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Chapter 831

There are also differences in strength and weakness among the laws, heaven, and earth, but the differences will not be so obvious.

The slightly stronger ones are like the master of the two elders Xuan Ming, Taoist Baishu. He can fight nearly a hundred moves with the middle-aged Zhang Junbao. With Xuan Ming's divine palm, he can withstand an angry blow from the hundred-year-old Taoist Zhang and still survive.

When he came down, although he was seriously injured and dying, he was alive and kicking again within two months.

The weaker one... is like Liu Dufeng, the leader of the Six Sects. He has just entered the realm of Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth. Although the Hunyuan Body-Breaking Sword Qi is extremely sharp, compared to wizards like Li Taibai, Mo Guanlan, and Lang Fanyun, it is still

It's a bit worse, and it's less accumulated than a veteran like Zhang Xuanqing.

We must judge who has the best combat power among the Dharma, Heaven, and Earth. That is whether the public is right and the mother-in-law is right.

But if there is a fight to the death, Mr. Wei, the leader of the Blood River Sect, will do his duty and be the number one person in the sixth realm.

Mr. Wei's cultivation at this time was almost the same as that of the Blood River Ancestor back then. He stood in front of the gate of the sixth realm of Blood River, Duan Sheng, just to check the gate.

Even though Fa Shi is a descendant of Ksitigarbha's lineage, he is no match for Mr. Wei.

In a short period of time, the two of them had exchanged more than a thousand moves. Mr. Wei's innate blood essence was extremely evil. Even though Fa Shi was protected by Ksitigarbha Buddhism, he still felt that the evil energy was rushing straight into his mind, making his mind sway and his mind unsteady.

"Amitabha, the poor monk has also traveled around the world, and has seen many masters of good and evil. However, such a profound and evil martial arts as the benefactor's, this poor monk has only seen in his life."

While Mr. Wei's attack was suspended, Fa Shi could concentrate on the conversation. Just resisting Mr. Wei's attack was already his limit.

Ever since he entered the realm of Dharma, Heaven and Earth, he has never been so powerless and suppressed in all directions, unprecedented.

"Who is the donor?!"

After fighting for a long time, Fa Shi was already looking a little embarrassed, but Mr. Wei was still cool and carefree, charming and arrogant.

"Hahaha, Master is really dedicated to cultivating Buddhism, but he doesn't even know my origins."

Now Mr. Wei can confirm that this monk Fa Shi was definitely trained by himself. However, anyone with a bit of mentorship or elders in the sect would not ask this question.

Mr. Wei was about to answer, but he noticed that two more masters were coming towards this place!

Not only him, Fa Shi on the opposite side also felt the presence.

In the entire Jiuhua Mountain, there is only one Buddhist master who can master the realm of heaven and earth. No matter how many other Buddhist masters come, they will all be killed by Mr. Wei.

Fa Shi knew this very well, so when he felt the approach of the two Buddhist masters, he immediately activated his true energy and made a Buddhist lion's roar.


However, as soon as Fa Shi's voice came out of his mouth, he was intercepted by Mr. Wei.

The demonic sound of the blood river is breathtaking.

As soon as Fa Shi's lion's roar came out, he was disturbed by the demonic sound, making it impossible for those who came to hear what he wanted to say?!

"Master Fashi! What happened!?"

"Senior Fa Shi, we didn't hear clearly what you just said..."

Two monks came from Zhuyuan Temple, one old and one strong, one Dongxuan and the other Yuanhua.

When the two of them asked, they were extremely wary of Mr. Wei.

Fa Shi looked at the two monks, smiled bitterly and said, "Leave quickly, there is a strong enemy here."


The scene fell into a brief embarrassment. Yuan Chong and Ji Xing didn't know how to reply for a moment, so they could only look at the powerful enemy mentioned by Master Fashi.

The two monks looked carefully and saw that the young man opposite was only twenty-five or six years old, but there was a strange emotion in his eyes, and the whole person looked over, giving people a feeling of death. And this feeling of death

It also has some unexplainable evil ways.

It’s so uncomfortable!

Although this person is handsome, the evil aura about him seems to tell them that this person is not simple.

Looking at the monk who was extremely guarded against him, Mr. Wei smiled brightly, revealing his white teeth.

"Don't worry, you two, I'm not a good person!"

The two monks were stunned when they heard this. At this time, this man was still in the mood to make fun of them. Not to mention whether he was a good person or not, he had a very bad character!

"Master Chong and Master Jixing, please be careful. This person is a master of the realm of heaven and earth!"

Fa Shi told the most critical things first to prevent the two monks from taking action without permission.

Although both of them have good martial arts skills and are famous in the world, judging from the fight between Fa Shi and Mr. Wei just now.

Mr. Wei wanted to kill Yuan Chong and Jixing, but he couldn't use ten moves.


"The laws of heaven and earth?!"

The two monks were startled when they heard about the laws of heaven and earth.

