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Chapter 790: The King of Medicine Arrives

Tea is the medicine for all diseases.

Although this is an exaggeration, its medicinal value is undeniable.

In the "Compendium" compiled by Li Binhu, it is written that "thick decoction can cause wind and heat to vomit phlegm and saliva." It can relax bronchial smooth muscles, moisten the lungs and reduce phlegm. In addition, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

When dispensing the medicine, Li Binhu and Tang Shenwei accidentally discovered that the patient's symptoms were relieved after drinking tea. If combined with cinnamon twig, ginkgo, licorice and other medicines, the effect would be even better.

He and Tang Shenwei immediately started research with tea as the core... Although they did not develop a specific prescription to deal with the epidemic, they found that if tea was applied externally, the pain of mild patients could be greatly alleviated.

Therefore, all the tea leaves in Jinling City, no matter good or bad, were gathered together by Yang Qingyuan.

Whether it was a bag of broken tea leaves costing five cents, or Mingqian Longjing worth ten and a half taels of gold, they all became medicinal materials at this time.

Every day, a large amount of tea is boiled and cooled, and then patients with mild symptoms are allowed to wipe their entire bodies.

Although wiping with tea cannot completely rid these patients of their symptoms, it can make them no longer itchy.

As for the seriously ill patients, they are already in a coma. Although their bodies are unconscious, their hands will still keep scratching on their skin, scratching their skin until it is bloody and bloody. This makes the already terrifying situation even more terrifying.

The epidemic is even more bizarre.

As a last resort, they can only be tied up to prevent them from scratching their skin.

Although Yang Qingyuan's medical skills are considered to be excellent, there is still a big gap between him and Tang Shenwei and Li Binhu, two giants in the industry.

The two of them are good at pharmacy but not at medicine. This sentence is compared with the big names in the medical field at the same level, such as Zhengwan Mi Zhai of Taiyuan Hospital.

And Yang Qingyuan did not discuss these medical issues with the group of doctors, but turned his attention to this plague.

The key to disease treatment is not only to prevent the spread, but also to cure it and find the source. It is also one of the most important steps.

Jinling Liumen Branch.

Yang Guo had already rushed back from the Jinling garrison of the Donghai Navy.


When he saw Yang Qingyuan, Yang Guo was like a happy wild horse... a wild dog, the kind with a wagging tail, almost pounced on him!

There is absolutely no power like that of General Xiao Yang who was the envoy to Yangzhou and stepped on the white camp in front of others.

"Maogong, I haven't seen you in more than a year! You've grown taller again!"

Around New Year's Eve last year, Yang Guo was ordered to pacify Yangzhou, and the governor Qi Yuanjing was responsible for pacifying the Japanese.

Since he was busy with official duties, he did not have Wudangshan and Yang Qingyuan to watch the New Year together.

On the contrary, Zhao Min and Xiaojiu came to Wudang.

"Master, did the imperial court invite you to come out to take care of the affairs of Yangzhou?!"

Yang Qingyuan touched his nose in embarrassment. In fact, he came to Yangzhou to find antidote medicinal materials, but it was better not to take the initiative to say such embarrassing things in front of the land.

Being tricked by Tang Zhang and poisoned by Jinbo Xunhua was not a glorious deed, and it really damaged his glorious and majestic image in the hearts of his disciples.

"That's right!"

After Yang Qingyuan gave an ambiguous answer, he immediately turned the topic to the epidemic.

"Guo'er, do you know how this epidemic happened?!"

Yang Guo's expression became serious, "Master, are you also here to investigate the source of the epidemic?!"

Yang Qingyuan nodded, "This epidemic is extremely strange, so I want to find its origin, just like catching a thief and catching the king. If the source is not eliminated, even if the patient can be treated and the condition can be controlled, the spread will still continue. For

Controlling the epidemic will not help."

Yang Guo was talented and intelligent, and he also thought of this. When it came to treating epidemic diseases, he did not have medical skills, and he did not have the healing power of famous doctors.

However, when it comes to finding the source of the epidemic, he feels that his talents can contribute, so he is also looking for the source of the spread of the epidemic, hoping to help a little bit in curing the epidemic.

"Guo'er, do you know who was the first person to get sick?!"

"They are police officers from the Yangzhou branch of Liumen who live in an inn!" Yang Guo has confirmed this repeatedly.

"Take me to see it!"

There is still a possibility that Yang Guo will be infected by the disease, but if their martial arts reaches the Dongxuan realm and above, ordinary diseases will no longer be able to have any impact on them.

A warrior who draws the energy of heaven and earth into his body and cleanses his body's meridians. In a sense, a martial artist in the Dongxuan realm has surpassed the martial arts practitioner based on the traditional concept.

As for Yang Qingyuan, this is not to mention the power of heaven and earth. Coupled with his innate body, his control over his body's meridians has reached an unimaginable level.

