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Chapter 686 Politics

Originally, there should have been neatly arranged officials from the capital outside Hanyuan Hall, but today the dynasty seemed particularly deserted, with only about 20% of what it used to be.

Fortunately, it was April and the spring breeze was blowing.

There were only a few officials present, most of whom were close to Yang Qingyuan and the First and Third Clan, as well as some who admired Yanyi and were not resentful of Zhu Zhankun's rebellious behavior.

Yang Qingyuan was not outside the imperial city at this time. He had deduced the current situation when he raised his troops, and everything was still under control.

Now outside Hanyuan Hall, Wang Hua is in charge of the overall situation.

However, the appearance of two people made Wang Hua unexpected.

"I have met the King of Zhongshan! General Xu!"

Wang Hua was surprised when he saw the sudden arrival of Zhongshan King Xu Zhongshou and Youtunwei General Xu Yingxu.

These two people would never come here even in normal times, so why are they here today?!

Moreover, the Zhongshan Palace has always stayed out of such disputes, so how could it get involved in the first place? Even if it comes to support Yang Qingyuan and wants to gain benefits, to be honest, Yang Qingyuan cannot offer a high price! What can be given to the Zhongshan Palace is limited.


Xu Miaoyun, who was eating sweet-scented osmanthus cake at home, said that of course it couldn't be opened. The Prince of Zhongshan was the first of the four kings, and the emperor would be afraid of him if he rose higher.

The reason why she asked her two brothers to come here was firstly to pave the way for the Zhongshan Palace to take power, and secondly to ask for a title for her sweetheart, Ye Jianhan.

If there is no reward for the Zhongshan Palace, then the reward will naturally fall on the future commander of the Zhongshan Palace!

Ye Baozi won again this time!

Xinghuafang Qianfu.

This was Yang Qingyuan's first stop. Beforehand, Yang Qingyuan had already expressed his anger with his master Qian Muqian, but at that time Yang Qingyuan did not say that he would kill Zhu Zhankun.

Now Yang Qingyuan has to convince Qian Muqian again.

In the quiet garden, Qian Muqian was cooking fragrant tea. Compared to Yanyi, Qian Muqian looked more like a traditional literati image.

Play chess, calligraphy and painting, cook tea and burn incense.

Qian Muqian poured a cup of tea for Yang Qingyuan.

"Qingyuan, your trap is really big this time!" Qian Muqian opened his mouth and did not blame Yang Qingyuan.

Qian Muqian was a Jinshi during the Taizu period and was highly regarded by Emperor Taizong Wen. Zhu Zhankun had only been on the throne for six months and was not kind to Qian Muqian. In addition, Qian Muqian himself, the prince, had mediocre senses and killed Yang Qingyuan.

Zhu Zhankun, but he doesn’t have any big opinions.

But the key point is that Zhu Zhankun is the emperor, and Qian Muqian still can't accept it.

Although Qian Muqian is a good old man who also protects his shortcomings, and is a close friend with Yu Yanyi, he can naturally understand Yang Qingyuan's difficulties in raising an army. But Qian Muqian still can't get over it by supporting Yang Qingyuan so clearly!

"Qingyuan, how do you want me to say hello to you!?"

For his disciple Yang Qingyuan, Qian Muqian still loved him from the bottom of his heart.

The trio of Yong'an Thirteen Years has always been Qian Muqian's pride.

If there is no accident, all three of Yang Qingyuan are qualified to be in charge of the center, which will become a legend among teachers and students through the ages.

Yang Qingyuan stood up, with a tall and straight posture, "My teacher, it's not me who is disloyal, but Zhu Zhankun is really unworthy of being a king. How can I blame the teacher?! How can the people be blamed?! What's more, the disciple has found out that it was indeed him who murdered the late emperor.


Qian Muqian sighed softly, "But you have no evidence!"

Yang Qingyuan told Qian Muqian about this matter when he entered the mansion at night. It is precisely for this reason that Qian Muqian and Cheng Qingsong remained neutral during the coup, because they also had to fight for the coup.

The emperor wants an explanation.

