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Chapter 829: Good and Evil Thoughts (Part 1)

"Huo Cha!"

The thunder falls on Longhu Mountain continue.

In the eyes of ordinary people, thunder is violent and destructive, but thunder from the sky has the power of destruction and creation.

One night spring thunder struck the sky, and snakes and insects fell from the mountain fence.

Earthworms fight for no reason, and the air bursts through the berry moss like a rainbow.

The sound of spring thunder shakes the sky, and life appears wherever there is destruction.

The arrival of spring is accompanied by the sound of spring thunder. A sound of spring thunder wakes up the earth and all hibernating things. It revitalizes the natural world and begins to grow, reproduce, and continue reproduction.

Therefore, the spring thunder and the stinging of insects represent vitality and nature.

The Five Thunder Heavenly Tribulation, in the name of calamity, naturally cannot only destroy but lack vitality.

Looking at Yang Qingyuan who was drowned by the thunder, Zhang Zhiwei's face showed an expression as if he had seen it before. The thunder essence cultivated by the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Jue has always been famous for its violent violence, and its destructive power is second to none among the world's martial arts.

But Zhang Zhiwei felt calm and alive in the thunder light that enveloped Yang Qingyuan, and he really saw a ghost.

But Zhang Zhiwei was no ordinary person. Soon, he discovered that this energy was consistent with the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Jue he had cultivated.

Zhang Zhiwei immediately sat down cross-legged,

"Tiangang, the heart. Use the heart to move all Qi, move the yang, and the yang will be repaid, and move the yin, the yin will be repaid. It moves the five elements, always facing God. It mediates the creation, reverses the yin and yang, and responds according to random... The seven stars are in the Big Dipper in the sky.

There are seven orifices in the human eye, ear, nose, and mouth. If the seven orifices can be closed, the seven rays of light will shine together, the energy will burst out, the whole body will sweat, and the head will also sweat like clouds, and it will begin to unite with creation."

Zhang Zhiwei's sixth level of the Five Thunder Heaven Heart Technique, which has been stuck for three years, is showing signs of loosening...

The thunder light all over Yang Qingyuan's body was attracted by Zhang Zhiwei's mental movement. After a moment, Zhang Zhiwei slowly opened his eyes.

I didn't expect that I could break through to the seventh level of the Five Thunder Heaven's Heart Technique after watching a show. How far has this old Yang reached?! This kind of talent is really enviable and enviable.

However, Zhang Zhiwei's state of mind was different from ordinary people after all, and he quickly adjusted. His unexpected breakthrough was already an unexpected joy. If he had deliberately forced it, he would have gone the other way.

His current level of cultivation is even among the top masters in the Tianshi Mansion. In the entire Tianshi Mansion, only Tianshi Zhang Xuanqing and Master Zhang Xuanling have cultivated the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Technique to the eighth level.

The rest of the old masters are nothing more than seven-fold and five-thunder.

It took another quarter of an hour after Zhang Zhiwei's breakthrough before the lightning that fell one after another slowly dissipated.

"Nine heavens respond to the sound of thunder and universalize the Heavenly Lord!"

With a shout, the thunder light dispersed, and Zhang Zhiwei could finally look directly at Yang Qingyuan in the dazzling thunder light.

Yang Qingyuan's body was covered with vomited black blood. This was part of the remaining Jinbo Xunhua poison that Yang Qingyuan forced out by using the pure Yang power of Tianlei to cleanse his meridians and internal organs.

Of course, all this is not without cost. How can a mortal bear the power of heaven and earth lightly? To feel the thunder of heaven and earth at such a close range, even if Yang Qingyuan has the innate Wuji Kung to protect his body, and the innate invisible sword energy shield weakens the thunder, the meridians are still affected.

Not a small trauma.

However, compared to today's harvest, this internal injury is really nothing.

The one who feels the most intuitively is Zhang Zhiwei.

Compared with just now, Yang Qingyuan's appearance did not become darker, but instead he gained a unique temperament.

This shows that later on, Yang Qingyuan was able to utilize the power of thunder from heaven and earth to a certain extent.

Zhang Zhiwei, the future Celestial Master of Celestial Master Dao, could vaguely sense an aura similar to that of Shenxiao, but when he sensed it carefully, it seemed specious.

Cultivation is the process of understanding the way of heaven. Masters in the realm of heaven and man can connect with heaven and earth, sense nature, and can even further dominate the wind and thunder of heaven and earth in ancient classics.

This is why Sun En was so surprised when he met Zhuang Xiaomeng outside Guanlan Villa.

Only in the realm of heaven and man can we single-handedly affect the natural climate of heaven and earth. This is also the brilliance of the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will.

However, because there are so few people in the realm of heaven and humanity in the world, it is now clear that they must be in the realm of heaven and humanity, and there is only one person in the vast world.

Therefore, no one really knows what the power of the Heavenly Realm is.

There is a branch in the Taoist sect, called Shenxiao, which does not practice Huangting, but only studies the thunder method.

