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Chapter 967: The Soaring Snake Rides the Mist

"Anyone in our army who will retreat first regardless of the army will be killed immediately!"

"The army ignores whoever retreats first, and the rear team will kill the front team!"

"Anyone who dares to disobey military orders will be killed without mercy!"

Wang Cong held a sword in hand and promulgated the military battle company sitting method. This was first promulgated by the late Taibao Yu Zhongsu during the Jinyang Defense War. The effect was outstanding and was used by military generals.

At this time, the morale of King Zhao's army was in turmoil. In the Battle of Jingxing, the Marquis of Huaiyin relied on surprise troops to raid the camp. The outcome of the Battle of Guandu was also affected by the Wuchao fire. The camp was attacked by surprise, which would be a problem in any war. It was almost enough to tip the balance of victory and defeat.

But it's not a decision. Wang Cong still has two chances to win.

The first is to storm the Longwu Army camp. In Guandu in the Later Han Dynasty, the real winner was not the burning of Wuchao's food and grass.

The second is to wait for Qiu Fu to sneak attack from behind.

Taking the Battle of Guandu as an example, although Wuchao was where Yuan's army stored food and grass, when Wuchao was attacked by surprise, although Yuan's army was slightly disorganized, it was not at the end of its rope yet.

Zhang Junyi and Gao Lan still hold the most elite soldiers and horses of Yuan's army and are attacking Cao Weiwu's camp. Once the camp falls, Cao Weiwu can't change the situation of the battle even if he sneak attacks Wuchao.

The winner of the Battle of Guandu still lies with Zhang Junyi and Gao Lan.

When he learned that Wuchao was attacked, Zhang Junyi immediately put forward the idea of ​​rescuing Wuchao. He said to Shao: "Cao Gong has excellent soldiers. If he goes there, he will defeat Qiong and others. If Qiong and others are defeated, he will destroy the army. It is better to hurry up. Lead troops to rescue him."

Judging from the subsequent development, this judgment is very accurate, and there is no problem with Zhang He's tactical judgment.

However, at this time, Guo Tu, the biggest internal fighter under Yuan Benchu, spoke up, "It's not possible to sum it up. It's better to attack their base camp, and they will inevitably return. This is to save themselves without saving."

Zhang He's strategy is wrong. It is better to attack Cao Cao's base camp. Cao Cao will definitely come back to save him. This is called not saving himself.

This wave imitates the besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao, imitating loneliness.

The conspiracy to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao was not only military, but also political.

If Pang Juan returns aid, he will be in line with Sun Bin's plan. If Pang Juan does not return aid, he will be regarded as having different intentions by the monarch, which is also a dead end.

No matter how the war situation develops, the safety of the lord always comes first. If the safety of the lord is ignored for the sake of victory, such a general will not be reused no matter how good he is in fighting.

The only way to break this situation is the Lord, not the generals.

If the lord can be like Guangwu and Li Erfeng, who is not only knowledgeable about military affairs, but also broad-minded and confident enough, the situation of besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao will naturally be broken.

Otherwise it's a dead end.

Guo Tu obviously did not learn the essence. Although the camp was very important to Cao Weiwu, it was not inevitable, and he had already taken precautions.

Yuan Benchu ​​ordered Zhang He, and Gao Lan led a heavy attack, but could not attack for a long time. Wuchao Chunyu Qiong was defeated, and the morale of the army was in chaos.

At this time, the pig teammate Guo Tu took action again. In order to shirk responsibility, he slandered and said, "He Kuai's army was defeated, so he spoke rudely." This means that Zhang He hoped that our army would defeat the battle as soon as possible, so he spoke rudely.

Zhang He and Gao Lan were frightened and led their troops to burn the siege equipment and defect to Cao Cao.

The surrender of the main force of Yuan's army determined the outcome of the Battle of Guandu.

The current situation is very similar to the Battle of Guandu. Wang Cong was leading his troops to besiege the Longwu Army's camp, and his own supplies of food and supplies were attacked by the Southern Army.

Wang Cong chose a frontal attack. He used ruthless military methods to suppress the riots in the army, and then continued the siege.

There is nothing wrong with this wave of decision-making. If he chooses to lead his troops back for reinforcements at this time, it will be a real strategic mistake.

However, facing the Long Wu army with high morale, Wang Cong led the army to fight very hard.

Originally, the Longwu Army defended the area impeccably, leaving Wang Cong unable to make a move. Now that the camp was on fire, the gap in morale between the two sides became even greater.

In contrast, Zhao Tianlin hung Wang Fangkai's head above the camp, and then returned to the general stand.

Looking at the sky in the distance that was half red with fire, Zhao Tianlin already had a chance to win.

