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Chapter 107 The brigade commander welcomes you

After Zhou Weihan returned from the headquarters, he directly found Zhang Fangyin and explained the situation.

"Captain Zhou, since I have joined your Eighth Route Army, whether I follow your new Second Regiment or go to your headquarters arsenal, I will obey the arrangements." Zhang Fangyin also figured it out during this time, and his attitude was so correct that it changed from before.

It looks like there is no oil or salt in it.

"Mr. Zhang, you are a military industry expert. The arsenal just happens to be researching a rifle, so you should go to the headquarters arsenal to work for a while." Zhou Weihan said.

"Rifle?" Upon hearing what Zhou Weihan said, Zhang Fangyin immediately became interested.

"Then what are the arrangements for my daughter? I am just a precious daughter, and I can't let her be an undercover agent anymore." Zhang Fangyin then said tangledly.

"Dad, don't worry about my affairs. The organization will make its own arrangements." Zhang Yuanlan said.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry. I have reported Comrade Zhang Yuanlan's problem to the organization. The leader said that she should follow the New Second Regiment first. I will guarantee her safety. Don't worry." Zhou Weihan explained.

It was Zhou Weihan's suggestion to let Zhang Yuanlan stay in the New Second Regiment. If you keep your daughter, you, the father, can run away.

"That's good. After I leave, you can let Huang Liang take charge of the repair shop of your New Second Regiment first. He is my student, I know his abilities, he is also familiar with the workers, and it is easy to manage." Zhang Fangyin made great arrangements for Zhou Weihan.

Satisfied, I finally reciprocated the favor and gave him some advice.

After Zhang Fangyin left, Zhou Weihan did not delay much. After a brief rest, the New Second Regiment immediately set off and marched in the direction of the 386th Brigade.

The New Second Regiment walked and almost arrived at the brigade headquarters.

Zhou Weihan began to sigh, one after another.

Dong Jiang on the side asked curiously: "Captain, we have all entered the base area, and the little devils have been wiped out by us. Why are you worried?"

"Look where we are almost?" Zhou Weihan said.

"We have been walking for almost half a day. I look ahead and we are almost at the brigade headquarters." Dong Jiang and Zhou Weihan often come to the brigade headquarters and are familiar with the surrounding area.

"I only worry when I get to the brigade headquarters. The chief of staff is easy to talk to, but the brigade commander is not easy to talk to. If we meet the brigade commander, we will capture a lot less things." Zhou Weihan said.

In fact, what Zhou Weihan is worried about is not the captured weapons and equipment. The existing weapons and equipment in the hands of the New Second Regiment were all seized from the puppet army in the past two times. The better ones have been equipped with reserve battalions. He has more than 700 rifles left in his hands.

They are all old and damaged.

Zhou Weihan didn't feel bad that the brigade commander was interested in this. The workers and the medical equipment seized from the Heshun Little Devil Hospital were scarce talents and resources. The most important thing was Zhou Weihan's expanded reserve camp. He was afraid of being transferred to other regiments by the brigade commander.

That would be a big loss.

"Captain, why don't we just bypass the brigade headquarters?"

"What are you thinking? Waiting for the brigade commander to settle accounts after Qiu will not end with a little blood." Zhou Weihan muttered in a low voice.

"In this case, you go and tell Jing Dagang and let him lead the team while I go to the brigade headquarters myself." Zhou Weihan said after thinking about it.

While the two were talking here, a soldier from the First Battalion ran over to report: "Commander, the battalion commander asked me to tell you that the brigade commander and political commissar are at the crossing ahead."

Zhou Weihan was immediately dumbfounded. He had just uttered a few words, but why did the brigade commander come?

I saw the brigade commander and the political commissar standing at the crossing in front. They were looking at the march of the new second regiment and talking with smiles on their faces.

Zhou Weihan hurriedly took two steps and greeted him with a smile: "Brigadier Commander, Political Commissar, why are you here? I was just going to go to the brigade headquarters to see you two!"

"The brigade commander heard that you were coming and had to come out to pick you up," said the political commissar on the side.

