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Chapter 117 Food Plan

"Let's go, I'll show you around." Mr. Zheng said.

"I looked at the base area and found that most of the villagers are planting winter wheat. It's almost May and the wheat is almost mature. Then we can plant stubble corn and the corn stalks can be used as green storage material to raise livestock." Mr. Zheng

He pointed at the yellowed wheat field in front of him and said.

In Wuyi and Wu'an areas, autumn wheat is sown from September to October, and will mature and be harvested in June to July of the next year, providing two crops of wheat and early-mid-ripening corn.

"Of course, the above mentioned are all plain areas with fertile soil. Corn can be planted on slopes. Rice transplanting and sweet potatoes can be planted on slopes with poor soil quality." Mr. Zheng said clearly.

"What about the production? How to increase the production on slopes?" Zhou Weihan said the issue he was most concerned about.

"The yield of wheat should be 200 jins per mu. The yield of corn on flat land is higher than that of wheat. It can reach 300 jins per mu. It would be good if the yield of corn on sloping land can reach 150 jins per mu. The yield of sweet potatoes is less than 70 jins per mu.

Eight hundred pounds."

Zhou Weihan was not too surprised after hearing this. In this era, agricultural facilities were backward, and water resources in some places could not keep up. There were no chemical fertilizers and high-quality seeds. Now, the wheat yield per mu is not even 700 to 800 kilograms.


"Is there no way to increase production?" Zhou Weihan asked unwillingly.

"Do you think it's easy to increase production?" Mr. Zheng glared at Zhou Weihan.

"Aren't you here?" Zhou Weihan smiled sarcastically.

"Huh, if you want to increase the yield, you must first keep up with the water supply, and secondly, you can artificially emasculate the corn to assist in pollination." Zheng Laoyi came together.

"Where's the fertilizer?" Zhou Weihan asked.

"Oh, you don't know anything about farming, but you still know about chemical fertilizers?" Mr. Zheng said in surprise.

"Making chemical fertilizers is actually not difficult. It has become popular in foreign countries. You can boil the nitrate first with local methods, and then produce sulfuric acid, which is ammonium sulfate. But I don't know how to make sulfuric acid. If you can make it within a month, it can also be used for crops.

Get some fat once."

Zhou Weihan was overjoyed after hearing this. He only knew the name of the fertilizer, but he really didn't know how to get it.

However, with Mr. Zheng in charge of the theory and Huang Liang and others in charge of the specific operations, making fertilizer must not be difficult.

It was only after the founding of the People's Republic of China that chemical fertilizers became popular, and production increased significantly.

When the three of them thought about it, they really had a clue. Zhou Weihan didn't expect that he would gain so much from his return trip.

"Mr. Zheng, you are a living Bodhisattva. You are indispensable for the bumper harvest of food in the base." Zhou Weihan has always been generous with kind words.

"You kid, please stop wearing your hat to me. Is the matter still in progress?" Mr. Zheng saw through Zhou Weihan's little trick.

"Come on, I'll take you to see the greenhouse where the eggs are hatched."

In the greenhouse, several soldiers were washing the eggs, then wiping the water on the eggshells with a cloth, placing the eggs with the big end up and the small end down, and gently placing them into the thick chaff in the wooden tray.

The most critical points for artificially hatching chickens are the control of eggs, humidity and temperature.

After a few decades, as long as you have selected the hatching eggs, there will basically be no problems with the rest because there are fully automatic incubators.

Even if there is no fully automatic incubator, there is no problem at least finding a thermometer and hygrometer. As long as you are careful enough, it will not be difficult to hatch chicks safely.

The current greenhouse of the New Second Regiment has very simple equipment. It raises the temperature by using an earthen kang on the base, and raises the humidity by sprinkling water. The thermometer and hygrometer were all obtained from within the Japanese army by Isamu Temple.

The leading soldier was operating from the front, and several soldiers around him took pens to record key points.