However, as a direct descendant of Wudang, Yang Guo once took a pill of Shennong Baicao Pill, which had a preventive and weakening effect on common diseases.

After the two decided to go to the inn, Yang Guo found another beautiful girl behind Yang Qingyuan.

Why call it "again"!?

Because Yang Guo already had some idea of ​​his master's popularity.

After Yang Qingyuan left the capital, Yang Guo, as Thirteen's younger brother, stayed in the capital and fully understood his master's popularity among the boudoir girls in the capital.

There are even some girls from famous families who are willing to lower themselves to become Yang Qingyuan's concubines.

Of the three outstanding figures in the 13th year of Yong'an, only Yang Qingyuan remains unmarried.

The remaining sons of Wang Hua have already started running around, and the most charming Li Xunhuan already has a wife, and they are a loving couple.

Isn’t Yang Qingyuan a fragrant steamed bun?!

Moreover, Yang Qingyuan also holds the title of Marquis of Wuxiang, which is hereditary and irreplaceable.

This is a fact that no matter how powerful the civil servant group is, it cannot change it.

The inheritance of titles is far easier than the inheritance of power, which is one of the reasons why Yang Qingyuan is popular.

"Who is this?!" Yang Guo was still polite when facing this young and beautiful girl. Who knows if she is the future mistress...

"Cihang Jingzhai, Master Fei Xuan, Master Xianzi."

When Master Fei Xuan heard this, she also bowed to Yang Guo.

Yang Qingyuan said it casually, but Yang Guo's eyes were full of amazement. As expected of his master, he could even handle the fairies in the Buddhist Holy Land.

Yang Qingyuan just glanced at Yang Guo and knew what he was thinking.

"Stop making fun of me and take me to an inn!" Yang Qingyuan hit Yang Guo on the head. Even with only two successes, Yang Guo couldn't prevent it.


The three of them covered their faces with silk cloth that had been steamed at high temperatures, and arrived at an inn. At this moment, the people guarding the door of the inn were also people covered with silk cloth.

"Master Xiao Yang!"

When several people saw Yang Guo, they immediately saluted.

Yang Guo also returned the greeting and said, "Brothers, thank you for your hard work!"

In this case, being responsible for guarding the inn where the disease first appeared is definitely a high-risk thing.

Of course, according to the six-door rule, the higher the risk, the higher the income.

These brothers are already wandering on the sword, and it would be a shame for them if their remuneration cannot be increased.

Then Yang Guo brought Yang Qingyuan to the inn.

An inn, originally owned by Wudang Culture Group Co., Ltd., focuses on hosting guests and enjoying the whole family together.

But now an inn is full of patients, all showing signs of death.

Yang Qingyuan came to the room where the two people were initially infected.

"Master, these two people are both from Yangzhou Liumen Branch. The older one, named Liu Li, is the patrol chief of Yangzhou Liumen Branch, and the other Feng Wei is his deputy. The two of them are

The first one to show symptoms, then..."

Yang Guo seemed to think of the heart-stopping speed of infection. Even the young general who had seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield felt shuddering.

Invisible, intangible, and impossible to guard against.

The epidemic is really terrible!

Yang Qingyuan pressed his fingers on the pulse gates of Lao Liu and Feng Wei. Their pulse conditions were the same as those of other patients.

This is very unusual!

Both of them are warriors in the Tongmai realm.

Liu Li, the head catcher, is from the Qi Refining lineage, and now he has access to the five meridians.

Feng Wei, on the other hand, is a rare person from the body-forging lineage, and he also has access to the five meridians.

Regardless of whether they are practicing qi or body training, based on their cultivation, their ability to resist diseases should be far better than ordinary people, but now they are just like ordinary patients!

"Guo'er, what mission have these two embarked on recently?!"

Yang Guo then told what happened about sneaking into Huangye Island. Yang Qingyuan just listened silently at first, but when Yang Qingyuan heard about the cave, his expression changed drastically.

"You mean, the cave was full of remains at that time?!"

After Yang Guo saw his master's expression, he knew there must be something fishy in it.

"Yes, the cellar was full of corpses at that time. I was afraid that the corpses would rot and breed diseases, so I ordered people to set fire to all the corpses in the cellar..."

Yang Guo seemed to have thought, "By the way! Among the people who burned the corpses at that time were Liu Li and Feng Wei. Could it be that at that time, the plague had already bred in the bones, and they were unfortunately infected with the disease!?"

Yang Qingyuan heard this and sneered, "How could there be such a weird disease among ordinary bones?!"

If you just pile the corpses together and expect them to naturally develop such a strange disease, it is like buying a lottery ticket, completely unpredictable.

"I'm afraid there are evil people who are using people for in vivo experiments..."

