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Chapter 51: Overnight Interrogation (Part 2)

Yang Qingyuan smiled.

"As expected of Bingzhou Detective. Indeed, if this alone does not explain anything, maybe this little maid has a good psychological quality?! So in order to verify my conjecture, I asked a simple question. But it is just this simple

question, but she acted extremely panicked, as if she encountered a scripture she had never read during an exam!"

Di Zhiyuan already understood what Yang Qingyuan meant. After two comparisons, the problem with this maid has been revealed.

"By the way! What does adult psychological quality mean?!" Di Zhiyuan thought this wording was strange!

"You don't need to worry about this, it's better to interrogate Cuizhu as soon as possible!" Yang Qingyuan felt that Di Zhiyuan's focus was strange!

Soon after, Cuizhu was brought to the interrogation room.

"Are you Madam's personal maid Cuizhu?!"

Cuizhu was a little panicked at this time, and it could be seen that she was trying her best to stay calm.


"You should be the last one to see Madam!"

The maid hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "I don't know, slave. After the lady gave the slave a food box and asked the slave to send it to reward Li Afu and the three of them, the lady was about to take a nap, and the slave never saw the lady again!"

I don’t know if I am the last person to see Madam.”

Yang Qingyuan nodded towards Di Zhiyuan to let him continue questioning.

"About when did Madam give you the food box and ask you to deliver the food!"

The maid replied immediately without thinking: "It must have been just after noon or a quarter past midnight. The three of them, Li Afu, missed the meal because of loosening and pruning, so the lady gave them a banquet."

"Last time you said this was the first time this month that Li and Afu were given food and drinks?"

"The fourth time! There have been three times this month!" The maid replied immediately, fearing that Di Zhiyuan would be suspicious.

Yang Qingyuan and Di Zhiyuan looked at each other, and it was true.

The maid's answers were so proficient, as if she had already memorized the answers. She could answer these questions without even thinking.

"How many years have you been in the Li Mansion? How many years have you been serving Madam?"

"I entered the Li Mansion when I was twelve years old. It has been four years now. I started working as Madam's personal maid two years ago!"

While the two were answering questions, Yang Qingyuan, who was listening quietly on the side, suddenly interrupted their conversation.

"Cuizhu, I want to ask you, after you got the food box, have you ever opened it and looked at the food and wine inside?!"

"This slave has not opened it yet. As soon as he gets the food box, he will deliver it to Li Afu and the others!"

"Cuizhu, I will ask you again! How is the relationship between the sisters in your wife's courtyard?"

Cuizhu was suddenly stunned, "Relationship?!"

"Is there any verbal conflict?!"

"Slave...slave!? I can't tell you!?"

Yang Qingyuan looked directly at Cuizhu and narrowed his eyes, "Huh?!"

"Slaves really can't talk to each other. There may be a few quarrels, but they are all in the same courtyard. How can there be any big conflicts!!?"

Then Yang Qingyuan and Di Zhiyuan asked Cuizhu a few questions casually.

Just as Cuizhu was hesitantly answering questions, there was suddenly a knock on the door outside the interrogation room.

"Master Yang! Master Di! I will report you for your humble position!"

After the door of the interrogation room opened, a clerk wearing a black civilian uniform of Dali Temple was holding a small stack of paper.

Yang and Di looked at each other, stood up and walked out of the door. When they went out, Di Zhiyuan closed the door behind him, but did not close it tightly, but left a crack in the door.

Sitting in the interrogation room, Cuizhu could vaguely hear the conversations outside.

"This is a coroner's autopsy report..."

"What? Mrs. Li died unexpectedly..."

"Then...doesn't it mean that we have been deceiving each other with lies?!"

"It must be severely punished! Follow the laws of Zhou Dynasty!"

Listening to the intermittent conversations coming from outside, Cuizhu felt that her situation seemed a little bad.

The conversation stopped after a while.

Then the door that was originally ajar opened!

Yang Qingyuan and Di Zhiyuan returned to the interrogation room again, but at this moment, their faces were no longer as calm as before, but full of seriousness.

"Are you going to say it yourself, or let me do it?" Yang Qingyuan casually threw a stack of paper on the table and asked coldly.

Cuizhu was shocked by Yang Qingyuan's cold eyes at this moment and was full of panic.

"Sir, what are you talking about? Slave!? Slave?! I don't understand!"

"In the laws of Dazhou, if the offender admits his crime and bows his head to the law, he can be forgiven!? Those who refuse to plead guilty will be punished with half the penalty! I will explain to you. If you confess today, I can

The crime can be reduced by one level when you are angry. After all, you are an accessory, but if you continue to resist, I can increase the punishment by up to half! Have you thought clearly?!"

"Sir, slave... I really don't know what to say!!" Cuizhu's left hand began to tremble slightly!

"Then, since you don't want to say it! Then let me do it!!" Yang Qingyuan pointed to a piece of paper on the table and said, "This is the result of the autopsy. Your wife was actually dead at that time! In fact, this is the result of the autopsy.

The maids only heard Madam’s voice but did not see Madam! The only one who entered the room and took the food box was you!”

"At that time, your wife was dead. How could I give you a food box? How could I speak? Could it be that it was your wife's ghost?" When he said the last words, Yang Qingyuan's tone was as cold as winter.

"I don't know! I really don't know!"

"It seems that you are determined not to die until you reach the Yellow River!" Li Afu and the other three were poisoned by arsenic, but Zuo found the rouge gouache made by Peach Blossom in the poisoned food! Since your wife had died at that time, this rouge

Gouache can only be poisoned by people! Just now, the clerk in the government office has asked other people that you are the only one in this house who can afford and like to use this kind of rouge gouache! What is your explanation?"

"Sir, I really don't know! Oh! Or maybe I am favored by the madam! I am jealous of others." Cuizhu was crying as she answered.

"Oh?! Really!? But it is clearly written in this record that you have no deep hatred with the maids, so why should you be framed for nothing? And this matter cannot be hidden at all. Did you use this rouge and gouache?

The official only needs to send someone to Li Mansion to search and they will know!"

Yang Qingyuan's tone became more and more violent and short of breath, and the pressure on Cuizhu became more and more intense!

"Sir! Maybe the slave accidentally got it when delivering food and drinks! This slave... this slave really didn't kill anyone!"

"Accidentally got it on!? But you just said that you never opened the food box when delivering the food? How could it get on it?! Do you really think I can't be bullied? Someone drag me out.

Serve with great punishment!!”

"Yes!" The two policemen standing outside the door pushed open the door and walked out, holding sticks, bamboo sticks and other torture instruments in their hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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