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Chapter 46: Excluding Suspects

While Zhuge Zhengwo was talking to Qing Wu, Yang Qingyuan, who had left Shenhou Mansion, was also communicating with Ye Jianhan.

Although the distance between the two was only three feet, in order to prevent anyone from eavesdropping, they directly communicated through the air on the street.

Ye Jianhan asked coldly, "What was the result of the test just now?!"

Yang Qingyuan shook his head and said through a message: "It should not be them you met that day."

"Are you sure!?"

"I just tried it when I was fighting against Tie Youxia. Although his iron hands were invulnerable and his internal strength was astonishing! But he didn't practice any martial arts on his body, and his body was almost injured by the sword energy I swung. In the end, I deliberately

With the sword you used that day to seal the mountains and rivers, if Tie Youxia was really the person who fought you that day! His reaction would never have been so natural!"

Ye Jianhan nodded, "What about Wuqing? You just spent a long time touching it, did you gain anything?"

Yang Qingyuan's face turned a little dark. At this time, he was a little unsure whether Ye Jianhan was uneducated or deliberately shady. What does it mean to touch someone for a long time? Can medical treatment be called touching?

But regarding the case, Yang Qingyuan still explained, "Ruthless is not the one who sneak-attacked you with ice picks in the end! The sneak attacker who can release so many ice picks must be someone who cultivates the inner strength of ice, but the ruthless true essence is peaceful.

Although she is more feminine, she has nothing to do with ice, and the meridians in her legs are exhausted, so she cannot withstand the internal power of ice."

Ye Jianhan nodded, stopped talking, and just walked silently.

At this time, Yang Qingyuan was puzzled and asked curiously, "Why didn't you ask if Zhui Ming was the man in black who lured you away?"

"I smell it!" Ye Jianhan said while walking, "Zhui Ming has a very strong smell of medicinal wine. This smell should be caused by his long-term drinking. It cannot be removed overnight! I chased him that day

Humans don’t have this smell!”

"I didn't expect your nose to be so sharp? I underestimated you! This ability is already on par with Xiao Hei, the number one tracking expert in Dali Temple, right!?"

Yang Qingyuan joked.

Ye Jianhan glanced at Yang Qingyuan and did not use the voice transmission this time, "My nose should be more useful."

"So confident?!"

Ye Jianhan said expressionlessly, "Xiao Hei shouldn't be able to smell the fragrance of Ji Yao flowers on your body!"

Yang Qingyuan:????

As soon as these words came out, Yang Qingyuan's face turned completely dark, and he yelled in his heart: Who is Little Phoenix looking for!!!!

Yang Qingyuan is now certain that what Ye Jianhan did just now was intentional!

The two of them walked back to Dali Temple in silence.

By the time the two returned to Dali Temple, it was already midnight and the sky was already dark, but the lights in Dali Temple were still bright.

Li Bailiang's case has not been solved, and no one in Dali Temple dares to slack off.

As soon as Yang Qingyuan returned to the Yamen, he went straight to the study, while Ye Jianhan jumped to the roof where Li Afu was, responsible for protecting his safety.

When Yang Qingyuan entered the study room, he saw Di Zhiyuan looking at a pile of papers, which were filled with key information about the case, and he also drew a lot of logical diagrams.

"Sir, Brother Jianhan, are you back!? Is there anything to gain from visiting the Shenhou Mansion?!"

Yang Qingyuan shook his head, "The matter of inducing Jian Han that day has nothing to do with the Shenhou Mansion! Where are you here? What are the results of the autopsy?! Is there anything to gain?!"

Di Zhiyuan took out a few pieces of paper and handed them to Yang Qingyuan, "There is still some gain, but not much!"

After Yang Qingyuan took it, he read it again.

Li Gensheng and Li Wangcai indeed died of arsenic poisoning, and arsenic was also detected in the food and wine they brought back.

Yang Qingyuan frowned slightly when he saw this, "This is wrong?!"

"The adults also discovered it!?"

"The poison of arsenic can kill people within a fraction of a second. Li Gensheng and Li Wangcai died of the poison on the spot. How come Li Afu survived?!"

Di Zhiyuan handed over another piece of paper, "Sir, please look here!"

This is the result of the inspection of the wine and food. Only three of the dishes were poisonous, namely braised mutton, crucian carp soup and deboned chicken feet.

The arsenic content in braised mutton and crucian carp soup is much higher than that in chicken feet, and one bite of it can kill someone.

"One of my guesses is that the poisoner was in a hurry at that time, so he only poisoned these three dishes. The poison was mainly in the crucian carp soup and the braised mutton. As for the poison in the chicken feet, it was just accidentally contaminated.


Yang Qingyuan thought for a while, "But I still can't explain why Li Afu survived!"

“It’s because of the coriander!”

Coriander?! Isn’t that cilantro?!

Yang Qingyuan suddenly understood, "You mean there is coriander in crucian carp soup and mutton, but not in chicken feet!?"

"Exactly! Your Excellency, you should also know that our Zhou Dynasty is a vast land with rich resources, and the food customs in different places are also different. For example, many Jiangnan people can't stand the smell of coriander and turn to green onions to enhance the fragrance!?"

Yang Qingyuan continued: "If Li Afu didn't like coriander, then he wouldn't have eaten crucian carp soup and mutton. In this case, it makes sense that he didn't die from poisoning!?"

Picking up the paper in his hand, Yang Qingyuan looked at it again, but his brows were already slightly furrowed, "Zhiyuan, do you really think there is such a coincidence? The poison happened to be in the middle of two bowls of coriander.

Is it possible that Cuizhu, the maid who delivered the food, informed Li Afu in some way in advance?!"

Di Zhiyuan shook his head: "I have also suspected this coincidence, but when I was interrogated in the mansion just now, the servant in the same courtyard as Li Afu said that Cuizhu handed the food box to Li Gensheng and then turned around and left. It should be impossible to notify Li Afu!


"What if they planned it in advance?!"

"This is not very likely, because the food and wine given by Mrs. Li were prepared by the kitchen, and the dishes were not specified. The kitchen also made them based on the ingredients of the day!"

Di Zhiyuan denied Yang Qingyuan's guess, "I have thought about everything you thought, and then eliminated them one by one. Now there are only two possibilities left. One, this is a pure coincidence, Li Afu is very lucky! Second, Li Afu and

Cuizhu conspired. Cuizhu had known for a long time that Li Afu did not eat coriander, so when poisoning, he directly added the poison to the dish containing coriander. In order to prevent Li Afu from being suspected, he added a little bit of chicken feet.


"Which one do you think is more likely?" Yang Qingyuan asked after listening to Di Zhiyuan's analysis.

"Sir, I don't believe in luck or coincidence!"

Di Zhiyuan and Yang Qingyuan showed meaningful smiles on their faces.

"That's right!" Yang Qingyuan suddenly realized that he didn't see Ji Yaohua when he returned to the Yamen, "Zhiyuan, do you know where Ji Baantou went?"

"Ji Captou?! Oh! She said that a sister had something urgent and asked her to come over!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Qingyuan's eyes flashed, "Sisters?! Haha"

This chapter has been completed!
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