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Chapter 365: Beijing (Part 2)

Zhuge Zhengyi didn't say much after hearing this.

"Wait a moment, I'll have someone get the information about these two people."

While I was drinking tea, someone brought me two scrolls.

"All the information our Shenhou Mansion has on these two people is here!"

Yang Qingyuan unfolded Zhou Mingsheng's information and started reading.

Zhou Mingsheng, the younger brother of Crown Princess Zhou Mingyu, is a close relative and is well-known in the capital. He likes to make friends with candidates who come to Beijing to take exams and students from the Imperial College. For example, he made trouble in Qingwu Courtyard that day and then paid for the entire audience.

Chu Gong.

Compared with ordinary relatives, this person is relatively low-key and reserved.

Yang Qingyuan looked at Zhou Mingsheng's information and couldn't help but narrow his eyes. He didn't know whether this person's behavior was spontaneous or under the instruction of the prince. If he acted spontaneously, then this Zhou Mingsheng was not simple!

As we all know, it is difficult to sit in the position of prince.

Throughout the ages, except for today, few princes have lived a comfortable life.

The prince is the crown prince of a country, the successor of the future empire, and has a distinguished status.

But under the noble status, there are undercurrents, covetousness from all parties, and suspicion from the emperor.

Successors are just successors. Few emperors would want their successors to ascend to the throne in advance. After all, there is only one supreme position.

Once the successor takes the seat, it means that the original emperor will give up his throne.

Therefore, the prince must pay extra attention to propriety in his actions.

Excessive friendship with ministers may, in the eyes of the emperor, turn into friendship with cronies and accumulation of strength. So what does he want to do?!

What can a prince do if he makes friends?

This will inevitably make the emperor jealous.

But if a prince keeps to himself and never interacts with important officials in the court, can he not be feared by the emperor?!

If the prince of a country never interacts with officials in the DPRK, then your abilities and methods will be questioned by the emperor.

Is such a person worthy of being a prince?!

The prince is the future ruler of the empire. How can he inherit the huge empire of Zhou without any scheming skills?!

In this case, the emperor will consider changing to a prince!

The prince's position is in danger again!

Therefore, it is difficult to be the prince, and you must strictly control the proportion. You must show corresponding means and scheming, but you must not let the emperor think that you are difficult to control.

As the younger brother of the Crown Princess, Zhou Mingsheng can represent the Crown Prince to a certain extent, and his words and deeds will be noticed by interested people.

But the way he acts is stuck at this level.

Zhou Mingsheng made friends with scholars, outstanding scholars from all over the country, and outstanding students from the Imperial College!

None of these people have official status now, but in the future, they are very likely to enter the court.

But the key lies in this future!

It would be ten or even twenty years before the people Zhou Mingsheng befriended became officials, were promoted, and became important members of the court.

Things at that time were no longer considered by Emperor Zhou!

Giving gifts to a current cadre is considered bribery, but giving gifts to a student majoring in politics and law who is both good in character and academics and has a promising future and is expected to become a senior cadre is called a student aid.

The time is different, and the nature of the matter is also different.

Yang Qingyuan read Zhou Mingsheng's entire file and silently recorded the contents in his mind.

After putting down Zhou Mingsheng's file, Yang Qingyuan picked up Feng Qian's information.

Feng Qian, the young prince of the Duke of Ying, and the grandson of the former Duke of Ying, Feng Wuyi.

His reputation is very good in the capital.

Unlike ordinary dandies in the capital, this person has merit in both literary and martial arts.

Although the Duke of Ying made his fortune through military exploits, this man actually took the imperial examination and became a scholar.

You must know that a scholar is not a poor scholar in the ordinary people's concept.

Once you pass the examination as a scholar, you will be exempted from paying a lot of money and food from the court, and you will no longer need to perform corvee service.

The county government where he was located would also regularly distribute rice grains to scholars.

I dare not say that I am rich, but my life is basically worry-free!

From this point, we can also see Feng Qian’s cultural quality.

Feng Qian's literary talent is good, and his martial arts skills have not fallen behind. He is familiar with the art of war, and his own martial arts is not weak. When Yang Qingyuan met him, his martial arts was already in the realm of Tongmai.

Even among a group of martial arts disciples, such martial arts is remarkable.

When Yang Qingyuan saw the back, his eyes suddenly froze slightly.

This Feng Qian is actually...his biggest fan?!

According to the intelligence from the Shenhou Mansion, Feng Qian highly admired Yang Qingyuan's poetry, strategies, and calculation methods. He once spent a lot of money in Beijing to buy Yang Qingyuan's calligraphy and pens!

Yang Qingyuan suddenly understood Feng Qian's previous attitude, including his strange expression when he received the ticket.

Isn’t this equivalent to using a copybook in vain?!

Anyone can be happy for a long time!!

Zhou Mingsheng and Feng Qian were good friends, and they collaborated to open Wanli Gambling House.

Of course, the actual collaborators are not Zhou Mingsheng and Feng Qian, but Zhou Mingsheng and the contemporary Duke Ying.

However, it was not only illegal for military personnel to open gambling houses with others, but it was also unpleasant to talk about, so Feng Qian cooperated with Zhou Mingsheng on behalf of the Duke of Ying.

Zhou and Feng had a good personal relationship and often drank together.

Wanli Gambling House, among all gambling houses, is already relatively law-abiding.

Yang Qingyuan has tried to ban gambling many times, but the resistance from the government was not small, and he failed several times.

Therefore, Yang Qingyuan did not continue to take action against Wanli Gambling House without obtaining a gambling ban permit.

The most feared thing about reform is making enemies everywhere. Yang Qingyuan knew this very well. All the existing reforms were carried out with the help of others or with the support of Emperor Zhou.

Among this information, there is only one point that is doubtful and worth exploring!

Feng Qian was mainly in charge of the Wannian County branch of Wanli Gambling House, but Zhou Mingsheng also visited the Wannian County branch of Wanli Gambling House a few months ago.

At that time, there was a violent demand for money and people died in the gambling house, which caused quite a stir. In the end, Wannian County sentenced the murderer and fined the gambling house for half a month, and that was the end of it.

At that time, Feng Qian had other affairs, so Zhou Mingsheng took care of the matter!

Judging from the information from Shenhou Mansion, Zhou Mingsheng did not stay in Wannian County for a long time, but returned on the same day!

After that, Zhou Mingsheng lived in seclusion as usual. During this period, he even fought against Yang Qingyuan once in the Qingwu Courtyard.

Judging from this information, both Feng Qian and Zhou Mingsheng have been to Wannian County and are likely to be related to this case.

Yang Qingyuan finished reading the two people's files and returned them to the Shenhou Mansion. He had an excellent memory for words, and the contents were already imprinted in his mind. It made no difference whether he had a copy or not.

After Yang Qingyuan got the information he wanted, he stood up and was about to leave, but was stopped by Zhuge Zhengwo.

"Qingyuan is re-investigating the Li Shou case in Wannian County?!"

This matter is no longer a secret in Beijing.

"What do you mean, sir?!"

"Qingyuan, you need to know that the Li Shou case at this time is no longer a simple unjust case! If you want to re-investigate the Li Shou case, the resistance will not be small!"

This chapter has been completed!
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