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Chapter 73: Who Steals the Rice (Part 2)

Li Xunhuan was silent for a moment as he looked at the military formation in front of him, and then stared at Yang Qingyuan thoughtfully. Brother Yang, didn't you say that only a hundred people at most were involved in stealing the grain? How do you explain it now?

Yang Qingyuan was also slightly embarrassed. His guess was wrong!?

Just when Yang Qingyuan didn't know how to regain his respect, the two centurions who were originally guarding the granary immediately formed a formation in front of Yang Qingyuan and the others.

"The shield bearer is in front! Protect the three adults!"

The actions of these two hundred Longwu Army officers prevented Yang Qingyuan from being too embarrassed. Sure enough, his inference should be correct, at least they were not bribed.

The current confrontation situation should be caused by this Yongji camp captain.

Since ancient times, the name has always been true. If it is clear to besiege the imperial officials, the captain of the Yongji Camp will definitely not dare, and the soldiers and horses under his command will not obey his command, but he can find an excuse, such as...

"Are you two going to protect these two traitors who are pretending to be imperial officials?!"

At this moment, the captain of Yongji Camp was so righteous and righteous that he angrily rebuked the two Longwu troops for their righteousness.

When the two teams were just counting the stolen grain, they already knew that there must be a traitor in the Yongji warehouse, but the two teams didn't know who it was?!

And under this situation, it would definitely not be wrong to listen to Yang Qingyuan, who was ordered to come to investigate the case. This is also the wisdom of ordinary little people.

So when the captain of the Yongji Camp tried to surround and kill Yang Qingyuan and the other three, the two teams immediately led their troops to block him.

"My lord! The two of us have already tested the official certificates of these three lords. They are definitely not fake. Please stop your troops!"

The captain of Yongji Camp saw that even the captains under his command did not obey his orders, and he felt a little embarrassed.

"How do you two teams know what is real and what is fake?! Why don't you quickly take down these three people who are pretending to be imperial officials!?"

With the appearance of the captain of Yongji Camp, Yang Qingyuan could confirm that this person was one of the criminals who stole the grain store without any clues, and he was eager to silence him.

"Captain Chen! Grain was stolen from the Yongji warehouse. Master Yang and Li Yushi are here to investigate the matter!..."

"Fire the arrow!" Lieutenant Chen did not intend to give any chance to explain. Only by killing Yang Qingyuan and the three people in front of him, including the people who knew the news, would he have room for change. Otherwise, he would probably die.

"Shieldmen come forward! Back up!" The shieldmen who had been waiting in strict formation and lined up in front of Yang Qingyuan's three men immediately stepped forward to form a shield formation!

There was a "ding-dong" sound of gold and iron clashing.

Almost all of the two hundred feather arrows fired were blocked by the shield hand. Only one feather arrow passed through the gap in the iron shield and wounded a Longwu soldier in the calf.

"All the officers and soldiers of the Longwu Army, I am walking for the Wenhua Palace. Yang Qingyuan, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple, has his official certificate as proof! We are here to thoroughly investigate the case of theft of grain from the warehouse! Anyone who did not participate in the theft of grain from the warehouse should put down their weapons at this time.

, all will be exempted from crime. If there is anyone who is stubborn and continues to cause chaos, he will be guilty of the same crime as those who steal food!"

Yang Qingyuan's clear voice was full of true energy and echoed in Yongji Cang. When speaking, he also used the Taoist Nine Heavens Yingyuan Mantra to ward off demons and meditate.

Under Yang Qingyuan's powerful voice, the elite soldiers of the Longwu Army who were still murderous hesitated.

The last time I fired arrows, I just obeyed the military order that was engraved in my bones. I may not necessarily agree with Colonel Chen's order, especially when he fired arrows at the imperial envoys.

The soldiers of Yongji Battalion, who were not firm in the first place, were shaken by Yang Qingyuan's verbal attack!