The founders are Wang Wenqing and Lin Lingsu. They are based on the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Techniques of Tianshi Tao and specialize in the thunder method. They once ranked first among all methods and became the highest representatives of Taoist magic.

The thought of thunder method cultivation believes that the energy of one's body in the human body interacts with the energy of heaven and earth. If a person can control the energy of one's own body, he can control the thunder machine and cause thunder and lightning.

If one can cultivate this Shenxiao sect's mental method to the highest level, it may be able to influence the celestial phenomena and trigger thunder just like the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will.

The current Yang Qingyuan's energy is very similar to that of a master of the Shenxiao sect.

Of course, he still looked a little embarrassed. Although his hair was no longer thorny, the bun was messy and disheveled, and his face looked like he had just returned from a coal mine.

"Lao Yang, you won't be struck by lightning anymore?!"

Yang Qingyuan rolled his eyes. This unlucky boy can hardly speak. What does it mean to be struck by lightning? It is to understand the unique magic skills left by your ancestors in Tianshi Mansion.

Just as he was about to speak, Yang Qingyuan noticed the difference between Zhang Zhiwei and just now.

This is clearly a sign that the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Art has reached a higher level. Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhiwei could break through to the seventh level of the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Art even after being struck by lightning. This kind of talent is really enviable and enviable.


It's true that people have to die when comparing with others, and goods have to be thrown away when comparing goods.

However, Yang Qingyuan's state of mind had long been different from the ordinary, and he quickly adjusted.

"Let's go, find a place to wash up first, and then discuss the Five Thunder Tribulation..."

Yang Qingyuan already has an idea of ​​the Five Thunder Heavenly Tribulation, but the grandeur of this unique skill far exceeds Yang Qingyuan's imagination, and it will take a little time to really perfect it.


On Jiuhua Mountain, in Dajue Temple.

In the Zen room where the abbot originally lived, the lamp shadows flickered and the candle light extinguished.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Mr. Wei is looking at Monk Ciyuan with great interest. This monk is extremely wise, but the more he looks like this, the more reluctant he is.

Ci Yuan's wisdom is clearly far superior to that of Ci Jing and Ci An, but because of his inferior foundation, he cannot practice superior martial arts.

This is very similar to the ancestor of Blood River back then.

However, Ci Yuan has been practicing Buddhism for many years, and his state of mind and Buddhist cultivation are well established. It is not easy to seduce him to practice the blood river method.

However, Mr. Wei enjoyed the process of interacting with these masters of Buddhism and Taoism.

What would be interesting if we could bring this eminent Buddhist monk into the Blood River Sect?!

Moreover, with Ci Yuan's intelligence and understanding, and the help of the secret method of Blood River, given time, it will definitely be a great help.

What's more, this Master Ciyuan longs for martial arts in his heart, or in other words, he longs for the vitality brought by martial arts.

Mr. Wei lowered his head and glanced at the second half of the Blood River Sutra in his hand. Although this scroll had been sealed for many years, if it had not been touched and read frequently, it would not have deteriorated like this.

Over the years, the Blood River Sutra has been sealed by Dajue Temple. Only the abbot knows its specific location. The person who read the Blood River Sutra has been revealed.

Monk Ciyuan has greed and desire for life and martial arts in his heart, but his Buddhist cultivation has turned into a lock, completely locking these negative emotions in the deepest part of his heart.

What Mr. Wei has to do is to find the key to unlock the door and release all Ci Yuan's negative emotions.

"Master Ciyuan, this Blood River Scripture was one of the pillars of the Blood River Holy Sect that swept the world. If Master Ciyuan handed it over to me, wouldn't he be aiding the evildoers?!"

Master Ci Yuan just now was actually in a predicament of drinking poison to quench his thirst.

If Mr. Wei had threatened Ci Yuan's life, it would have been impossible to obtain the Blood River Scripture so easily.

But he threatened the lives of everyone in the temple to force Ci Yuan to submit.

Although the deaths of these people will have nothing to do with Ci Yuan in the end, but I didn’t kill Boren, but Boren died because of me, isn’t this a sin?!

In the desert, when I was thirsty and unbearable, I came across a glass of poisonous wine. If I didn't drink it, I would die in half an hour at most. If I drank it, the poisonous wine would be so poisonous that I would definitely die in a day.

Faced with such a situation, to drink or not to drink?!

Faced with the dilemma of drinking poison to quench his thirst, Ci Yuan made a choice to save the lives of the monks in front of him.

What will happen in the future is a matter of the future.

Even if the person in front of me gets the Blood River Scripture, he may not be able to sweep the world like the Blood River Ancestor before.

Although Buddhism and Taoism are different, Zhenwu Taoist Master is still worthy of belief.

During the Blood River Rebellion back then, Zhang Junbao was only thirty years old, and he was able to overpower the Blood River Ancestor. Is it possible that the current Zhenwu Dao Master can't clean up the remnants of the Blood River Sect?!

"Amitabha, King Geli will cut off the monks with bloody blades. The poor monks have the ability to stop them but don't do it. How is it different from killing a living being?!"

"What an old monk, he's already half buried in the earth, and he's still so sharp-tongued."

