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Chapter 295 Wen Jies Plot

Five days later, after Yang Guo said goodbye to everyone, he followed Zhu Jianqiu to the northern border. With his status as the patrol commander of Dali Temple, coupled with his martial arts in the Yuanhua realm, even if he had not made any achievements, he was enough to serve as a commander in the Tiance army.

The position of captain.

Yang Qingyuan also asked Yang Guo to bring Zhao Yebai.

With Yang Qingyuan's lightness skills, no famous horse or BMW in the world can beat him in short-distance sprints or long-distance running. The only thing that can win is probably the carrying capacity.

So Yang Qingyuan can’t use this BMW!

However, Cao Xueyang was in the Tiance army and was rushing to kill the enemy. He needed such a famous horse, so he asked Yang Qingyuan to take it to the north and give it to Cao Xueyang.

Yang Guo's departure was already in Yang Qingyuan's plan, but the movement in Zuotunwei General's Mansion was unexpected by Yang Qingyuan.

For five days in a row, there was no major action in the Zuotunwei General's Mansion.

Yang Qingyuan couldn't figure out what Wen Jie was thinking at this moment!?

With Wen Jie's character and the attitude he showed that day, he is definitely not a person who is willing to give up!

But why haven’t you taken action yet?

What is he waiting for?! Is it possible that Wen Jie still wants to plan a subtle murder to get himself out of it?!

Yang Qingyuan felt that there was no need for Wen Jie to do this!

But Yang Qingyuan was not in a hurry. Under the condition of ensuring Zhang Muqing's safety, the longer Wen Jie delayed, the more beneficial it would be to Yang Qingyuan.

The investigation of Wen Jie by Di Zhiyuan and the Metropolitan Procuratorate is ongoing. Once Wen Jie's crime is proven, any action he takes will be in vain.

Therefore, if the enemy does not move, I will not move.

After Dali Temple completed the layout of Zhangjia Village in Cuihua Mountain, it lay dormant and waited for Wen Jie to take action.

Although Wenjie may not necessarily be captured, it is always right to eliminate Wenjie's effective forces first.



The seemingly peaceful General Zuotunwei's Mansion was also experiencing waves and undercurrents at this time.

Wen Jie had no conspiracy, nor did he think of designing any strange case to protect himself. The reason why he didn't take action for so long was just because Wen Jie was gathering strength and looking for an opportunity.

In order to kill Zhang San, a pariah, Wen Jie had already staked his entire fortune.

Including the dead men he has trained, the people in the world he has gathered, and the network resources he has accumulated over the years, he can give all of these.

After killing Zhang San and causing some trouble for Yang Qingyuan and Li Chengguang, he was willing to leave the divine capital and live out the rest of his life as a wealthy idler.

Although Wenfu did not make any substantial moves, within five days, Wenfu's soldiers had figured out the general situation of Zhangjia Village in Cuihua Mountain.

"Master, Zhang San is in Zhangjia Village at the moment. After he returned home, he went up to the mountains to hunt and tend the fields as usual the next day. During this time, he went to Zhendian and bought some salt and other condiments."

Wen Jie nodded and turned his attention to the other dead soldier.

"Sir, I accidentally discovered the whereabouts of the Dali Temple police officer while investigating!"

"Oh?!" Wen Jie had a suspicious look on his face.

Although the Dali Temple was rebuilt only three years ago, it left an impression on people that it was straightforward and sharp in its actions. It was so abnormal to be discovered so easily by a dead man in one's own palace!

Wenjie suspected that this was a trap set by Dali Temple.

"Actually, the villain didn't notice it at first, but these people from Dali Temple were staying at the six-door branch in Cuihua Town at the foot of Cuihua Mountain. The villain discovered them on the first day, but he didn't notice them at first.

I didn't care, but they disguised themselves as wandering doctors and appeared in Zhangjiacun for three consecutive days, and then the villain realized something was wrong."

"Sir, this kind of wandering doctor never stays in a village for a long time. The villain felt something was wrong, so he followed them secretly and saw them entering Liumen's branch in Cuihua Town."

Wen Jie nodded. He had not been idle in the past five days and had basically figured out the strength of Dali Temple.

Today's Dali Temple, in addition to the strength of the main department, the six gates that were originally affiliated with the Punishment Department have now become the little fans of Dali Temple.

During the two years of anti-evil and illegal activities, Liumen established branches in the counties in the Gyeonggi region, and there were also dispatched offices of Liumen branches in each town.

The number of people in these police agencies is not large, but it is enough to maintain basic security in the town.

Listening to the servant's description, Wen Jie closed his eyes and pondered over it again and again. What the servant said was reasonable and reasonable. Dressing up in disguise was indeed one of Dali Temple's habit of handling cases.

There is no problem with changing the costume, but the problem arises with Dr. You Fang.

However, people with such identities as wandering doctors and street traders are indeed the roles that Dali Temple likes to play when handling cases!

"How many of them are there?!"

The dead man replied, "There were three people during the day, but I still saw six people dispatched from the Liumen police station at night. Most likely, there are people monitoring Zhangjiacun during the day and night!"

Wenjie listened carefully to the dead man's report and made a summary of all the information.

From this point of view, Zhangjiacun was indeed a trap set by Yang Qingyuan, with the purpose of inducing him to take action. If he were not careful, he might fall into Yang Qingyuan's scheme.

Wen Jie then combined the intelligence of several dead soldiers and finally came to a conclusion.

Cuihua Mountain is indeed a trap set by Dali Temple, but the trap is not big enough. Perhaps it is because of my false title as the Zuotunwei General that I was not noticed by Dali Temple Shaoqing Yang. He thought that a few Tongmai realms would be enough.

Get yourself!

Wen Jie then turned his attention to the dead man who was responsible for inquiring about information in the divine capital.

"What are Yang Qingyuan and everyone in Dali Temple doing these days?!"

"My lord, Yang Qingyuan was performing official duties as usual a few days ago. This man is very skilled in martial arts, and the brothers dare not follow him too closely! But today, Yang Qingyuan is taking Ye Jianhan to have dinner in Qingwu Courtyard!"


According to the information Wen Jie received, Yang Qingyuan was indeed a person who loved delicious food, but Wen Jie felt a little strange when he suddenly went to enjoy delicious food at this juncture.

But many people know that Yang Qingyuan likes delicious food, and he especially loves fresh food! Thinking about it this way, it is normal to go to Qingwuyuan to eat.

The only masters of Yuan Hua Realm in Dali Temple known to the outside world are Yang Qingyuan, Ye Jianhan, Wang Zhenwei, Tie Chengxuan, Ji Yaohua and Li Xuan.

Tie Chengxuan is still investigating the Blood River Sect case in Jingzhou and has not returned yet.

Li Xuan, a true disciple of Tingyu Pavilion, sits in Dali Temple and rarely goes out easily.

Wang Zhenwei's home bodyguard bureau has something to do and has returned to the world bodyguard bureau.

Yang Qingyuan and Ye Jianhan, the strongest combatants, were eating in Qingwu Courtyard and had no time to pay attention to them.

There is only one Ji Yaohua left, which is nothing to be afraid of.

In order for this plan to succeed, Wen Jie has contacted the only remaining Yuan Hua realm warrior in "Judge Scissors" and spent a huge sum of money to hire a master of swordsmanship.

With the three Yuan Hua realms, the dead men of the Wen Mansion and the killers of the "Judge Scissors", even if Dali Temple has arranged it, it will be difficult to deal with it!

Zhang San, he Wenjie will definitely kill him!

Even if Haotian comes, we can’t protect him!

This chapter has been completed!
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