Now time is completely on the side of the Long Wu Army. If it continues to drag on, the morale of King Zhao's rebels will become lower and lower. If he cannot defeat the Long Wu Army's camp today, then the only way for King Zhao's army to wait is to withdraw.

In fact, it may not even be possible to withdraw the troops. If the food and grass are burned and the Longwu Army attacks at the tail end, King Zhao's rebel army will be defeated.

The rebels of King Zhao are now standing on the edge of the cliff. If they take a step back, they will reach an abyss.

Different from the blood-splattered battle in front of the Longwu Army's right camp, a group of soldiers and horses were quietly climbing up the hill behind.

Each climbing soldier tore off a piece of rag from his robe and stuffed it in his mouth to prevent any sound from coming out.

In this case, even if he stumbles and falls, he will not make any sound to alert the Confederate army.

It can only be said that Qiu Fu was a ruthless man. He took the lead and stuffed his mouth with a piece of cloth, and the other soldiers followed suit.

The thirty-foot cliff is extremely steep. Although Qiu Fu is a warrior in the Yuanhua realm, his kung fu is all battlefield martial arts. Qiu Fu is not really good at light kung fu, but he is more flexible and agile than ordinary people.

, there is no trace of the arrogance of a master of martial arts.

After spending a lot of effort, Qiu Fu climbed up the cliff, and then the world gave him a big surprise...shock.

The sky in the direction of the camp was red, and the flames illuminated half of the sky.

Qiu Fu has been in the army for many years, and even without any information, he knows what is happening now. I am afraid that the camp cannot be saved!

At this time, the only way to find a way out is to fight against the odds and defeat Long Wu's army. Otherwise, at least half of the more than 100,000 troops under his command will have to stay here.

Ten breaths later, the second soldier also climbed up the cliff, and then he also saw the scene in front of him, and almost screamed in surprise.

Fortunately, their mouths were stuffed with rags, so they didn't make any sound. Qiu Fu's attack was considered a mistake.

Hundreds of elite soldiers stood on the hill holding daggers and sharp blades, looking at the raging fire in the distance.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! At this moment, even if Qiu Fu didn't say anything, they knew that the only way to victory in front of them was to continue the sneak attack and defeat the right camp of the Longwu Army in one fell swoop.

The right camp of the Longwu Army was not without defenses.

Although the camp was built against a mountain, Zhao Tianlin did not completely ignore the potential safety hazards hidden by the favorable geographical location. He arranged 300 garrison troops and horses in the northeast corner of Longwu Army near the mountain.

At the same time, the Longwu Army's baggage was also planned here.

These three hundred elites not only patrolled the corner of the northeastern mountains, but also guarded the main supply camp.

However, the battle situation ahead was tense at the moment, and even the garrison troops and horses were distracted by the war ahead.

Although I never left my post without permission, I didn't give it my full attention either.

They are also one of the reserve groups of the army. If the battle ahead is unfavorable, these three hundred people will go to the front to kill the enemy.

While everyone was paying attention to the battle ahead, no one noticed that people were falling down on this hill.

These people were wearing khaki robes and armor, holding short knives that were good for close combat, and they were constantly gathering under the hills.

This hill is only about thirty feet high, but its shape is actually very clever.

On the side facing Longwujun, the slope is gentle and easy to climb; on the other side, there is a steep cliff.

It is precisely for this reason that Zhao Tianlin chose to rely on this mountain to build a camp, using the geographical advantages to make up for his lack of military strength.

The steep mountains also caused the three hundred garrison troops to be careless.

Not long after, Qiu Fu had gathered 500 people in the rear camp of the Longwu Army, and more soldiers were still climbing up.

Qiu Fu took off the cloth from his mouth and ordered to the troops, "Everyone, follow me to attack the enemy in secret."

Then, the five hundred soldiers and horses were divided into five teams and headed in various directions.

With a sharp knife in his mouth, Qiu Fu quietly walked up to a Longwu soldier who was guarding the supply camp, and suddenly covered his mouth and nose with his hand.

With Qiu Fu's strength, an ordinary Longwu soldier could not make a sound at all. During the struggle, Qiu Fu broke his neck and lost his life.

There is more than one scene like this.

It's just that the soldiers under Qiu Fu's command were not really good at assassination after all. They only killed more than ten people before the defending Long Wu Army discovered something unusual.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" The voices of the Longwu Army garrison soldiers immediately echoed in the rear camp.

The school lieutenant in charge of the defense immediately gathered more than 150 people and came towards the direction of the noise. At the same time, he sent two people to send a message to the commander-in-chief Zhao Tianlin.

The soldiers and horses led by the captain ran into the one hundred elite soldiers led by Qiu Fu.

Seeing the khaki robes and armor on the soldiers on the opposite side, the captain knew that the enemy troops had come in from the back hill.

