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Chapter 475 Conspiracy

"You are the children of Yelu Chucai!"

Yang Qingyuan looked at the two people who were taken to the military tent.

After all, they are the sons and daughters of the Prime Minister of Daqian. In addition to sealing the acupuncture points of the two of them, Yang Qingyuan also asked the sergeant to treat the two of them with courtesy.

Originally, Yang Qingyuan was unable to deal with these two people due to identity issues, but now that he has become the inspector general of the newly built Yunzhong Protectorate, he naturally has the authority to deal with them.

Yelu Qi and Yelu Yan glared at the young man in front of them and Yang Guo beside him.

"You don't have to waste your breath on me, I won't say anything!" Yelu Qi was taught by Yelu Chucai to be loyal to Da Qian.

But in Yeluyan's eyes, she only saw Yang Guo, a betrayer!!

"I don't intend to get anything from you? I just want to see you!"

After all, he is a well-known actor, and Yang Qingyuan also wants to see if it is true that he once met Yang Guo and his life was ruined.

"sit down!"

Yang Qingyuan said, "Guo'er, go get two cups of tea!"

Seeing the look in Yeluyan's eyes that wanted to eat someone, Yang Qingyuan became a little curious.

Yang Guo followed the instructions and walked out of the tent. At this moment, Yelu Qi had something in his mind.

Now Yang Qingyuan was the only one in the account, and Yang Qingyuan was dressed like a scholar. At first glance, he was a civil servant of the Zhou Dynasty.

And being able to interrogate the two of them alone will definitely not lower your status. If you can suddenly attack and subdue Yang Qingyuan, you will be able to escape from the Tiance military camp.

"You are thinking that you can escape from the Tiance camp by subduing me! This is impossible, don't dream about it! There are many masters in the Tiance army, and there is more than one Dongxuan. Even if you take me hostage, you can't escape. Yes! Why not save your energy and listen to what I have to say."

Yeluqi hesitated after hearing Yang Qingyuan's words, but in the moment of hesitation, Yang Guo came back!

"Master! The hot water in the army hasn't been boiled yet, so we can't make tea!"

With a move of Yang Qingyuan's hand, the teapot in Yang Guo's hand fell into Yang Qingyuan's hand, and then a stream of pure Yang essence surged out from his palm and passed over the teapot.

In an instant, the water inside has boiled!

"Come on, make some tea for you two!"

"Yes! Master!"

Yang Guo looked at Yeluqi, whose eyes were wide open, and felt funny in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm.

"You two, please have tea."

"What do you want?!" Yeluqi shouted. Although Yeluqi's attitude seemed tough at the moment, he was still happy in his heart.

I didn't act rashly, otherwise I would definitely have been beaten by Yang Qingyuan.

"I invited you two here to discuss the ransom issue!"


Yeluqi was a little confused by Yang Qingyuan's words. He did not expect that Yang Qingyuan would be willing to let them go back.

"Let me calculate an account for you two! The two sons and daughters of the prime ministers of Daqian are the most valuable. Each of them counts two thousand taels, which is four thousand taels! Then the two of you eat and drink here every day. I It’s no problem if you count it as one thousand taels!”

Yeluqi was completely deceived by Yang Qingyuan. The prime minister's children only received two thousand taels each?! But why did they charge one thousand taels for food and drink?

But this is not the key. From what Yang Qingyuan said, he planned to collect 5,000 taels and give it back to the two of them. Is this possible?!

Five thousand taels is a lot! For example, Yu Yanyi, the great scholar of Wuyingdian in Dazhou, was determined not to get five thousand taels. That is to say, the officials of Daqian were treated well. If they wanted to change to Dazhou, they would not be greedy or take advantage of them. No official from an average family can afford five thousand taels.

Before Yeluqi could think carefully about Yang Qingyuan's conspiracy, Yeluyan took off a headdress with an east pearl on it that Jianzhou Mohe paid tribute to Daqian.

"This Dongzhu is worth at least eight thousand taels. Here it is for you. There is no need to look for it!"

The little rich woman is a real deal! It’s a pity that she is a powerful person, otherwise she would be a suitable match for her third apprentice Yang Guo!

Yang Qingyuan has read a lot of ancient books all over the world, so he naturally knows a little about Dongzhu.

Little rich woman, no...it was Yeluyan who gave me this one. It is definitely the top grade among the Eastern beads.

Dongzhu is produced in the waters of Wangjian River and its tributaries. Because of the black color of the water, it is also called black water.

Because of the special nature of its waters, Dongzhu is large, plump, round and crystal-clear, and can emit colorful luster. It has become a treasure of Jianzhou Mohe. It is often used as a treasure to pay tribute to Daqian and Dazhou!

As the daughter of Yelu Chucai, Yeluyan was able to use such a rare and top-quality Dongzhu as a headdress, which shows Yelu Chucai's status in Daqian.

