam, and the examiner sets the topic. There is only one topic, and the content and genre are not limited, including poetry.

Subsequently, those who participate in the examination must choose three subjects. The subjects to be selected are Mo Yi, policy theory, clear calculation, criminal names, poetry, essays, military strategy, etc.

However, among these elective subjects, there are also distinctions between superior and inferior. Generally, those who choose Mo Yi will have no hope of getting the first grade. Mo Yi is an annotation of previous classics, which is the lowest weighted among the scores.

Anyone who wants to hit the first level must choose policy theory. Policy theory is also the most valued by the emperor and examiners.

After thinking for a while, Yang Qingyuan had a plan in mind.

"Yuan Zhi, I have to go to Beijing to take the exam next spring."

Yao Yuanzhi nodded, "The student just returned from Longshan Academy. He first returned to his hometown and then went to Beijing to prepare for the exam."

"Yuanzhi is from Yuezhou?!"

Yao Yuanzhi was a little surprised, "How did you know, sir?!"

"The surname Yao comes from the ancient holy emperor Yu Shun. Shun was born in Yao Xu, and his descendants took this place as their surname. This surname is the most common in Yuezhou, so I guessed this."

Yang Qingyuan also showed off a little bit.

"Your Excellency is indeed knowledgeable!"

"Yuanzhi, if you are interested in this subject, you can choose to examine Mo Yi, policy theory and clear calculation."

Yao Yuanzhi was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Yang Qingyuan meant, "But students don't know how to calculate clearly."

"You are interested in studying border defense and military affairs. Calculation will help you deal with official affairs in the future. After you go home, you can go to Beijing early to prepare for the exam. In my spare time, I also wrote some books on arithmetic. You can take them and read them. If you have any

If you don’t understand something, you can ask me.”

Yao Yuanzhi is not a fool. Anyone who can succeed in the exam is not a fool either. Even if he heard the meaning of Yang Qingyuan's words.

He immediately stood up and saluted, "Thank you so much, Yuan Zhi."

Yang Qingyuan's brilliant calculations were unparalleled in the world, and his new calculations were promoted in the Hanlin Academy.

This means that Yao Yuanzhi naturally understands.

Of course Yang Qingyuan also has his own plans.

What he wanted to do was too big.

He needs strength and support, so he is also consciously cultivating his own followers.

In today's court, the top ten in the imperial examination in the 13th year of Yong'an are all outstanding people, and the relationship between them is even more harmonious. They are not comrades, but they are better than cliques.

But that alone is not enough. Yang Qingyuan is also cultivating his own manpower.

Yao Yuanzhi is a very good candidate. He is very talented in military strategy. He also acted like a gentleman when he argued with the store owner just now. He is worth training in the early stage.

After Yang Qingyuan and Yao Yuanzhi had a conversation, they agreed to meet again in Shendu in September this year. After that, Yao Yuanzhi left in a hurry because his grandmother was seriously ill at home, leaving a name note for Yang Qingyuan before leaving.

Name cards are generally not given to others. They are a symbol of one's own status.

Just like Yang Qingyuan, so far, he has only added his own name to Liu Wangshu, so that she can travel around the world without being troubled by the government.

After everyone finished eating, Xiao Yang Guo proposed that he wanted to go out for a walk.

Yang Qingyuan's disciples were never pedantic, and this place was unusual for Yang Guo, so he agreed, and he and Xiao Chen found a teahouse and ordered a pot of tea.

Little Yang Guo was walking alone in Fengling Town, the sky was getting dark. He was used to wandering around alone, but after following Yang Qingyuan for three months, he suddenly came out on his own, and he was not used to it anymore.

Yang Guo, who was walking on the street, saw a vendor selling candied haws, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Teenagers always have a special liking for sweets.

From candied haws to soda to milk tea, this has been the case through the ages.

While Yang Guo was in Pingshan County, he was paid to assist in handling government affairs. Yang Guo touched the money in his pocket and instantly felt confident.

"Boss, give me four skewers of candied haws!"

Yang Guo took the four bunches of candied haws and started eating them happily.


At this moment, Yang Qingyuan, who was sitting in the teahouse, was artfully drinking tea. In fact, he didn't understand tea ceremony at all.

While chatting with Xiao Chen, Yang Qingyuan found that the tea in his cup was making ripples.

Yang Qingyuan's expression changed, "There are experts taking action here!"

This chapter has been completed!
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