Even though Yang Qingyuan has seen a lot, the Heavenly Symbol and Earth Realm is really not a big deal. People in the martial arts world can use it as bragging rights when they see a Heavenly Symbol and Earth Realm.

Mount Jiuhua is the source of Ksitigarbha's Dharma lineage and the dojo of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. If Master Fashi did not come, there would be no Dharma, heavenly phenomena and earthly realm.

Mount Emei, one of the four famous mountains in Buddhism, is the monastery of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, which symbolizes morality and conduct, and corresponds to Manjushri Bodhisattva, which symbolizes wisdom, virtue and righteousness.

The two Bodhisattvas are the left and right attendants of Sakyamuni Buddha. Vairocana Tathagata, Manjusri Bodhisattva, and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva are respected as the "Three Saints of Huayan".

But in this way, the Dharma lineage of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva in Emei Daochang will not exist in the world.

Now suddenly a person appears in the middle of the night and tells you that this person is an expert in the realm of heaven, earth, and heaven. Anyone will be shocked.

Mr. Wei also smiled cooperatively, with white teeth, "Two masters, I am the current sect leader of the Blood River Sect, how polite you are!"



The younger Master Jixing, who has not yet reached the level of Buddhist cultivation, even shook his body when he heard this...

Blood River, this is a nightmarish name.

This is the biggest disaster for Buddhism after King Shizong destroyed Buddhism.

The traitor of the Taoist sect, Blood River Patriarch Wei Jueming, established the Blood River Sect, the number one evil sect in the world.

At that time, no matter the Demon Sect or the Ming Sect, they were nothing compared to the Blood River Sect.

I don’t know how many masters and celebrities in Jiuhua Mountain died at the hands of the demon Ancestor Xuehe, including Master Yuan Chong’s master and Master Jixing’s great uncle.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Dajue Temple escaped because it was located in the back mountain, while Zhuanyuan Temple was half destroyed by the Blood River Sect.

There should be no greed, anger, obsession, and hatred in Buddhism, but these monks are also mortals. How could they not feel hatred when facing the murderer who killed their teacher?!

If the person standing in front of Master Yuan Chong was an evil disciple of the Blood River Sect in the Cave Mystic Realm, Master Yuan Chong would not say anything and would have no choice but to fight for his life.

Unfortunately, the enemy on the opposite side is Fa Tianxiang Dijing.

Neither Yuan Chong nor Jixing is stronger than an ordinary master with no knowledge of martial arts in front of Fa Tian Xiang Di.

"Do these two masters know the origin of the Blood River Sect?!"

Seeing the faces of Monk Yuanchong and Monk Jixing, Fa Shi asked.

Yuan Chong did not elaborate on the huge social harm of the Blood River Sect in a long article, but simply said one sentence.

"The Blood River Sect is recognized as the number one evil sect in the world, and the leader of the Blood River Sect is recognized as the number one demon sect in the world."

No matter what it is, it is difficult to be recognized as the best in the world.

This can be regarded as an honor of the Blood River Sect!

Starting from the ancestor of Blood River, all evil sects can only stand aside in front of the Blood River Sect. The Blood River Sect is truly anti-human and anti-society.

Just when Mr. Wei wanted to introduce himself, Fa Shi took action in an instant!

"The mighty heavenly dragon, the World Honored Ksitigarbha! The Great Law Mantra, Prajna Buddhas! Prajna Parma!" Black-gold Buddha light lit up on Dharma Shake's body.

"I'll deal with him! The two masters leave quickly!"

At this moment, Fa Shi raised his skill to the limit. This kind of behavior, even for warriors in the realm of Fa Tianxiang and Earth, puts a huge burden on the meridians. If you are not careful, you may leave hidden injuries to the meridians.

When Mr. Wei revealed his identity, he had already made it clear that he was not going to let any of the three people present go!

The Blood River Sect Master is an identity that cannot be revealed to the world for the time being.

Although his martial arts is not weak, the masters who want to destroy him are even stronger; the Blood River Sect's power is certainly not small, but no matter how strong it is, it cannot be compared to the Righteous Alliance.

The current leader of the Blood River Sect cannot be like the ancestor of the Blood River, sweeping the world despite being surrounded by enemies. There are still several mountains that need to be climbed in front of him.

For example, the old Immortal Bei Mingzi in the Tianren Zong Tower Observation Tower; for example, the Chongyang Master who faked his death and escaped and did not know where he was hiding; and for example, the hidden master in Buddhism; and finally, there is the one who sits in Jingxiang, frightening the demons.

Zhenwu Mountain!

During the development period, the Blood River Sect Master did not want anyone to disturb him, so it was naturally impossible for the three of them who knew his identity to leave here alive.

Of course, Yuan Chong and Jixing could actually join forces to stop Mr. Wei and buy Fashi, a master of the realm of heaven and earth and a descendant of the Ksitigarbha lineage, time to escape.

In terms of value, Fa Shi is ten times more than Ji Xing and Yuan Chong combined.

