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Chapter 179 Distributing the spoils

After the war ended, Commander Song rushed to the battlefield with the rear headquarters and others.

Far away, Zhou Weihan heard Commander Song's hearty laughter.

"You, Zhou Weihan, are really the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang. My third friend fell into your scheme without knowing it. This battle was really clean and tidy. If my third friend had been hiding in the village, we might have broken our teeth if we chewed hard!" Commander Song smiled. said.

"Commander Song, I don't need to be praised, I will easily get carried away if I do!" Zhou Weihan said modestly.

"I really feel that I should learn more from you. To be honest, I'm really sweating. Sometimes my thinking is too rigid, or too rigid, and soldiers are crafty. Sometimes the soldiers make dangerous moves and the sword takes the wrong direction. , but it has unexpected effects!”

"This is not the result of me alone, but the result of everyone's concerted efforts, and the comrades from the Ministry of Enemy Industry also contributed a lot!" Zhou Weihan said.

"Commander Song, I want to have a date with you!" Zhou Weihan saw that Commander Song was in high spirits and spoke his mind decisively.

"Oh? Which general from our Jinan Military Region has you chosen? I'll transfer him to you right away!"

"Li Yunshan is the comrade lurking in the communications company of the 69th Army!"

"You have to ask Director Chen of our Enemy Industry Department about this. Old Chen, what do you think?" Commander Song said to the person behind him.

"Comrade Zhou Weihan, you have a very vicious vision. Yunshan is a general in our Ministry of Industry. He is not only proficient in telecommunications work, but also a veteran love worker. I will ask him his opinion later. If he No objection, then I can be as beautiful as an adult, so why not!" Minister Chen said cheerfully.

"Minister Chen's situation is like this. Unfortunately, Comrade Li Yunshan's right leg was broken by a cannonball during the battle. Now I have sent someone to send him to the military hospital of my independent detachment." Zhou Weihan explained.

After hearing Zhou Weihan's words, Minister Chen, who was obviously very happy just now, suddenly darkened. Then he hurriedly took Zhou Weihan's hand and said: "Comrade Weihan, please ensure Yunshan's life safety. He has made it clear many times. Da Gong, it’s me who can’t help him. It’s okay if you can’t save your legs. You must save them!”

"Minister Chen, don't worry, the military doctors in our department are very high-level, and they will definitely ensure the safety of Comrade Chen Yunsheng!" Zhou Weihan assured again and again, and Minister Chen felt relieved.


"Zhou Weihan, the headquarters sent a call back, and the boss instructed the independent detachment to return to Wuyi immediately to participate in the next battle against Zhu Huaibing's 97th Army!" Commander Song said.

"I originally wanted to keep you for a while longer to participate in the battle on the northern front, but since the boss has spoken, and Wuyi is the base camp of your independent detachment, I can't force you to keep you!

According to the order of the headquarters, some of the regiments in southern Hebei will be allocated to you for your command. However, the 181st Division on the northern front is also a tough guy and cannot allocate too many troops to you. I will consider 18 of the 386th Brigade. regiment, and the 28th regiment of the Central Hebei Military Region are handed over to you, what do you think?"

"The 115th Division Independent Brigade is a complete organization. I have no way to transfer them. The troops from southern Hebei Province from the 23rd Regiment in Central Hebei Province are not full strength, and it is not convenient to transfer them. You have to understand this!" Commander Song said in a low voice.

"It all depends on Commander Song's arrangements!"

The 18th Regiment was originally a unit of the 386th Brigade, but was later transferred to Jinan. The leader of the regiment, Qian Youyi, was also an old acquaintance of Zhou Weihan.

As for Ding Wei's 28th Regiment, Zhou Weihan witnessed the combat effectiveness with his own eyes, and the number of people reached more than 2,000. Zhou Weihan was greedy before it was too late, so how could he refuse.

"Your unit is about to depart. In terms of personnel and supplies, your independent detachment will be given priority to replenish it!" Commander Song said as he mentioned the main event.

Zhou Weihan immediately felt sleepy after hearing this. According to Zhou Weihan's understanding, a lot of weapons and equipment were seized in this battle to completely annihilate the military headquarters and the secret service brigade, but not much ammunition and other supplies.

