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Chapter 468: Moonless night, fire rises

The curtains fell at night, and dark clouds covered the crescent moon.

At this moment, the Daqian military camp was peaceful.

Although Jianzhou Mohe's 100,000 cavalry were stopped by the Longwu Army, 200,000 people from the Golden Horde and Chagatai Khanates had already joined Da Gan. Now the Seventh Prince has an army of 500,000. people!

So now the Seventh Prince feels extremely at ease. Not to mention the 500,000 men under his command, even if 500,000 pigs charge together, the scene will be huge and difficult to withstand!

A mere Tiance army can be defeated with just one hand!

A grand gathering was held in the Chinese military camp, where sheep and cattle were cooked, milk, wine and fragrant tea were held, which was lively until late at night.

The two generals who originally led troops from the Golden Horde Khanate and the Chagatai Khanate to support them also felt that something was wrong. Wouldn't they give the other side an opportunity by holding such a big banquet before the war?

But the Seventh Prince’s reception was so warm!

They even brought out fine wine from the Central Plains to entertain the generals of the two great khanates, which deeply moved the generals and vowed to fight and defeat the enemy.

Moreover, before the banquet started, the Seventh Prince also explained to everyone that he had strengthened the defense of the camp.

They were fighting as foreign troops, so it was not easy for them to usurp the host. Moreover, as soon as they arrived at the camp, the Seventh Prince immediately sent weapons, food, grass, cattle and sheep in order to win over people's hearts and let them fight as hard as they could. Therefore, the generals of the two major khanates also No more questions.

Things went as expected by the Seventh Prince, and until the banquet was over, the Tiance Army did not come to make a sneak attack.

But the long period of calm made the men and horses responsible for patrolling the sentries also fall into fatigue and began to gradually slack off.

Just before dawn is always the darkest hour!

Just when the men on duty were feeling sleepy and falling asleep, suddenly a centurion on patrol saw a firework soaring into the sky.

When he wiped his eyes to see what it was, the sky was filled with stars.

In an instant, the sparks gradually enlarged in the centurion's safety, some were big and some were small.

The big ones are the thunder chariot of Tiance Army, the fireballs and crossbow guns of Tianji Crossbow, and the small ones are the rockets fired by Tianji Crossbow and Xuanji Crossbow.

Although they come in different sizes and shapes, they all have one thing in common - they are all dancing with exciting firelight!

In the frontier positions of the Tiance Army, warriors are operating Tianji city-breaking crossbows and thunderbolt catapults. The truth is only within the range.

Li Chengen couldn't live any longer, so he deployed all the heavy equipment at the forward position, covering Daqian's military camp with absolute firepower.

If this method of fighting is defeated, these instruments can only be burned to ensure that they will not fall into the hands of Da Gan.

Wave after wave of long-range offensives are sent out!

The cavalry circled the Daqian military camp and fired these fire arrows continuously.

The fireball of the Thunderbolt Car hit the ground first, and then exploded with a bang. It was also wrapped in kerosene and sprinkled into Daqian's military camp.

The Thunderbolt Chariot was created for the generals of the Zhou Dynasty to serve as prisoners. It inherited part of the technology of the ancient Momen. Its range can reach 1,500 steps, which is 750 meters.

Then came the crossbow gun of Tianji City Breaking Crossbow. This is a specially made crossbow gun, which is filled with kerosene to support combustion!

Groups of sparks kept blooming in Daqian's military camp, and the fire arrows falling from the sky were as dense as rain, killing the panicked soldiers of Daqian.

But even so, it only ignited a circle around the Daqian military camp. There were 500,000 troops. Even if the camp was divided into seven, there were on average more than 70,000 people in each camp. The area of ​​​​this camp was also Very broad.

If the two sides had not entered a stalemate stage, Daqian would never have set up such a large military camp!

The huge explosion woke up the sleeping soldiers.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

During the panic at the Daqian military camp, the fire had already expanded.

Although the Seventh Prince is an amateur, there are still many middle-level generals in the army who can lead troops, and they began to gather the troops as soon as they woke up.

However, communication was inconvenient in ancient times and it was at night. No matter how hard they tried, they had little effect.

Amidst several rounds of salvos, the Tiance Army's attack also began!

Yang Ning's Tianqiang Battalion was the vanguard of the army, and directly entered the Qianjun camp from the side, constantly throwing fire starters and launching rockets at the army's tents and stables.

The first priority of the Tianqiang camp is to tear a hole in the military camp, continue to light fires, and create chaos.