But he never expected that Yang Qingyuan would dare to kill Zhu Zhankun with his own hands in front of so many people, including Queen Zhou Mingyu and Sun Fuji, the chief scholar of Wenhua Palace University.

But now that everyone in Zhu Zhankun has been killed, there is no point in talking about it now.

His disciple, Qian Muqian, knew very well that although Yang Qingyuan was not like Yu Yanyi, he was also an upright and tenacious person.

"But at the moment, the government is in chaos, the ministers are leaderless, and Yu Shi died. Li Hongyi, the great scholar of Jianji Palace, is the thief's minion and the culprit who killed Yu Shi unjustly. The position of Zhongji Palace is vacant. Kong Qinli of the East Pavilion can only talk empty words. Wenhua

Sun Fuji, the chief of the Imperial College, has both sides. Only the intervention of my mentor and Cheng Yuanzheng can the overall situation be stabilized."

The reason given by Yang Qingyuan was very clever. He did not ask Qian Muqian to support his coup, but asked Qian Muqian to stabilize the overall situation.

It's exactly the same thing, but after changing the name, it's two completely different concepts.

As Qian Muqian was the number one figure in the literary circles of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it was naturally impossible for him to support the coup, but he could come forward to stabilize the overall situation, and the so-called stabilization of the overall situation actually meant helping Yang Qingyuan and Shi San to ascend the throne.

This is politics.

Qian Muqian nodded, and then said slowly: "Qingyuan, what if someone wants to severely punish the murderer of the regicide? Another thing, even if King Chu is dead, King Wei and King Wu have not yet had the absolute right to be the legitimate son of Emperor Wen.


"Don't worry, my mentor, I have already thought about this matter. Whether to kill the king or not can only be decided by the court. Which prince ascends the throne can be discussed by the ministers. The Queen Mother will issue an edict to inform the world."

Qian Muqian also had to admit that his disciple already had the talent to control the court, and his words contained a lot of knowledge.

The ministers deliberate? Which ministers are they? What is the method of deliberation?

Yang Qingyuan has military power, and it is not him who has to draw up the general regulations.

Of course, Yang Qingyuan will not let Qian Muqian suffer. In the current imperial court, only Changsun Fuji and Qian Muqian are qualified to sit on the position of chief assistant.

Qian Muqian was the Wen Sect of the world, and his reputation among the scholars was so great that it was not comparable to that of Changsun Fuji. Moreover, he had disciples and former officials all over the world. Coupled with Yang Qingyuan's support, his position as the first assistant was basically stable.

"Teacher, after assuming the position of Chief Assistant, you must pay attention to the merchants in Yueyang and Yangzhou."

Yang Qingyuan has mentioned this matter before. Merchants pursue profits, and Qian Muqian, as the representative of the officials and gentry of Yue and Yangzhou, has a good-natured nature, so it is easy for merchants to take advantage of him.

Half of the wealth in the world comes from the southeast.

This statement is true. If the southeast is in chaos, the imperial court's tax revenue will be in trouble.

Yang Qingyuan actually doesn't pay much attention to land tax and agricultural tax. To put it bluntly, how much is it? As long as the land is not annexed, even if the world does not pay agricultural tax, it will not be a big problem.

The real big deal is commercial taxes! If the payment of commercial taxes can be guaranteed, the court will not be short of money.

Qian Muqian naturally knew what Yang Qingyuan was talking about. Regarding the check and balance of the monarchy, Yang Qingyuan had an issue with Qian Muqian before he raised his army.

Checking and balancing the monarchy does not mean allowing one party to dominate.

The right path is to achieve a state of republican balance without using multiple forces to check and balance each other.

Therefore, the most powerful civil servant group in the Great Zhou Dynasty needed to be split.

"Qingyuan said, I can save money, just don't worry."

The Minister of Rites and the Bachelor of Wenhua Palace join the camp!

Victory in the first battle!


After coming out of Qian Muqian's house, Yang Qingyuan went straight to the house of Cheng Qingsong, the censor of Youdu and the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The current civil servants in Beijing are headed by Cheng Qingsong and Qian Muqian.

Qian Muqian was the Minister of Rites and had disciples all over the world, while Cheng Qingsong was the leader of the Yushi Department.