"Sir! Killing an official of the imperial court without authorization is a capital crime. It is a big mistake for us to shoot arrows without checking. We cannot make the same mistake again and again! Why don't we take a look at his official credentials first!"

A team from the Longwu Army stopped Colonel Chen and persuaded him.

Lieutenant Chen thought of the grain stored in the granary, and then looked at Yang Qingyuan and the other three people across from him. He felt cruel in his heart, gritted his teeth, drew out the sword from his waist, and killed the team leader who had persuaded them with one strike.

Hot blood spattered half of Colonel Chen's face. Like a greedy and violent demon from hell, Colonel Chen raised his sword and shouted: "Zhao Li disobeys military orders and joins forces with traitors. I have punished him with military law."

If you sway the morale of the army again, you will be killed!!"

Colonel Chen's actions made all the soldiers feel excited, but for the time being they could only obey orders.

This is a power granted by the military regulations of the Zhou Dynasty. When a battle is approaching, if any general does not obey the order, military law can be used.

Although the soldiers of Yongji Camp were dissatisfied, they could only endure it at this time.

But Yang Qingyuan on the opposite side was already furious!

The rat in the granary, the owl in the treasury, not only steals the country's food, but also dares to abuse military laws and kill loyal and loyal people. How rampant is An De?

Yang Qingyuan asked for a shield from the team leader on one side, "Brother Li, please protect me with a flying knife. The cold sword will follow me after I rush in."

Li Xunhuan did not persuade him. Based on his understanding of Yang Qingyuan, it was useless to persuade him at this moment. He just nodded, and a flying knife about three inches long appeared in Li Xunhuan's palm.

"Crossbowman ready, Xu!Ru!Lin!"

This is the order of the Longwu Army's crossbow unit. Xu nocks an arrow for Zhang's crossbow. If he aims at the enemy, Lin will release his arrow and kill him!

The second round of feather arrows struck again, and all the troops formed a shield formation to block it again.

When the second round of arrow rain stopped, Yang Qingyuan moved. The shield that was originally held by Yang Qingyuan rotated up to the sky under the guidance of Yang Qingyuan's true energy, and then swung down towards the Yongji Battalion troops on the opposite side.


Yang Qingyuan flew out with the shield, then followed closely, swooping down, and his whole body was completely blocked by the upright and rotating shield.

However, the straight-line distance between Yang Qingyuan and the Longwu Army Formation was more than 300 steps. Before Yang Qingyuan reached the Yongji Camp Army Formation, the third round of feather arrows had been loaded.

"Xu Rulin!"

Following Colonel Chen's command, the crossbow arrows were shot towards the swooping Yang Qingyuan.

At this moment, there were five hundred men in the enemy formation, four of which were crossbowmen, firing more than two hundred crossbow arrows in one volley.

The upright and revolving shield stood in front of Yang Qingyuan, blocking most of the arrows, but several crossbow arrows still passed over the shield.


But Yang Qingyuan, who was diving, had no intention of blocking. He was gathering momentum.

Just before the arrow was about to hit Yang Qingyuan, white light flashed across, and the arrowheads of the three feathered arrows were chopped off.

Entrusting his back to Li Xunhuan, Yang Qingyuan no longer had any worries.

You may not believe in Li Xunhuan, but you have no reason not to believe in the flying knife in his hand.

Faced with Yang Qingyuan's swooping blow, Colonel Chen panicked. He vividly felt what it meant to be unstoppable.

"Shield formation! Defense!"

Facing the charging Yang Qingyuan, Captain Chen formed a shield formation in front of him, hoping to block Yang Qingyuan's prepared attack.

At the moment when he was still ten feet away from the shield formation, Yang Qingyuan drew his sword.

The accumulated sword energy slashed straight out. The shield in front of Yang Qingyuan bore the brunt of the impact and split into two. Then the fierce sword energy slashed towards the shield formation.

A sword cuts through the air.

