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Chapter 478: Resurrection

"What?!" Emperor Zhou's hand holding the imperial pen trembled slightly.

Yu Yanyi, who was standing below, repeated it again, "The guerrilla general of the Shenwu Army who was responsible for delivering military pay, the Jinyiwei Dongzhen Fusi Qinglong, and the Yuezhou Governor's Office both reported that the eight million taels of silver prepared for the Shenwu Army were on their way to be delivered.

, disappeared!"

The imperial study room fell into silence. The eight million taels of silver were half of the payment this time.

The other half will be deposited into the account of the border officers in the form of Tiandi Bank tickets. They can use their identity stickers to redeem the tickets at any Tiandi Bank account. Of course, their family members can also redeem them.

An identity sticker is an ancient ID card, also known as a photo ID card. It is an antiseptic bamboo tag with your name, place of origin, and date of birth engraved on it. There is also a simple portrait in the bamboo tag.

Check people's identities.

Since the establishment of the Tiandi Bank with royal endorsement, the imperial court began to use this method to distribute military pay and salaries.

Cash and deposits are cross-issued.

It’s just officials in Gyeonggi Province. The existence of the bank will make it easier for them to access, but for the soldiers guarding the border, cash that is visible and tangible must make them feel more at ease, so there is still cash.

Silver transportation.

What people didn't expect was that under the escort of three thousand divine warriors, their wages were still robbed.

"Who stole the money? Bandits?! Japanese pirates?!"

Emperor Zhou really couldn't think of anyone who could seize eight million taels of silver in the Zhou Dynasty under the defense of three thousand divine warriors.


Even a loyal and upright minister like Yu Yanyi didn't know how to speak to Emperor Zhou.

Qinglong and Cheng Lixue's report was really a bit too supernatural.

"What's wrong?!"

Yu Yanyi gritted his teeth and said, "The Yuezhou Governor's Office has intervened in the investigation of this matter, but every link from the packing, sealing, and transportation of the payment is supervised by the Yuezhou Governor's Office, the Shenwu Army, and the Jinyi Guards.

There is no problem. Combined with the statements of Qinglong, the commander of Jinyiweidong Town Fusi, and Cheng Lixue, the guerrilla general of the Shenwu Army, the Yuezhou Governor’s Office finally concluded that this matter was caused by the underworld soldiers borrowing money!"


Emperor Zhou's eyes suddenly became unbelievable. He thought he heard wrongly and couldn't help but ask again, "Say it again?!"

"The Yin soldiers borrowed their pay."

Not only the Emperor of Zhou, but also the prince, the King of Chu, the six ministers, all the great scholars and the left and right censors of the Imperial Court were all stunned.

The dark soldiers borrowed money and the fire dragon burned the warehouse. This has always been a common method of corruption in ancient treasuries. It pushed the matter into the dark. Without any evidence, it naturally became an unsolved case, and the stolen money was nowhere to be found. The crime was committed.

People can get away with it.

"Yu Qing, do you believe it?!"

Before Yan Yi could answer, Emperor Zhou turned his attention to the other people in the imperial study.

"My lords, do you believe it?!"

Everyone could feel the anger beneath Emperor Zhou's calm tone!

"Even if you believe it! I don't believe it! A whole eight million taels of silver just disappeared!? It's all excuses and excuses!"

"Password! Cheng Lixue, the guerrilla general of the Shenwu Army, as the commander-in-chief of the Liberation Army, was negligent and could not protect the salary bank with the strength of one battalion, resulting in the loss of the salary bank. He should be punished for his crime, and he will be dismissed from the post of guerrilla general of the Shenwu Army immediately.

, handed over to the six gates to be escorted to Beijing and handed over to the Third Division for trial!"

"Fang Zhiyuan, the governor of Yuezhou, is not strict in governing the environment, and has caused evil spirits and ghosts to wreak havoc. His fault will be pardoned, and he will be dismissed from the post of governor of Yuezhou immediately, and he will immediately go to Beijing to wait for his fate!"