Yang Guo's Tabai Battalion followed closely behind, charging into Daqian's army and expanding the victory.

Then nearly 200,000 Tiance troops launched an attack on the Daqian Chinese Army from four directions!

The seventh prince also woke up from his sleep, "What's going on?! What happened!?"

The military camp of the 500,000-strong army is really too big, and the Chinese army still doesn't know the situation of the front camp.

"Father! Father!" Zha Yadu was now wearing a military uniform.

"Something happened! Tiance's army attacked at night. The front camp, left camp, right camp, and side camp were all attacked by Tiance's army!"

The Seventh Prince immediately said, "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and organize an army to fight back! We have 500,000 people?! Even if there are 500,000 pigs, the Zhou army won't be able to catch them all in a while!"

"Father, it's night now, and there's chaos in the camp. The soldiers don't know the generals, and the generals don't know the troops. How can we talk about counterattack? I'll make sure you retreat first, stabilize the position of the Chinese army, and then we can talk about counterattack!"

Although the Seventh Prince was very reluctant, the Qian army was in chaos at this moment. Except for the 100,000 men and horses in the Chinese army camp, which were still under control, the soldiers and horses in the other battalions had been beaten to pieces by the sudden fire attack. , people and horses trample each other.

Not to mention the Seventh Prince, even if Liang Wang Chahan Timur was here, it would be difficult to organize these people in a short time.

"Withdraw to the rear! Regroup! Prepare for counterattack!"

The seventh prince ordered unwillingly.


In the rear army, Yang Qingyuan did not lead the attack directly. Instead, he handed over the large group of troops to Cao Xueyang, and he took 3,000 troops and went around the hill.

Yang Qingyuan and Cao Xueyang agreed to wait for his signal. As long as the attack signal came, Cao Xueyang's main force would attack the opponent from the left, and Yang Qingyuan's three thousand elite cavalry would attack the opponent from the right.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The two hills behind the camp are located on both sides, leaving a narrow mountain road in the middle. Although there is a road behind, the large group of people cannot come from the rear. Launch an attack.

There is a river on the east side of the camp. Although it is not fast, it is not shallow and it is not easy to attack from here.

Not far ahead on the south side is Daqian's main force. If the enemy launches an attack from the south, unless the main force has been defeated, this time will be enough for the general to mobilize troops and horses for defense.

Therefore, the defense focus of the rear army camp fell on the west side.

Under the cover of night, Yang Qingyuan led his troops across the hills.

The altitude of this hill is not high, but the rock walls are indeed relatively steep. For Yang Qingyuan, it is only a matter of time. He can fly directly up the hill by changing direction in the air, but the soldiers under his command cannot!

Yang Qingyuan divided the three thousand elites into two groups. The first group was a thousand people led by himself, climbed over the hills and came to the back of the horse pen.

Another group of 2,000 people went to carry wood and rocks, block the road in the mountains, and place fire starters.

Although the hills were steep, with Yang Qingyuan leading the way, a thousand men and horses climbed up the cliff with difficulty.

And during this process, the trust of the soldiers in Yang Qingyuan increased to a higher level.

The key to the strength of an army lies in the cohesion of the army. The cohesion of the army is largely based on the degree of belief in the general.

Not only was Yang Qingyuan highly skilled in martial arts, he also shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers all the way from Cangyun Pass to here.

During this climb, he took the lead and opened the way for the troops, and was immediately recognized and supported by the troops.

A total of 998 people out of a thousand men and horses successfully climbed up the cliff. The remaining two sprained their feet while climbing and could only stay where they were.

On the hill, after resting for a while to regain his strength, Yang Qingyuan said to the soldiers.

"Brothers, I won't say anything to encourage morale. At this time tomorrow, we should be slaughtering Daqian's cattle and sheep and tasting Yuanmeng's milk wine! This battle will be won!"

"Set off!"

Then Yang Qingyuan quietly sneaked down the hill with a thousand men and horses with high morale.

The difference between victory and defeat is like playing chess, with only one move difference.

The enemy general's military strategy definitely has the qualifications of a famous general. His actions are reasonable and reasonable, which fully reflects his wisdom. But the fact that he made no mistakes does not mean that there are no flaws.

Yang Qingyuan's unconstrained imagination in tactics and his grasp of fighter opportunities are obviously superior.

The 100,000 horses in the rear camp were his biggest flaw.

Yang Qingyuan led the soldiers and horses across the fence. There were 100,000 war horses here, a small number of reserved war horses were let loose, and the war horses for combat were all in the stables.