"Zhou Weihan, your current situation is really big. You are almost catching up with me as the brigade commander. The team of the new second regiment is getting stronger and stronger. There must be 2,000 people here, right?" The brigade commander smiled.


"Brigadier Commander, look at what you said, no matter how many people our new second regiment has, aren't we still the 386th Brigade?" Zhou Weihan quickly answered.

"This is not necessarily true. Brigadier Chen of the 385th Brigade wanted to keep you in Heshun some time ago. You could only come back if the brigade commander disagreed." Political Commissar Wang on the side added.

"When you went out this time, there was a lot of commotion, and a lot of good things happened, right?" the brigade commander asked.

"I got a battalion's equipment and expanded it by one battalion." Zhou Weihan said half-truthfully.

"You're awesome, our brigade happens to be short of a deputy brigade commander. How about I ask my superiors to suggest that you..." the brigade commander said with a smile.

"Brigadier, don't make fun of me. Being a regiment leader is exhausting both physically and mentally. My abilities are really limited."

"I won't talk nonsense to you. You have to give up some of the skilled workers you found from Taiyuan. The repair shop at the brigade headquarters also lacks such talents."

"Brigadier Commander, since you have spoken, I will definitely give the order, but I also have a small idea. I hope you and the political commissar can consider it!" Zhou Weihan said honestly.

"Each base area of ​​our Eighth Route Army has its own repair shop and even arsenal, but there are basically none at the regiment level. Among the people I brought back this time, there happened to be a talent who had received systematic teaching and had production experience.

I wonder if we should hold a training class so that our workers can receive specialized training, and at the same time train a new wave of skilled workers to go out. The requirements don’t have to be too high, just simple firearm repairs." Zhou Weihan said after thinking.

"Well, your idea is very good. Technical workers have always been the talent our Eighth Route Army lacks. You can give it a try." The brigade commander nodded and said.

"Brigade Commander, it just so happens that our New Second Regiment has captured a lot of weapons and equipment in recent battles, and many of them need to be repaired. Why not let them take this opportunity to practice their skills." Zhou Weihan struck while the iron was hot and suggested to the brigade commander.

"You mean to let them go to your New Second Regiment? You don't want to cause trouble, do you?" the brigade commander glanced at Zhou Weihan and said.

"Brigadier, what do you say? You and the political commissar are busy with business, so leave this little thing to me."

This chapter is not finished yet. Please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Leave it to you, yes, in three months, I want you to train a group of people. As you said, they must be able to do basic tasks."

Repair the firearms," ​​the brigade commander said.


The brigade commander left with satisfaction. The workers from the repair shop at the brigade headquarters will come back after the new second regiment has settled down.

"Commander, the brigade commander just left like that? When did he walk by empty-handed!" Dong Jiang said in disbelief.

"Dong Jiang, your kid's ideological awareness needs to be improved. What kind of person is the brigade commander, who can be as knowledgeable as us?" Zhou Weihan said with a smile.

It’s not that the Eighth Route Army didn’t have military talents, on the contrary, there were quite a few. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have designed the August 1 horse rifle.

During the Red Army period, I ran my own arsenal. At that time, there were many talents who had returned from studying in Germany and the Soviet Union. However, some things are difficult to describe.

Until now, what has limited the output of arsenals has always been the inability to keep up with equipment and raw materials.

The Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei, Jinan, Shandong and other base areas all have their own small arsenals. Since the Taiyue Military Region of the brigade commander is close to the headquarters, talent and equipment are given priority to the arsenal of the headquarters. This also results in the brigade having only one repair shop.

For this reason, the subordinate regiments do not have their own skilled workers.

Of course, those who are close to the water are on a first-come, first-served basis, and are close to the headquarters arsenal, so the logistics support is more timely than other units.

Zhang Fangyin can teach Huang Liang such a good apprentice, Zhou Weihan is ready to let Huang Liang take charge of his apprentice.


After the brigade headquarters agreed, Zhou Weihan set up the headquarters of the New Second Regiment in Chenjiayu. This was also a deliberate decision.

The geographical location of Chenjiayu is not far from the various groups of the 386 Brigade. It is convenient for communication and of course, it is also convenient for doing business.

This chapter has been completed!
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