"Qinglong, the commander of Jinyiwei Dongzhen Fusi, neglected his duties and failed to protect himself. He is temporarily relieved of his post as the commander of Dongzhen Fusi. The case will continue to be investigated to see the consequences."

Emperor Zhou directly dealt with all three responsible persons!

The King of Chu on the side hesitated for a moment when he heard this, then stepped out and said, "Father, Cheng Lixue is a veteran of the Shenwu Army. He served the country loyally in the southern border and made many military exploits! He once led eight hundred elite cavalry to quell the rebellion of the southwestern chieftains, and he made great contributions to the country. Such

Isn’t the punishment a little harsher?”

The King of Chu once worked with Cheng Lixue in the southern border and had a great friendship. Seeing that Cheng Lixue was punished so severely, he couldn't bear it, so he begged for mercy.


When the prince saw that the King of Chu was actually a frontier general, he immediately became excited.

"I heard that my third brother once served in the Shenwu Army and has a good relationship with General Cheng Lixue!"

It is a taboo for a prince in the capital to make friends with generals!

"Father, emperor and sons are just..."

Just as King Chu was about to defend himself, Emperor Zhou raised his hand to stop him.

"Yu Qing, you are the Minister of War, what do you think!?"

Yu Yanyi said to him, "Your Majesty, I think that the case has not yet been investigated, and Cheng Lixue is the first person responsible. If he is directly escorted to Beijing, it may not be conducive to the investigation of the case. I think it is better to temporarily relieve him from his post and order him to assist."

Someone has solved the case!"

After Emperor Zhou thought for a moment, he said, "Just what you said!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"The top priority right now is to crack the case and recover the lost salary. Who do you think we should send to take charge!?"

Immediately, Emperor Zhou turned his attention to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Bizarre things like this are usually the work of insiders, so it would be quite appropriate to go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate!

Cheng Qingsong saw the meaning in Emperor Zhou's eyes and looked at each other with Li Weiguang, the censor of Zuodu.

"Your Majesty! Li Xunhuan, the former censor of Zuoqiandu, cooperated with Wang Hua, the governor of Yangzhou, in the Yangzhou case, and acted vigorously and resolutely to eliminate profiteers and corrupt officials."

In the previous case of colluding with Japanese pirates in Yangzhou, Li Xunhuan and Wang Hua cooperated, and the case was concluded quickly, beautifully, and truly brilliant.

"Yes! Then let Li Xunhuan take the supervisory censor to investigate! That's right! There is a vacancy in the governorship of Yuezhou. For the time being, let Wang Hua concurrently serve as the governor of Yang, and the governorship of the two states of Yue!"

The people present were all human beings, and Emperor Zhou's intention was already very obvious.

Li Xunhuan and Wang Hua are both the mainstays of the first and third series, and they are going to revive that person again!

As a master, just when Qian Muqian was about to speak, the King of Chu, who had just committed a taboo, stepped forward and said, "Father, I recommend this person to you, and I will definitely be able to find out the case, eliminate the evil spirits, and recover the salary."



"My son recommends Yang Qingyuan, the Protector-General of the Yunzhong Protectorate's Inspection School, Marquis of Wuxiang, and Bachelor of the Wenhua Palace!"

Yang Qingyuan's official title was so long that the King of Chu paused for a moment before continuing, "Master Yang was originally the Shaoqing of Dali Temple. He was proficient in criminal law and solved cases like a god! The previous water transport cases, granary cases, and imperial court cases were all handled by Master Yang.

A thorough investigation, if he investigates this case, the truth will be revealed to the world!"

Everyone present knew that Emperor Zhou was partial to Yang Qingyuan.

Although in the case of Zhou Mingsheng, Emperor Zhou finally chose the crown prince and his posthumous name, it did not affect Emperor Zhou's trust in Yang Qingyuan at all.

During the battle in the north, Yang Qingyuan was directly awarded the title of Marquis of Wuxiang. Although he was only a marquis, the meaning was even greater than that of a Duke.

Wuxiang County has long since disappeared into history and was renamed and restructured.

Throughout ancient times and modern times, only one person has received this title - Marquis Zhongwu of Wuxiang in Jihan and Zhuge Kongming.