But when the main force surrounded and annihilated the enemy's temporary third division, they made a fortune. After all, unlike the little devils, they had the habit of blowing up weapons and equipment.

Zhou Weihan rubbed his hands and said sheepishly: "Commander Song, there is no need to supplement personnel. During the battle with the Independent Fourth Brigade, some personnel were captured, plus scattered prisoners, which is a lot.

As for the Kang Yongtu Regiment of the Fourth Independent Brigade, please stay in southern Hebei. This is the work done by comrades from the enemy's Ministry of Industry in the early stage, and it is not easy for me to intercept them!"

Since the Kangyong Tutuan was an uprising on the battlefield, its organization was relatively intact. Disrupting the organization would easily cause dissatisfaction. Without disruption, there would be no way to successfully ideologically reform them. It would be worse than those stragglers, although their energy and energy would be destroyed.

Yes, but easy to organize.

Send Kang Yong Tutuan away from this trouble, firstly, it will save a headache, and secondly, this is not what Zhou Weihan deserves.

"Zhou Weihan, you really impress me. Unlike some comrades who always want to put things in their pockets, sometimes I, as a commander, also have a headache. The palms and backs of my hands are full of flesh. I have to drink a bowl of water!" Song

the commander complained.

"In this case, there is no need to return the twelve Type 92 heavy machine guns. In addition, I will replenish you with 30,000 rounds of machine gun bullets and 50,000 rounds of rifle bullets!" Commander Song said boldly.

Zhou Weihan was very satisfied with this result. After all, the two 105 howitzers in his mouth finally fell into his stomach.

Another point is that Jing Dagang was not idle until the battle between several groups was over. Although there were more wolves and less meat, there was still something to gain.

While the two were talking, Zhou Zhou Weihan suddenly remembered something: "Commander Song, Duan Haizhou was captured by our troops. Does your superiors have any instructions on this?"

"Duan Haizhou's situation is more complicated. Most of the soldiers in the Youth Column are his old subordinates. Originally, Deputy Commander Xu was the best person to contact him, but now he is in Shandong. Duan Haizhou, you should bring him back to the headquarters and listen to the headquarters' opinions on how to deal with it.

!" Commander Song pondered for a moment, feeling that Duan Haizhou's handling method was very difficult.


After the war on the southern front in southern Hebei ended, under the orders of the headquarters, the 115th Division Independent Brigade, the First Regiment of the Advance Column, and the Zhuxian Independent Regiment successively went north to support the northern left column in the battle to encircle and annihilate the enemy's 181st Division.

The 181st Division is Shi Yousan's starting unit. The weapons and equipment obtained from Chiang Kai-shek and the Japanese have always been given priority to this division.

Although the left column led by Chen Zaidao had ten regiments of troops, it lacked artillery. However, it was met with disappointment when faced with the enemy's 181st Division, which was defending one place.

Once the news of Shi Yousan's death spread, coupled with the firepower of the captured mountain artillery battalion, the 181st Division, whose military morale was unstable, was like a grasshopper after autumn, unable to jump around for a few days.

At the same time, the First Regiment of the Eastward Column and the Third Regiment of the Youth Column that blocked the Japanese Sugiura Regiment received orders from the headquarters and retreated one after another.

Watching the blocking Eighth Route Army retreat, Sugiura Eikichi was confused for a moment.

"Your Excellency, Colonel, could it be that the Three Friends of Friends were annihilated by the Eighth Route Army?" the adjutant on the side speculated.

"Nani?" Sugiura Eikichi couldn't help but shuddered, as if thinking of the consequences of this war.

If you want to single out someone responsible for this war, then you are the best scapegoat.

According to the style of his immediate boss, Shimomoto Mikuong, not only would he not speak up for himself, but he would rush to remove himself from responsibility and push himself out.

Sugiura Eikichi couldn't imagine how he could bear the wrath of Motoya Kuma, or even General Okamura.

This time the little devil lost his wife and lost his troops. He didn't get anything out of it, so he even got on a few planes.

This chapter has been completed!
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