"Temperature is the most important. Control the firepower by controlling the amount of charcoal added, and finally achieve the purpose of controlling the temperature in the incubation room. Add charcoal every half an hour. If more charcoal is added, it will become a roasted egg. If it is less, it will be an egg.

It will also deteriorate and cannot be hatched..." said the leading soldier.

"There is also humidity. Sprinkle water on time. One scoop at a time, no more, no less. Sprinkle it evenly on the ground. Don't sprinkle it on the eggs..."

These things were all taught by Mr. Zheng to the soldiers. Artificial hatching of eggs has been established as a fixed procedure, and the personnel training is in place, and the assembly line has been formed.

"Mr. Zheng, please write a pamphlet on the process of artificially hatching eggs. It can also be promoted in other base areas of our Eighth Route Army. This will not only increase income, but also improve the food of the troops." Zhou Weihan did not expect artificial hatching of eggs.

It has reached the current level, and I can't help but be overjoyed.

"Where are we now? I am also planning to build an earthworm pond specifically for the chicken farm. When the sweet potato harvest season comes, the sweet potatoes can be made into vermicelli, which can be sold and used as food for long-term storage. After making vermicelli

The residues can be used as livestock feed, and the livestock manure can also be boiled into saltpeter using local methods. This is a recycling industry chain." Mr. Zheng spoke clearly and clearly, and stated all his plans.

Mr. Zheng's words made Zhou Weihan and Zhao Gang so excited that their faces turned red, and those who didn't know it thought they had drunk too much.

Then Zhou Weihan calmed down, took Zhao Gang's hand and said: "Old Zhao, I leave these things to you. Mr. Zheng, if you need help, come to Zhao Gang. He is solely responsible for asking for money and people."

Out of people."

"Okay, you want to blame everything on me again, what are you doing as the leader?" Zhao Gang said pretending to be dissatisfied.

"I am the regiment leader, and of course I am responsible for the military. You are the political commissar and are responsible for daily life. Isn't the production in the base area your responsibility? Besides, we are not in the base area, so we have to trouble you, political commissar Zhao, with these things!"

Zhou Weihantian said shamelessly.

"I've seen through you," Zhao Gang laughed angrily at Zhou Weihan's appearance.

"This war is all about logistics, and food is the top priority. If the soldiers don't eat well, their legs will be weak on the battlefield, so why talk about fighting the Japanese?" Zhou Wei said in Chinese with seriousness.

Then Mr. Zheng made an calculation for Zhou Weihan and the two of them. Five hundred acres of flat land would yield at least one hundred thousand catties a year. Interplanting corn and sweet potatoes on four thousand acres of slope land would yield at least six hundred thousand catties of corn and two million catties of sweet potatoes. Of course, using

After using chemical fertilizers, the yield is estimated to double.

However, the wasteland reclaimed by the New Second Regiment did not catch up with the planting of winter wheat. It could only catch up with the planting of next-crop corn and sweet potatoes, and winter wheat would be planted next year.

In addition, according to the fields of fellow farmers, after the chemical fertilizers are developed, they can be used as top dressing for winter wheat. It will definitely be a good harvest year.

After getting to know each other, Zhou Weihan and Zhao Gang left with satisfaction. They originally wanted to treat Mr. Zheng to a meal and chat to express their gratitude, but it turned out that the old man was thinking about what Zhou Weihan said about artificially hatched eggs and planned to write out the pamphlet tonight.

On their way back to the regiment headquarters, Zhou Weihan slapped Zhao Gang hard twice.

"What are you doing? Why are you so crazy?" Zhao Gang said angrily.

"Old Zhao, does it hurt?" Zhou Weihan asked.

"Nonsense, why don't you give it a try?"

"It hurts so much. I'm just looking at all this and I'm afraid I'm dreaming. I can't believe it's real. Thinking about the harvest of a large amount of food by the end of the year, I don't think I can sleep tonight!"

Zhou Weihan said happily.

This chapter has been completed!
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