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Chapter 701 The Realm of Yu Er

Above the blue star, the energy of heaven and earth is exhausted, which is the end of martial arts.

But there are so many outstanding people in the world, and there are still people who find a new path when there is no other way to go.

Since the vitality of heaven and earth has been exhausted, we should cultivate our own body and explore the secrets of human body with the method of inner elixir.

Exercise the skin, strengthen the bones, and nourish the meridians, and the qi and blood will be like mercury while holding the elixir.

This can also be regarded as the development and continuation of the body training line, and countless famous masters have emerged.

A powerful punch and a sharp spear, Li Shuwen.

The strange skill is that the bird cannot fly, Tai Chi Yang Luchan.

God's palm fell into the world, Bagua Dong Haichuan.

Jingwu Heroes Association, Missing Huo Yuanjia.

The master of Hongquan, Huang Feihong, has a good hand, a benevolent heart, and a chivalrous spirit.

Guo Yunshen created the fist in prison and conquered the world with half a step.

With the help of everyone, the tiger-headed young man protects Sun Lutang.

Which one of these people is not an outstanding figure of the generation, who was able to find a path of physical training at the end of the Dharma, and if placed in today's world, most of them are also the masters of the established sects.

But what Yu Lianzhou realized was the same as that of Yang Luchan, the invincible Tai Chi master on the Blue Star who was invincible all over the capital.

Magical skill - Birds can't fly!

The bird cannot fly!

It is the pinnacle interpretation of Tai Chi and Yang Luchan’s martial arts.

The moment when the bird is about to fly: first it kicks off with both feet, uses the force to rebound, then straightens up, spreads its wings, and soars into the air.

The key to flying is to be strong at the beginning.

Suppose a bird is about to fly in the palm of your hand. If the force of its feet is used for a moment, the force will be released in an instant, leaving it with nothing to borrow. How can it fly?

But this requires extremely keen perception and control.

Yu Lianzhou is worthy of being the person with the highest martial arts skills among the second generation direct descendants of Wudang. He has already understood some of the essence of Tai Chi's magical skills of discharging force and transforming energy, and incorporated it into his own martial arts.

Use softness to overcome hardness, use the weak to defeat the strong, no longer use your own strength to hurt the enemy, but fight back the enemy's force. If the enemy hits you with a pound of force, the force of the blow back will be a pound. If you hit a thousand pounds, there will be

The force of a thousand pounds is like punching a wall. The harder the punch, the more severe the impact will be.

In the original work, Yu Lianzhou relied on the two strengths of "Tai Chi" and "Liuhe Jin", "Drilling" and "Spiral", to compete with Zhou Zhiruo, who had made great progress in Jiuyin's martial arts.

If Zhang Wuji hadn't stopped him in time and continued the fight, Zhou Zhiruo would never be Yu Lianzhou's opponent.

"Therefore, Yu Er has taken a different approach and has a deep understanding of senior brother!"

After Yang Qingyuan explained it, everyone understood the mystery of this little bird that can't fly.

If it were true energy, everyone present could easily sit down.

However, it is extremely difficult to achieve this by relying solely on the strength of the human body's muscles and bones.

Although this Kung Fu is different from the Kung Fu taught by Zhang Sanfeng to the Seven Heroes, it is derived from the Taoist inner alchemy method.

At this moment, Yu Lianzhou has gained a glimpse of part of the secrets of the human body and the universe, through which he can understand the vitality of heaven and earth and enter the mysterious realm.

"Congratulations, senior brother! Wudang is in sight!"

Yang Qingyuan's words were actually just words for a scene. After witnessing the scene where Zhang Laodao instantly killed Xu Fu, Yang Qingyuan had already looked away.

This is not Zhang Sanfeng of the Golden Book, but a peerless figure who became an immortal in the near-end of Dharma era.

The reason why Shaolin and Wudang are equally famous is not because of Zhang Laodao, but because of the Seven Heroes and a large group of disciples.

Otherwise, if the Shaolin disciples scatter and flee, Zhang Laodao may not be able to kill all the Shaolin disciples!

Just blinded by the joy, after congratulations, everyone in Wudang realized why Yang Qingyuan and the other two were here?!

At this moment when the government is changing, what could be more important than stabilizing the government?!

But seeing their junior uncle back, the Seven Heroes of Wudang were all very happy.

They had already known the news in the capital, but the emperor's surname was still Zhu, and the world was still that of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Changing the emperor would not have much impact on Wudang.

The stars changed, Ziwei returned to darkness, and Zhang Sanfeng already knew about the change of throne before receiving the summons.

Then naturally we received the news that Yang Qingyuan led his army to mutiny and supported the king of Wu.

After all, the Wudang Business Group is not just for food. The world-wide chain of inns and restaurants are not just for catering and accommodation, but their ability to detect news is also top-notch, making Wudang news no slower than any other media.

In some aspects, there is even a secret tower that is better than omniscience.

After some joy, Yang Qingyuan pretended to be serious and said, "Let's all disperse! Lian Zhou will take a good look at what he has learned today. I still have something to discuss with my senior brother."