The enemy general did not regard the rear as the focus of defense, but still arranged for 500 men to symbolically defend directly behind the stables. It was said to be defense, but in fact it was more like guarding to prevent the horses from escaping or herdsmen coming to steal the horses.

The captain responsible for guarding this place didn't take this so-called defense seriously. He said he was guarding the stables, but he was actually just a horse caretaker.

Of the five hundred people responsible for the defense, only one hundred were on duty at night, and the rest had already gone to bed.

Under the leadership of Yang Qingyuan, a thousand men and horses sneaked up to the 100 people on duty and killed them all with lightning speed.

After all, he was just a soldier on the battlefield, not a professional killer. Killing these one hundred people still made a noise!

"What happened!"

A soldier who was not sleeping soundly rubbed his eyes and walked out of the military tent. Seeing the bloody scene in front of him, he was about to shout a warning, but Yang Qingyuan cut his throat instantly, and he had no time to shout a warning.


Following Yang Qingyuan's order, the Zhou army soldiers poured into the military tent and killed the remaining four hundred people in their sleep.

Of course, I was also awakened and became confused in a daze.

After taking care of the guarding soldiers, the troops came to the stables.

One hundred of them pushed something to start the fire behind the stable, while the other nine hundred entered the stable and poured kerosene on the wooden railings.

When setting off from Cangyunguan, Yang Qingyuan prepared a lot of fire oil, saltpeter and other fire starters. After all, there is no way to attack at night without using fire.

Before coming, Yang Qingyuan gave each of the 1,000 people two cowhide bags filled with kerosene, a torch, and some saltpeter.

He repeatedly warned him to keep it close to his body and not let it get wet. After pouring the kerosene and throwing the saltpeter, nine hundred torches were lit almost at the same time, and the fire illuminated half of the stable.

Nine hundred people dispersed and did only one thing - light a fire. In an instant, flames surged and thick smoke rose into the sky.

Fueled by fire oil and saltpeter, the fire spread instantly, and the horses were on fire, running around and igniting each other.

At this moment, both sides of the stable were also on fire, and directly behind the stable, after everyone evacuated, a wall of fire was ignited!

The horses screamed in horror, fear driving them crazy.

Facing the flames coming from three sides, they completely lost their minds and could only run to where there was no fire.

And this location is the camp of the rear army.

Tens of thousands of horses galloping means that the momentum is huge and difficult to resist, but what about the one hundred thousand horses?!

There are only 50,000 troops in the rear camp, but Daqian is rich in war horses, so it is common for one person to ride two horses during a march. In addition to the spare and transportation horses, the army has 50,000 people, and there are at least 100,000 horses gathered at the stables.

The above war horse.

Fire is the natural enemy of animals. Even ferocious beasts such as tigers and wolves cannot avoid their fear of fire, let alone a docile horse?!

Yang Qingyuan's move was to imitate Lord Anping of Qi's Fire Ox Formation during the Warring States Period, using these 100,000 horses to shake the opponent's camp of 50,000 people.

The Daqian soldiers in their sleep felt the constant neighing of war horses and the ground began to shake.

When they were awakened by the sound of 100,000 horses galloping, they didn't know what was happening. They didn't even have time to get out of the tent, but the horses, including the people and tents, had trampled them into a pulp.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The resisting officers hurriedly emerged from the tent in twos and threes. Seeing the scene before them, they had no time to put on their clothes, so they turned around and ran away.

These 50,000 people were the elite under the command of King Liang. Even if they were attacked at night, they did not panic too much. The first thing they thought of was to organize a counterattack.

When they left the camp and saw the horses rushing in like a tidal wave, how could they still resist at all? They were so frightened that they ran away with their heads in their hands!

But how can two legs outrun four legs?

After running a few steps, he was knocked away by the horse and was trampled by the galloping horse and turned into a pulp.

The mighty herd of horses smashed into enemies and collided with generals. What was even more terrifying was that wherever the fire horses went, there was fire.

Horse hair is inherently flammable, and many horses crowded together can ignite each other.

One to two, to a hundred, to a thousand, and finally to ten thousand.

In a short period of time, tens of thousands of horses were affected, and tens of thousands of "fire-starters" rampaged through the camp. Every tent they encountered burst into flames, and raging flames shot into the sky. The momentum was extremely frightening.

After Yang Qingyuan confirmed the impact of the war horses, he immediately evacuated from the rear with a thousand men and horses.

