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Chapter 248 Follow-up

Mozi said: "Modern your head and lower your heel to benefit the world."

Yang Qingyuan does not have such a high ideological level, nor does he want to achieve this step.

But he couldn't even accept the Blood River Sect killing thousands of people in order to sacrifice themselves.

"Mo Qi, all the things here related to the cultivation methods of the Blood River Evil Sect will be destroyed, and the remaining prisoners will be handed over to the Six Gates of Nanyang County for processing. The Dali Temple Association and the Dark Six Department will continue to investigate this matter. As soon as there is news,

I will fly a pigeon to pass the message and inform you!"

The Blood River Sect can be said to be the common enemy of the imperial court and Jianghu.

"Where are those who have practiced the evil method of Blood River?" Mo Qi was about to inform the officers and soldiers outside, but seemed to remember something and asked one more question.

"Kill without mercy! All people and objects that may allow the Blood River Evil Law to spread will be destroyed!" Yang Qingyuan's voice was extremely cold at this moment, "The Blood River Evil Law must not spread."

As he spoke, everyone in Wudang looked at Wang Moshan, whose acupoints were tapped and his limbs were weak.

Wang Moshan was also an old man, and when Yang Qingyuan's words came out, he realized that something was wrong.

"Daxia Song! Daxia Song! You just promised me! As long as I cooperate with you, Wudang will never harm my life! This is what you promised me!"

At this time, Wang Moshan had no power to resist, and Song Yuanqiao's previous promise became Wang Moshan's only reliance.

"You guys in Wudang are a well-known and decent sect, you won't go back on your promise! No... you won't!"

Before Song Yuanqiao could answer, Yang Qingyuan said.

"Don't worry, Wudang won't hurt you even a hair!"

But with Yang Qingyuan's weird smile, the Wudang heroes knew there was something wrong with it.

After everyone searched carefully and burned all the secret books in the secret room, they handed the place over to the people from the Six Doors.

The Nanyang Six Gates had great respect for Yang Qingyuan, the young minister of the Dali Temple. Under his leadership, the Six Gates and the Dali Temple jointly cracked the Jingzhou branch of the Blood River Evil Sect.

The performance in the first half of this year has been stable. If nothing unexpected happens, the bonus will definitely be the highest among the six counties in Jingzhou.

The remaining matters were left to the people of the Six Gates. The Wudang heroes went to Bowang, Danshui and Wan County overnight, while Yang Qingyuan rushed back to Wudang.


"It is indeed the Blood River Evil Sect."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the elixir in his hand and could not forget the unique innate energy.

The evil sect that he had wiped out with his own hands had resurrected, and he was filled with emotion at this moment.

At that time, due to the disaster of the Blood River Sect, the masters of various martial arts sects in the Central Plains withered away.

The Taoist forces suffered heavy losses. Tianshi Mansion, Tianren Sect and other Taoist sects lost at least six Dongxuan Realm members.

Not to mention the Yuan Hua Realm, there are countless people who have died.

It can be said to be the biggest disaster in the martial arts world in the Central Plains for thousands of years.

"According to the interrogation confessions, they also had a hand in Zhang Wu's return to the mountain."

Yang Qingyuan said.

"After the news of Zhang Wu's return became known, they began to spread the news in the world, hoping to use the dragon-slaying knife as bait to attract more people to take action against Wudang."

"Of course, there were also people from them at the birthday banquet that day. Sun Batian from Fuhu Sect was a peripheral member of the Blood River Sect. Of course, Chen Da from Danhe Sect was there to celebrate the birthday, Mo Shan, the Mountain Suppressing Hand King, and Li Wu from Five Beast Sect were present.

They are all members of the Blood River Sect, and they have been at the birthday banquet to sow discord between Wudang and other sects."

After Zhang Sanfeng thought about it carefully, he nodded.

"This all makes sense. Although I have many enemies in the world, there are only a few who are truly sworn in! If the birthday banquet is caused by the Blood River Sect, then it is perfectly normal!

After all, the entire Blood River Evil Sect was destroyed by my hands back then! I just didn’t expect that the remnants of the Blood River Evil Sect that were destroyed back then would be so strong now!”

Yang Qingyuan snorted coldly and borrowed Master Miejie's common lines, "Such an evil heretic will be punished by everyone."

The Blood River Sect kills lives to serve oneself and uses the lives of others to support oneself.

Based on the corpses Yang Qingyuan saw at Taoyuan Mountain, these beasts were expelled from the ranks of humans by Yang Qingyuan.

"Qingyuan, please communicate this matter with the various departments in the imperial court and let the people from the Sixth Department of Darkness trace the whereabouts of the Blood River Sect's main altar."

It was also the first time that Yang Qingyuan saw Zhang Sanfeng act so seriously.

"Don't worry! Senior brother! I have sent a message to the six gates of Dali Temple to investigate the traces of the Blood River Evil Sect!"

Yes! It’s the six-door messenger!

In two years, Liumen has almost become a subsidiary organization of Dali Temple!

Ever since Yang Qingyuan wrote a letter asking for the title of Liu Dufeng, the cooperation between the two families has become close.

Of course, Yang Qingyuan's memorial was also approved by the cabinet. Emperor Zhou wanted Liu Dufeng to control the world, arrest bandits, and maintain public security. He worked hard and made great contributions, so he decreed that Liu Dufeng be conferred the title of Wugong County Male.

Since then, Liu Dufeng has become a little fan of Yang Qingyuan.

Faced with the doubts from others, Liu Dufeng didn't take it seriously at all. He was not from the imperial examination, had no military merit, and his political level was average. Why couldn't he find a backer in the imperial court?!

Yang Qingyuan, who also came from a political background and was nominally his boss, naturally became Liu Dufeng's best choice.

Moreover, the six doors were originally separated from the Anti-Theft Department of Dali Temple. Isn’t it normal to hug Dali Temple now?!

Since joining Dali Temple, Liumen has benefited a lot.

The most intuitive thing is that the salary has increased. After receiving the dividends from Xinjian Caobang, the salary of the six-door agents has doubled as a whole.

Moreover, there are fewer constraints when handling cases. Although the original six gates were established by His Majesty's decree, their immediate superior is the Criminal Department.

The Liumen and the Punishment Department hated each other, and the Punishment Department would not stand up for the Liumen. This resulted in Liu Dufeng, the highest official of the Liumen, not having much say in the court.

After having Yang Qingyuan, Liumen finally had someone who could support the government.

"I didn't expect that in such a complicated situation in the court, Dali Temple would be able to regain control of the six doors. Junior brother is really talented!"

Yang Qingyuan glanced at Zhang Sanfeng in surprise.

"I didn't expect that senior brother would have such research on the situation between North Korea and China?!"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled calmly, "I also participated in putting down the rebellion in Dali Temple back then. It's just that I'm older now! I don't want to go down the mountain!"

It's not that Zhang Sanfeng doesn't understand government affairs, he just has no interest in it.

Yang Qingyuan laughed when he heard this and said, "Senior brother has not yet become an immortal, why do you live high on Wudang Mountain!?"

Since Emperor Zhou ascended the throne, Zhang Sanfeng only went down the mountain once, to the capital to see Emperor Zhou. Since then, he has been on Wudang Mountain, and even when he travels, he is still in the mountains.

The home attribute points are full.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, "The world of mortals is chaotic and unpredictable. I wholeheartedly seek the truth, so it's better to stay in the mortal world less often!"

Zhang Sanfeng watched his friends leave one by one. Today, there are not many old friends left, but he still can't see the end of his life, and he doesn't want to enter the mortal world again.

This chapter has been completed!
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