This sword is like a celestial horse leaping over a waterfall, with an elegant yet unstoppable celestial wind.

Wudang Swordsmanship - Pegasus Falls!

This sword can be said to be the most explosive sword among the current Wudang swordsmanship. It was created by Yang Qingyuan through his own imagination and with reference to the Wudang swordsmanship created by Tianwai Feixian.

Unlike the original Wudang swordsmanship, which was mysterious and profound, combining strength and softness, this sword only pursues the ultimate explosive power.

A straight sword slash, the iron shield shattered, the shield formation was broken!

The sword energy passed over Colonel Chen's right arm holding the sword.


There was a sound of sabers being unsheathed. Facing the enemy who suddenly entered the formation, the Yongji Battalion troops immediately drew out their fighting sabers and surrounded Yang Qingyuan.

At the same time, there was the sound of the sword falling to the ground, and with Captain Chen's sword falling, his right arm also fell.

Yang Qingyuan slowly picked up the sword, took out the token with his left hand and held it high in public.

"Let me say it again, I am walking in the Wenhua Palace. Yang Qingyuan, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple! The captain of the Yongji Camp, suspected of committing rebellion and embezzling food from the warehouse, has been captured by me. All participating troops will lay down their weapons and they will be spared death! Anyone who continues to cause rebellion will be spared.

!Kill without mercy!”

With a sword in hand, thousands of troops can capture its power and no one dares to move it.

Just when the troops were hesitating, Ye Jianhan also flew into the military formation, holding Canxue to protect Yang Qingyuan's side.

Li Xunhuan also walked slowly towards the military formation, a flying knife in his hand ready to go!


"Ding! Ding!"

As one team takes the lead and throws the saber to the ground, it's like opening a box.

There was a series of sounds of swords falling to the ground, and the troops who originally followed Colonel Chen's rebellion abandoned their weapons.

Yang Qingyuan pointed at Colonel Chen's right shoulder to stop the bleeding from the wound, and then asked the two teams originally responsible for guarding the grain depot to bring people over.

"I never got around to asking for their names?"

The two teams were clasping their fists in front of Yang Qingyuan and saluting, "Humble Zhao Long!"

"Humble Zhang Hu!"

The corner of Yang Qingyuan's mouth twitched slightly, this name...

"Zhang Duizheng! Zhao Duizheng! The two of you are temporarily responsible for commanding the Yongji camp troops. Immediately collect weapons and lead the troops back to the camp. You are not allowed to leave without military orders!"


"Brother Li, could you please go to the gate of Yongji Cang? The reinforcements I invited will be here soon!"

After Li Xunhuan nodded slightly, he jumped up and used Qinggong to sprint towards the gate!

Ye Jianhan, who had sheathed his sword on the side, didn't take it seriously, "We have already solved it! The reinforcements haven't arrived yet!?"

Yang Qingyuan stared at Ye Jianhan, as if there was no suitable job for him. Neither interrogation nor investigation was what Ye Jianhan was good at.

"Jianhan, you stay in the granary and supervise them to count the grain and grass!"

After finishing speaking, he directed two Yongji battalion soldiers to escort Colonel Chen to the study.


"Chen Ming! Captain Xuejie of the Longwu Army, the eighth grade! Enlisted in the army in the first year of Yong'an!..."

Only Yang Qingyuan and Chen Ming were left in the study.

"Chen Ming, do you want to say it yourself now, or wait until I force you to say it!"

Yang Qingyuan asked while looking through a diary of Yongjicang.

Chen Ming smiled miserably, "Does it matter if I say it now or not? It's nothing more than death! I have no family, no wife or children! There's nothing to be afraid of! Why should I beg for mercy from you?!"

Yo, still a tough guy!

Yang Qingyuan glanced at Chen Ming unexpectedly.

"Now I have a chance to make amends. If you can tell the truth and help me recover the stolen grain, I will plead with the Holy One and kill only the culprit! I will save your life!"

