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Chapter 336: Eating poisonous mushrooms by mistake?

After Grandma Li was exiled to Jizhou, Yang Qingyuan and Liu Wangshu went to see her off without telling Yaya.

If Grandma Li was just aging in the past, now she has become lifeless.

At the moment when her son was sentenced to death and could not be changed, Grandma Li's heart also died.

When she saw her again, Grandma Li's eyes were dim, the vitality in them faded, the light was extinguished, just like a walking zombie.

After asking to take care of Yaya, she was escorted by two government officials and sent to Jizhou.

At Grandma Li's age, it wouldn't be too difficult for her to go to the penal colony. She wouldn't be able to do any normal hard work or backbreaking work. She would probably just provide food and drink for the local prisoners serving their sentences.

Although this kind of life is not good and does not have freedom, at least it will not starve to death!

The execution of punishments has always been the responsibility of the Ministry of Punishment, and it is difficult for Dali Temple to intervene.

Three days later, Yaya's father Li Shou was sentenced to death for rape, adultery, and murder.

The Dengwen Drum Case, which had been launched for ten years, came to an end in this way.

The majesty of the imperial court was once again demonstrated.

Among the family, Yaya, the only survivor, also lived in the Dali Temple. During the day, she followed Liu Wangshu to fish in the Dali Temple, and at night, she lived in Yang Qingyuan's mansion and was taken care of by the family's maid. But Yaya

Although she is young, she is so obedient that it makes people feel distressed.

Yang Qingyuan also attended the office every day, and when he had nothing to do, he also taught Yaya how to read and write.

It seems that everything has settled.


"Urgent report, submit it to the Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Metropolitan Procuratorate immediately!"

A postman rushed past, "Urgent report!"

Yang Qingyuan happened to be handling a case involving a prisoner in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, when he saw a clerk hurriedly entering the door with a postman.

"Master Li! There is an urgent report from Wannian County!"

The postman following the scribe immediately handed over a letter.

Li Xunhuan drew his true energy slightly and took the letter in his hand. After opening it, he frowned slightly and then returned to normal.

"I know, thank you for your hard work!"

Then he asked people to take the postmen down to rest.

After the two left, Li Xunhuan handed the letter in his hand to Yang Qingyuan.

"Urgent news from Wannian County. The county school, along with three teachers and twenty-five children, were all poisoned. Seventeen people died and eleven were poisoned and fell into coma! Wannian County Magistrate immediately reported it to the Ministry of Punishment and the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

Magistrate Wannian did not dare to conceal such a major case, and it exceeded his authority. He reported it to the Ministry of Punishment as soon as it happened, and it involved the death of two edicts, so he reported it to the Metropolitan Procuratorate at the same time.


Yang Qingyuan took the letter and muttered in his heart, Wannian County again?!

The county magistrate must have been very busy these past ten thousand years!

Of course, this is both a trouble for Wannian County Magistrate and an opportunity for him.

Two major cases in a row were enough for Wannian County Magistrate to leave his name in the hearts of the officials and the cabinet.

Although the previous Denwen Drum case had flaws, it was not a miscarriage of justice.

If this case is handled beautifully, it will be possible to advance further in career!

Soon, the two received an order from the cabinet. Led by Dali Temple and assisted by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the two families immediately sent people to form a joint task force...

That's right, this name was given by Master Yang, the young minister of Dali Temple. He was the only one in the entire Zhou Dynasty who would have such a name.

This joint task force was led by Song Huifu, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple, and Yao Jie, the Censor of the Gyeonggi Province, was appointed as the deputy leader. They set off on the same day to investigate in Wannian County.

Three days later, Song Huifu and Yao Jie returned to Beijing and reported the investigation results.

The day when the poison occurred was the day when the county school was teaching, and all the children gathered at the county school for instructions.

This led to a large-scale poisoning incident in Wannian County School, in which a total of 28 people were poisoned, 17 of whom died.

Initially, everyone thought this was a time to poison the county school teachers or students, but after arriving, they discovered that this might not be the case.

On the first day when the task force led by Song Huifu arrived in Wannian County, poisoning incidents occurred one after another in Wannian County.

Not only were the 26 people from the county school poisoned, but twelve other families were also poisoned, resulting in 35 deaths and 27 comas.

A poisoning incident spread quickly and turned into a mass poisoning incident.

Just when people in Wannian County were panicking, thinking it was a plague.

Song Hui's father discovered the clue.

After investigating the drug discovery scene, Song Hui's father went to the kitchen of the county school and found some white mushrooms in the kitchen of the county school.

In the Gyeonggi region, there are few mountains and forests, and there are also few fungi.

Therefore, ordinary people's understanding of fungi is still under the misunderstanding that brightly colored fungi are highly poisonous.

In fact, it is not just the brightly colored fungi that cannot be eaten, some fungi that look plain are also highly toxic.

There is a folk song in Jiaozhou in the Great Zhou Dynasty, "Red umbrellas, white poles, let's lie down together after eating! Lie down on the plank, buried in the mountains..."

This folk song is widely sung in Jiaozhou.

Among them, the "red umbrella" refers to the brightly colored fungi, while the white stem is a reminder that even plain-colored fungi may still be highly toxic.

When Song Huifu found the white mushrooms, he immediately felt that the poisoning might be related to these white fungi, so he ordered someone to cook a pot of soup and found three yellow dogs to feed it.

Two hours later, all three yellow dogs were killed, and the truth of the case was revealed.

