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Chapter 783 Tao Fei?

When Yang Qingyuan, Liu Wangshu, and Ji Mingzhu met Shi Feixuan, they almost didn't recognize the person in front of them.

It's not that Shi Feixuan's appearance has changed much, but her temperament is completely different from before!

When he first met Shi Feixuan, Yang Qingyuan had the prejudices of later generations, but he was still surprised by her temperament and appearance.

Wearing a light green gown that flutters in the wind, she looks indescribably elegant. Looking down at the clear stream, she looks calm and composed. The elegant ancient sword hanging on her back adds to her majestic air.

The Qi is like the Gushe Fairy, whose dust and chaff can be molded into a beautiful woman, thus making mortals feel ashamed of themselves.

Even though he was facing Liu Wangshu, who was stunning at the time, Shi Fei Xuan was not much inferior. Yang Qingyuan was used to seeing beauties, and he couldn't help but feel amazed.

Her "beauty" is nothing like that. It is a kind of natural beauty that is as natural as "hibiscus emerges from clear water, and is naturally stripped of ornaments". It is an unparalleled true and pure natural beauty.

But the Shifei Xuan I saw today seemed to be haggard, without any charm, and her eyes were dull.

Although it is a bead, it has no luster and color and is a dead bead.

The whole person seemed to have been drained half dry.

When Yang Qingyuan and the others entered the room, Shi Feixuan's eyes moved, and then they became like dead wood again.

Yang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness was unclear, but Liu Wangshu could feel that Shi Fei Xuan's energy was not only weak, but also her energy and spirit had reached an extreme level of decadence.

Although Shi Fei Xuan was once defeated by her sword, her high spirits cannot be faked.

Yang Qingyuan didn't show it on his face, but he already had an idea in his heart.

Although the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism is complicated, the battle over the dharma lineage within Buddhism is even more cruel and decisive.

Buddhism is divided into Chinese Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism.

When Da Qian was dominating the world, the Tibetan and Han families were fighting fiercely.

There were also many disputes within Han Buddhism, and there were eight sects of Han Buddhism.

The first is the Sanlun sect, also known as the Faxing sect, the second is the Yoga sect, also known as the Faxiang sect, the Ci'en sect, and the Consciousness-only sect, the third is the Tiantai sect, also known as the Fahua sect, the fourth is the Xianshou sect, also known as the Huayan sect, the fifth is the Zen sect, and the sixth is the Zen sect.

It is the Pure Land sect, the seventh is the Vinaya sect, and the eighth is the Tantric sect, also known as the Shingon sect. These are commonly known as the eight major sects of Xing, Xiang, Tai, Xian, Zen, Jing, Lu, and Tantra.

And Shingon Tantra is closer to the Tibetan lineage.

There are even extreme Buddhist disciples who have said that Tibetan Buddhism is not the Dharma.

As for Yang Qingyuan, the current concubine Xuan is just a seed, a seed that stirs up disputes within Buddhism.

Support Shifei Xuan to form her own lineage, and then use her to divide Buddhism.

Master Feixuan's identity is the direct disciple of Cihang Jingzhai, and her weight is sufficient. However, both Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Zen Sect support Qin Mengyao. There is no support behind her. Even if she can defeat Qin Mengyao, she will not be able to defeat him.

It's impossible to compete with it.

And Yang Qingyuan will be the person behind Shi Feixuan, and the court will provide him with support.

Yang Qingyuan has never denied all the teachings of Buddhism, and there is nothing wrong with guiding people to do good.

Buddhism needs to be divided, and the more dharma lines the better.

The eight sects of Buddhism today bear the shadow of the monarchs of all dynasties dividing Buddhism.

But now Zen is still too powerful. Two of the three strongest forces in Buddhism are Zen forces.

Shaolin Temple is the ancestral home of Zen Buddhism, and Bodhidharma is the founder of Zen Buddhism.

Jing Nian Chan Monastery, you should know from the name which lineage he is from.

Cihang Jingzhai is more like a combination of yoga and Buddhist heretics, but it is also united around Zen.