It seems that this is much better than Fa Shi's method of delaying Mr. Wei, but this is only a theoretical idea, and the reality is cruel.

Yuan Chong and Ji Xing join forces, even if they are brave enough to fight to the death, they still can't stand a few moves in front of Mr. Wei.

The ending is that Yuan Chong and Jixing were beaten to death by Mr. Wei, and then Mr. Wei used his superior Qinggong to catch up with Fa Shi and continue the pursuit.

In the face of Fa Shi's kindness, Yuan Chong and Ji Xing didn't say much. According to the writing style of ordinary Jianghu scripts, at this time Ji Xing would shout, "I won't leave! I want to live and die with you!"

After a while of pulling, Yuan Chong had no choice but to stun Ji Xing and take him away!

However, in reality, Yuan Chong and Ji Xing ran away as soon as they figured it out and took two different paths.

The purpose of doing this is to try our best to pass on the news that the Blood River Sect Master has sneaked into the Central Plains alive.

Seeing Fa Shi's sudden attack, Mr. Wei didn't care. If he was afraid that someone would spread the news, he wouldn't have made such a big fuss. Everything was done on purpose by him, just to let people know.

The leader of the Blood River Sect has arrived at Mount Jiuhua.

However, this monk Fa Shi is indeed a rare talent. "Monk Fa Shi, you have great compassion, why not join me and become the chief protector?!"

The chief protector, who was currently recovering from his injuries in the mountains of Sichuan, sneezed seven times in a row, feeling as if something bad was about to happen.

"In other words, if you feel that the Dharma Protector is not good enough, then the position of the Great Elder is not non-negotiable."

At this moment, in the mountains west of Jinling, the great elder who was practicing suddenly shivered. At their level, there must be a reason for their whim.

Fortunately, this feeling soon disappeared!

"Isn't it ridiculous that the donor is a great evil in the world, but he calls himself a good person?!" The strength of the mind is like meteorite iron and fine steel, which cannot be easily changed.

"What is good? What is evil? What is right? What is wrong? Everything is just defined by the world. There is no such thing as right or wrong!"

As Mr. Wei took action, his power became more and more violent and raging, and the evil aura was awe-inspiring. The blood evil aura and deathly aura surrounding him almost solidified into essence, completely canceling out all the opportunities and advantages gained by Fa Shi just now.

Although the situation is not optimistic, Master Fa Shi still wants to refute Mr. Wei.

Whether you can fight or not is a matter of strength, but if you give up in a fight, there is something wrong with you.

"Right is right! Wrong is wrong! Good is good! Evil is evil!"

"Even if the patron is guarded, he can speak eloquently and speak lotus flowers, there is nothing he can do to change the good and the evil." Although the pressure on him was increasing, Fa Shi still spoke.

When Mr. Wei heard this, he smiled evilly, with one part joking, one part angry, one part murderous and one part tyrannical. The main character was an evil, charming and arrogant person.

"Okay! Then let me see how stubborn you can be!"

The true energy in Mr. Wei's body has actually doubled again, and the energy of heaven and earth is pouring towards Mr. Wei continuously.

Only then did Fa Shi truly realize the huge gap between himself and Mr. Wei, the leader of the Blood River Sect.

"All the sages of the ten directions, without giving up their great mercy, come to the throne of the Dharma to protect me with mercy and witness my practice. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, quickly removes all obstacles and increases the number of believers. He is of great mercy and compassion, does not violate this oath, and magnifies the light.

, my wish is fulfilled; the Dharma-protecting Heavenly Dragon, Jialan Zhenzai, comes with my invitation and sticks to the dojo, but there are no demonic obstacles. Drink!"

Fa Shi chanted sutras, and the dark golden Buddha light on his body rose again. The already shaky Buddha light barely stabilized again!

At the same time, Fa Shi pushed out with a palm, "Great compassion, reincarnation of life and death!"

This palm carried the meaning of life and death of Ksitigarbha's Dharma lineage and struck at Mr. Wei. The fearless and compassionate meaning in it actually dispelled the surging offensive of the Blood River Sect Master like a big river.

The distance between the two of them increased from three feet to ten feet.

However, this is also Fa Shi's limit. The power of Samsara Palm is running slower and slower. With every small step forward, there will be beads of sweat dripping from Fa Shi's forehead.

Whether physically or mentally, Fa Shi is close to his limit.

But the objective gap between the two cannot be changed by subjective will.

"It's amazing! It's beyond my expectation that you can achieve this step. It's a pity that you don't want to be used by me. Otherwise, with your strong mind and high understanding, combined with the strength of our Blood River Holy Sect,

The secret method, the sixth realm, may not be impossible..." Mr. Wei sighed softly, "What a pity, if there is a way to heaven, you will not take it, but if there is no way to hell, you will choose it!"

Fa Shi suddenly stopped and paused. The Buddha's light, which was originally undulating like ocean waves, suddenly became powerful.

"Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, who will?"

Fa Shi's true energy exploded tenfold at this moment!

This chapter has been completed!
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