The poisoning case at the county school in Wannian County was just because a canteen chef accidentally bought poisonous mushrooms when buying vegetables, and then made chicken stewed with mushrooms for lunch.

Doctors have determined that the toxins contained in this mushroom can damage the human lungs. Although it takes a certain amount of time for the toxicity to occur, once it occurs, there is a 70% fatality rate. If you do not receive timely treatment, you will definitely die.

After getting the results, Song Hui's father immediately ordered people to search the homes of the poisoned people. The three survivors who were summoned at the same time found that according to the confessions of three of the non-poisoned people, they had cooked fungi before being poisoned.

Subsequently, detectives from Dali Temple also found remaining fungi in five of the homes.

At this point, the mystery of the poisoning in the county school is solved.

Wannian County Magistrate also immediately posted a notice warning the people that the fungi on the mountains are poisonous and should not be eaten by mistake. At the same time, he ordered people to collect various fungi in the market. At this time, it was fashionable and it was not possible to completely distinguish which fungi were poisonous. The government

We can only temporarily control the market and prohibit the sale of all unknown fungi.

Moreover, the facts of this case are simple. After confirming that it was a food poisoning incident, Song Hui's father took the task force back to Beijing and reported the matter to Yang Qingyuan.

Yang Qingyuan felt a little strange when he heard this. He always felt that this large-scale mass poisoning incident was a bit unexpected.

But this was something that happened from time to time in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but this time the people who were poisoned were academic officials and students, and they were in an important place in the capital, so the Ministry of Punishment was alerted.

When Yang Qingyuan also heard that Song Hui's father used dogs as experimental subjects, he temporarily put aside the strangeness in his heart.

"Mr. Song, you actually used dogs as experiments?!"

Song Hui's father wondered, what's the problem with using dogs?!

"Aren't you afraid that people from Wanling Sect will come to Dali Temple to cause trouble?!"

Wanlingmen is a branch of the Farmers' Family in the Pre-Qin Dynasty. Since the establishment of the Farmers' Family in the Pre-Qin Dynasty, it has been divided into pieces.

One of them became today's Wanling Sect.

Wanlingmen advocates that all things in the world have their own spirits, and advocates eating vegetarian food and abstaining from meat.

Once upon a time in Yulin, Lingnan, Wanling disciples gathered together to cause trouble because of a dish called lychee and dog meat! It was difficult to calm down!

The contemporary Wanling Sect believes that Jingjing is a rare master in the Yuanhua Realm. This person actively promotes the benefits of vegetarianism and is very close to the Buddhist sect headed by Shaolin.

Of course, Yang Qingyuan is not afraid of the Wanling Sect, but only those who have encountered them will know how difficult these Wanling disciples who shout that everything is animistic and vegetarian are safe are.

But thinking about it, there were only three dogs, so they probably wouldn't alarm the group of people at Wanlingmen.

Yang Qingyuan shook his head, put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, and continued to ask about the case: "By the way, sir, have you caught the person selling this mushroom?!"

Song Hui's father smiled bitterly and said,

"Yes, we caught it, but there was more than one person selling the mushrooms. These people were just nearby mountain people. They collected some mushrooms from the mountains and sold them in the county. It was just that some poisonous mushrooms were mixed with these mushrooms.

, not intended to be sold.”

"Then I ordered people to confiscate their poisonous mushrooms, reprimanded them, fined them half a month of corvee labor as punishment, and then let them go."

When Yang Qingyuan heard this, he also nodded. How can he be severely punished for his unintentional mistake? This is the only way!

"I wonder if sir, sir, has any samples of the toadstool mushrooms?!"

"I packed some fresh ones and brought them back to Dali Temple. They are currently in the evidence bag and I will order someone to send one over later."

Yang Qingyuan was not just curious. This kind of fungus is so toxic that the imperial court should declare it to the world and prohibit the sale and consumption of it.

Moreover, there are two poison and elixir masters in Dali Temple, Li Mochou and Cui Keqin. This mushroom may have other uses.

Later, when I saw Yang Qingyuan and Song Hui's father's eyes were slightly bloodshot, I knew that he had been working on the case all night again and had not had a good rest.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Song! However, Mr. Song still needs to worry about the details of the memorial to be submitted to the cabinet. But there is no need to be impatient, sir. You only need to finish it within three days."

Although Song Huifu had already made a brief report to the cabinet, a project assigned by the cabinet like this still requires a detailed report.

"Don't worry, sir. I roughly finished writing the memorial last night. I only need to revise the details before submitting it to the Ministry of Cabinet!"

"Thank you for your hard work, sir! It's hard work sir, you've been running around for days. You can go and rest early today!"

Although Song Hui's father had achieved some success in martial arts under the guidance of Yang Qingyuan, it was only for the sake of physical fitness. He had only achieved great success in Qi training. Naturally, his mind and energy could not be compared with those of martial arts practitioners like Yang Qingyuan.

After reporting the case, Song Hui's father left Yang Qingyuan's study.

Although the impact of this incident is not small, it is actually just the mountain people picking some poisonous mushrooms by mistake.

Just when Yang Qingyuan was handling official business in the study, a thunder flashed across the sky.

"Huo Cha!"

Yang Qingyuan couldn't help but raise his head. The situation this year is really strange. It's already autumn and there are still thunderstorms.

But in the final analysis, it was just a natural phenomenon, and Yang Qingyuan didn't care and continued to handle official duties!

This chapter has been completed!
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