"Okay, I'll accept the money! You two can leave now! Later, you can send the two of them off for me, and I'm arranging a team of people to deliver them to Wangnan City."

"The last general will protect the order!"

Yang Guo stretched out his hand and said, "You two, please come with me."

Yeluqi is still confused. Is this an agreement? It feels like something is wrong, but nothing is really wrong!

Yeluyan is much more straightforward than her brother!

He stood up and said to Yang Qingyuan, "Thank you, sir?! Please spare me once today. If you fall into our hands in the future, I will definitely spare you once too!"

Yang Qingyuan almost showed a dumbfounded expression when he heard this. This girl's tone is really quite serious!

Then Yeluqi also stood up and said, "Many times, we have to say goodbye!"

The two of them walked out of the military tent under Yang Guo's guidance, with Yang Guo in front and the brother and sister behind, and they just walked forward silently.

"What's your name?"

After walking for more than half a mile, Yeluyan finally spoke.

Although Yang Guo worked as an undercover agent for Da Zhou, the Yelu brothers and sisters were really good to him. Yelu Qi favored him very much. Promotion was like drinking water, and he was given weapons and famous horses.

Not to mention Yeluyan, it is the most difficult to accept the kindness of a beauty.

"My name is Yang Guo, courtesy name Maogong. I am currently General Piao Yao of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the commander of Tabai Camp!"

"Yang Guo, Yang Maogong, Yang Maogong, risk and support together!?" Yeluyan read it twice softly and discovered the little secret in this name.

Looking at it this way, Yang Guo couldn't be completely lying to himself!

"What about the person who just met us?!" Yeluqi also asked the question in his heart. The person just now looked even younger than himself, but when facing him, the pressure was the same as when Yeluqi faced his father Yelu The Chu Cai period is very similar.

"It's my master, the Grand Protector of Yunzhong Protectorate, Yang Qingyuan!"

Yang Guo's words seemed to have accidentally leaked the military information, but in fact, he told the two of them deliberately.

The three of them came to the camp of Tabai Camp!

"General Yang!"

Seeing the general returning to camp, the sentinels on duty all showed respect.

It was this young general who led the Tabai Camp to achieve great fame.

"Click a hundred fine cavalry and follow me!"


Immediately, a hundred elite cavalry followed Yang Guo and escorted the Yelu brothers and sisters out of the Zhou army's camp.

Everyone headed north, and after about half an hour, they already saw the continuous army camp in front of them.

At the same time, several elite cavalrymen from Daqian also flew towards him. One of them saw Yang Guo holding the banner of Dazhou, so he didn't say much. He raised his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow at Yang Guo!

The Eagle Cavalry is the most elite cavalry archer in Da Gan.

Facing this oncoming arrow, Yang Guo did not dodge or dodge, and with a slight tremble of the dragon's gallbladder in his hand, he flew it away.

Yang Guo, who had gone through successive battles, had gradually mastered his marksmanship.

"Stop!" Yeluqi on the side immediately said in Yuan-Mongolian, "I am Yeluqi, the inspector of the Wokuotai Army!"

The Condor Cavalry opposite heard this and stopped what he was doing.

Yang Guo raised his spear, and the hundreds of cavalry behind him immediately stopped advancing.

"Ahead is the Ganjun camp. You guys wait for me here. I'll just send them two off!"

Not a single voice of objection among the hundreds of cavalrymen was raised.

"You two, please!"

When the three of them came to the Condor Cavalry, Yeluqi took out the short knife that Yang Guo had just returned from his arms.

"This is my identity certificate! You can give it to His Highness Prince Liang for inspection!"

The leader of the Condor Cavalry drew his dagger and saluted Yeluqi.

"Please wait here for a moment, we will go and report immediately." After saying that, he took his horse back to the camp and galloped all the way.

In the camp, Liang Wang Chahan Timur received the report of the Condor Cavalry.

"This is indeed Yelu Chucai's sword, a treasure given by the late Emperor Mu Zong!"

Wang Baobao on the side said, "Father, could this be a conspiracy by the Zhou people to use the sword given by the late emperor to impersonate the identities of Yelu Chucai's children to achieve ulterior motives?"

"There are just two people on the left and right. What the traitor fears most is attention. How can we take two people escorted back by Zhou Jun so lightly?!"

Chahan immediately denied Wang Baobao's statement and said to the Condor Cavalry who came to report, "Go and bring the people! Don't embarrass those Zhou troops!"


After the Condor Cavalry left, only Yang Guo and the other three were left behind.

Yang Guo looked at the slightly depressed Yeluyan and couldn't bear it. There was nothing wrong with serving the country, but he felt guilty for breaking a girl's heart. He then untied a package from his horse and handed it to Yeluyan. .

"Miss Yan'er! It's time to say goodbye now, and you and I also want to get together. I have nothing to give, so I'll give this to you!"