These 100,000 heavenly soldiers have already entered the center of Qianjun Houjun's camp.

The war horses trampled over countless corpses and drove deeper into the camp, destroying everything they went and razing them to the ground.

Yang Qingyuan was a little surprised when he saw this scene on the hill. His original intention was to use his war horses to break through the enemy camp, tearing a hole, and then use his troops to cover up the killing. With lightning speed, before the enemy could organize a counterattack At that time, he defeated the enemy's central tent in one fell swoop.

But this is no longer necessary.

It was the cold season of spring, and most of the soldiers were wearing fur coats, fur hats, and fur trousers brought from hunting.

Moreover, the Yuanmeng people were fond of wine, and alcohol was not prohibited in the army, so there was more or less milk wine in every camp.

These flammable materials caused the fire horse to rush and burst into flames immediately.

The chief general here is none other than King Chahan's son, Kuo Kuo Timur, also known as Wang Baobao.

As soon as the army was attacked, he organized a personal guard and wanted to fight back. However, after seeing the group of fire horses outside the camp, he completely gave up the idea. In this case, he did not organize a counterattack at all. Space, had no choice but to escape towards the main camp ahead with a few soldiers under the protection of several guests from Prince Liang's Mansion.

Although the fire horse formation was powerful, under the burning fire, these fire horses fell to the ground one after another. Breaking through the rear camp was the limit of the fire horse formation, and it was difficult to attack the front camp.

Just when the fire horse formation defeated the rear army, Li Chengen also launched an attack on the main force of Daqian.

Yang Qingyuan handed over 20,000 horses to Cao Xueyang, continued to strangle the defeated troops and organized a defense line, while he took 7,000 fine cavalry and galloped towards the camp.


Although the central army was in chaos immediately after the attack, some soldiers still began to resist under the organization of their generals.

The five thousand Tabai camp under Yang Guo's command rushed everywhere. Once they found out which cadre army was about to resist, they immediately rushed to kill them and dispersed them, effectively curbing the gan army's counterattack.

Just when Yang Guo was about to continue charging, a yellow-robed monk with a group of horses appeared in front of the Tabai camp cavalry. With just one palm, he knocked down eight horses. His power was as powerful as the Buddhist Dharma Protector Vajra.

Yang Guo's pupils suddenly shrank, and the hand holding the gun tightened subconsciously.

This monk is extremely tall and thin, with a body like a bamboo pole and a slightly sunken forehead. He is a master of the inner sect of Tantric Buddhism in the Western Regions and is in the Dongxuan realm.

Yang Guo knew that he had met a big shot in the Da Gan Army.

After the training of the army and the baptism of the battlefield, today's Yang Guo is no longer the same as before, but the battle with Bixuan has benefited him a lot. He pointed the dragon gallbladder in his palm and asked, "Tantrik monk?!"

Yang Guo had heard Yang Qingyuan tell anecdotes about martial arts in the world. From the appearance of this monk, it was obvious that he was practicing the inner secrets of Tantric Buddhism.

"The poor monk Jin Lun is the national advisor of the Chagatai Khanate!"

Imperial Master Jinlun remained calm and did not care at all about Yang Guo's impending enemy.

Yang Guo couldn't help but complain in his heart, was he a non-chief? He had encountered enemy Dongxuan Realm masters twice in a row while charging on the battlefield.

The last time the Martial Lord Bi Xuan, thanks to his master's timely arrival, encountered another Dongxuan realm in just a few days.

The men and horses under his command had already scattered and charged, leaving only a hundred riders behind Yang Guo.

At this time, Yang Guo narrowed his eyes slightly and seemed motionless, but in fact he was extremely alert. As long as the monk in front of him made the slightest movement, he would immediately launch an attack to seize the opportunity.

But Yang Guo also knew that he might not be able to defeat the monk in front of him.

When the tantric martial arts are practiced to a very high level, the top of the head will be slightly dented. This Jinlun Guoshi has a deep dent in the top of the head. He must have practiced the tantric martial arts to an extremely high level.

"Brothers, leave this monk to me, you continue to charge!"

Saying that, Yang Guo flew up, and the dragon gallbladder in his palm turned into the shadow of spears all over the sky, blocking all the attack routes of Jinlun Dharma King, and hundreds of birds shot at the phoenix spears!

"The mantis' arm is like a chariot!"

Jinlun Imperial Master looked at Yang Guo's spear shadow and punched out, with the power of a dragon and an elephant, it could defeat all magic with one force!

This chapter has been completed!
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