Chen Ming, who had originally planned to be a dead soldier, once again had hope in his eyes.

"Is what you said true?!"

Yang Qingyuan's face remained indifferent, "If you don't say it, others will say it. Why should you leave this chance of survival to others?!"

Yang Qingyuan's words immediately reminded Chen Ming of Kong Zhiwei. That weakling would definitely say it, so what's the point of keeping silent?!

"Jiuzhi did participate in the reselling of grain from the warehouse!"

"Who are the conspirators? Who did they sell to!?"

"Beizhi conspired with Kong Zhiwei, the captain and chief clerk of the fourth team! As for who he sold it to?! I really don't know about Beizhi! There is an iron token in Beizhong's room, and every time the other party uses the token to get food!"

"When does it start?! How many times in total?!"

Yang Qingyuan took pen and paper from the desk beside him and took notes while asking questions.

"Since the fifth day of May, the other party has come a total of seventeen times!"

Yang Qingyuan nodded secretly. It was about the same time as he estimated. This was also the time when An Shigeng came into contact with Li Bailiang.

If you want to transport such a large amount of grain, you can only travel by water, and Li Bailiang was An Shigeng's original choice.

Chen Ming explained the specific details in detail.

"The entire fourth team is involved, right?" Yang Qingyuan raised his eyes and asked.

"Yes! But how do you know, sir?!"

Yang Qingyuan waved the wolf hair in his hand and replied at the same time, "In the past six months, seventeen people in the fourth team died due to illness or accidents. Are these the soldiers who don't want to join in the trouble? That's why I sent Brother Li there.

The city gate is out to receive reinforcements! The fourth team is responsible for guarding the city gate today, right?"


"How much benefit have you gained!?!"

After Chen Ming was silent for a while, he said, "The humble positions received a total of 3,600 taels of silver! The fourth team received 500 taels of silver, and each subordinate brother who participated received 30 taels of silver!"

Three thousand six hundred taels is indeed not a small amount. Yang Qingyuan's fifth-grade official title is only three hundred and twenty taels in annual salary.

Three thousand six hundred taels, this may be money that Chen Ming, an eighth-grade captain, would never earn in his lifetime.

After Yang Qingyuan carefully inquired about several details, he ordered Chen Ming to be taken away. As for who the collaborator was?! Chen Ming really didn’t know!

In this case, he was only responsible for dealing with hundreds of people in the fourth team and creating an environment for stealing official rations.

"Brother Yang!"

Just when Yang Qingyuan was about to interrogate Kong Zhiwei, Li Xunhuan's voice sounded from far away to near!

A military general wearing armor followed Li Xunhuan into the room.

"Brother Yang, this is the guerrilla general of the Royal Forest Army's Beijing Camp! We are here to support you on the orders of the Minister!"

"The last general Yue Zhen has met Mr. Yang!"

Yang Qingyuan's true energy slightly lifted up Yue Zhen who wanted to salute.

"You came just in time! May I ask how many troops General Yue brought here?"

"The last general has been ordered by the Minister to come with five thousand Qingqi for reinforcements!" Yue Zhen then took out five documents from his arms, "By the way! These are the cabinet documents that Mr. Yu asked me to deliver to you!"

Yang Qingyuan opened it and saw that it was the grain inspection document issued by the cabinet!

"General Yue! You are truly my timely rain!"

Yang Qingyuan immediately handed over the garrison of Yongji Granary to Yue Zhen, and then divided his troops into three groups with Li Xunhuan and Ye Jianhan, leading a thousand men and horses to the remaining granaries in the Gyeonggi area.

Yang Qingyuan led a thousand cavalrymen and ran all the way. In three hours, they arrived at Ruifengcang, another granary in Gyeonggi Province.

It was already dark at this time, but there was a red light shining in the night sky in the direction of Ruifengcang!

This chapter has been completed!
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