Such a powerful Zen sect is not a good thing for Buddhism.

Powerful Buddhism can even influence national administration. Such a Buddhist court and Yang Qingyuan do not recognize it.

Fu Yi, the Taishi of the former Tang Dynasty, wrote to Emperor Gaozu and said:

Therefore, those who are unfaithful and unfilial will cut off their hair and bow to the king and relatives; they will wander around in food and clothes in order to escape from rent and wealth.

From Xinong to the Han and Wei dynasties, there was no Buddhist Dharma. The kings were wise and the ministers were loyal, and Zuo lived for a long time. Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty established Hu Shen, and the Sangmen of the Western Regions taught their Dharma. From the Western Jin Dynasty onwards, the state had strict laws and did not allow Chinese people to do anything.

Those who carry out Kunfa's affairs, attach themselves to talisman, stone, disease, mess with flowers, lead mediocre ministers and sycophants, govern with cruelty and eliminate shortcomings, all are caused by Buddhism. Liang Wu, Qi Xiang and others are enough to serve as a mirror.

Nowadays, the monks and nuns are asked to match each other, and they will form more than 100,000 households, give birth to men and women, raise them for ten years, and teach them a lesson, which will naturally benefit the country and can build an army.

Although his words are biased, they also fully explain the harm that Buddhism has done to the country.

Of course, Taoism also has harmful effects, but at most it is limited to a small number of people who deceive and abduct.

Almost all the big guys in the Taoist sect are afraid of trouble. Zhang Sanfeng, Lao Tianshi, Bei Mingzi, and Wang Chongyang are more able to hide away than the others, for fear of contaminating too much of the worldly world.

Shi Feixuan is an opportunity for Yang Qingyuan.

He supported her as the master of Cihang Jingzhai, and used the connection between Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Zen Temple to divide Zen Buddhism into the north and the south...

Yang Qingyuan is playing a big game of chess.

Yang Qingyuan nodded towards Liu Wangshu and Ji Mingzhu, and the two women understood what Yang Qingyuan meant and exited the room.

Walking to Shi Feixuan's side, Yang Qingyuan pressed his finger like a sword on Shi Feixuan's veins.

The state of Shifei Xuan's meridian made Yang Qingyuan a little confused. She was really drained!

"Cihang Sword Canon" originally refers to the techniques spread in "Random Thoughts on the Magic Way".

Nurturing the Taoist embryo with Taoist heart is an important part of "Cihang Sword Code".

But now the Tao embryo in Shi Feixuan's body has collapsed. If the cultivation level is weaker, there will not even be traces of the original Tao embryo.

Yang Qingyuan has roughly guessed what happened.

In the duel between Shi Feixuan and Qin Mengyao, the winner can plunder everything from the loser.

Is this "Cihang Sword Code" so evil?!

"Master Fairy, do you still remember the agreement you made with me that day?!"

Shi Feixuan, who had been unresponsive, turned to look at Yang Qingyuan.

Shi Feixuan still remembers Yang Qingyuan's joke that day. He once joked that after Shi Feixuan crossed to the other side, he would leave his body to him.

At that time, Shi Feixuan almost had her faith collapsed by Yang Qingyuan, but she also gained a little more humanity.

A little girl pretending to be a cold fairy all day long is so unconscious.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! While reminiscing, Shi Feixuan suddenly felt that a righteous and peaceful essence was injected into her body, which was repairing her injuries.


Shi Feixuan did not speak, but her eyes expressed confusion.

Yang Qingyuan didn't say anything, he was just minding his own business healing Shi Fei Xuan's injuries.

"What? Master Shixianzi has lost a battle and has no business?! Isn't this what Shifeixuan, who went to Dali Temple at night and asked me about the sword, would do!?"

"You know?" Shi Feixuan didn't understand how Yang Qingyuan knew about her defeat. No one else in Gushan knew about her fight with Qin Mengyao that day.

"It is reasonable that you are no match for Qin Mengyao. Although you are extremely talented, Qin Mengyao is also an unparalleled genius. He possesses the two unique skills of "Cihang Sword Codex" and "Endless Zen Skill".

