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Chapter 309: In the Wen Mansion (Part 2)

"What do you mean, sir?!" Di Zhiyuan seemed to have understood what Yang Qingyuan wanted to do?!

"I want to kill Wen Jie! But we can't kill Wen Jie just with the charges of adultery and murder!"

Yang Qingyuan also hesitated and struggled with this decision.

Although it was for justice, Yang Qingyuan's methods became unjust!

Using unjust means to punish an unjust person is a controversial matter in itself!!

But when he saw the dead names on the files, the people waiting day and night outside the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the ardent hopes and only justice in their eyes, Yang Qingyuan made a decision!

Wenjie must die!

Therefore, after receiving Cheng Qingsong's advice, Yang Qingyuan came to the Wen Mansion.

To kill Wenjie, there must be a suitable crime, not only to make Yang Qingyuan want to kill him, but also to make the emperor want to kill him!

Today, I am no more lenient to my ministers than Taizu. This is a good thing!

But in the case of Wen Jie, it is not the case!

The public opinion of this era is different from what ordinary people understand. Because of a series of issues such as education level, transportation, publicity, etc., public opinion reflects the voice of the gentry to a greater extent, rather than the voice of the people at the bottom.

Therefore, although the late emperor treated the people well, his behavior of punishing nobles in accordance with the law still caused waves among the scholars, and Taizu's reputation was not good.

He is mean and ungrateful, good at killing heroes, and has many negative comments.

Today's emperor's temperament is more gentle than that of the late emperor, and now he also values ​​his posthumous reputation.

Based on Wen Jie's actual crimes, the probability of sentencing Wen Jie to death is less than 20%.

Based on Yang Qingyuan's understanding of the situation, this case would most likely result in Wen Jie's official title being stripped away, his family property confiscated, and then exiled, or perhaps even lighter, demoted to a commoner.

With Wen Jie's hard work, he will leave a good reputation for benevolence and virtue in this world!

Therefore, Yang Qingyuan wanted to give the emperor a reason to kill Wenjie, and these letters, burned by candlelight with only a few words left, were the first reason.

After Di Zhiyuan learned about Yang Qingyuan's purpose, he hesitated.

This is unprecedented. In Di Zhiyuan's heart, Yang Qingyuan has always been a comrade, a person who insists on governing the country according to law! Although he can use political means, he will never cross the line!

But today Yang Qingyuan wants to kill someone using purely political means!

Although it was not for himself, Di Zhiyuan still felt a little uncomfortable and confused!

Yang Qingyuan looked at Di Zhiyuan at this moment and knew that he was no longer in good condition, so he said, "Zhiyuan, Mr. Huifu is in the Metropolitan Procuratorate and is unable to support himself. Why don't you give him a helping hand!"

Di Zhiyuan nodded. He really had no intention of working at this moment!

After Di Zhiyuan left, Yang Qingyuan kept the envelope and remaining pieces of paper in his hand and burned all the remaining letters!

Afterwards, Yang Qingyuan and Li Mochou left the study and came to Wen Jie's practice room!

There is also what Yang Qingyuan wants here!

It’s not enough for him to have contacts with the generals under King Zhao’s command!

If that's the case, let's add some fire!

Yang Qingyuan thought of Wen Jie’s martial arts—Bone Shattering Palm!

This is a martial arts stunt that was passed down from the Central Plains to Japan! It was later perfected by the Yagyu family, a famous Japanese martial arts family, and was finally perfected in the hands of the contemporary head of the family, Yagyu Tajima Mamoru!

In the martial arts world of the Central Plains, this set of martial arts is unparalleled.

This is another opportunity!

The two came to the practice room and tinkered around for a while, and unexpectedly found a hidden compartment.

"Daozhang Li has learned the art of mechanism!"

Yang Qingyuan's eyes lit up when he looked at Li Mochou! This is a rare talent! What Dali Temple currently lacks most is people who are good at mechanism skills!

Li Mochou shook her head slightly, "I only know a little bit about it. There are many secret passages in the ancient tomb, which were modified by the ancestor's mother-in-law after she moved into the tomb. There are also many books about the mechanism in the ancient tomb. I

I read a few of them when I was young!"

Yang Qingyuan was slightly disappointed, but then he thought, this is a good thing!

When I conquered Li Mochou, I came here because of her martial arts talent and fighting talent. Now I have picked up a talented person who is an introductory machine artist for free, which is equivalent to giving it away!

Buy a house and get furniture! Isn’t this enough?

As soon as he thought about it from his perspective, Yang Qingyuan instantly felt that he had made a lot of money!

Then Yang Qingyuan was satisfied and found what he wanted from the darkness, a book of "Bone-Breaking Palm" techniques!

This is a slightly worn-out Kung Fu book. It should be a fragment that was circulated in the Central Plains and has nothing to do with the Japanese Yagyu family’s Bone-Shattering Palm.

After Yang Qingyuan finished reading the techniques of "Broken Bone Palm", he had some thoughts in mind.

This martial arts should have evolved from the Kongtong Sect's secret art "Wu Tuo Zhang".

"Five Tuberculosis Palm" is a unique skill of the Kongtong School, and is also known as "Seven Injury Fist"!

Used together, the power is astonishing. Those who are hit will suffer from tuberculosis and seven injuries, and their hearts will be broken!

Yang Qingyuan decided to be a good person and complete the Broken Bone Palm, so he walked aside, took a set of the Four Treasures of the Study, and brought out the color of Chen Mo!

Although Yang Qingyuan is not a pure Confucian scholar, he is, after all, born in the second place in the world. Qian Muqian is the tutor of the leader of the literary world! After staying in the Hanlin Academy for another five years, he still knows some old-fashioned routines in calligraphy.


For example, this ink color adjustment is one of Yang Qingyuan’s unique skills!

Generally, newly ground ink will be relatively glossy. Although Emperor Zhou was not a great calligrapher, the newness of his handwriting can still be seen at a glance!

So Yang Qingyuan began to adjust the ink color to give the new ink a sense of age!

"Daozhang Li! I will dictate it later and you will write it on your behalf!"

Although Li Mochou didn't know what Yang Qingyuan meant, she still nodded in response.

After the preparations were completed, Yang Qingyuan's eyes flashed with glory.

Daotong! Appear!

Tianfu Daotong, combined with Yang Qingyuan's knowledge reserve, began to deduce this bone-breaking palm!

Yang Qingyuan did not intend to deduce it into any advanced martial arts, but the basic integrity must be guaranteed.

It turns out that Wen Jie's copy was incomplete and could not achieve the effect Yang Qingyuan wanted at all!

Yang Qingyuan was deducing and reciting in his mouth. At the same time, his left hand was not idle, and he began to write - "気で enemy の Bone grid 内蓓をattack 撃する".

At the same time, he chanted in his mouth, "Gather your strength in your palms, condense your energy and energy, destroy the enemy's bones and injure the enemy's lungs."

Although Li Mochou was a member of the martial arts world, he was not illiterate. There was more than just martial arts teaching in the ancient tomb. Yang Qingyuan took the time to take a look, but he didn't expect that Li Mochou, the red-trained fairy, actually wrote in small regular script with a delicate hand.

Yang Qingyuan deduced, read and wrote at the same time.

Focus on three tasks and make rapid progress!

In just half an hour, the entire process was completed!

A Chinese version of "Broken Bone Palm" and a Japanese version of "Broken Bone Palm" have been completed.

But then Yang Qingyuan discovered a problem!

That's not enough! These papers are so new!

This chapter has been completed!
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