When everyone in Wudang saw Liu Wangshu following Yang Qingyuan, they all looked like I understand. The Zhenwu lineage does not shy away from marriage.

Junior Master Uncle is also getting older, and Liu Wangshu is indeed a suitable candidate in their opinion. Not only the Seven Heroes of Wudang, but also the three elders Qingxu Ziyangmu Taoist have weird smiles on their faces.

Even after the people in Wuzhong walked away, the sound could still reach the ears of Zhang Sanfeng and the four others.

"Ah hahaha. I just said that Junior Master and Miss Liu are the best match, so give them both money!"

Although he had turned a corner and could not see his figure, everyone knew it was Mo Shenggu by the sound of his voice.

At this moment, Zhuang Xiaomeng was already clenching her fists. This journey had happened more than once, and she finally found a sandbag to vent her anger on. Such a rebellious nephew must be taught a lesson as a aunt!

Zhang Sanfeng could naturally feel Zhuang Xiaomeng's resentment that was almost solidifying, but he had no intention of trying to persuade him.

Shenggu speaks freely, but he still needs to be given a long memory!

Yang Qingyuan responded with a sympathetic look, and Mo Shenggu could practice his ability to resist being hit again!

After everyone dispersed, Yang Qingyuan said, "Senior brother must know that I have done something big in the capital!"

"In fact, it's not that big. Raising an army to plot rebellion and supporting an emperor as a minister is not something that no one has done before. It's not like you are too much! It's not like plotting to usurp the throne."

Zhang Laodao was open-minded, but he was still a little puzzled, "But although your boy is not afraid of the emperor, he is not a hot-headed master who will commit treason! Why is there such a big movement this time?!"

Zhang Sanfeng, his junior brother, knows that Yang Qingyuan has always done things in a way that makes decisions before taking action. If he really wants to abolish the establishment, he will most likely unite all ministers, sacrifice to heaven and earth, inform the ancestral temple, and legitimately abolish the deceased Li.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! What Yang Qingyuan did this time was very different from what Yang Qingyuan did in the past.

It was rare to see Zhang Sanfeng confused, and Yang Qingyuan was unwilling to mention it, but he still wanted to clear up his doubts for his senior brother.

Moreover, this royal family also has some relationship with the senior brother, although it is not big.

Emperor Taizong had even met Zhang Sanfeng. Before he succeeded to the throne, he paid tribute to his uncle and served him tea.

But among the younger generation of the Dazhou clan, apart from Shisan and Xiaojiu, it can be said that Zhang Sanfeng didn't know anyone else.

As for those Taizu's cousins, Zhang Sanfeng didn't care.

He and Taizu had been dependent on each other since childhood, and later became monks together in Huangjue Temple. Although they were separated for some reasons, they were always blood relatives of the same mother.

As for the rest, they have already been divided!

Yang Qingyuan then told Zhang Sanfeng one by one about the changes in Beijing. Liu Wangshu and Zhuang Xiaomeng behind him were also upset. Although they participated in the coup, they only provided military support and did not

Know the full plot and the truth about the coup.

Even though Zhang Sanfeng has the body of a human being, he couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

Emperor Taizong was a descendant that Zhang Sanfeng had personally met and treated him as a nephew. When he came to ask for the Tianchang Pill, Zhang Sanfeng immediately asked the Medicine King Sun Shichang to take action. The thunder disaster that fell when the Tianchang Pill was completed was Zhang Sanfeng himself...

…Um… I dispelled it myself.

Originally, the idea was to extend the life of this nephew for a year, but who knew that destiny could not be violated. Even if you practice the Tianchang Pill, your life span has expired and the time has come, it will be difficult to extend your life.

Zhang Sanfeng sighed not only for Emperor Taizong Wen, but also for Yu Yanyi.

Zhang Sanfeng had certainly heard of Yu Yanyi's official reputation spreading all over the world, but how could it be that there was only one Yu Yanyi whose official reputation spread all over the world?!

Qian Muqian, Li Hongyi, and Changsun Fuji are the people who can be at the center of the cabinet, and their official reputation will not be bad.

But Yang Qingyuan really respected Yu Yanyi as his teacher.

My junior brother looks easy-going and elegant, but he is proud.

With fifteen years of educational achievements in the era of the information explosion and the socialist system, although Yang Qingyuan will not look down upon people of this era, he also has a lot of pride.

This pride does not come from Yang Qingyuan himself, but from the shoulders of giants on which Yang Qingyuan stands.

There are only two people who can completely convince Yang Qingyuan.

One is the Zhenwu Taoist Master Zhang Sanfeng in front of him, and the other is Yu Zhongsu Gongba Yanyi.

"But I underestimated you, brother! I didn't expect you to have such means and determination to rebel against Tiangang!"

He planned a coup and personally beheaded the previous emperor without causing much change, and kept the imperial court running as usual. This made Lao Zhang look at his younger brother with admiration.

Although his martial arts talent is a bit lacking, his mental planning is top-notch in the world, and his ability to lead troops in battle is no different.

"Then how long will you stay back in Wudang this time?"

"I'm not leaving yet!"