Yang Qingyuan is now like a fortune-telling Taoist priest, half-talking and half-guessing, fooling the master and concubine into being stunned.

The thing is indeed as Yang Qingyuan said, the two sides' achievements in the Cihang Sword Code are only a hair's breadth away, but Qin Mengyao has endless Zen skills, and his skills are more than better than that of his master Fei Xuan, and he has already touched the threshold of the Dongxuan Realm.

"They say Buddha has a compassionate heart, but I don't think so!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Master Fei Xuan was originally unstable, but now that she saw Yang Qingyuan slandering Buddhism, a look of anger appeared on her face.

"If the Buddha is merciful, why does Cihang Jingzhai use people as a poison?! Let you become Qin Mengyao's whetstone and nourishment for his growth?!"


The facts are before our eyes. Shi Feixuan was the one who witnessed this matter. No matter how we explain it, it cannot make sense.

Why doesn't the Buddha go to hell and wants me to go to hell?!

"Master, have you ever read Buddhist scriptures?"

Master Feixuan was emotionally unstable now. Faced with Yang Qingyuan's doubts, she snorted coldly, "Feixuan grew up in Cihang Jingzhai since she was a child. Naturally, she often recited Buddhist classics. Is Yang Hou insulting Feixuan?!


Yang Qingyuan's fingertips kept flowing, and he just smiled and said, "I don't mean to disrespect Master Xianzi, but I just want to ask, has Master Shixianzi ever read, "The Sutra of the Ending of the Buddha's Dharma?!"

"The Sutra on the Extinction of the Buddha's Dharma?!" Shi Feixuan is also a person who has read the Buddhist scriptures thoroughly, but she has never heard of the scriptures spoken by Yang Qingyuan.

Yang Qingyuan was stunned. It seemed that this Buddhist scripture, which was labeled as apocryphal by Buddhism, had not yet been published.

Then it’s up to you to make it available in advance!

This is the charm of Yang Qingyuan using the formless magical power to move the Tathagata's divine palm, smiling slightly, like the World Honored One holding a flower!

"At one time, the Buddha was in the country of Kusi Nachi, and during the third month of the Tathagata's parinirvana, he, together with all the bhikkhus and bodhisattvas, came to the Buddha's place and bowed his head to the ground. The World Honored One was silent and said nothing.


The Buddha told Ananda: "After my nirvana, when the Dharma is about to disappear, in the five turbulent times, the demonic path is flourishing. The demons act as ascetics and disrupt our path. They wear worldly clothes, enjoy cassocks, wear five-colored clothes, drink alcohol and eat meat, and kill living creatures greedily.

They have no loving heart, and they are even more jealous of each other... If there is such a person, all the demon monks will be jealous of him, slander him and promote evil, depose him and drive him away, and will not let him live."

At first, Shi Feixuan still listened carefully to the scriptures, but after listening to a few words, her complexion changed drastically.

"How dare you slander Buddha!?"

Yang Qingyuan did not answer, just smiled and continued to recite.

Although he has never practiced the authentic Buddhist mental method, the Tathagata Palm is the supreme magical power of Buddhism. Although it is activated by the Taoist formless magical power, its charm cannot be faked.

Yang Qingyuan seemed to be protected by Buddha's light at this moment.

Shifei Xuan felt like she was in front of the Buddha. The more she listened, the calmer her mind became. Even the treacherous and unethical words in this sutra, after careful reading, she actually found them to be very reasonable.

Until the last word from Yang Qingyuan's mouth was finished, Shi Fei Xuan was silent.

"The sutra says that after the Nirvana of the World Honored One, the demonic path will become more and more prosperous. Those who practice the demonic path will join Buddhism and destroy and disrupt the righteous Dharma as Buddhist disciples. They wear worldly clothes, lusty cassocks, drink alcohol,

They eat meat, kill animals, and engage in greedy and ignorant things. They have no compassion and even hate and envy each other."

Yang Qingyuan looked at Master Feixuan with bright eyes, "Feixuan doesn't think these people look familiar?!"


