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Chapter 53 Teacher Kaido's class starts

Chapter 53 Teacher Kaido’s class has begun

After being beaten again and again, and growing up again and again, Teacher Jin finally won as he deserved.

In this battle, Teacher Jin once again refreshed his understanding of Apocalypse's combat growth.

You can learn to control it with just one glance, so should the training of Armed Color Haki and Wisdom Color Haki be accelerated in advance?

Teacher Jin thought of this.

Forget it, there is no need to rush in the practice of domineering, he must solidify his foundation every step of the way.

Apocalypse's combat growth is too fast, but this will also produce disadvantages and the foundation is not solid.

Teacher Jin absolutely didn't want to see Tianqi suddenly miss the opportunity during the battle, and instead be suppressed by his opponent.

Whether it is domineering or the power of blood factors, every step must be done solidly.

"Uh-huh-huh-huh, it looks like your training is pretty good!"

Thunderous laughter came from the dome, a familiar figure shuttled among the clouds, and Kaido, who had transformed into the form of a blue dragon, lowered his head and looked down.

"Father is back!" Yamato shouted excitedly.

The green dragon transformed by Uncle Kaido was floating in the sky, quietly looking down at Tianqi and the two.

He lowered his body slightly, and the howling wind suddenly swept towards Tianqi and the two of them, "Hey, hey, hey, he's grown again!"

Immediately, the blue dragon slowly descended, and Uncle Kaido's figure began to shrink. Kaido, who had regained his human form, glanced at Yamato.

"Yes, everything has improved!"

"Mr. Kaido!"

At this time, Teacher Jin, who had been standing next to Tianqi, suddenly stepped forward.

"I want to ask you to discover the domineering aura in Tianqi!" Teacher Jin said solemnly.

In the entire Beast Pirates, except for Uncle Kaido who can freely control the power of Overlord's Haki, even Yamato, who has been awakened for three years, can only use this power to clear out the miscellaneous soldiers.

Teacher Jin dare not say that the terrifying power must be the power of Bawang Haki. But if this is the case, then Apocalypse's power will definitely surpass him in the future.

With the power of overlord and domineering, he is destined to become one of the strongest men in this sea.

And this power is in the Beast Pirates and in the hands of Beast Kaido.

The difference between the power of the Overlord Color and the Power of the Overlord Color and the Armed Color and the Knowledge Color is huge, and it is also a difference between quality and quantity.

There is no strict distinction between high and low in the four different armed colors of entangling, hardening, external release, and internal destruction. They are just different ways of using them.

Although the power they can exert is very different, it is actually a difference in technique, just like the difference between using the same gunpowder to make firecrackers and bombs.

The real distinction between the levels of armed color domineering comes from quality and quantity. It does not mean that the internally destroyed armed color must be stronger than hardened ones.

Theoretically speaking, even Apocalypse who has just awakened the armed color has the possibility of mastering the internal destruction of the armed color.

Overlord color Haki is different. Overlord color Haki cannot be improved through practice. Only when the owner of Overlord color Haki improves his own courage, Overlord color Haki will be strengthened.

In a new world where powerful people are as numerous as clouds, there are as many powerful people with domineering and domineering energy as there are crucian carp crossing the river, and they have "imperial qualifications" that can only be possessed by people who stand above ten thousand people!

Today's sea emperors in the new world, whether Charlotte Lingling or Edward Newgate, possess domineering and domineering qualifications.

Only when the owner of the Overlord Color Haki can wrap the Overlord Color Haki around his attacks or weapons like the Armed Color Haki can he truly step into the ranks of the top powerhouses.

This is far inferior to the domineering power of armed forces and the domineering power of knowledge.

Uncle Kaido lowered his head and glanced at Apocalypse. Even he felt a little palpitated by Apocalypse's attack on Zefa during the last expedition.

It's very similar to Bawang's domineering look, but it's much different.

When the owner of the Overlord Color Haki awakens the Overlord Color Haki for the first time, most of them release it unconsciously. When the Overlord Color is released, it will release powerful pressure to the surroundings centered on the releaser.

However, Tianqi's move only contained terrifying power in the attack, and there was no coercion on his body.

Three years ago, even when Yamato first awakened his Overlord Haki, he would release powerful pressure in all directions, and all the lower-level pirates, without exception, fainted.

Even Uncle Kaido, who has a lot of experience, has never seen what happened to Apocalypse.

"No, Jhin!" Uncle Kaido shook his head and sighed regretfully.

"It is impossible for people to discover and guide the overlord's domineering energy, nor can it be improved through practice!"

Teacher Jin took a deep breath and looked back at Tianqi behind him. The regret that passed through his eyes was fleeting.

"If this kid really has the aptitude for domineering domineering power, he can only awaken it through himself. Otherwise, even if he has the aptitude for domineering domineering power, there is nothing he can do if he can't do it!"

Teacher Jin nodded.

"I know you think about this kid." Uncle Kaido reached out and patted Jhin on the shoulder.

"But don't worry, if this kid really has the aptitude for domineering domineering power, I know some ways to awaken it!"

Teacher Kaido glanced at Apocalypse, with a flash of light in his eyes.

"A person who truly possesses the aptitude for overlord color and domineering energy can only awaken for the first time when his or her emotions reach their peak, whether it is pain, anger or sadness, and only when they want to break the current status quo!"

"The down-and-out nobleman who was bound by the mob wanted to regain his former glory and wanted to kill all those who persecuted him."

"When the most important person in my heart is about to be executed, the intense despair in my heart wants to break everything and save the person."

"When the person you love most dies before your eyes, you feel so desperate that you want to destroy everything."

"When these high emotions reach their peak and they want to break everything, only those who have the qualifications of a king and the true domineering qualifications of a king will awaken!"

"On the contrary, people without qualifications will never be able to achieve awakening in their lifetime!"

Teacher Kaido walked forward expressionlessly, looking down at Apocalypse, "If you really have the aptitude for domineering domineering, no one can help you!"

"Only you can do it!"

"When you become an adult, I will give you two paths, and you can choose your own path!" Kaido stood upright, his mighty and tall body seeming to shine with brilliance.

Tianqi couldn't help but nodded. For some reason, Kaido's figure suddenly became "tall" in his eyes at this moment.

"If you really have the qualifications to be domineering and domineering, then it proves that I have the qualifications to stand at the top of the world!" Uncle Kaido burst out laughing, feeling proud.

(End of chapter)

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