It was only the beginning of the Mao period at this time, and the streets were quiet because of the royal guards patrolling the capital.

Yang Qingyuan walked slowly to the door of Cheng Qingsong's residence.

This imperial censor is somewhat similar to Yu Yanyi, he is upright, honest, upright and proud.

However, Cheng Qingsong has never experienced counties, prefectures, and prefectures. He has spent his entire career in the Yushi Supervisory Department. In practice, he is far inferior to Yanyi.

This is also the most valuable thing about Yanyi. He has experienced the world without being sophisticated. Even if he goes from local to central government and goes through counties, prefectures and prefectures, he can still not change his original intention.

But this is not without its benefits. At least Cheng Qingsong’s experience has made him unselfish and selfless when it comes to supervision, and he will take action when it’s time to take action!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Yang Qingyuan knocked on the door of Cheng Qingsong's mansion.

Unlike Qian Muqian, who came from a wealthy family, Cheng Qingsong was only from a well-off family. This mansion was also gifted by the late Emperor Taizongwen. With Cheng Qingsong's salary, he would not be able to afford the Xinghuafang mansion in his lifetime.

If it hadn't been for Emperor Taizongwen later awarding part of the silver from the water transport to the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and implementing partial high salaries to support honest officials, Cheng Qingsong would have struggled to even maintain this house.

When the person who opened the door approached, Yang Qingyuan realized that he was an acquaintance.

The ones who came to open the door for Cheng Qingsong were none other than Tie Youxia and Wu Wuqing Sheng Yayu, the strong men of Shenhou Mansion.

When the city of God was in turmoil last night, the two of them were ordered to protect Cheng Qingsong's safety.

Not only them, but also Cui Lueshang, Leng Lingqi and other important officials who were in the Shenhou Mansion to protect the Shendu.

"Master Yang, Yushi Cheng, please come in."

Sheng Yayu and Tie Youxia looked at Yang Qingyuan with complicated expressions.

Shenhou Mansion and Yang Qingyuan have a very good relationship. Starting from the water transportation case and the granary case, the two parties have entered into in-depth cooperation.

If Liumen is Dali Temple's all-weather strategic partner, then Shenhou Mansion and Dali Temple are all-weather comprehensive strategic partners.

Moreover, Tie Youxia and Sheng Yayu also have personal relationships with Yang Qingyuan.

Yang Qingyuan taught Tie Youxia martial arts and treated Sheng Yayu's injuries. The two of them really didn't want to see Yang Qingyuan reach this stage.

Yang Qingyuan was not surprised when he saw the complicated look in their eyes. His face was still as fresh as a spring breeze.

"Brother Tie, Miss Sheng, I have found a way to completely cure Miss Sheng. When this happens, I will heal Miss Sheng's injuries."

Before Tie Youxia and Sheng Yayu could speak, Yang Qingyuan walked into Cheng Qingsong's study.

However, Tie and Sheng did not follow him in. They had no right to interfere with important matters above the imperial court, nor did they want to.

As soon as Yang Qingyuan entered the study, he saw the calligraphy on Cheng Qingsong's desk - "loyalty".

Cheng Qingsong sat on a chair, wearing a blue shirt and casual clothes, looking at Yang Qingyuan with bright eyes.

Yang Qingyuan stood in the study, his posture as tall as a pine, looking straight at Cheng Qingsong. He raised his troops to kill Zhu Zhankun with a clear conscience! To avenge his master and to rectify the law of heaven and earth! He was not wrong!

His mistake was that he failed to save Yu Yanyi, who was determined to die.

Cheng Qingsong looked at the young man in front of him and had complicated thoughts in his mind. Yang Qingyuan entered the Hanlin Academy after being named on the gold list.

When Li Xunhuan was unearthed from the Imperial Academy, Cheng Qingsong took a fancy to Yang Qingyuan. Unfortunately, Yang Qingyuan did not have this ambition at the time and chose to study in the Imperial Academy. After Yang Qingyuan completed "Zhou Xuan Taoist Canon", he invited him there again.

to Dali Temple.

His initial cooperation with Yang Qingyuan began with the water transport case.