The secret technique of the Blood River Sect is extremely sensitive to the aura of death. Mr. Wei could see that the vitality of the old monk had faded away and a faint aura of death was already surrounding him.

Even if he didn't kill the old monk, he would still be close to death.

Master Ciyuan calmly sat cross-legged and chanted sutras, seemingly not taking Mr. Wei seriously at all.

Of course, it's useless even if he puts it in his eyes, it can't change the situation.

There was a smile on the corner of Mr. Wei's lips, and he looked evil and arrogant. However, he did have the qualifications to be a villain boss.

With a flash of blood, Mr. Wei appeared on Monk Ciyuan's body and struck Monk Ciyuan's heavenly spirit with his palm.

Seeing this scene, Ci'an fell to the ground, his teeth chattering as he was still unconscious.

"Brother Abbot!!"

However, Monk Ciyuan's bald head did not explode as expected. Instead, a ball of innate blood flowed into Monk Ciyuan's body from Master Wei's palm.


Not only Ci'an on the side, but also Ciyuan was also in disbelief. The development of things was completely different from what he expected. He had just made plans to go to the west. Faced with death, he could face death calmly and be able to do it.

This point, even with Ci Yuan's Buddhist cultivation, took a lot of effort.

However, Mr. Wei had no intention of killing him. Ci Yuan only felt a warm current pouring in from the Heavenly Spirit, and then flowed to the meridians all over his body.

Originally, many of the meridians in his body were broken, but with the repair and nourishment of this innate blood element, Ci Yuan felt that his physical condition seemed to be gradually improving.

Ci Yuan only felt that his whole body was enveloped by a warm current, which was so relaxing.

But this feeling did not last long. As Mr. Wei's hand pulled away, the warmth also left with him.

Ci Yuan suddenly felt that he was getting older. This contrast made the aura of death more obvious and intense.

"Traitor, what did you do to this poor monk?!"

"Master, the taste just now is not bad! It's unforgettable!"

If I didn't take it into context, I would have thought that Mr. Wei did something outrageous to this monk.

Judging from the appearance alone, Mr. Wei is not such a person! His appearance is second only to Li Xunhuan and handsome Lao Zhang. It’s just that Li Xunhuan is chic and noble, Lao Zhang is free and easy, and Mr. Wei is evil.

Charming and crazy.

"What I just said is the secret method of my blood river. It can not only improve people's qualifications, but also help them prolong their lives. It is really a wonderful method!"

The personal experience just now gave Master Ciyuan some confidence in Mr. Wei's words.

After being injected with blood essence before, Ci Yuan really felt alive, as if he was several years younger.

"It's nothing more than a witchcraft to confuse others, there's nothing to show off!"

Mr. Wei smiled and shook his head. He was so tough.

"Besides me, there are also guests visiting late at night. The three masters have difficulty moving, so I will welcome this uninvited guest for the three masters!"

As he spoke, Mr. Wei took out a scroll from his arms and threw it in front of Monk Ciyuan. Then he turned into a blood shadow and rushed out of the Zen room.

This chapter is not finished yet. Please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Monk Ciyuan lowered his head and looked at the book. He saw "True Explanation of the Blood River" printed on it in four small cinnabar characters.



An old monk wearing black robes was standing outside the Zen room of Dajue Temple.

The noise made by Mr. Wei, Cijing, and Cian just now was too loud. After all, they couldn't hide it from the top master on Jiuhua Mountain, Fa Shi.

This man does not belong to any temple on Mount Jiuhua. He was originally an ascetic who traveled all over the world. No one knows which dharma lineage he comes from. They only know that this master practiced asceticism all over the world with bare feet and linen clothes. He traveled all over the country and beyond the Great Wall of the Western Regions.

Finally, he stopped in Jiuhua Mountain, and finally stayed at Zhuanyuan Temple, the largest temple in Jiuhua Mountain's Ksitigarbha lineage, and finally lived here for a long time.

"Amitabha, this benefactor, you look so strange! It was the benefactor who was here just now to fight with Junior Brother Cijing and Junior Brother Ci'an!"

Fa Shi made a judgment the first time he saw Mr. Wei.

Buddhism has the supernatural power of celestial vision. It is said that it can see the six paths of life and death, the pain and joy of this life and that, and it can also see all kinds of forms in the world without any obstacles.

This is of course an exaggeration, but the method of clairvoyance can indeed make practitioners have better vision than ordinary people.

There was no energy in this young man's body, but Fa Shi could sense the evil energy remaining in the courtyard.

The Blood River Sect's true energy is so special that once it is used, it is difficult to hide it.

"Hahaha, master is joking. This is the holy land of Buddhism. How dare you act so arrogantly?!"

Faced with Mr. Wei's denial, Fa Shi shook his head. Even so, there is no need to defend!

In the night sky on Jiuhua Mountain, a sharp shout came.

"The mighty heavenly dragon! World Honored Ksitigarbha!"

Ps: Mr. Xie Mei Kuang Wei Wei feels similar to Yan Yikuan.

This chapter has been completed!
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