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Chapter 21 Night Assassin (2)


The sky above Dali Temple, which was still tense at first, suddenly became quiet.

Tie Chengxuan, who had just arrived at the scene, only heard that he had to pay a fine of 5,000 taels, and then fell into deep self-doubt.

Who am I? Where am I? What just happened? What does Dali Temple do?

When Yang Qingyuan saw that the man in black didn't respond, he repeated it again.

"Do you want to pay this five thousand tael fine or not?"

What I fear most is that the air will suddenly become quiet. The atmosphere above Dali Temple at this moment is very awkward.

After repeatedly confirming what Yang Qingyuan said, the man in black slowly put the sword back into its sheath and began to search for it on his body.

But a normal person would bring so much money with him when he goes out at night to inquire about information.

The man in black was looking around, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

At this moment, he realized how important it is to carry money with you when going out.

Finally, the man in black took out a short knife from his arms.

"This short sword is a Japanese sword. There is a blood obsidian gemstone inlaid on the tail. It can cut iron like clay. I will use this sword to replace the fine."

After saying that, the man in black threw the short knife in his hand to Yang Qingyuan.

Yang Qingyuan took the dagger and looked at it carefully. It was indeed a good weapon.

The operations of the two people made everyone present stunned for a moment.

If one really dares to ask for it, the other will really dare to give it.

"Okay! That's it for now. Please wait a moment!"

Yang Qingyuan's figure disappeared and left the roof. Just when everyone was at a loss, Yang Qingyuan jumped back to the roof.

Yang Qingyuan also had a piece of paper in his hand.

"I can't charge your fine in vain, so let's do this! I'll issue you an invoice... er, a voucher, and you can go back and ask your unit for reimbursement."

As he spoke, Yang Qingyuan casually popped out the writing paper in his hand.

Driven by a gentle force, the writing paper flew into the hand of the man in black.

The man in black was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Yang Qingyuan meant, and then he saw the handwriting on the note clearly.

Fine payment receipt: In view of the fact that I did not comply with the curfew, broke into Dali Temple privately, and disturbed public order, I will be punished for several crimes and fined 5,000 taels of silver.

The official seal of Dali Temple was also stamped below the fine payment voucher.

According to the regulations, the seal of the chief official of Dali Temple should be kept and used by the chief minister of Dali Temple. If there is no chief minister in office, it should be jointly kept by the young ministers of Dali Temple and used after consultation.

But now Dali Temple has neither Zhengqing nor Shaoqing. The highest official is Yang Qingyuan, the Dali Temple Prime Minister. The seal of the Dali Temple Minister has also become the seal of the Dali Temple Prime Minister.

The man in black said that he could understand every word on the paper, but when combined, it made his scalp numb.

What the hell is this!!

"It is not your personal decision to come to Dali Temple at night. You are just following the orders of the person behind you. You cannot bear this fine personally!"

Under the scarf, the man in black opened his mouth, but in the end he did not say the word thank you.

Tonight's experience was so strange that it made him, an experienced spy, feel dizzy.

"Okay, you can leave on your own. Remember not to be caught by our Dali Temple next time. For repeat offenders, our Dali Temple will impose double fines!"

Yang Qingyuan waved his hand, signaling the man in black to leave.

The man in black clasped his fist in front of Yang Qingyuan and saluted, then flew away, leaving behind a crowd of people in Dali Temple who were confused.

"Sir, are you going to let this person leave in such a grand manner?"

The first person to speak was Tie Chengxuan. In this situation, six doors must be taken down. After that, he gave up his martial arts and was put into a prison for custody.

"It's not grand, right? Isn't this a fine of five thousand taels? This is not a small amount! Our Dali Temple's annual funding is only one hundred thousand taels, and this time we are fined one-twentieth..."

Tie Chengxuan suddenly felt that he and his junior uncle could not communicate well, and everyone was not thinking on the same channel.

"Besides, even if we capture this person, it won't be of much use. We will still have to let him go when the time comes. It would be more practical to take advantage of him."

Yang Qingyuan added at the end.

Di Zhiyuan on the side asked curiously, "Does Master Yang know this person's identity!?"

"You and Jianhan may not know it when they first came to the capital, but Chengxuan should know it."

As he spoke, Yang Qingyuan turned his gaze to Tie Chengxuan, who was at a loss at this moment.

What should I know?

"Although this person was using an ordinary long sword just now, there were traces of Japanese martial arts in his moves, and his movement skills were also completely different from those of Central Plains martial arts."

Ye Jianhan on the side recalled the martial arts of the man in black and said.

As expected of the first surname - Ye, he is a genius from birth, and his vision is indeed better than that of ordinary people.

"Not only that, the short knife this person used to pay off the fine was a Japanese weapon! How many people like this are there in the capital?" Yang Qingyuan also added on the side.

After listening to what the two said, Tie Chengxuan frowned so much that his eyebrows knitted together.

"How many more people are there?!"

Finally, I honestly asked the questions in my mind.

Yang Qingyuan rolled his eyes at Tie Chengxuan angrily, feeling that he was not very smart for his disciple and grandson.

Yang Qingyuan felt that her original evaluation of him, who was rough on the outside and delicate on the inside, was so detailed that he didn't even want to use his brain!

"Think about it slowly!" Then he waved his hand and said, "Zhiyuan stays, everyone else should disperse!"

Seeing Yang Qingyuan's order, everyone who was initially alarmed dispersed, leaving only Di Zhiyuan, who continued to discuss the case with Yang Qingyuan.

"Sir, does it really not matter that our conversation was overheard by the person just now?"

With Di Zhiyuan's intelligence, it was not difficult to guess the identity of the man in black just now, but he had just entered the capital and did not know much about the various forces and experts in the divine capital.

"No problem, that's just a person who is curious about our Dali Temple. Although Dali Temple has just been rebuilt, its status is there after all. It is normal for all forces to be wary of us. He probably just came to inquire about our progress in handling the case.

It’s just an assessment of our capabilities.”

After Yang Qingyuan took a sip of tea, he added, "That was the third person who came to inquire tonight. The first two were knocked unconscious by Jian Han. There is no need to pay attention to them, let's continue to discuss the case!"

After listening to Yang Qingyuan's words, Di Zhiyuan nodded. The struggle between the various forces was not his concern. Solving the case was the current top priority.

"Sir, for now, this case is in trouble. The three questions raised before are the biggest obstacles to solving the case."

"Where do you think we should start?"

"Xiaoguan believes that the easiest way to solve the current predicament is to find the cause of Li Bailiang's death!"

"cause of death?!"

"Yes! If the cause of Li Bailiang's death can be found, there may be a way to solve the mystery of the secret room!"

This chapter has been completed!
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