Zhang Laodao nodded, "It's better if you don't leave! It's just a good time to help train the martial arts of the third and fourth generation disciples of Wudang!"


"That's right! I haven't asked you yet, why did you enter the Dharma and Heaven and Earth? With your talent, you shouldn't have done it so early! Junior sister Xiaomeng, Liu Yatou, do you think this is true!?"

Yang Qingyuan entered the realm of cave mystery later than Liu Wangshu and Zhuang Xiaomeng, but now he is several steps ahead of the two women.

Zhang Laodao did not forget to undermine his junior brother's self-confidence, and at the same time said hello to Liu Zhuang and the other two.

A simple sentence can give people a feeling of spring breeze.

Even with Zhuang Xiaomeng's arrogance and Liu Wangshu's confidence, they were like two little quails in front of Zhang Sanfeng.

Yang Qingyuan couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this, but he still replied, "There are no adventures. It's just that the mind is connected. The Xiantian Wuji Kung Fu moves faster, and the law of heaven and earth can be entered with a single thought."

Zhang Sanfeng and Yang Qingyuan chatted for a long time without saying a word.

This was what their senior brothers' daily lives were like.

Of course, I couldn't help but make a few jokes about Liu Wangshu.

Although Zhang Laodao has been single for a hundred years and has never been married, he is still very satisfied with the choice of his junior brother-in-law.

Of course, during the conversation, Zhuang Xiaomeng expressed his dissatisfaction many times.

But she didn't even have the qualifications to resist in front of Zhang Sanfeng.

As a white-haired lolita, what qualifications do you have to compare with Miss Liu?!

Liu Meizi wants to have good looks and good looks, as well as a good figure!

Yang Qingyuan and the others chatted until it was almost dinner time.

"Qingyuan, Shisan is a good boy. You are so cruel to leave him alone in the capital of the gods!"

"If you don't cut jade, it won't make it into a weapon. This is my thirteenth year of experience." Yang Qingyuan immediately said sophistry.

Zhang Sanfeng chuckled. Of course he knew his junior brother very well, "Well, when the Thirteenth year is changed to pay homage to heaven and ancestors, the old Taoist will go down to the mountain to stretch his muscles and congratulate him!"

He is indeed a junior, but it's a bit confusing. According to blood, he is Zhang Laodao's grandson, but from Yang Qingyuan's perspective, Thirteen is his nephew.

However, Zhang Laodao's words were still beyond Yang Qingyuan's expectations.

Zhang Laodao's prestige is not only in the world, but also as a fairy-like figure in the court.

Emperor Taizu Gao and Emperor Taizong Wen both visited Wudang in person.

Emperor Taizu conferred the title "Qingxu Yuanmiao Zhenjun", Emperor Taizong conferred the title "Tongwei Xianhua Zhenjun".

Regardless of whether he was in the imperial court, Zhang Sanfeng was a first-rate figure.

Daomen real people, land people immortals.

Taoism was the state religion of the Zhou Dynasty. When Emperor Taizu Gao ascended the throne and offered sacrifices to heaven, and when Emperor Taizong Wen inherited the throne, Zhang Sanfeng was present to congratulate him.

On the contrary, when the former Li Emperor Zhu Zhankun ascended the throne, there was no movement in Wudang.

If Zhang Sanfeng came down to celebrate Thirteen's enthronement in person, it would actually prove to some extent the legitimacy and legitimacy of Thirteen's succession!

"On behalf of Thirteen, I would like to thank my senior brother!"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and shook his head, "The left and right are my own children. I'm just going through the motions."

After talking about this matter, Zhang Sanfeng mentioned another person.

"Qingyuan, as well as the child you asked Fang Baoyu to send back, I arranged for him to be placed in Taizu's ancestral hall. He is also an upright grandson. It is reasonable to offer incense to the deceased every morning and evening."

King Wei, who died socially in the court, was arranged by Yang Qingyuan to go to Wudang Mountain.

"It was also a coincidence. Originally, Emperor Taizong was interested in him."

Although Emperor Taizongwen did not leave any will, or the will was destroyed by Emperor Xizongli Zhu Zhankun, judging from his arrangements during his lifetime, he wanted his youngest legitimate son to inherit the throne.

Although Taizong allowed Xizong to control part of the political power, among the cabinet, Yu Yanyi, the bachelor of Wuyingdian, Qian Muqian, the bachelor of Wenyuange, and Sun Fuji, the chief scholar of Wenhuadian, were all loyal to Taizong at that time.

Including Li Hongyi, a scholar of Jianji Palace who later colluded with Xizong Zhu Zhankun, he was also loyal to Taizong at that time.

In the army, although the Imperial Army was severely damaged in the Battle of Jinyang, the remaining soldiers and horses of the Imperial Army were still under the control of the deputy commander Lu Yizhi. He was the biological brother of the Queen and the uncle of the King of Chu and the King of Wei.

All of Taizong's arrangements were in preparation for King Wei's succession. If there were no palace changes, the person sitting in the ninth position should be King Wei.

Unfortunately, there is no what if!

This chapter has been completed!
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