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Chapter 290 Judgment

For Wen Jie, the only way to enforce the law is to sentence the untouchable who killed his son to death in Lingchi.

Other results, no matter how Yang Qingyuan reasoned or analyzed the law, in Wen Jie's eyes, they were just excusing Zhang San.

He ignored Wen Jie, who looked gloomy at the moment and wanted to make trouble unreasonably.

Yang Qingyuan turned his gaze to the remaining people, "Everyone, have you seen it clearly?!"

The rest of the people nodded. Except for Wen Jie, who objected to Yang Qingyuan from the basic logic, the rest of the people were acceptable to this result.

As for Wen Jie, that is unreasonable.

He started to question the basis of this experiment. He did not even question whether the experiment was effective, but directly questioned whether what was recorded in the book must be correct!?

This kind of questioning is not problematic in academic terms, but in judicial practice, it is unreasonable.

Not to mention Dazhou, even above Blue Star, opponents can still question the fallacy of handwriting identification, and the methods used cannot correctly verify the facts.

But this kind of questioning is rogue logic, and the judge will not accept it.

Opponents not only need to question the validity of the experiment or method, but also need to provide reasonable reasons.

Only such opposition can be considered truly effective opposition.

Ignoring Wen Jie, Yang Qingyuan led everyone back to the court.


Yang Qingyuan was stunned.

"Wen Laifu, what do you have to say now?!"

Wen Laifu, who was kneeling in the hall, had witnessed the autopsy just now, but Wen Laifu had no choice.

He was a dead soldier of the Wen family and was trained by the Wen family since childhood. He could be disloyal to the emperor, but he could not be disloyal to Wen Jie.

"I still say the same thing. I saw with my own eyes that after Zhang San hit my young master with an arrow, he stepped forward and hit my young master hard, causing my young master's death!"

Yang Qingyuan was also mentally prepared for Wen Laifu's answer. These dead soldiers generally had such a temper.

Yang Qingyuan did not expect Wen Laifu to suddenly confess truthfully.

With the method of steaming bones and performing an autopsy as proof, Boon Lai Hock's testimony is no longer important.

The results of the steamed bone autopsy method corroborate each other with the testimonies of Li Qingning's master, servant, and Wen Wu, and they are also consistent with Zhang San's self-confession. They are highly probable and can exclude other reasonable doubts.

These are enough as the basis for finalizing the decision!

"Pa!" Yang Qingyuan said loudly as he patted the gavel again.

"The case of the hunter Zhang San of Cuihua Mountain shooting and killing Wen Pojun, the son of Zuotunwei General Wenjie, has been finalized after many days of work!"

"It has been found out that the criminal Zhang San deliberately killed Wen Pojun. He shot Wen Pojun with a hunting bow on Cuihua Mountain on April 29th. However, when Wenpojun kidnapped Li Qingning of the Li family, although there was a killing

He committed murder with his own heart, but he did not have the consequences of killing, but it turned out to be a great cause of justice. In summary, Dali Temple sentenced Zhang San as follows."

"Zhang San was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to three years in prison. You can pay with money!"

"Wen Pojun kidnapped a civilian girl in broad daylight with evil intentions. He was sentenced to illegal detention and attempted adultery. However, the offender is dead and will no longer be pursued!"

"Evil servant Wen Wu! For being an accomplice in detention and adultery, if he confesses his crime truthfully, his crime will be reduced by one level! He will be exiled for three thousand miles and imprisoned for five years!"

"The evil servant Wen Laifu was an accomplice in detention and adultery. He perjured himself in court. His crime will be increased to second degree! He will be executed immediately!"

"Pa!" followed by Yang Qingyuan's Gavel photo!

"Zhang San, the case of Wen Pojun has been concluded today. After the case file is submitted, it will be submitted to the Ministry of Punishment for review. If you are dissatisfied, you can go to the Ministry of Punishment to redress your grievances!"

Today, Dali Temple has regained a lot of power, but for the purpose of checks and balances by the superiors, Emperor Zhou still let the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple check and balance each other.

All important cases in Gyeonggi Province are presided over by Dali Temple and reviewed by the Ministry of Punishment.

All major local cases may be presided over by the Ministry of Punishment and reviewed by Dali Temple.

The two parties restrict each other and have the right to judge and review each other.

Don't let one family dominate.

But today, Dali Temple combines investigation, arrest, and trial! In addition, having subdued the younger brother of Liu Men, the power has gradually overtaken the Criminal Department.


With the powerful voice of the Dali Temple police officers withdrawing from court, the Zhang Sanyi case has temporarily come to an end.

However, the parties involved had two attitudes. Wen Jie rolled up his sleeves and left angrily. He could not accept this result.

Not only was his son's murderer not caught, but several dead men and a lot of money were involved.

With Wen Jie's character, he would not let it go.

Li Chengguang, on the other hand, still looked calm and calm, as if this case had nothing to do with him.

"Master Yang! I still have some official business to deal with in my office, so I'll take my leave now!"

"Master Li, walk slowly. I will see you off not far away!"

"Master Yang, stay!"

The two exchanged simple polite greetings, and Li Chengguang left in an official sedan!

Although Li Chengguang left, Miss Li Qingning and her maid Li Xiaoyue stayed.

"Master Yang enforces the law impartially, and the little girl admires him!"

Li Qingning came up and praised Yang Qingyuan fiercely.

Yang Qingyuan shook his head slightly and chuckled, "Miss Li, you can say it directly if you have something to say, you don't have to do that!?"

Li Qingning was slightly embarrassed, carefully considered her words, and said, "Sir, I don't know the punishment for Zhang San. If you want to pay for the crime with silver, how much money will it cost?!"

Li Qingning's problem had been expected by Yang Qingyuan. He didn't expect that the story of the eldest lady falling in love with the poor boy would actually happen to him.

"The criminal Zhang San was sentenced to three years in prison. If he pays the penalty with silver, he will need three hundred taels of silver!"

When he heard three hundred taels, Li Qingning frowned slightly. With Zhang San's background, three hundred taels was an astronomical figure for him.

"Master Yang, I wonder if I can pay Zhang San's fine?"

Li Qingning's actions were within Yang Qingyuan's expectations.

However, there were not so many rules for the payment of fine money. The court only collected the money and did not care who paid it.

Paying off one's sins with silver is actually not what you imagine, you can do whatever you want if you have money.

Regular punishments in the Dazhou period are divided into five levels, from severe to lenient: beheading, hanging, hanging, beating, and cane.

Beheading and hanging are the death penalty, but hanging can preserve the body, and beheading separates the body and head, so beheading is more severe.

Then came the exile, where the prisoner was exiled to a remote place and served hard labor, which can be understood as a harsh version of imprisonment.

Imprisonment is a punishment for prisoners to engage in hard labor, but the location and work will be better than exile. Ordinary people, even if they have not committed a crime, must perform corvee regularly. Generally, corvee can be offset by money.

The final cane punishment will not be explained again.

The only things that Zhou Dynasty could pay for crimes with money were imprisonment and cane punishment.

If it were true that any punishment could be offset by money, then Dazhou would have been in chaos long ago!

As for criminals who were sentenced to cane punishment and imprisonment, their subjective malignancy was relatively small and their objective harmful consequences were not great, so they were allowed to pay for their crimes with silver.

This chapter has been completed!
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