The captain immediately regretted that this was his fault. He was ordered to station in the rear camp and inspect the back mountain, but no enemy was found to have sneaked in. If there was a big defeat today, he would be the sinner of the Longwu Army.

"Brothers! There are not many of them! Follow me! Destroy them! General Zhao's reinforcements will be here soon!"

The captain drew out the Zhou army's standard waist knife and took the lead in killing Qiu Fu and others.

This captain was also very brave. With a sword in his hand, he shot and killed seven elite soldiers of King Zhao's army, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Fu also nodded. He didn't expect that an ordinary captain in the Longwu Army could be so brave.

However, it was naturally impossible for Qiu Fu to let the captain be so cruel. Qiu Fu killed the captain with the steel knife in his hand.

The captain was killing the eighth elite soldier of King Zhao's army. His momentum was rising and he felt that he was invincible. Then he felt a murderous aura locking him. A big man with a steel knife and more than eight feet in length came to kill him.


Qiu Fu is a general of King Zhao's army. Although they have fought against each other, most of the junior officers in the Longwu Army do not know him. This captain did not know Qiu Fu and only thought that the person in front of him was a traitor to King Zhao.

The leader of the army, killing him can defeat the morale of King Zhao's rebel army.

Immediately, the captain also raised his knife to kill Qiu Fu.

In the flash of lightning, two figures passed each other. The sword in the captain's hand was broken into two pieces, and his head was also chopped off.

Regardless of the dripping blood, Qiu Fu raised the captain's head and shouted loudly, "The thief is dead! Why don't you surrender soon?!"

When used against the Jurchen tribes of the Later Jin Dynasty, this move was almost always successful.

Kill the general and seize the flag, weakening his spirit.

An army that is not determined to fight will collapse on the spot even if it does not surrender.

However, the Longwu Army was obviously different from the soldiers Qiu Fu had encountered in the past. Even if the captain was killed, most of these soldiers had no intention of retreating. They all waved their swords and attacked Qiu Fu's troops. Only

A few people hesitated to move forward.

Such a situation made Qiu Fu lament Zhao Tianlin's way of running the army. Changing places, Qiu Fu felt that the soldiers and horses under his command definitely did not have the will to fight.

"Kill!" The two sides fought with swords.

Although his courage is amazing, it cannot replace strength.

In just one hundred breaths, hundreds of Longwu soldiers died under the swords of Qiu Fu and his soldiers.

Although there was no captain, these hundreds of Longwu soldiers still fought to death more than fifty elite soldiers of King Zhao's army.

After a while, other soldiers of King Zhao's army gathered here.

"General, we have eliminated all the soldiers near the Longwu Army's supply camp."

A captain then suggested, "General, why don't we set a fire too! They burned our camp, and we have to come back in revenge and burn their camp too!"

This idea received responses from many people, causing Qiu Fu's facial muscles to twitch.

"Are you stupid?! If they burned our camp, they must have burned all our supplies and food!"

Seeing Qiu Fu's appearance, some soldiers had already reacted, but the captain who had just suggested it didn't know what he said wrong, so he scratched his head and said,

"That's right! So we have to burn it back! Otherwise, it won't make Long Wujun look down on him!"

Qiu Fu couldn't help it anymore and slapped the captain on the head. He felt that it was not enough, so he slapped him continuously.

"I asked you to look down on me, why are you looking down on me?! Ah?! Why are you looking down on me!?"

The captain was beaten and ran away with his head in his arms.

"We don't have any food and baggage. If we burn the Confederate Army's food and grass, what will we eat?! Do we eat you?! We don't have any baggage. What can we use to attack the city? How about your head?!"

Qiu Fu then looked around and said, "These things are all ours, you all have to be taken care of by me! You can't escape! Otherwise, no one will be able to escape, I will put you all under military law!"

Leaving these nearly 400 people to defend in the baggage camp, Qiu Fu took the 2,000 soldiers and horses he had just assembled and headed towards the central camp of the Longwu Army.

Then on the hillside of Houshan, there were groups of soldiers of King Zhao rushing down from the mountain, and the number of them was increasing.

Each time there were about two hundred people, and soon another thousand soldiers and horses were gathered again, chasing in the direction where Qiu Fu left.

"General! Something bad has happened! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Looking at the soldiers who suddenly rushed in and gathered in the direction they came from, Zhao Tianlin felt a bad premonition in his heart.

The next second, the words of these two soldiers made Zhao Tianlin's premonition come true.

"General, the enemy has descended from the cliff of the back mountain. Lieutenant Liu is leading his troops in a bloody battle with the enemy. General, please send troops to support quickly!"

When Zhao Tianlin heard this, although his face was expressionless, his heart felt like a bolt from the blue.

The situation is over!

This chapter has been completed!
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