Yang Qingyuan handed over a large number of corrupt officials and Wu Xun who participated in smuggling into the hands of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate headed by Cheng Qingsong also acted vigorously and resolutely, clearing up the water transportation in the capital.

After this incident, Yang Qingyuan and Emperor Taizongwen also used part of the water transport proceeds as case-handling subsidies for the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which made life easier for the poor Qingliu censors in the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

What really made Cheng Qingsong appreciate Yang Qingyuan from the bottom of his heart was the case of Zhou Mingsheng.

At that time, even he and Yu Yanyi did not insist on continuing the investigation. Only Yang Qingyuan tried his best to fall out with the prince and thoroughly investigate Zhou Mingsheng's case.

This is also the reason why he and Zhu Zhankun were at odds.

Time flies by. After experiencing two battles in the northern border and Jinyang, Yang Qingyuan, who was about to collapse the building, has become the pillar of the Zhou army.

Cheng Qingsong looked at Yang Qingyuan and spoke slowly after a long while.

"Qingyuan, now that you have the military power, do you want to be Cao Weiwu or Jin Taizu?"

Taizu of the Jin Dynasty committed regicide in the street, and Yang Qingyuan entered the Ming Dynasty Palace to kill the emperor.

No matter the reason, the nature of the two is actually similar.

"Mr. Cheng, I have no such plan!"

"You conquered the Daming Palace and killed the emperor, and everyone in the world saw it?!"

Yang Qingyuan once again told Cheng Qingsong what he had said to his eldest grandson Fuji at that time, "Mr. Cheng, I have heard that Yasheng has said that he has killed one man, Zhou, but he has not heard of regicide."

Cheng Qingsong, who was sitting quietly, suddenly stood up, pulled out the sword beside him, put it in Yang Qingyuan's throat, and shouted angrily,

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Yang Qingyuan, do you think I dare not kill you? Can you fool the people of the world? King Wu is the emperor? His Highness King Wu is a disciple of your teaching. By then, the government will be at an end

In the hands of your Emperor Yang, you can turn your hands into clouds and turn your hands into rain. Even if you don't usurp the throne, in a hundred years, your heirs will not usurp the Zhou Dynasty and establish themselves. Then there will be another Sima Xuan King. Are you going to

Do you think that I and everyone else in the world are fools?!"

Before raising the army, Yang Qingyuan did not tell Cheng Qingsong that he would personally kill Zhu Zhankun. At that time, he only said: "To seek justice for Yanyi."

The injustice done to Yanyi is shared by heaven and earth.

Cheng Qingsong was the one who led the opposition and fainted twice in front of Hanyuan Hall. After Yu Yanyi was unjustly killed, he had already submitted his resignation twice.

Therefore, Cheng Qingsong fully agreed with Yang Qingyuan's "seeking justice for Master Yu".

But what he didn't expect was that Yang Qingyuan would choose to kill the king.

Cheng Qingsong was so angry at this moment that he had the reason to "be so angry that he would not fight".

Yang Qingyuan's starting point is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

The twenty-six-year-old is a third-rank minister of Dali Temple, with outstanding military achievements and the title of Marquis of Wuxiang.

If nothing else happens, in the future, he will be a general and a prime minister, ruling the world and leaving his name in history!

But what about now?! Regicide and rebellion, a hundred years later, if he is not recorded in the biography of the minister, it will be because of the mercy of the historians.

Yang Qingyuan shook his head. Those who know me say that I am worried; those who do not know me say that what do I want?

"Mr. Cheng, I can hereby swear an oath that when God is done with me, I will withdraw from the court and live freely in the world. I will never interfere in the military and political affairs of the court."


Cheng Qingsong originally just wanted to force Yang Qingyuan to swear that he would never become a traitor who usurped the throne, but he didn't expect Yang Qingyuan to be so determined.

"If Mr. Boss is worried and thinks that Yang will stay in the Divine Capital and secretly manipulate the situation, then Yang will no longer live in the Divine Capital for a long time."

"Hey!" Cheng Qingsong sighed, "I changed into official uniform and went to Hanyuan Hall."

This chapter has been completed!
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