Although there was no answer, Shi Feixuan immediately thought of Jing Nian Zen Monastery.

The architecture of Jing Nian Zen Monastery is magnificent.

The buildings in the courtyard are all arranged on the central axis facing the temple gate, with the Tongdian Hall as the center of the temple, and the scale is complete and uniform.

The copper palace in the middle is three feet wide and one foot high, and half a foot high. It is made entirely of gold and copper. Not only does it require a huge amount of gold and copper, but it also requires skilled craftsmen to spend an unknown amount of time to cast it.

Except for the bronze hall, the rest of the pavilions in the Zen Yuan are all made of blue, green and red glazed tiles, and the color is as new as new.

Under the sunlight, the precious light shines brightly, as if you are in bliss.

Acting like this is completely different from the original Buddha Sakyamuni's ascetic practice of wandering around the world begging for money without setting up temples or showing off.

Such extravagant behavior cannot really be associated with Buddhist disciples. Instead, it is like the devil wearing cassock in the sutra book Yang Qingyuan just recited.

"Where did Yang Hou get this scripture?!"

Shi Feixuan was skeptical about such scriptures at first, but Yang Qingyuan just now was really awesome.

The Buddha's light shrouds you, like a saint descending.

It’s really hard to believe!?

"Fei Xuan does not misunderstand the profound meaning of the scriptures, but she is scrutinizing where the scriptures come from? This is not what people who practice Buddhism do!"

Then he said nonsense, "The World-Honored One has the Tripitaka of Mahayana Buddhism. There is a Tibetan Tripitaka of "Dharma" for talking about the heavens; a Tibetan Tripitaka of "Sutra" for talking about the earth; and a Tibetan Tibetan Buddhism for saving ghosts. The Tripitaka has a total of thirty-five volumes, which should be 10,000

The five thousand one hundred and forty-four volumes are the sutra of cultivation and the door to truth and goodness. Could Fei Xuanhai be able to read through all the Buddhist sutras?!"

Master Fei Xuan was speechless when she heard the words. Even the great and eminent monks in the Buddhist sect did not know the extent of the Buddha's teachings. But now Yang Qingyuan can tell it completely. Listening to his words, it doesn't seem like he is lying!

Yang Qingyuan said: Yes, yes, it is indeed true. It was said by Tathagata Buddha himself in Journey to the West.

However, there is no Wu Chengen in this world, or Wu Chengen has not yet been born, so there is no Journey to the West.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "This is all I have said, and I hope Feixuan will fully understand what the sutra says!"

After saying this, Yang Qingyuan turned around and left the room without giving Shi Fei Xuan any chance to react.

There are some things where going too far is not enough. Yang Qingyuan is just inducing, leaving Shi Fei Xuan to figure it out on her own.


In Jinling City.

After the head catcher, Old Liu, fainted, Xiao Si was shocked and immediately went to invite a famous doctor from the city.

"It's weird, it's weird! I have been practicing medicine for twenty years and have never seen such a weird disease. It seems to be an illness, but judging from the pulse, there are signs of poisoning. Is it poisoning or illness? This...

I’m not sure now! Did Mr. Liu eat something unclean or take any drugs recently?!"

The white-haired doctor twirled his white beard with a tangled look on his face.

"Everyone eats the same things! The abnormality is itching, which is itchy to the core, and there are red spots like this!" The person who answered was Feng Wei, who lived in the same guest room as the head catcher Liu, and naturally knew the best.

, and even showed the doctor the red spots that appeared on his body.

The doctor blinked and saw the red spots on their bodies. When he saw that the strong Feng Wei's neck had the same gray color as Liu's complexion, he couldn't help but be startled and asked: "You two live together? What's your symptom?"

Did it come after him?"

After Feng Wei thought about it carefully, he nodded.

The doctor screamed in surprise, and was so frightened that he crawled away from Lao Liu and Feng Wei. He no longer looked like a fairy, he just pointed at the two of them in horror, and could no longer speak a complete sentence.

This chapter has been completed!
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