After listening to Yang Guo's narration, Yang Qingyuan became more inclined to believe that someone was secretly doing evil tricks and doing such outrageous things. He was really not afraid of death!

Although his face was still as smooth as a lake, there was still an obvious murderous look in Yang Qingyuan's eyes.

Check! We must check to the end!

While the two were discussing, Master Fei Xuan on the side kept whispering the Buddha's name, "Amitabha!"

All sentient beings are suffering, but the Buddha saves all sentient beings!

This was originally just a saying in the Buddhist scriptures, but now it truly appeared in front of Shi Feixuan's eyes.

All living beings are ups and downs in the mortal world, suffering from plagues.

But besides reciting "Amitabha" silently, she could do nothing!

This made her feel how illusory the compassion she originally thought was!

If the Buddha is not in her mouth, what should she do...


Three days later, Yang Qingyuan was anxious and finally waited for the person he had been waiting for.

Medicine King Sun Shichang has arrived!

"Senior Brother Sun, I've been waiting for you to come!"

It turned out that Sun Shichang was collecting herbs in the Wudang mountains when Yang Qingyuan's urgent documents were delivered to Wudang.

Taoist Mu, Master Ziyang, and Taoist Master Qingxu immediately went to the mountains with Wuzhong Yuan Hua realm masters to search for Sun Shichang urgently.

The poisoning of Yang Qingyuan may be a big or small matter, but a plague broke out in Jinling, infecting 200,000 people in a few days, and threatening to sweep the world. This is an unparalleled event.

Sun Shichang, who was collecting medicine in the deep mountains, found out about this and stopped practicing medicine. He had been practicing medicine for many years and was well aware of the horror of epidemics. He took his medicine box and pouch and headed south quickly.

Although he is a warrior in the Dongxuan realm, his Qinggong skills are only passable.

For him, martial arts is just an accessory to medicine, and Qinggong cannot be compared with people like Yang Qingyuan.

Yang Qingyuan had already ordered the inns along the way to prepare. The journey that originally took fifteen days now arrived in five days!

Although he is a warrior in the Dongxuan realm, Sun Shichang is still dusty at this time, his eyes are reddish and bloodshot, and his face looks tired, "Qingyuan, how is the situation!"

"It's terrible!" Yang Qingyuan said without the slightest tact. "Seventy-five people have died of the disease, 300 in critical condition, 5,000 in severe condition, and minor cases are nothing. Many people can no longer support themselves. The most important thing is their physical health

The pain, if they had not been given tea and medicine to relieve their pain, and their bodies were fine, they might not be able to bear it mentally."

Sun Shichang said: "Tea is medicine, and it has the effect of detoxifying since ancient times! From what you say, it sounds more like poisoning, but it is also contagious. It's really weird!"

Sun Shichang frowned, and then he took out several bottles of pills from the medicine box, "I have some Shennong Baicao Pills here. Qingyuan, please dissolve them into water first and feed them to take them. It will have a certain effect.

…Is there hot water…”

Sun Shichang rubbed his blood-red eyes and said: "I've been too tired these past few days. With my current state of mind, I can't calm down and diagnose the patient... I need to take a bath and have a good sleep."

When Yang Qingyuan saw Sun Shichang like this, his originally worried heart was relieved.

This kind of confident performance is really reassuring.

Yang Qingyuan then distributed the Shennong Baicao Pill and threw it into the large bucket of water that everyone was sitting on.

The Shennong Baicao Pill that Sun Shichang gave to Yang Qingyuan was a concentrated version, and its potency was ten times stronger than the normal version. Ordinary people simply could not bear such a powerful potency.

This was specially developed by him for epidemic diseases. He dissolved it into warm water and distributed it to many patients to relieve their urgent needs.

This Shen Nong Baicao Pill is also Sun Shichang's god-like work.

Hundreds of herbs with different medicinal properties are melted into one pill without any conflict of medicinal properties.

This kind of medical skill...is beyond the ordinary!

Two hundred thousand people, even if one person has a bowl of water, 40,000 liters of water are needed.

Yang Qingyuan immediately asked someone to prepare fifty large tanks of water. After it boiled, Yang Qingyuan immediately used his internal power to cool it down to a warm water state.

The workload of this project is not small. Among all the people, Yang Qingyuan is the only one who has reached the state of switching between extreme yang and yin at will, so he can only do this work.

Subsequently, fifty pills of Shennong Baicao Pill were blended into fifty tanks of water and distributed to all patients.

This medicine has miraculous effects. Most patients with mild symptoms gradually became calmer and fell asleep after taking it for only half an hour.

Not only did they have fever, weakness, and soreness, but they also endured the torture of skin itching. They had not slept for an unknown amount of time, and their whole body was almost collapsed. Now, with the dual power of tea and Shen Nong Baicao Dan, the itching was relieved and improved, and the originally tired body

He immediately protested and fell asleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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