Yeluyan glanced at Yang Guo in confusion, then took the package and opened it.


Yeluyan exclaimed, it was a cloak made of the fur of the Howling Moon Wolf King.

"This is for you that day! It's a pity that I didn't have time to make it into a robe! But the wolf is still big here. Although the wolf's head was damaged by my gun, the other fur is enough to make a cloak!"

Yang Guo paused for a moment, "It's freezing cold in the north, so bring this cloak to keep you warm!"

I have to say that Yang Guo is very talented at being a scumbag.

In just a few words, Yeluyan's eyes were filled with mist!

Originally, she hated Yang Guo to death and used the girl's ignorance to achieve his ulterior motives.

But now she can understand Yang Guo somewhat.

After all, Yang Guo was a Zhou native, not a Dagan native. The 200,000 troops of the Ogedai Khanate attacked Cangyun Pass, which was an invasion of his country. It is actually reasonable for him to do such a thing in order to defend his country. .

If she was wrong, she was also wrong. She was also the one who invaded the Zhou Dynasty. Thinking about the national hatred between the two of them, Yeluyan felt full of sorrow and grievance.

Just when Yeluyan was about to say something, the Condor Cavalry who had returned to the camp to report had already arrived and gave Yang Guo a military salute.

"Thank you, General, for escorting me. Mahamu would like to thank you!"

"You're welcome, I'm just following orders!" Yang Guo looked businesslike.

"But you shot me an arrow just now, I must feel uncomfortable!" Yang Guo opened his bow and drew the arrow without waiting for Mahamu to reply.

There was a sound of the bow string vibrating, and an arrow flew away from Xian. Mahamu subconsciously wanted to dodge, but the target of the arrow was not Mahamu.

The flag hanging at the Daqian military camp is about five hundred steps away, and it can be hit with an arrow!

When the arrow arrives, the pole breaks and the flag falls.

When the Eagle Cavalry saw this scene, they were extremely angry. The flag of their camp was shot down by a Zhou man. This pair of cadres who boasted that they were unparalleled in the world of cavalry and archery was a great shame and humiliation. Just when they wanted to use their bows to fight back, Yang Guo had already Zhao Yebai moved his crotch and ran a hundred steps away.

"Hahaha! You shoot me an arrow, and I shoot you back. Now it's even!"

"Brother Yelu! Sister Yan'er! We say goodbye today. The green mountains will not change and the green water will flow forever. We are destined to see you again! Come on!"

After saying that, he rode away on Zhao Yebai, leaving behind a trail of smoke and dust and the girl's troubled heart.


"General Protector, I will come here to pay my order!"

Yang Guo solemnly returned the command arrow in his hand to Yang Qingyuan, and then returned to his usual self, "Master! How do you feel about being the protector of the capital!?"

"Oh! I'm going to correct you a bit, I'm not the Protector of the School, I'm the Protector of the School, temporary! I will be laid off with honor as soon as the new Protector sent by the imperial court arrives!"

Yang Guo could tell that the master was in a good mood.

"But Master, why did you let Yelu Qi and Yelu Yan go back!? They are the daughters of Yelu Chucai, the Secretary of Da Qian!"

"What do you think?!"

Yang Qingyuan asked the question to Yang Guo.

"Can we negotiate with them and Yelu Chucai!? If we want ten thousand cattle and sheep, one hundred thousand taels of silver shouldn't be a problem, right?!"

Yang Qingyuan nodded, "I think it's about the same. Yelu Chucai will definitely agree to this price!"

"Then why not change?!"

Yang Guo was even more confused. Master said that war is a means, not an end.

It is not wise to blindly engage in a meaningless war, so between Wei and Huo, Yang Qingyuan favors Wei Qing more.

Although in terms of blitzkrieg and battle loss ratio, Wei Qing was not as good as Huo Qubing, but every time Wei Qing won a victory, he would make a lot of money, with a population of cattle and sheep, and even wished he could shovel the turf of the Xiongnu and bring it back.

Everything that could not be taken away was burned, and even the pastures with lush water and grass were set on fire, so that the Huns' cattle, sheep, and horses lost their food source.

But what Yang Qingyuan did today was completely inconsistent with this concept. He released the two of them for five thousand taels of silver. The prime minister's children were too cheap!

"Ten thousand cattle and sheep, one hundred thousand taels of silver is indeed a lot, but these five thousand taels can play a greater role."

"What does it do?"

Yang Guo felt like he had grasped something key, but he didn't grasp it completely.

"If I told you that for five thousand taels of silver, we would release the only child of the enemy's prime minister, what would be your first reaction?!"

Yang Guo replied without thinking, "This is impossible! Isn't this nonsense?! This..."

Yang Guo felt like he understood!

"You don't believe it, do you think Emperor Qian does?"

This chapter has been completed!
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