This title is like a champion, it has its own special meaning!

"What do you think, sir?!"

The people present here are all human beings. Emperor Zhou laid a lot of groundwork and appointed Li Xunhuan and Wang Hua, who were the same year as Yang Qingyuan. The purpose was already obvious. Who would jump out to oppose it at this time?

Only the prince was extremely unwilling. This case came at a really bad time. Originally, the affairs of the Yunzhong Protectorate had already delayed Yang Qingyuan.

The establishment of the Duhufu did not happen overnight. Now Yang Qingyuan is doing a good job. If there is no accident, no one will be selected to replace Yang Qingyuan for the time being.

Although he knew it was difficult to stop it, the prince still wanted to give it a try.

"Father, although Mr. Yang is very talented, the Yunzhong Protectorate is after all my century-old plan for the Northern Territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Changing people at this moment is really not conducive to the development of the Yunzhong Protectorate. It is better to replace the case with someone else!


"Yu Qing, how do you think this matter will be resolved?!"

As a confidant of Emperor Zhou, Yu Yanyi naturally knew what Emperor Zhou meant.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the Deputy Protector of the Anxi Protectorate, General Xu Qinming of the Left Leading Army Guard, has devoted himself to his duties, has both civil and military skills, and has made many meritorious deeds, so he can take over the post of the Chief Protector of the Yunzhong Protectorate!"

Yu Yanyi was in charge of the promotion assessment of the generals in the world, and he quickly selected a person who had the qualifications and abilities to take over as the Chief Protector of the Yunzhong Protectorate.

"Xu Qinming! Well! This person is quite good! That's right! Xu Qinming, the former Deputy Protector of the Anxi Protectorate and the General of the Left Army, will take over as the Chief Protector of the Yunzhong Protectorate. Yang Qingyuan, the former Chief Inspector of the Yunzhong Protectorate,

He was renamed as the chief minister of Dali Temple and deposed as the envoy of Yuezhou. He was ordered to investigate the case! He mentioned some important military and political affairs in Yuezhou. Officials in Yuezhou, big and small, must obey orders. This matter was drafted by the cabinet and the order was issued immediately.


"I obey the decree!"


The capital protects the palace in the clouds, and the capital protects the palace.

"Master Yang, the new Protector Xu Qinming is here!"

Yang Qingyuan put down the purple hair in his hand and said, "Please!"

"Protector Yang!" This person shouted as he entered the Protector's Mansion before seeing this person.

The person who came was a middle-aged general. He was dressed in military uniform and had a loud voice. He looked like a man in the military.

"But in front of General Xu?!"

"Hahaha! I have long heard that Mr. Yang is good at both civil and military affairs. Wen Ke can strategize, and he can kill generals and capture flags with military skills. I didn't expect him to look so handsome!" Yang Qingyuan loved hearing this.

Xu Qinming looked completely familiar.

Although Yang Qingyuan is not a social cow, he can have a good conversation with anyone if he wants to.

The two of them chatted for a long time in the study about the future plans of the Yunzhong Protectorate. "Master Yang's method of building cities and reclaiming wasteland is really wonderful! If our Anxi Protectorate uses this method, there will not be constant rebellions by small countries in the Western Regions.

, connecting the dots into a surface can form a strong control within the Protectorate, making the influence of the Protectorate radiate throughout the territory and even outside the country."

Yang Qingyuan smiled reservedly, he was just relying on the methods of his predecessors and descendants.

The Zhongshi Tao of the former Song Dynasty was such a method of warfare.

Later generations of Yingjiang also used military bases and mobile sea fortresses around the world to form global control.

"Master Yang has laid a good foundation for the Yunzhong Protectorate! It's like I got a great contribution for free, all I need is Xiao Gui and Cao to follow!"

This Xu Qinming has read a book, and being able to talk about Xiao Gui and Cao Sui proves that he is still educated!

After explaining what happened here, Yang Qingyuan was about to leave. Before leaving, Yang Qingyuan also introduced his young apprentice Yang Guo to Xu Qinming.

I wanted Xu Qinming to take care of me, but Yang Qingyuan didn't expect Yang Guo's reputation to be so big now!

During the Battle of Cangyunguan, Yang Guo's reputation spread throughout the army, and he was regarded by the surrounding army as a new generation of famous generals, and he did not need Yang Qingyuan's special care at all.

After taking care of all the matters, Yang Qingyuan rode towards Yuezhou alone, but as soon as he left the Yunzhong Protectorate, someone on the official road stopped him.

"Brother Yang, stay!"

It's April and the grass is growing.

On top of the white horse, a girl in armor has been waiting for Yang Qingyuan for a long time!


"Brother Yang, are you leaving now?!"

Yang Qingyuan was silent. He indeed did not say goodbye to Cao Xueyang. Parting is always the saddest thing. Saying goodbye to little Yang Guo made Yang Qingyuan uncomfortable enough. Adding Cao Xueyang to the mix made it even more uncomfortable.

"What?! You don't want to see me?!"

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that seeing each other before parting will only increase the pain of separation!"

Yang Qingyuan sighed softly, it is the hardest thing to live up to the kindness of a beauty!

"Brother Yang is here because the imperial court has entrusted him with an important task. This is a good thing!"

Listening to Cao Xueyang's words, Yang Qingyuan smiled bitterly and shook his head, "You are wrong! If possible, I would rather not go back to the center of the vortex of power struggle!"

During this period of time in the Duhu Mansion, Yang Qingyuan lived very comfortably. There was no one restricting him, and he could realize all his ideas.

But Yang Qingyuan must go back, he still has things to go back and complete.

"Now that the emperor is old, there are undercurrents surging in Beijing. Brother Yang must be careful!"

The two of them led the horses and walked on the official road. They chatted while walking.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "It doesn't matter to me, you should be careful when Xueyang is captured by the Northern Territory. Although the Northern Territory is victorious, King Liang regains military power, so you should be careful!"

As he spoke, Yang Qingyuan took out two pamphlets from his arms, "Originally I wanted Guo'er to bring them to you! But I had a hunch that you would come today!"

Cao Xueyang took the two booklets handed over by Yang Qingyuan, "Ascension to Heaven" and "Seven Kills of the Coiling Dragon".

Yang Qingyuan compiled all the light skills he created and the marksmanship he learned during the war into a book.

"Xue Yang is unparalleled in his battle, but his own martial arts must keep up! This is some of my martial arts experience, I hope it will be useful to you!"

Cao Xueyang discovered that Yang Qingyuan had been helping her since she met her.

In the Barren Mountain Inn, Yang Qingyuan took action to save her life.

In Hanyuan Palace, Yang Qingyuan came to her rescue so that she would not have to be a tool for marriage.

After the gods parted ways, Yang Qingyuan sent "The Essentials of Qing Gong" again.

This time, Yang Qingyuan directly used his unique Qing Gong and the marksmanship he had just realized.

Yang Qingyuan is not a good person. For example, Lao Yue has only learned six moves of the Thirteen Qingfeng Swords.

Yang Qingyuan's feelings for Cao Xueyang are complicated, a graceful female general.

Execute Xiaotian's righteousness to the best of his ability, and guard the soul of China alone with a long spear.

Take a look at his Nian Ling Pavilion. The painting depicts the daughter's body first.

After contact with Cao Xueyang, this emotion gradually fermented and gradually changed from the original appreciation.

"Brother Yang! We say goodbye today. Do you know when we will see you again?"

Cao Xueyang suddenly looked directly at Yang Qingyuan with bright eyes, which made Yang Qingyuan a little overwhelmed.

"When the war in the north is decided, Xueyang will take off his armor and tie his hair for Brother Yang!"

Cao Xueyang is different from the shyness of ordinary women. Now that she has recognized herself and Yang Qingyuan, she will not sit still and wait for death, but choose to take the initiative.

Facing the fiery emotion in Cao Xueyang's eyes, Yang Qingyuan did not escape. After a moment of silence, he answered softly.

"The grass will be green next year, may I ask if you will come back?"

This chapter has been completed!
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